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The pattern of utilization of mental health services in south Verona (Italy) and in Groningen (the Netherlands) was studied. The local psychiatric case registers were used to select patients aged 15 years or more who had at least one contact in 1982 and no contacts in the previous 365 days. Each patient was followed for 36 months after the first contact in 1982. The 2 cohorts differed in size (373 in south Verona and 590 in Groningen), age, diagnosis and pattern of care, whereas the sex distribution was similar. The cohort in Groningen was characterized by a higher number of elderly people, suffering from organic psychoses. Drug dependence prevailed in south Verona, while alcohol dependence was predominant in Groningen. The pattern of care was classified according to 2 basic measures, the gross duration of care and the net duration of care. In south Verona single consulters were almost 3 times more common than in Groningen. In general, patients in Groningen tended to depend more on the mental health services. Linear regression analysis was used to determine the extent to which the pattern of care was predicted by the sociodemographical and clinical characteristics of the patients. Only the site where the contacts were made (south Verona or Groningen) and the diagnosis were significantly associated with the pattern of care.  相似文献   

The service utilization by patients with affective and neurotic disorders in two defined populations of south Verona in Italy and south Manchester in England was compared. The composition and function of the two community-based psychiatric services, and the sociodemographic characteristics of the two centers are described and related to epidemiologically based data on service use in the community, outpatient clinic, day hospital and inpatient care. The results suggest that close liaison with primary care in south Manchester results in more referrals, and therefore higher treated incidence and prevalence rates. The close integration between hospital and community staff in south Verona is associated with greater permeability of the filter between inpatient and community care, indicated by higher admission rates for patients known to the service, and shorter length of inpatient stay (only for affective disorders) in south Verona compared with south Manchester.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We compared service consumption, continuity of care and risk of readmission in a record linkage follow-up study of cohorts of patients with schizophrenia and related disorders in Victoria (Australia) and in Groningen (The Netherlands). These areas are interesting to compare because mental health care is in a different stage of deinstitutionalization. More beds are available in Groningen and more community resources are available in Victoria. METHOD: The cohorts were followed for 4 years, since discharge from inpatient services using record linkage data available in the psychiatric case-registers in both areas. Survival analysis was used to study continuity of care and risk of readmission. RESULTS: Available indicators showed a higher level of continuity of care in Victoria. While the relative risk of readmission was the same in both areas and not affected by aftercare contact after discharge, the number of days spent in hospital was much higher in the Groningen register area. CONCLUSION: These findings provide further support for earlier reports that the risk of readmission is predominantly affected by attributes of mental illness. However, the duration of admissions, is strongly affected by service system variables, including the provision of continuity of care.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Caring for a relative with schizophrenia or dementia has been associated with reports of caregiver burden, symptoms of anxiety, depression, poor self-rated health, and elevated health service use; however, comparable data for caregivers of relatives with bipolar disorder are lacking. This study reports preliminary data on the health, psychological distress and health service use of caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder. It additionally evaluates the relationship of the level of burden caregivers report experiencing to their use of health services, controlling for level of psychological distress and health status. METHODS: Subjects were primary caregivers of 264 patients with Research Diagnostic Criteria-diagnosed bipolar disorder and their bipolar relatives. Caregiver mental health and primary care service use were assessed retrospectively for the 7-month period prior to inpatient or outpatient admission of the bipolar patient. Caregiver depression, anxiety, medical conditions and patient symptomatology were assessed as well. RESULTS: Hierarchical logistic regression analysis demonstrated that caregiver burden significantly increased the likelihood of mental health service use (OR = 13.53, p < 0.001) even after controlling for caregiver psychological distress and medical conditions, while anxiety and depression level, but not burden, significantly increased the likelihood of primary care service use, controlling for other variables (OR = 1.72, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Burdens experienced by family caregivers appear to increase use of health services, and presumably cost, and may be reduced by psychosocial intervention.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to estimate the proportion of the population in The Netherlands who receive long-term care for chronic psychiatric problems. The care needs of this population are assessed in terms both of diagnosis and of specific impairments and disabilities. Data from three surveys and two psychiatric case registers in five different areas of The Netherlands provide an estimate of about 3.5 long-term users of psychiatric care per 1000 members of the population aged 20 years or over. One-third of them receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders. Patients most frequently suffer from impairments of mood and affect, volition and drives. Nearly all patients are disabled in their occupational role (work), and about half of the population have problems with self-care and household tasks. Long-term care is to a large extent (40%) provided in hospitals and sheltered accommodation, and the role of day services is relatively insignificant.  相似文献   

Background  Canada and Australia although geographically distant have similarities in human geography and history. Each has had a national mental health policy for some years, but Australia has driven policy implementation in this area harder than has Canada. Comparable epidemiological surveys from Australia in 1997 and Canada in 2002 allow us to explore relative rates of mental disorders and compare estimates of access to care from mental health services. Methods  We compare findings from the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (1997) with those from the Canadian Community Health Survey on Mental Health and Well Being, cycle 1.2 (2002). Results  Differences in prevalence rates and in service utilisation emerge between the two countries: Anxiety Disorders are estimated as almost 2% higher in Canada than in Australia while there is suggestion that Major Depressive Disorder, Alcohol Dependence and Drug Dependence may be more prevalent in Australia. More of the people with co-morbid disorders in Australia than in Canada make use of mental health services and a finding of marginal significance suggests that this may be true across all disorders. Conclusions  Causation cannot be determined from this study but possible explanations for differences in prevalence include changes in global economic, political and security contexts and concerns between 1997 and 2002 and the possible role of greater availability of alcohol in Australia. The findings also provide encouragement that strenuously implementing a national mental health policy may have been of benefit to people with mental health problems in Australia.  相似文献   

A high disease burden of mental disorders has been noted worldwide, including Japan. It is important to monitor mental disorder prevalence trends and the use of mental health services over time using epidemiological data and to plan appropriate policies and measures that consider mental health in each country. This review outlines the prevalence trends of common mental disorders (CMD) and the use of mental health services in Japan from the 2000s to the 2010s and compares them with those in other countries. This review clarifies that the prevalence of CMD in Japan has been relatively stable in the past decade. The 12‐month prevalence of mental health service use has increased about 1.2 times to 1.6 times in the past 10–15 years. Thus, it is very likely that the rise in mental health service use contributes to increased patient numbers. Regarding cross‐national comparison, the prevalence rate of CMD in Japan is much lower compared to rates in the USA and Europe. The 12‐month prevalence of mental health service use was also lower in Japan compared to prevalence rates in other high‐income countries. Mental health epidemiology has clarified that the prevalence of CMD worldwide has remained unchanged, even though mental health service use has increased in high‐income countries. Thus, the gap in treatment quality and prevention should be addressed in the future.  相似文献   


Objective: Previous guidelines and planning documents have identified the key role primary care providers play in delivering mental health care, including the recommendation from the WHO that meeting the mental health needs of the population in many low and middle income countries will only be achieved through greater integration of mental health services within general medical settings. This position paper aims to build upon this work and present a global framework for enhancing mental health care delivered within primary care.

Methods: This paper synthesizes previous guidelines, empirical data from the literature and experiences of the authors in varied clinical settings to identify core principles and the key elements of successful collaboration, and organizes these into practical guidelines that can be adapted to any setting.

Results: The paper proposes a three-step approach. The first is mental health services that any primary care provider can deliver with or without the presence of a mental health professional. Second is practical ways that effective collaboration can enhance this care. The third looks at wider system changes required to support these new roles and how better collaboration can lead to new responses to respond to challenges facing all mental health systems.

Conclusions: This simple framework can be applied in any jurisdiction or country to enhance the detection, treatment, and prevention of mental health problems, reinforcing the role of the primary care provider in delivering care and showing how collaborative care can lead to better outcomes for people with mental health and addiction problems.  相似文献   

Comparative studies relating characteristics of psychiatric services to rates of treated prevalence are scarce. As part of a Nordic comparative study on sectorized psychiatry, a point-prevalence study was performed in 5 sectorized psychiatric services with comprehensive service facilities for a defined population under responsibility. The rates of treated prevalence on a census day were related to a number of characteristics of the respective services and to accessibility of care. The results showed a great variation in one-day point prevalence in the 5 services, with almost fourfold differences. There were also marked differences in the diagnostic distribution of the cohorts. A positive correlation was found between number of beds and point prevalence, measured both as total point prevalence and impatient prevalence. The rates of beds and psychiatrists were most strongly related to the prevalence of patients with organic disorders and functional psychoses. A closed referral system was associated with a lower level of treated prevalence.  相似文献   

The use of services for mental problems is generally reported as being relatively low. However, the methods used for data collection in surveys may have influenced the quality of self-reported service use. This study compares the information on recourse to physicians for mental problems reported in different sections of a survey conducted in six European countries. Thus, 5545 respondents were asked questions on contacts with physicians at least twice: (1) after the symptoms checklist in any completed diagnostic section, and (2) in a section devoted to use of care for mental problems. Of these 39.3% reported contacts with physicians about mental problems in the diagnostic sections, whereas 29.5% did so in the use-of-care section. Inconsistencies concerned 20.1% of participants, among whom those reporting consultations in diagnostic sections without reporting them in the use-of-care section represented the majority (74.4%). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that age, marital status, educational level and country were associated with under-reporting in the use-of-care section, as well as having mood or sleep problems. In conclusion, services used for mental health reasons when measured through a question referring to use of care due to the presence of a mental problem may underestimate the care people received for their problems.  相似文献   

Research evidence suggests that the prevalence of mental health conditions in Canada has increased while a considerable percentage of people with a mental health issue do not seek professional mental health services. Weighted logistic regression models were used to determine whether age, sex, income, and education predict the self-reported mental health status of Canadians and their odds of utilizing mental health services. This study found clear disparities in reporting mental health and utilization of mental health services. Young adults (aged 25 to 44) have 1.4 times (95% CI: 1.3 to 1.6 times) higher odds of reporting poorer mental health status than seniors (aged 65 or older). Females are 2.7 times (95% CI: 2.3 to 3.1 times) more likely to utilize mental services than males. The lowest income group (<$15,000) has 2.2 times (95% CI: 1.9 to 2.4 times) higher odds of rating poorer mental health status than the highest income group (>$80,000). The least educated group (<high school education) has 1.5 times (95% CI: 1.3 to 1.6 times) higher odds of reporting poorer mental health status than the highest educated group (post-secondary education). However, the highest educated group is 1.6 times (95% CI: 1.3 to 2.0 times) more likely to utilize mental health services than the least educated group. Even in a country that has a universal health insurance system such as Canada, disparities and inequities associated with mental health burden and health care utilization persist, specifically among groups with lower education, lower income, and males.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Preliminary studies suggest that during the 1980s, spending for community mental retardation services in the United States may have grown much more rapidly than spending for community mental health. The primary objective of this study was to test empirically the validity of this thesis on a national basis. An additional objective was to determine why such a distinction in community spending patterns might have evolved nationally. METHOD: The study used states as the units of analysis and employed a five-factor hierarchical regression to predict variance in mental health and mental retardation spending. Factors were state size, state wealth, degree of federal assistance, state civil rights activity, and strength of consumer advocacy groups. Strong roles for the civil rights and consumer advocacy factors were hypothesized. A collateral opinion survey in the 10 states exhibiting the greatest within-state difference in community mental health and mental retardation spending was also completed. RESULTS: Community mental retardation spending grew nearly four times more rapidly than community mental health spending in the 1980s. The consumer advocacy and civil rights factors were strongly associated with spending for community mental retardation services in the states, but these factors did not predict spending for community mental health services. CONCLUSIONS: Study recommendations included strengthening mental health family and consumer advocacy groups in the states and promoting systematic exchange between the mental health and mental retardation fields through joint state planning initiatives, studies, and conferences. The need for Medicaid reform is a unifying theme in both the mental health and mental retardation fields.  相似文献   

With a population of 245,000 spread mostly over six groups of islands and a total land area of 12,189 km2, Vanuatu is one of the larger Pacific Island countries. Compared to other Pacific Island countries of similar or larger size, mental health has received little attention from government until very recently. While systematic studies are lacking, the limited available data suggest that mental disorders and suicide are increasing. The first ever National Mental Health Policy and Strategic Plan were launched in October 2009. Key areas include formalization of the National Mental Health Committee established in 2007, financing, mental health legislation, service organization, human resources, essential medicines, information systems, quality, advocacy, and monitoring and evaluation. In 2010, mental health was inserted for the first time into the new Ministry of Health organizational structure. The Ministry of Health mandate is to work with partners to achieve sustainable progress in reducing all key risk factors to improve the wellbeing of everybody with mental illness. The country has commenced a program of mental health training for workers at primary and secondary health facilities and community awareness, with support from the World Health Organization Pacific Island Mental Health Network (PIMHnet) and others. A foundation for modern mental health services has been laid.  相似文献   

Until recently mental health care in Greece was mainly delivered by old traditional mental hospitals and few outpatient services. In order to induce the process of change the University of Athens started to experiment with a community mental health service. In order to study what has been achieved in a relatively short time, data relating to the delivery of care cohorts of patients from a pilot area in Athens and from an area in the north of the Netherlands were compared. The overall new contact rate was much higher in the Groningen area, except for the category of psychoneuroses and personality disorders. Patients with a psychosis received more intensive treatment and left the services at a later stage in Athens. Differences of patterns of care in other diagnostic and age groups are discussed.  相似文献   

农村社区精神卫生服务中初级卫生人员培训的对照研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农村培训初级医务人员开展精神卫生服务工作,以如何安排为好?我们对此进行了随机整群抽样对照研究。实验组为理论培训并实践中示范辅导,对照组仅为理论培训。评价其理论知识掌握程度,处理病人工作能力及工作质量。一年的随访结果表明:实验组在这三方面都明显好于对照组,表明除多次理论培训外,实践中示范辅导是很重要的培训方法。  相似文献   

During three academic years, 87 black students were counseled at the mental health clinic of a private western university. Their pattern of clinic use was compared with that of white students, and differences and similarities delineated in presenting problems, symptoms syndromes, and duration and termination of treatment. Knowledge of these problems and patternsmay aid mental health professionals; as well as college counselors and administration in planning adequate support services for minority students.  相似文献   

In a WHO project: Mental Health Services in Pilot Study Areas, 21 centers in 16 European countries collected a cohort of 200 consecutive new out-, day- and inpatients in 1979/1980 and followed them up for a period of 2 years. Since in most countries the elderly constitute a rapidly growing proportion of the population, with increasing demands on the mental health services, the collected data concerning the elderly were examined in detail. The results show that it is possible to study elderly people in care with data from a more general study. There are considerable differences among the elderly in the use of mental health services in the various areas, which can only be partly explained by differences in the age distribution of the various populations. The diagnostic distribution of elderly patients, and the type and amount of care delivered within the same diagnostic group, differ widely from area to area. Trieste offers a good example of day care as an alternative to inpatient care, even for elderly patients with organic psychosis.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in the nature and mechanisms of senile dementia, there has been surprisingly little research on long-term care provision for persons with irreversible cognitive decline. The present study describes a model for the evaluation of long-term care facilities for the dementing elderly and its application in France to a comparative study of traditional long-stay hospitals and non-medical communal care. Results suggest that persons in communal care are less dependent, report less depressive symptomatology, are more mobile, engage in verbal communication more frequently and have fewer language difficulties than persons in hospital care, although no differences are found between the two groups in terms of dementia severity. Both family and professional caregivers were found to be more satisfied with communal care. A follow-up study suggests that some of these differences might, however, be due to differences in the populations at admission. The results are discussed in terms of appropriate care allocation for persons with senile dementia.  相似文献   

Objective: To estimate the prevalence of mental health service use among US adults, examine the associations of mental health service use with health insurance coverage, mental health problems and drug use, and detect health disparities.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study with 5,434 adults receiving mental health service out of 37,424 adult respondents from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Weighted univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the associations of potential factors with mental health service use.

Results: The overall prevalence of mental health services use was 14.7%. Our results showed that being female, aging, having a major depressive episode, serious psychological distress, and illicit drug or alcohol abuse/dependence were positively associated with mental health service use; whereas being African American, Asian or Hispanic ethnicity, married, and having any form of insurance were negatively associated with mental health service use . Stratified analysis by insurance types showed that Medicaid/CHIP, CHAMPUS, and other insurance were positively associated with mental health service use.

Conclusions: Health insurance coverage, mental health problems, and drug abuse or dependence were associated with mental health service use in US adults. Furthermore, adults with different insurances had disparities in access of mental health service.  相似文献   

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