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目的:为进一步了解河南省2012年女性药物滥用者流行病学特征,加强特殊药品管理以及本地区政府相关部门制定防治措施提供依据。方法:由具有专业知识和工作经验的医务人员(或管教人员),使用国家药物滥用监测中心编制的《药物滥用监测调查表》,对2012年河南省女性药物滥用者进行问卷调查。结果:共调查女性药物滥用者774例,年龄分布16-60 a,其中31-40 a者占37.7%,居各年龄段之首,初中以下文化程度占73.8%;从业情况:无业人员占83.5%;婚姻状况:未婚关系占52.2%;滥用的药物以"底料黄皮"为主,愈来愈多的女性吸毒者特别是30 a以下的女性吸毒者选择新型合成毒品;主要滥用原因是追求欣快、刺激;毒品主要来源是同伴提供;滥用方式以烫吸(踏食)为主;滥用场所以居家住所为主。结论:建议针对女性药物滥用者的人口学特征和滥用的流行病学特征,加强关心与关爱女性药物滥用者的教育,减少对社会、家庭、个人造成的危害,共同构筑和谐社会。  相似文献   

580例药物滥用者流行病学调查分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为了解南京市药物滥用情况,本文随机抽样调查和分析了近年来在我所自愿区和强制区治疗的南京地区药物依赖者580例,结果发现滥用者多为青年(21-30a,占73.10%);男性多于女性(1.87:1);未婚者多(占68.79%);职业以无业闲散人员居多(占63.27%),其次是个体商贩和工人(分别占19.30%和16.89%);文化程度低(初中和初中以下占67.76%);药物滥用史在1a内占53.10%;1-2a占26.72%,以后每年成倍递减;滥用方式以烫吸为主(占61.20%),其次为烫吸与注射混用(占34.65%),单独注射者较少(占4.14%);滥用品种主要为海洛因(占99.48%);药物滥用程度以轻度为主(占72.26%)。本文对南京地区药物滥用的特点和有关预防问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

目的:了解参加MMT人员的人口学特征及药物滥用的基本情况。方法:采用国家药物滥用监测中心设计的《药物滥用监测调查表》,对门诊2008年9月26日至2010年6月收治的582例美沙酮维持治疗的海洛因依赖者进行调查。结果:582例参加美沙酮维持治疗的人员中,男性525例,占90.21%,女性57例,占9.79%;年龄在23—57岁(38.15±4.78)岁;已婚185例,占31.79%,未婚231例,占39.69%,离婚166例,占28.52%;无业448例,占76.98%,个体68例,占11.68%,其他66例,占11.34%;初中以下143例,占24.57%,初中252例,占43.30%,高中以上187例,占32.13%;初次滥用药物的年龄最小14a,最大42a(18±2.34)a;以口吸或烫吸为主。结论:参加美沙酮维持治疗人员以30a以上、男性、未婚、无业、初中及以下文化者为主,初始滥用年龄低,药物依赖持续时间长,多药滥用,采用以口吸或烫吸为主滥用者多,存在艾滋病等传播性疾病的危险。希望美沙酮维持治疗能够改变他们的危险行为,提高其个人、家庭及社会功能。  相似文献   

杨洁  齐力 《北方药学》2012,9(2):82-82,66
目的:探讨宁夏回族自治区美沙酮社区门诊治疗者基本状况调查及滥用药物行为分析.方法:采用《药物滥用监测调查表》,对2009年、2010年宁夏回族自治区监测到的825例接受治疗者进行问卷调查,收集资料作回顾性分析.结果:治疗者以男性为主;主要群体为无业人员;受教育程度以初中为主要群体.获得滥用药物的途径主要为黑市;78.06%的药物滥用者滥用场所为居家住所;药物滥用者滥用药物原因主要为“追求欣快/刺激”;主要滥用药物方式仍就是“烫吸(踏食)”.结论:针对美沙酮社区门诊接受治疗者的人口及流行病学特征,应采取相应预防和干预措施,同时加强心理康复.  相似文献   

目的:了解河南省2010年监测报告中苯丙胺类物质滥用的流行病学特征,为加强特殊药品管理以及本地区政府相关部门制定防治措施提供依据。方法:采用国家药物滥用监测中心编制的《药物滥用监测调查表》,对2010年本地区戒毒机构的收戒人员进行问卷调查,将苯丙胺类物质滥用情况作为本文研究对象。结果:共调查苯丙胺类物质滥用者219例,其中男性134例(占61.2%),女性85例(占38.8%);在滥用的苯丙胺类物质中,冰毒滥用者最多,185例(占84.5%),其中男性占59.5%;年龄在35 a以下占78.5%;初中以下文化程度占74.0%;从业情况:无业人员占72.1%;婚姻状况:未婚占68.5%。主要滥用原因是满足好奇;毒品主要来源是同伴提供;滥用方式以烫吸(踏食)为主;冰毒和麻谷丸的滥用场所以居家住所和暂住地/租住地为主,摇头丸以夜总会/KTV歌厅为主。结论:河南省监测到的苯丙胺类滥用物质以冰毒为主,年轻男性、初中以下文化程度及未婚者是滥用的主体。建议针对滥用者的人口学特征和滥用的流行病学特征,进行苯丙胺类物质滥用的预防与干预。  相似文献   

程建平  程丽娟  欧阳盛  瞿胜 《医药导报》2007,26(10):1241-1242
[摘要]目的 对湖北省戒毒场所收治药物依赖者进行监测分析,为禁毒工作提供参考. 方法使用国家药物监测中心编制的2005年版《药物滥用监测调查表》对2005年湖北药物滥用进行调查,并进行分析. 结果 共调查36 000份,有效调查35 923份,其中湖北本地户籍共15 753份(43.65%),外省户籍20 170份(56.15%);药物滥用者使用精神活性物质39种,新增精神活性物质近20种,主要以海洛因滥用为主,新型毒品滥用率有明显增加趋势.滥用方式:静脉注射72.22%,烫吸39.18%,肌内、皮下注射4.82%,共9种滥用方式,新增2种方式.77.19%药物滥用者接受获得性免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)相关检测, 199例次HIV检测阳性,占0.55%.接受肝炎、肺部感染等检查的药物滥用者中丙型肝炎13.62%,肺脓肿13.51%,乙型肝炎1.60%. 结论 有关部门应加强对药物滥用者的宣传教育,加大对药物滥用者特别是海洛因依赖者的监管力度,加强对新型毒品打击,防止疾病的传播.  相似文献   

目的 通过对1382例新发生药物滥用者药物滥用监测数据的回顾性分析,预测药物滥用流行趋势,为预防药物滥用和禁毒工作决策提供技术支撑。方法 通过流行病学对比分析法,对安徽省2017—2021年收集的1382例新发生药物滥用者有效《药物滥用监测调查表》,利用EXCEL和监测系统数据分析等功能,对药物滥用者人口学特征和滥用行为特征进行分析。结果 (1)安徽省新发生药物滥用人群以男性、未婚、无业、初中及以下文化程度为主;(2)主要滥用物质为冰毒,新型毒品和医疗用药品滥用呈增长趋势;(3)滥用药品多数来源于同伴,便利店/小卖部、医院/个体诊所等来源呈增长趋势;(4)滥用方式以烟枪吸、烫吸为主,香烟吸、溶入饮料等方式呈现增长趋势;(5)滥用原因主要以满足好奇心、家人或同伴影响/教唆及吸毒环境影响为主;(6)滥用场所以暂住地/租住屋、宾馆、居家住所等为主,滥用地点多而杂。结论 近五年来,安徽省新发生药物滥用者趋向低龄化且初次滥用年龄偏低,滥用新型毒品和医疗用药品增加,建议加强药物滥用监测工作和特殊药品监管,加大青少年教育力度,有效遏制药物滥用的发生。  相似文献   

634例药物滥用者的流行学调查分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对我所 1 994年 6月至 1 997年 6月收治的 63 4例药物滥用者进行流行学分析 ,结果显示 :男性 ,未婚 ,初中文化程度 ,2 1~ 3 0 a年龄段的无业 ,个体户是主要的滥用人群。主要滥用物质是海洛因。滥用药物时间 2 a以内的占5 4.41 %。多药滥用现象相当普遍。主要采用烫吸方式 ,但静脉注射比例相当高 ,占 48.42 %。药物主要来自“黑市”。药物滥用引起的并发症中 ,性病比例较高 ,占 5 .5 2 %。提示 ,应加强对药物滥用者及危险人群的宣传教育。  相似文献   

本文对南宁市521例药物滥用者的人口学特征如,民族分布、婚姻状况、社会职业、文化程度,首次滥用年龄分布、滥用年限、滥用药物、滥用方式以及药物引起的并发症进行了调查。结果表明青年和中年人,个体经营者和待业者,初中以下文化程度是药物滥用的高危人群。滥用的药物均为海洛因。98.5%的海洛因购自黑市。烫吸和静脉注射是主要滥用方式。笔者对控制药物滥用工作提出建议。  相似文献   

南宁市521例药物滥用者流行病学调查分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对南宁市521例药物滥用者的人口学特征如,民族分布,婚姻状况,社会职业,文化程度,首次滥用年龄分布,滥用年限,滥用药物,滥用方式以及药物引起的并发症进行了调查,结果表明青年和中年人,个体经营者和待业者,初中以下文化程度是药物滥用的高危人群,滥用的药物均为海洛因。98.5%的海洛因购自黑市,烫吸和静脉注射是主要滥用方式。笔者对控制药物滥用工作提出建议。  相似文献   

The aims of this review were to assess smoking prevalence among drug abuse treatment staff and summarize the range of barriers to provision of nicotine dependence intervention to clients receiving addictions treatment. A systematic literature search was conducted to identify publications reporting on workforce smoking prevalence, attitudes toward smoking, and perceived barriers to providing smoking cessation treatment in drug abuse treatment settings. Twenty papers met study inclusion criteria. Staff smoking prevalence estimates in the literature ranged from 14% to 40%. The most frequently reported barriers to providing nicotine dependence intervention in addiction treatment settings were lack of staff knowledge or training in this area, that smoking cessation concurrent with other drug or alcohol treatment may create a risk to sobriety, and staff are themselves smokers. Staff smoking is not uniformly elevated in the drug abuse treatment workforce. Smoking prevalence may be lower where staff are more educated or professionally trained, and may be higher in community-based drug treatment programs. Barriers to treating nicotine dependence may be addressed through staff training, policy development, and by supporting staff to quit smoking. State departments of alcohol and drug programs, and national and professional organizations, can also support treatment of nicotine dependence in drug abuse treatment settings.  相似文献   

目的:了解传统毒品与合成毒品滥用的结构模式及发展趋势。方法:设计问卷,经培训和预实验,对兰州户籍的1355名强制隔离戒毒人员和社区戒毒人员进行问卷调查。结果:阿片类吸毒史10年以上占69.2%;苯丙胺类吸毒史10年以下占82.8%。40岁以上阿片类吸毒者占86.5%;40岁以下苯丙胺类吸毒者占82.4%。从首次滥用毒品到被查获的潜伏期1年以上者占43.4%,最高达28年。阿片类吸毒者同时混用其他毒品占53%。合成毒品滥用率45.5%,18.6%的吸毒者正在使用苯丙胺类毒品,其中14.8%同时混用其他毒品。女性单独滥用冰毒构成为15.6%,是同年龄段男性的4倍。93%的苯丙胺类滥用表现为有间断使用。结论:在吸毒成瘾者年老瘾深、习惯性、贫困化、潜伏期、新生吸毒人员增幅较小等因素作用下,兰州正处在由传统毒品向合成毒品的缓慢转化时期。  相似文献   

药物滥用是造成药物不良反应的重要原因之一,我国将滥用麻醉药品等称为"吸毒",是形成药物依赖性的主要原因。药物依赖性包括生理依赖和  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to the role of tobacco dependence within alcohol and drug abuse treatment. Yet, smoking behavior appears to be interrelated with the use of alcohol and other drugs. This interrelationship is explored, and the role of smoking cessation within alcohol and drug abuse treatment is considered. Areas for future research on this topic are identified. Addictive disorders are generally thought to include alcohol abuse, drug abuse, smoking, overeating, and, sometimes, gambling and caffeine dependence. While some attention has been paid to the common etiological roots of various addictive disorders, relatively little systematic attention has been paid to commonalities in their treatment and especially to the treatment of multiple disorders in the same individuals. The one significant exception is alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Of the other addictive disorders, tobacco dependence has been most closely interrelated with alcohol and drug abuse. Yet, little attention has been given to tobacco dependence within alcohol and drug abuse treatment. This paper will focus on smoking in relationship with alcohol and drug abuse, and will consider the possible role of smoking cessation treatment within the context of alcohol and drug abuse treatment. First, background regarding the interrelationship of alcohol and drug abuse is explored. Then, the relationship of smoking with other substance use is considered, followed by a review of special concerns related to smoking among alcohol and drug abuse clients. Next, the current status of smoking cessation within alcohol and drug abuse treatment is addressed. Finally, implications are considered.  相似文献   

贵州、甘肃两地药物滥用监测站采用统一监测表格“药物滥用监测登记表”,于1992年下半年分别对当地戒毒所收治的部分药物滥用者调查登记。本文对上报的998例监测数据进行整理分析,统计结果显示:男性,初中以下文化程度,30 a以下的无业、工人是主要滥用人群;滥用药物1a以内者占多数;烫吸和烟枪吸食是主要滥用方式;滥用的主要药物是阿片和海洛因,各为56.2%和42.9%;30 a以下滥用者滥用的主要成瘾性药物是海洛因和阿片,60 a以上滥用者中滥用的主要成瘾性药物是阿片;药物多来自非法渠道“黑市”。两地滥用多种药物现象严重,各为91.4%和97.4%,滥用的非阿片类药物分别是解热止痛片和烟草、酒、镇静催眠药类。多药滥用给治疗、预防和管制都带来极大的困难。目前,加强缉毒、杜绝毒源,强制戒毒,开展药物滥用预防的社会教育和科学研究仍是禁毒、戒毒、铲除药物滥用斗争中三重并举的工作。 监测数据分析表明,建立药物滥用监测网,采用统一的监测表格和分析标准,可以分析比较各地的药物滥用特征和滥用药物的变化趋势。  相似文献   

Although cigarette smoking is endemic among illicit drug users, drug abuse treatment programs rarely encourage smoking cessation and often discourage it. The purpose of this study was to determine whether smoking cessation after entering drug abuse treatment influenced drug use 12 months after drug abuse treatment. We analyzed 2316 cigarette smokers in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS), a national, longitudinal study of drug abuse treatment. Heckman probit selection models assessed the association of self-reported smoking cessation while in drug abuse treatment on self-reported drug abstinence in the year after treatment completion, while simultaneously accounting for possible nonparticipation bias. Controlling for multiple factors, smoking cessation was associated with greater abstinence from drug use after completion of drug abuse treatment (P=.04). Despite drug abuse treatment programs' hesitance to encourage smokers to quit, smoking cessation does not negatively impact drug use outcomes.  相似文献   

目的:调查与分析近一年多来苏州市毒品吸食的流行病学特征.方法:对苏州市公安局戒毒所2004年1月-2005年3月期间,收戒治疗的1003例强制戒毒人员进行调查分析,并与我所1999年的相关资料进行了比较.结果:近期苏州市吸毒人群以16~35 a的外来汉族男性青年为主,大多为无业人员,文化程度普遍较低,多在初中以下(含初中),毒品主要来源是黑市购买.结论:近年苏州地区吸毒人员以外来人员为多,比五年前有了显著上升,并就上述特征提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(7):793-797
Background: Hyoscine N-butyl bromide/scopolamine (H/S) is a type of anticholinergic agent that is commonly used as an antispasmodic drug. We have evaluated the effects of crushed H/S smoking in prisoners who illicitly abused this drug. Methods: All imprisoned cases with at least a 3-month history of HS were evaluated from April 2012 to September 2012. Demographic information, history, and clinical findings were studied. Results: In total, 36 male cases with a mean (SD, min–max) age of 33.3 (3.6, 27–42) years were included. All subjects were cigarette smokers with a history of substance abuse and were under Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT). The majority (75%) of participants smoked H/S tablet with pin, and others used aluminum foil. Hallucinations were the most common neurological features. Amnesia (88%), insomnia (83%), palpitation (86%), flushing (86%), irritability (94%), and inability to concentrate (91%) were the most common findings. Among them, auditory (61%), visual (72%), and tactile (72%) hallucinations were reported. Conclusions: This is the first case study of hyoscine smoking abuse. We found that H/S acts similar to other hallucinogens. Concurrent abuse of H/S in cases under MMT could be a future trend of abuse. Clinicians should be aware of abuse potential of H/S in treatment of some patients for drug overdose.  相似文献   

Substance abusers are more likely to smoke cigarettes than the general population. Yet, in most drug treatment programs smoking cessation receives little attention. The purposes of this study were to: (1) examine substance abuse counselors' attitudes toward and practices related to nicotine addiction and smoking cessation treatment; and (2) describe barriers to smoking cessation treatment and smoking policies in substance abuse treatment facilities. A total of 254 substance abuse counselors in Kentucky completed mailed questionnaires (53% response rate). Almost one-fourth were current smokers. Smoking and nonsmoking counselors differed in their attitudes toward nicotine addiction, barriers to treatment, and satisfaction with smoking cessation training. Few counselors routinely followed the clinical preventive guidelines with nicotine-dependent clients. However, they were receptive to providing smoking cessation treatment. Over half of the drug treatment programs banned indoor smoking, but permitted smoking on facility grounds. Implications for policy change by national addiction certification and licensing organizations and state accreditation authorities are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 :纵向了解我国部分高发区非法成瘾物质的使用种类和方式 ,监测其变化动态。方法 :整群抽样 ,挨户调查、机构调查与线索调查结合 ,于 1993年、1996年和 2 0 0 0年 3次对 5或 6个高发地区 15a或 15a以上药物滥用者的非法成瘾物质使用种类和使用方式进行调查。结果 :阿片类是我国物质滥用者使用最多的成瘾物质 ,以海洛因和阿片为著 ,3次调查海洛因使用率分别是 5 1 8%、83 1%和 95 9% ,阿片分别是 36 1% ,2 6 4 %和 12 0 %。“追龙”、静脉注射和卷烟吸是 3种主要的滥用方式 ,在 3次调查中 ,前两者应用率分别是 94 9%、6 0 1%、93 5 %和2 9 5 %、31 0 %、2 3 3%。烟草是药物滥用者合并使用率最高的合法成瘾性物质 (91 9%以上 ) ,处方类药物 (包括镇静剂、巴比妥类和苯二氮 艹卓 类 )的合并使用率逐次下降。结论 :上世纪 80年代中后期至上世纪未 ,阿片类物质是我国物质滥用的主要种类 ,使用方式以“追龙”和静脉注射为主 ,提示应加强对物质滥用人群的健康教育 ,预防毒品相关疾病的发生 ,减轻毒品危害。  相似文献   

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