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HLA-B新等位基因B*9536和B*4612的测序分析和确认   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)新等位基因HLA_B*9536和B*4612的分子机制.方法 采用Invitrogen抽提试剂盒抽提标本DNA,利用单链特异性引物PCR方法扩增样本HLA-B基因第2~4外显子,对PCR产物直接进行HLA-B基因第2、3、4外显子双向测序分析.结果 先证者标本存在2个HLA-B等位基因,经HLA Blast验证均为新的等位基因,新的等位基因序列已递交GenBank(EU081878和EU081879),经世界卫生组织HLA命名委员会正式命名为HLA-B*9536和HLA-B*4612.HLA-B*9536第2~4外显子序列与最接近的B*1505相比,在第3外显子存在一个碱基的不同,即第544位G→A改变,导致第158位氨基酸Ala→Thr;HLA-B*4612第2~4外显子序列与最接近的B*4601相比,在第3外显子存在一个碱基的不同,即第363位G→C,导致第97位氨基酸Arg→Ser.结论 在同一标本中发现两个新的HLA-B等位基因,并被世界卫生组织HLA命名委员会正式命名.  相似文献   

Three new human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I alleles have been identified in the Tissue Typing Laboratory in Sydney, Australia. Sequence analysis of exon 2 and exon 3 of the HLA-B gene revealed the novel polymorphism. A silent substitution of C to T at nucleotide position 369 has been identified for the HLA-B*400104 allele when compared to the closest matched allele, HLA-B*400101. The HLA-B*3928 allele was identified with a nucleotide substitution of G to C at position 362 when compared to the closest matched allele, HLA-B*390101, resulting in an amino acid substitution of Arginine to Threonine. A nucleotide substitution of C to G at position 572 resulting in the amino acid change Serine to Tryptophan was identified in the new allele HLA-B*4437, when compared to the closest matched allele HLA-B*440301. Both amino acid substitutions implicate a different specificity and affinity of antigen binding for the alleles HLA-B*3928 and HLA-B*4437.  相似文献   

Three novel alleles, human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B*0725, B*0728, and B*3808, were discovered during routine genotyping of samples for the Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry and Australian Cord Blood Bank. The new alleles contain amino acid changes in the antigen-binding site of the expressed HLA protein, which may alter the antigen-binding properties of the functional protein.  相似文献   

Five HLA-B sequences are described which have been detected as irregular patterns during routine molecular typing. Sequencing of HLA-B exon 2 and 3, both heterozygous and after group specific amplification, revealed three new HLA-B alleles: B*5124, B*5306 and B*5307, whereas the sequences of B*0809 and B*5606 were confirmed. Serological typing showed that B*0809 is expressed as a regular B8, B*5124 as a regular B51, B*5306 as a B51/B53-like variant and B*5606 as a B"blank"-Bw6.  相似文献   

Lee KW  Cho S 《Tissue antigens》2005,65(5):493-496
Three novel human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I alleles have been characterized by means of direct DNA sequencing analysis. HLA-A* 0261 showed sequence variation at conserved codon. It differs from HLA-A* 020601 by a single-nucleotide substitution at codon 57 (CCG-->GCG) resulting in an amino acid change from Pro to Ala. The sequences of HLA-B*1585 are similar to those of HLA-B*15010101, but differed five nucleotides on exon 3 resulting in three amino acid changes at residues 94 (Thr-->Ile), 95 (Leu-->Ile) and 103 (Val-->Leu). Likewise, HLA-B*1587 is identical to HLA-B*15010101 except at codons 80-83 (Asn-Leu-Arg-Gly-->Ile-Ala-Leu-Arg) which has been replaced by HLA-Bw4 motif. These alleles seemed to be generated by either a point mutation or a gene conversion-like event from alleles existing in the population with high frequencies.  相似文献   

This paper describes eight new alleles (B*0807, B*0809, B*1551, B*3529, B*3532, B*4025, B*5304 and B*5508) that have been found by routine HLA-B genotyping with sequence-specific oligonucleotides (SSOs). All of the new alleles have variations which cause changes in residues that occur within antigen binding pockets and T-cell recognition sites of the antigen. The new polymorphisms within these new alleles may affect the nature and specificity of peptide binding and cause differential T-cell activation, which may have an affect in transplantation.  相似文献   

We describe a variant HLA-B*39 allele present in two individuals from Oman, which has been officially named HLA-B*3921. In addition we confirm the existence of HLA-B*4415, an allele closely related to HLA-B*4501 differing only at the Bw4/Bw6 epitope.  相似文献   

The identification of the two novel alleles, HLA-B*0709 and B*0710, is described. B*0709 differs from B*07021 by a nucleotide exchange at position 419 (A>C) which is located in exon 3. At the protein level the nucleotide exchange results in an amino acid residue difference (Tyr116Ser). The other newly detected allele, B*0710, differs from B*07021 by a nucleotide exchange at position 272 (A>G) which is located in exon 2. This nucleotide exchange also leads to an amino acid substitution (Tyr67Cys). The allogeneic potential in case of mismatch with other alleles of the B*07 group at bone marrow transplantation was assessed. The peptide motifs between B*0709 and B*0711 may be very similar and thus the alloreactive potential in case of mismatch may be low. In contrast, mismatches of B*0709 and B*0710 with other B*07 alleles are likely to stimulate alloreactive T cells.  相似文献   

Luo M  Mao X  Plummer FA 《Tissue antigens》2005,65(2):187-191
We report here four novel HLA-B alleles, B*1590, B*1591, B*2726, and B*4705, identified from an East African population during sequence-based HLA-B typing. The novel alleles were confirmed by sequencing two separate polymerase chain reaction products, and by molecular cloning and sequencing multiple clones. B*1590 is identical to B*1510 at exon 2 and exon 3, except for a difference (GCCGTC) at codon 158. Sequence differences at codon 152 (GAGGTG) and codon 167 (TGGTCG) differentiate B*1591 from B*1503 at exon 3. B*2726 is identical to B*2708 at exon 2 and exon 3, except for a difference (AAGCAG) at codon 70. B*4705 was identified in three Kenyan women. The allele is identical to B*47010101/02 at exon 2 and exon 3, except for differences at codon 97 (AGGAAT) and codon 99 (TTTTAT). These new alleles have been named by the WHO Nomenclature Committee. Identification of these novel HLA-B alleles reflects the genetic diversity of this East African population.  相似文献   

In our recent study using high-resolution HLA-B locus typing by sequence-based typing (SBT) we identified 9 new alleles in a total of 355 unrelated individuals (4). Three of them concerned an allele belonging to the B22 group. One of them, B*5607, showed the unusual presence of a Bw4 sequence motif, as described previously (5). In this report the other two B22 variants are described; one belonging to the B55 specificity and named B*5509; the other one being a B*56 allele and assigned B*5606, which brings the total number of alleles belonging to the B22 group to 18.  相似文献   

Two new alleles, HLA-B*4414 and B*5708, were identified in north-western European Caucasoid blood donors. B*4414 differed from B*440201 by two nucleotide substitutions in exon 3 [positions 66 (T to C) and 69 (G to A)] producing two amino acid differences between the B*440201 and B*4414 specificities (tyrosine to histidine at codon 113 and aspartic acid to asparagine at codon 114). B*5708 differed from B*570101 by a single substitution (G to C) at position 247 in exon 2 causing an amino acid difference between B*570101 and B*5708 products of arginine to proline at codon 83. The likely haplotypes bearing these alleles were identified. Both alleles occurred once in approximately 25,000 random blood donors so both have a frequency of approximately 0.00002 (carriage frequency 0.004%). B*4414 and B*5708 specificities both gave 'short' serological reactivity for their expected specificities and Bw4. The likely reasons for this are discussed in relation to the epitopes of B44 and B57.  相似文献   

HLA-A and HLA-B alleles of a population from Kenya, Africa were examined by sequencing exon 2 and exon 3 DNA and typing using a Taxonomy-based Sequence-analysis (TBSA) method. Extensive diversities were observed at both HLA-A and HLA-B loci in this population. Forty-one HLA-A alleles were identified from 159 unrelated individuals. The most frequently observed alleles were A*6802 (11.64%), A*02011/09 (9.75%), A*7401/02 (9.43%), A*3001 (7.86%), A*3002 (7.23%) and A*3601 (6.6%). Forty-nine HLA-B alleles were identified in 161 unrelated individuals, including two novel alleles, B*1567 and B*4426. The most frequently observed HLA-B alleles were B*5301 (9.01%), B*5801 (8.38%), B*4201 (7.76%), B*1503 (7.14%), B*1801 (6.21%), and B*5802 (5.90%). The most frequently observed HLA-A-B haplotypes were A*3601-B*5301 (3.55%) and A*3001-B*4201 (3.19%), followed by A*7401/02-B*5801 (2.84%), A*7401/02-B*5802 (2.84%) and A*02011/09-B*1503 (2.13%). Linkage disequilibrium and chi2 analysis showed the association of these HLA-A-B haplotypes at the antigen level to be significant. The frequencies of HLA-A and HLA-B alleles from the Kenyan population were compared with that of a population from Cameroon. The difference in allele and haplotype frequency distributions partly reflected the different ethnic composition of these two African populations.  相似文献   

Yan LX  Zhu FM  Zhang W  He J 《Tissue antigens》2008,71(6):573-575
The novel HLA-B*9536 and B*4612 alleles were identified by sequence-based typing in China.  相似文献   

Two new HLA DPB1 alleles were identified by sequence-based typing and are reported. Both alleles differ from DPB1*0402 by a single nucleotide: DPB1*8201 has a difference at position 359 (codon 91) leading to an amino acid change from arg to his, making this position a new polymorphic site; DPB1*8301 has a difference at position 280 (codon 65) changing the amino acid from ile to phe.  相似文献   

Several new HLA-B locus alleles have been discovered in South American Amerindians. By contrast, analysis of the MHC class I alleles of North American native populations has revealed few new HLA-B alleles. This suggests that the HLA-B locus is evolving rapidly in South American populations. Here we describe the HLA-B locus alleles present in individuals from a Central American tribe, the Kuna of Panama. Using a sequencebased typing technique that separates alleles by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) followed by direct sequencing, we determined the HLA-B alleles from eight Kunas. Two of the HLA-B alleles present in the Kuna have been previously described in other South American Amerindian populations; one allele has been characterized in a Mexican-American. We characterized two new HLA-B alleles in the Kuna, HLA-B*3911 and HLA-B*5110 . HLA-B*3911 differed from HLA-B*3905 by only a single nucleotide substitution in exon 3. This substitution resulted in an amino acid replacement of leucine by arginine at residue 156 in the alpha 2 domain. Such a change may affect the repertoire of peptides that are bound by this molecule. HLA-B*5110 differed significantly from other HLA-B*51 alleles in that it is the result of an unusually large intra-locus recombination event of minimally 216 nucleotides. This recombination results in an allele that is part HLA-B*51 and part HLA-B*40. Thus, more dramatic recombination events may also play a role in the rapid evolution of the HLA-B locus in Amerindians.  相似文献   

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