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The accumulated amount of research studies on anorexia has not until now produced a clear understanding of its etiology, symptoms and treatment. In this paper we deal with one aspect of the symptomatology: the delusion on the part of the anorectic patient of being normal or overweight. This issue, which seems the most obnoxious, is dealt with and discussed through a psychological model of group therapy with the participation of 7 anorectic women. Implications and limitations of further psychological treatment are clarified and revised.  相似文献   

Client transfers were examined within the context of a large, urban community mental health center. Transfer completion rates were computed on a quarterly basis for a large number of clients over a period of nearly two years. It was found that in a typical quarter about one client out of every seven had a transfer initiated and there was an average of 1.4 transfers per client. On the whole, nearly seven out of every ten transfers initiated were completed. Transfer completion rates among the emergency services, inpatient units, partial care services, and outpatient units were determined. It was concluded that modality and proximity play significant roles in transfer completion rates.  相似文献   

Blood substitute resuscitation as a treatment modality for moderate hypovolemia (approximately 40% blood loss) in a canine model has been evaluated using Oxyglobin (Biopure Hemoglobin Glutamer-200/ Bovine; a hemoglobin-based oxygen-carrier) and Hespan (6% hetastarch; a nonoxygen-carrier) as resuscitants. Autologous (shed) blood served as control. Nine dogs were studied--after splenectomy, each dog was hemorrhaged (32-36 mL/kg; MAP = approximately 50 mmHg) and randomly assigned to the three resuscitation groups. Microvascular, systemic function and oxygenation characteristics were monitored and/or measured simultaneously in prehemorrhagic (baseline), posthemorrhagic and postresuscitation phases for correlation-real-time microvascular changes in the bulbar conjunctiva were noninvasively measured via computer-assisted intravital microscopy and systemic function and oxygenation changes were monitored and/or measured via instrumentation and devices incorporated into our bioengineering station in an operating room setting. Blood chemistry was also studied for relevant measurements. Prehemorrhagic microvascular characteristics were similar in all animals (venular diameter = 41 +/- 12 microm, A:V ratio = approximately 1:2, red-cell velocity = 0.5 +/- 0.3 mm/s). All animals also showed similar prehemorrhagic systemic function and oxygenation measurements comparable to a previous study and were consistent with normal measurements in dogs. At the completion of hemorrhaging to achieve moderate hypovolemia (approximately 40% blood loss with MAP at approximately 50 mmHg), all nine animals showed similar significant (P < 0.01) posthemorrhagic microvascular changes, including approximately 17% decrease in diameter (34 +/- 7 microm), A:V ratio = variable, and approximately 80% increase in velocity (0.9 +/- 0.5 mm/s). All animals also showed similar significant (P < 0.01) posthemorrhagic systemic function and oxygenation changes, with decreases in Hct, aHb(total), MPAP, MAP, SAP, DAP, CO, SVI, CaO2, and CvO2 and increases in HR and lactic acidosis. Shed blood (control) resuscitation restored posthemorrhagic microvascular changes close to prehemorrhagic values (diameter = 39 +/- 6 microm, A:V ratio = approximately 1:2, velocity = 0.6 +/- 0.4 mm/s). Oxyglobin and Hespan restored microvascular changes in similar manner close to prehemorrhagic values (Oxyglobin: diameter = 38 +/- 3 microm, A:V ratio = approximately 1:2, velocity = 0.6 +/- 0.4 mm/s; Hespan: diameter = 38 +/- 7 microm, A:V ratio = 1:2, velocity = 0.5 +/- 0.4 mm/s). After resuscitation, shed blood (control) restored all systemic function and oxygenation changes close to prehemorrhagic values. However, both Oxyglobin and Hespan resuscitation restored systemic function changes, but not oxygenation changes, to prehemorrhagic values. This was an interesting finding because of the different oxygen-carrying capability of Oxyglobin (oxygen-carrying) and Hespan (nonoxygen-carrying). The result suggests that either volume replenishment alone (and not oxygen-carrying capability) is needed to treat moderate hypovolemia or oxygenation measurements obtained by standard methods (oximetry, blood chemistry) may not reflect tissue oxygenation levels.  相似文献   

There is considerable controversy regarding the effectiveness of orthotic treatment for patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Most researchers believe that, to be effective, the orthosis must be worn as prescribed for both compliance and tightness. Compliance is the time the brace is worn relative to the prescribed time. A battery-powered microcomputer system was developed to monitor and maintain the loads exerted by orthoses used to treat children with spinal deformities during daily living. This system not only records how well and for how much time the brace has been used, but also helps patients to ensure that the brace is being worn at the prescribed tightness. Laboratory tests were performed, and five patients used the system for four weeks. The patients reported that the system helped them to wear the orthoses correctly and comfortably. The time that the patients wore the orthoses at the prescribed tightness level increased from 53±9% during the monitoring period (first 2 weeks) to 68±14% during the automatic adjustment period (last 2 weeks).  相似文献   

目的 探讨退变性腰椎侧凸的手术治疗进展。方法 在PubMed和中国知网数据库,限定语言种类为English和中文,检索1970年1月—2021年7月发表的有关退变性腰椎侧凸手术治疗的文献1 638篇,根据纳入、排除标准进行筛选,最终纳入45篇文献(中文6篇、英文39篇)。从手术固定融合范围、长节段固定融合上下端椎的选择、微创技术以及围手术期并发症4个方面进行总结分析。结果 对于矢状位平衡尚可的相对年轻且术后运动功能要求较高的退变性腰椎侧凸患者、身体条件差无法耐受全身麻醉和大手术的退变性腰椎侧凸患者、宽/长指数小于0.36的退变性腰椎侧凸患者,采取有限减压、固定、融合手术是可行的。对于严重或进展较快的矢状位和/或冠状位失平衡、旋转畸形、腰椎滑脱或不稳的僵硬性退变性腰椎侧凸患者,开放手术长节段固定融合是必要的,合并发生腰椎后凸者还需要考虑进行截骨。对于接受长节段固定融合手术的退变性侧凸患者,上、下端椎的选择要遵循个体化原则。目前退变性腰椎侧凸微创治疗多为单中心报道,疗效满意,但是微创技术并不适用于所有退变性腰椎侧凸患者,长期疗效以及翻修情况有待于今后的继续观察。结论 尽管退变性腰椎侧凸的治疗手段越来越多元化且临床疗效确切,但患者的治疗仍然需要遵循个体化原则。手术治疗以改善患者的临床症状和提高综合满意度为首要原则,适当重建冠状位和矢状位的平衡,以尽可能小的手术创伤取得最佳的临床疗效。微创技术的快速发展为退变性腰椎侧凸的手术治疗增添了新的选择,其短期疗效确切,长期疗效还有待随访观察。  相似文献   

背景:腰椎退行性疾病为骨科常见病之一,是否行手术治疗,以及手术治疗的方法一直以来都存在着很大争议。 目的:分析腰椎退变性侧弯植入物置入内固定治疗的疗效,对患者的症状、腰椎退变节段以及影像学等相关病情进展性的评估,系统回顾相关腰椎退变性疾病的文献。 方法:选取2010年3月至2012年8月在解放军第306医院骨科治疗的腰椎退变性侧弯患者共61例,男30例,女31例;年龄范围在42-78岁,平均年龄59.02岁。其中行腰椎后路减压植入物置入内固定植骨融合患者32例;后路动力系统腰椎置入内固定患者29例。术后随访时间为6-29个月,平均随访时间为16个月。采用目测类比评分、ODI评分、JOA评分系统进行术前、术后以及随访评估。并检索腰椎退变性侧弯植入物置入内固定治疗的相关研究文献,对文献的实验方法和实验结果进行深入分析。 结果与结论:患者的性别和年龄与文献报道中的退变性侧弯发病率、年龄范围相符合。目测类比评分、ODI评分、JOA评分显示术后1个月和3个月评分结果差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);术后1年随访时目测类比评分、ODI评分、JOA评分结果差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。腰椎后路减压植入物置入内固定适应范围广泛,临床应用时间较长,方法熟悉程度较高,但远期发现顺应性较差,相邻节段退变程度较重,并发症发生率较高。动力内固定系统既能够保证内固定的稳定,也使内固定特性得到较好的发挥,远期随访显示患者对动态固定的顺应性好,达到治疗目的,又保留了患者腰椎的活动。  相似文献   

While tumour incidence is known to augment with age, paradoxically tumour growth and metastasis were often found to proceed at a slower rate at late ages. This age-related biological behaviour of tumours actually imposes a differential therapeutic approach to the old cancer patient. Several mechanisms of the age-related reduced tumour progression have been demonstrated: decreased tumour cell proliferation, increased apoptotic cell death, decreased angiogenesis and anti-tumoural immune response changes. We postulated that it might be possible to design age-adjusted treatment modalities based on the mechanisms responsible for the reduced tumour progression rate in the aged. Based on these mechanisms, we compared the effect of different treatments (apoptosis-inducing agents, Hydrocortisone and Adriamycin, anti-angiogenic agent, TNP-470, and immunomodulators-Levamisole and BCG) on two experimental tumours (B16 melanoma and AKR lymphoma) growing in young and old mice. Most treatments showed, in both tumours, a higher inhibitory effect on tumours growing in old mice than on those developing in young ones, to our knowledge, a feature not described before for anti-tumoural agents. We suggest that designing ageing conditions in tumours of young patients might possibly alleviate neoplastic aggressiveness in these patients as well.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is currently used as a minimally invasive therapeutic modality for cancer. Whereas antitumor treatment regimens require lethal doses of photosensitizer and light, sublethal doses may have immunomodulatory effects, antibacterial action and/or regenerative properties. A growing body of evidence now indicates that non-lethal PDT doses can alleviate inflammation or treat established soft-tissue infections in various murine models of arthritis, experimental encephalomyelitis, inflammatory bowel disease and chronic skin ulcers. Furthermore, PDT is already used in clinical application and clinical trial for the treatment of psoriasis, chronic wounds and periodontitis in humans. Sublethal PDT should be regarded as a new viable option for the treatment of inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨成人脊柱侧凸治疗经验和技术进展。方法:从1990年3月~2004年5月手术矫治成人脊柱侧凸62例,男24例,女38例;平均年龄50.6岁;特发性侧凸36例,先天性侧凸5例,平均Cobb角72.5°;退行性侧凸21例,平均Cobb角45°。其中前路手术8例,后路手术41例,前后路联合手术13例。结果:平均随访68个月,术后平均Cobb角32°,胸椎及腰椎的平均矫正率分别为47%及84%。假关节形成并断棒1例,脱钩1例,均再次手术,未出现感染及神经损害等并发症。结论:成人脊柱侧凸手术治疗也可获得较满意的矫正畸形效果,但主要目的是解除症状,钉棒系统手术的可靠性较高,且并发症少。  相似文献   

目的:评估后路外科矫治先天性半椎体畸形的临床疗效,探讨后路手术矫治先天性半椎体畸形的策略、技术要点及应用价值。方法回顾性分析2009年1月-2013年12月采用单纯后路手术矫治的先天性半椎体脊柱畸形65例患者的临床资料,其中男28例、女37例,平均年龄9.5岁(2~43岁),均行后路半椎体切除椎弓根螺钉内固定,实施矫形和脊柱平衡重建。比较术前、术后、末次随访Cobb角、顶椎偏移、躯干偏移等指标。结果65例手术均顺利完成,无手术死亡或围术期死亡病例。术后随访14~50个月,平均27个月。侧凸Cobb角由术前35.9°±6.0°,纠正至术后6.0°±1.6°,末次随访5.3°±1.5°,矫正率85.2%;后凸Cobb角同正常值的差距术前28.5°±9.3°,术后6.6°±1.4°,末次随访5.9°±1.4°,矫正率平均79.3%;术前顶椎偏移(31.4±6.3) mm,术后(6.2±1.4) mm,末次随访(5.7±1.5) mm;术前躯干偏移(17.8±2.1) mm,术后(5.5±1.3) mm,末次随访(4.6±1.0) mm;各观察项目术前、术后比较,差异均有统计学意义(P值均〈0.01)。术后无感染、神经损伤等并发症发生,无假关节形成。1例发生椎弓根螺钉松动、移位。2例术前下肢不完全性瘫痪患者神经功能末次随访时已恢复正常,Frankel评级E级。结论后路半椎体切除矫治先天性脊柱畸形可直接去除致畸因素,手术时间短、创伤小、融合节段少,并可有效重建脊柱冠状面及矢状面平衡。  相似文献   

目的:评价采用带血管蒂肋骨转位治疗神经纤维瘤病性脊柱侧弯的远期疗效。方法:回顾性分析16例神经纤维瘤病性脊柱侧弯患者经过带血管蒂肋骨移植手术治疗后的随访资料。结果:16例患者经本术式治疗后,经5年1.2k:随访,均获得满意的治疗效果,全部病例平均6个月融合。结论:带血管蒂肋骨移植术是治疗神经纤维瘤病性脊柱侧弯的理想术式之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人退变性脊柱侧凸(ADS)治疗策略的研究进展。方法 在Medline、EMbase、CNKI、维普数据库、万方数据库中,以“scoliosis、degenerative、adult、 treatment strategies”和“脊柱侧凸、退变性、成人、治疗策略”为关键词检索2005年1月—2014年12月关于ADS治疗的相关研究成果,进行分析总结。结果 ADS进展缓慢,发病率随着年龄的增长而逐渐升高。椎间盘非对称性退变以及椎间小关节退变是ADS的根本原因。临床可根据影像学检查和患者的临床症状采取相应的治疗方案。对于临床症状轻、没有明显根性和背部疼痛症状、影像学上椎管狭窄不明显、Cobb角<30°、侧方滑移<2 mm伴有前方骨赘、冠状面和矢状面平衡相对合理者,可采取保守治疗;对于临床症状较重、保守治疗无效、畸形不断进展的患者,需要采取手术治疗。手术的方式包括单纯椎管减压、矫形融合术以及截骨术等。应根据患者病情,选择其中一种或综合使用几种方式进行手术。结论 ADS以中老年人群为主,是一个复杂的病理过程。充分了解和掌握病情的特点和规律,对患者进行系统、详细的病情评估,制定科学、规范、有效的个体化治疗方式,可获得较好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

背景:脊柱侧凸是一种包括椎体水平面旋转的复杂病理特点的三维脊柱畸形。有限元分析法可取代传统的生物力学实验法进行重复实验分析以及数字化仿真模拟,在脊柱侧凸的生物力学研究中的运用日益深入。目的:旨在强调运用有限元分析法对脊柱侧凸的支具和手术治疗方面进行简要的阐述。方法:以“脊柱侧凸;有限元”为检索词,检索PubMed数据库以及万方数据库1986年1月至2013年5月文献。选择文章主要内容与脊柱侧凸治疗的有限元分析直接相关的、代表性好、相关领域权威杂志的文章共38篇进行讨论。结果与结论:如何设计出更加符合脊柱侧凸生物力学特征的个体化支具已成为研究热点。利用多重影像学技术将肋骨、胸骨以及骨盆等引入有限元模型中,分析研究脊柱侧凸施加三维矫形力的最佳方式。研究发现施加载荷最佳的方式是在脊柱侧凸的凸侧区域。有限元分析法可预测和评估患者的矫形过程及效果,进而制定出合理的矫形治疗方案。有限元分析法模拟分析内固定器械与脊柱之间的应力分布情况,更有效的预防治疗后并发症的发生。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our objective was to evaluate the use of cervical suture in cervical pregnancy. METHODS AND RESULTS: All cases of cervical pregnancy diagnosed and treated in the gynaecological department at the Sheba Medical Center between 1994-2000 were included in the study. Eight such cases were diagnosed. The first four cases were treated medically. The last four cases (the study group) of cervical pregnancy, including one case of heterotopic pregnancy, were treated successfully with placement of Shirodkar cerclage. CONCLUSION: Cervical cerclage may be considered as the treatment of choice in cases of cervical pregnancies. It may be the only therapy in cases of heterotopic pregnancies (intrauterine and cervical pregnancy).  相似文献   

Atelectasis is a commonly seen complication during the post-operative period in intensive care units. The treatment of atelectasis depends on the underlying cause. We aimed to share our experience on the treatment of right total atelectasis in our intensive care unit applied with the help of the endobronchial blocker.  相似文献   

The role of radiotherapy in multiple modality treatment of Wilms' tumor is evaluated in 225 children aged 3 months to 11.5 years (mean age 3.5 years) with stage III-IV. 184 (81.8%) patients presented with stage III, 93.7% with typical nephroblastoma. Intervention was combined with drug and radiotherapy in 99.6% patients. Exposure of the abdominal cavity in total focal doses of 10.5-50.2 Gy (mean dose 28 Gy) was carried out in 219 (97.3%) of 225 patients. Special attention is paid to the incidence of relapses, remote metastases, and survival of patients in relation to prognostic factors (sex, age, stage of tumor process, terms of exposure, and total focal doses). All patients were followed up for 2-203 months (median 32 months). During this period relapses and/or metastases were observed in 34.2% patients; 30.2% died because of disease progress. 35.1% children live without signs of disease for more than 5 years, 14.7% for more than 10 years. Relapses were more incident during the first year of treatment (in 65% children) and outside the exposed field (72.5% cases). 33.2% patients with stage III developed metastases after 1-49 months; the lungs were involved most often. Prolongation of the period between surgery and exposure of the abdominal cavity led to increase in the incidence of relapses in the abdominal cavity from 6.7% (up to 2 weeks) to 21.9% (more than 1 month), p = 0.02. Relapses were the most frequent in children aged over 4 years. This parameter virtually did not depend on the total focal dose. The absence of relationship between the incidence of local relapses and life span after exposure to a total focal dose of up to 21.6 Gy in comparison with higher doses recommends reduced doses for therapy without notable deterioration of the survival of patients with nephroblastoma.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经腰椎后路矫形植骨内固定术治疗退行性腰椎侧凸合并椎管狭窄症(DLSS)的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2008年6月至2012年6月本院收治19例退行性腰椎侧凸并椎管狭窄患者的临床资料.所有患者均采用腰椎后路减压、矫形固定、融合手术治疗.采用症状视觉模拟评估表(VAS)、Oswestry功能障碍指数评分表(ODI)、腰椎冠状位Cobb角对患者治疗前和末次随访时神经功能恢复情况及矫正角度进行评价.结果 全部病例获得随访,随访时间6~31个月,平均13个月.术前患者平均VAS评分(7.14±1.04)分,ODI评分(63.89±11.78)%,末次随访患者平均VAS评分(2.35±0.98)分(与术前比较,P<0.05),ODI评分(25.54±9.72)%(与术前比较,P<0.05),Cobb角由术前平均(24.32°±10.52°)矫正至术后平均(10.56°±7.12°),ODI改善优良率为73.68%.随访期间矫正角度无明显丢失及内固定断裂,植骨融合率100%.结论 腰椎后路节段减压植骨内固定是一种治疗退行性腰椎侧凸合并椎管狭窄症的有效方法之一.  相似文献   

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