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Little is known about sex work in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, despite rapid increases in HIV infection. Consistent client condom use and prior HIV testing are described among 448 female sex workers (FSW) completing a self-administered questionnaire, health provider interview, and HIV testing between April 2003 and March 2004. Participants were recruited through outreach workers using modified snowball sampling. Consistent client condom use was more likely for FSW who were married, knew condoms prevent HIV, and from countries in south Central Asia. Prior HIV testing was less likely for FSW younger than 21 years, who shared drugs with clients, initiated sex work at 18 years or less and had engaged in sex work less than 2 years. Low rates of condom use, particularly by those with risky drug behaviors, indicate that targeted risk-reduction interventions are urgently needed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to assess the confidence in their ability to use condoms among at-risk women and identify predictors for the women's condom use self-efficacy. Structured interviews were conducted with 250 adult women in Atlanta, Georgia, between August 1997 and August 2000. Overall, the women reported feeling moderately to moderately–strongly confident in their ability to use condoms consistently. Multivariate analysis showed women with higher condom use self-efficacy were significantly younger, experienced childhood neglect, had higher self-esteem, communicated better with their sex partner, and had fewer drug problems. Findings suggest the importance of addressing condom use self-efficacy in HIV risk reduction programs with a specific focus on women and the need to be attuned to tailored needs for specific subgroups such as older women or women who encountered childhood neglect.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated an important link between relationship intimacy and condom use. Limited research has been conducted on this connection within the realm of female sex work. We examined the association between perceived relationship intimacy and consistent condom use among 258 female sex workers and 278 male regular paying partners who participated in a cross-sectional survey in the Dominican Republic. In multivariate analysis, higher intimacy among sex workers and regular paying partners was negatively associated with consistent condom use. Among those reporting higher perceived intimacy, male participants were more than twice as likely to report consistent condom use as female participants. Female sex workers in relationships of higher perceived intimacy are at greater risk of HIV/AIDS than their male regular paying partners. Gender-sensitive HIV prevention programs are needed to address the differential influence of relationship intimacy on condom use in the context of sex work.  相似文献   

The authors examined the influences of domains of psychosocial risk and protective factors on male-partner condom use in a cohort of 209 female HIV-positive (HIV+) and HIV-negative (HIV-) injection drug users (IDUs) by use of a cross-sectional, retrospective design. Information collected from a structured questionnaire included data on psychosocial risk and protective factors in the personality, family, and peer domains; HIV status; and condom use. Among HIV+ IDUs, personality risk factors (e.g., unconventionality), family (e.g., low maternal identification), and peer factors were related to less male-partner condom use. Resources and condom availability were associated with greater male condom use with both HIV+ and HIV- IDUs. The psychosocial domains affected male condom use with both HIV+ and HIV- female IDU patients via two different mediational models. The findings suggest the need to use specific psychosocial interventions for risky sexual behavior among HIV+ and HIV- female IDUs. (Am J Addict 1998; 7:115–127)  相似文献   

HIV risk-reduction interventions frequently teach correct condom use skills, yet few researchers actually measure those skills. Without measuring condom use skills, it is not possible to evaluate the effectiveness of condom use interventions, or determine what variables may be related to those skills. The Measure of Observed Condom Use Skills (MOCUS) was developed using standard Guttman scaling procedures, and administered to 106 female and 71 male undergraduates. The MOCUS was administered by the primary investigator to each participant individually. Guttman scale analyses demonstrated the MOCUS has acceptable reproducibility. These findings support future use of the MOCUS to assess condom use skills.  相似文献   

The relationship between neighborhood social dynamics and adolescent sexual behavior has not been well explored. We conducted a cross-sectional survey with 343 adolescents recruited from two health clinics in Baltimore. Multivariate logistic regression was utilized to assess the influence of perceived neighborhood social cohesion and collective monitoring of youth on condom use at last sex, controlling for family and individual factors. Condom use was significantly higher among participants who perceived their neighborhoods as high, 54.7%, versus low, 40.4%, in social cohesion. Neighborhood cohesion was significantly associated with condom use in multivariate analyses, as was parental communication, family structure, and gender. No association between perceived neighborhood collective monitoring of youth and condom use was found. We conclude that perceived neighborhood social cohesion is positively associated with condom use among adolescents vulnerable to HIV/STI and should be encouraged in the context of community-based prevention efforts.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine factors that influence female and male condom use among Central American women, applying the theory of planned behavior. A cross-sectional design was employed and a sample of 175 Central American women, 18–50 years old, was recruited from a community-based clinic in Los Angeles County. Participants in this study were interviewed face-to-face. Attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control explained 41% and 45% of the variation in the intention to use male and female condoms, respectively. Respondents' friends and mothers influenced their subjective norms. Beliefs regarding sexual sensation and sexually transmitted infection/pregnancy prevention affected respondents' attitudes toward condoms. Trust issues were also a major factor affecting attitudes toward female condoms. Condom use and sex negotiation skills predicted control over condoms. Results of this study can be used to design HIV/AIDS prevention programs that help women feel control over condom use and their sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess whether HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk factors: risky sex (multiple sex partners and sex trade involvement), past HIV or STI diagnosis and substance use (at risk drinking and injection drug use) are associated with the outcome any condom use in the past 6 months among Russian narcology hospital patients. Participants (N = 178) included only those who reported unprotected sex in the past 6 months and were aged 18–55 years and 76% male. Any condom use in the past 6 months was reported by 55% of the sample. History of STIs was reported by 43% of participants; 15% were HIV-infected. Regression analyses adjusted for demographics demonstrated that those reporting multiple sex partners (ORadj = 4.2, 95% CI = 2.0–8.7) and sex trade involvement (ORadj = 2.4, 95% CI = 1.1–5.1) in the past 6 months had significantly higher odds of reporting any condom use in this same timeframe. HIV/STI and substance use were not associated with increased odds of condom use.  相似文献   

Few prospective studies have evaluated the association between alcohol use and STI acquisition among African women. We examined the association between baseline drinking frequency and STIs in a cohort of Kenyan women reporting transactional sex. The association between alcohol use and STI differed significantly by HIV status. Among 139 HIV-positive women, STI acquisition was significantly associated with consuming 1–7 drinks/week and marginally associated with ≥8 drinks/week in unadjusted analyses. However, no association between alcohol use and STIs was observed among 335 HIV-negative women. Addressing alcohol use within comprehensive HIV care may also reduce the burden of STIs among high-risk women.  相似文献   

We examined the association between sexual risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing in a sample of homeless youth. Of 261 youth interviewed, 50% had been sexually active in the past 3 months. Gender variation in sexual behaviors and risk were found. Boys were more likely than girls to engage in anal sex (46% vs. 15%), to have 3 or more sexual partners (46% vs. 17%) and to engage in anonymous sex (38% vs. 21%). Girls were less likely to use condoms consistently and more likely to engage in sex with a partner suspected of having an STI (20% vs. 4%). In the past 3 months, the STI testing rates were similar for boys and girls (46%). However, girls were more likely to have positive STI results (46% vs. 9%). In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, the only variable that was an independent predictor of STI testing was having either gotten someone or having become pregnant in the past 3 months. High-risk sexual behaviors did not predict STI testing in our sample. Outreach programs are needed that target sexually active homeless youth for early STI testing and treatment.  相似文献   

Commercial sex is believed to play a role in the steadily increasing heterosexual transmission of HIV in China, but little attention has been paid to female sex workers working in the entertainment industry. From October to December 2000, we conducted a cross-sectional survey of 482 women in Baise City, Guangxi Autonomous Region, bordering Yunnan Province. Although no participants had antibodies to HIV infection, 4% of study participants tested positive for markers for syphilis and 21% reported being diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases in the past year. Women reported low rates of consistent condom use with customers (17%), a spouse or fiancé (9%), and casual partners (13%). A substantial proportion experienced condom failure (20% slippage and 13% breakage). Multivariate analyses found that consistent condom use with customers was related to multiple sexual partnerships, higher condom knowledge, and higher condom-use negotiation skills. Multiple sexual partnerships and higher condom-use negotiation skills predicted consistent condom use with casual partners, whereas higher condom-use negotiation skills did so for consistent condom use with a spouse or fiancé. Our data suggest the need for condom education, condom skills training, and the distribution of reliable condoms among female sex workers. HIV prevention efforts must target these women as well as their clients and sex partners to prevent the further spread of HIV to the general population in China.  相似文献   

This three-wave study explored the prospective effects of habit (previous condom use), intentions to use condoms, past and proximal (before sex) drug use (alcohol, marijuana, cigarette, and hard drug use), and interactions among these variables on condom use among 211 men and women intravenous drug users. Several theoretical alternatives were evaluated. In one alternative, habit is thought to have preeminence over intentions and other variables in the prediction of behavior. In another alternative, drug use is thought to interact in its effects on condom use, by making individuals susceptible to not adhering to their previous intentions regarding safe sex practices. The results showed that condom use habit was a consistent and strong predictor of future condom use, whereas intention was a weak and inconsistent predictor. Neither past (long-term) nor proximal (before sex) drug use moderated (interacted with) the effects of either intention or habit on later condom use. The preeminence of habit in the prediction of condom use is similar to findings from other areas of health behavior, underscoring the need for more focused research on the underpinnings of health habit effects.Correspondence should be directed to Alan Stacy, Department of Psychology, UCLA, 1282A Franz Hall, Los Angeles, California 90095-1563.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are to compare the patterns of condom use at three times for sexually active HIV-infected women and a comparison group of uninfected women and to examine correlates of condom-use patterns. Data are reported from the first three visits (first year) of a longitudinal study of the biomedical and behavioral manifestations of HIV infection in women. Analyses were conducted on 386 HIV-infected and 203 uninfected sexually active women. Participants were interviewed at enrollment and at 6- and 12-month follow-up visits. HIV-infected and uninfected women received safer-sex counseling at each study visit and uninfected women were tested for HIV. Consistent condom use at all three times was reported by a higher percentage of HIV-infected than uninfected women (34% vs.13%; p .01) whereas inconsistent or nonuse was more common among the uninfected than infected women (21% vs.7%; p .01). Condom use differed by partner serostatus: 25% of the HIV-infected women with infected partners reported consistent condom use compared with 41% of those with partners whose serostatus was negative or unknown. For HIV-infected women with uninfected partners, injecting drugs and crack use were associated with inconsistent condom use. These findings suggest that HIV serostatus of women and their partners affects consistency of condom use. Despite greater condom use by HIV-infected women with partners of negative or unknown serostatus than by those with infected partners, the fact that condom use was far from universal suggests the need for interventions involving uninfected male partners of infected women.  相似文献   

The frequency of male Mexico-US migration has been associated with increased HIV risk for sexual partners awaiting their return in Mexico. This study examined the association between sexual partner characteristics and condom use among a sample of 354 male migrants from two Mexican municipalities. Migrants were interviewed about their past year's sex practices. Results indicated that migrants were more likely to use condoms with their non-spousal partners, partners with less education than the migrant, and partners with higher employment status. Condom use was greater among younger migrants and residents of the more densely populated municipality. Findings suggest the coexistence of a traditional cultural orientation that does not support condom use and another one that does provided the sex partner is formally employed. Prevention programs must strengthen the structural conditions fostering greater equality between the sexes and adapt their approaches for different population density, age and partner types.  相似文献   

This study takes the perspective that condom use may be a non-continuous variable, and that the endpoint of consistent condom use is an important focus of study both in terms of public health considerations and theoretically. As consistent condom use is the ultimate goal for prevention of the spread of HIV and STDs among those who are sexually active, special attention needs to be paid to those who have accomplished that goal, especially among high-risk populations. Guided by theories of resiliency, and using consistent condom use as a marker of the broader sexual health resiliency construct, condom promotive factors are used to predict consistent condom use among detained adolescents. Consistent condom users appear to be a distinct sub-population. Likely to be male, they are also likely to have higher self-esteem, higher optimism, and lower sensation seeking and impulsive decision making. They are likely to be in school and to live with both biological parents. Finally, they are likely to have positive attitudes towards condoms and report having friends and peers who feel the same way.  相似文献   

The applicability of the IMB model in predicting condom use was tested among 390 sexually active secondary school students in Mbarara, Uganda. Adolescents across five secondary schools completed a self-report survey about their health and sexual experiences. Based upon results from structural equation modeling, the IMB model partially predicts condom use. Condom use was directly predicted by HIV prevention information and behavioral skills regarding having and using condoms. It was indirectly predicted (through behavioral skills regarding having and using condoms) by behavioral intentions regarding using condoms and talking to one’s partner about safer sex. Aspects of one’s first sexual experience (i.e., age at first sex, having discussed using condoms with first sex partner, willingness at first sex) were strongly influential in predicting current condom use; this was especially true for discussing condoms with one’s first sex partner. Findings highlight the importance of providing clear and comprehensive condom use training in HIV prevention programs aimed at Ugandan adolescents. They also underscore the importance of targeting abstinent youth before they become sexually active to positively affect their HIV preventive behavior at their first sexual experience.  相似文献   

This study examined predictors of HIV testing, successful condom negotiation with clients, and self-reported sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among Vietnamese female sex workers (FSW). Data were collected by using face-to-face interviews from a community sample of 610 FSW from Nha Trang city during October–December, 2000. Having had an HIV test was associated with having spent time in a rehabilitation center. Consistently successful negotiation of condom use occurred most among FSW who had few clients, understood how HIV was not transmitted, and had not reported ever having any symptoms of STIs. Migration to Nha Trang for sex work was a risk factor for an STI diagnosis; successful negotiation of condom use had a protective effect. Our results suggest the need for voluntary HIV counseling and testing, further promotion of condom use among FSW populations, and better use of rehabilitation sites to promote HIV prevention.  相似文献   

Knowledge of female sex workers’ (FSW) condom use behaviors in Vietnam is important for predicting the epidemic and designing interventions. Four hundred FSWs in Hanoi were studied in 2002. Consistent condom use in the past month was higher with irregular clients (62%), less with regular clients (41%), and lowest with “love mates” (5%). Reasons for not using condoms were partner objection, condom unavailability, and belief of partner's disease-free status. Twenty-seven percent reported not always having a condom available. Thirty-five percent reported increasing condom use in the previous 6 months. Reluctance to ask clients to use condoms and condom unavailability were independently associated with inconsistent condom use with both irregular and regular clients. Older age was also associated with inconsistent condom use with irregular clients. Condom promotion should focus on FSWs and their partners. Negative attitudes toward FSWs and condom promotion need to be changed to reduce stigmatization of FSWs and to make condom use a norm in the society.  相似文献   

Behavioral surveillance data of 1422 sexually active female injecting drug users (IDU) in Sichuan China were analyzed. The prevalence of syringe-sharing was 43.5%. Respectively, 59.0%, 38.5% and 55.7% had regular, non-regular, and commercial sex-partner (RP, NRP, and CSP); 44.3% had multiple types of sex partners; 23.6 and 36.2% of those with RP had NRP and CSP. The prevalence of unprotected sex (last episode) with RP, NRP and CSP were respectively 75.4%, 50.7% and 39.3%; these three variables were associated with each other and with syringe sharing (univariate OR = 1.58–30.13). About 85% of the participants had attempted quitting drug use; the experience was not associated with condom use. HIV voluntary counseling and testing was associated with lower likelihood of unprotected sex with RP, NRP and CSP (multivariate OR = 0.44–0.60); the coverage was only 40.7%. Potential bridging of HIV transmission from IDU to non-IDU populations is a serious concern.  相似文献   

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