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目的 通过对膝关节前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点的解剖测量,找到确定前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点的简单可行的方法,为双束重建前交叉韧带手术中的骨道定位提供理论依据。方法 解剖20例新鲜膝关节标本(25~45岁)。在屈膝90°位,测量前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点中心点距股骨髁间窝外侧壁前方、后方和下方软骨缘的距离,再对测量数据进行评估和对比。结果前交叉韧带后外束股骨止点中心点距离股骨前方软骨缘(8.74±1.39)mm,距离后方软骨缘(8.69±1.57)mm(P =0.926)。后外束止点中心点距离股骨下方软骨缘(5.06±0.77)mm。结论膝关节屈膝90°位时,前交叉韧带后外束的股骨止点中心点位于股骨髁间窝外侧壁,距离下方软骨缘5mm,距离前方和后方软骨缘的距离相等。在前交叉韧带双束重建的手术中,应用本研究的结果能够简单、快捷地确定前交叉韧带后外束股骨骨道位置。  相似文献   

目的 探究国人膝关节前外侧韧带(ALL)的解剖学特点,为临床膝关节ALL损伤的诊治及手术修复重建提供解剖学依据。方法 由山西医科大学解剖教研室提供的成人膝关节标本19具(膝周组织完好无破损、无畸形及手术外伤史),其中左膝关节9具、右膝关节10具。以膝前外侧为中心逐层解剖至关节囊层,寻找并观察ALL的起止点及走行等解剖学特点,测量并记录ALL的解剖数据,对ALL及其毗邻结构拍照记录,进行定性及定量描述。结果 19具膝关节标本中,17具发现ALL。ALL在中立0°位和屈曲60°并内旋5°位时的长度分别为(34.72±6.35)mm和(39.53±6.80)mm,在股骨侧止点、胫骨侧止点的宽度分别为(7.75±0.71)mm、(9.41±1.19)mm,在关节线处宽度为(6.79±1.01)mm。ALL整体是以宽扁样形态由后上向前下走行于膝关节前外侧缘,在关节线处的厚度为(1.21±0.20)mm;ALL在胫骨处以宽大的扇形结构止于外侧胫骨平台Gerdy结节与腓骨头连线中点偏上、距胫骨软骨缘的垂直距离为(11.62±1.32) mm,其胫骨侧止点距Gerdy结节的距离为(19.95±4.63) mm、距腓骨头的距离为(19.47±3.65) mm,Gerdy结节至腓骨头的距离是(33.82±4.69) mm。结论 ALL是一条位于膝关节前外侧关节囊外的独立非等长韧带结构,起于股骨外上髁的后上方,向前下走行,与外侧半月板体部相连,止于外侧胫骨平台前外部,对维持膝关节旋转稳定性发挥着一定的作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨前交叉韧带(ACL)个性化解剖重建术中韧带止点足迹精确定位的方法及效果。 方法 ①15侧膝关节尸体标本,标记ACL股骨足迹,观察ACL足迹长轴与股骨干角度、前内束(AM)中心位点距后软骨缘距离、后外束(PL)中心位点距下软骨缘距离。②15例行ACL重建患者,术中采用三入路观察与导航定位方法明确ACL股骨足迹,测量AM与PL连线与股骨干夹角、AM距后软骨缘距离、PL距下软骨缘距离。 结果 15例膝关节尸体标本ACL股骨足迹长轴与股骨干角度为(18.5± 2.5)°、AM与股骨外髁内面后缘距离为(6.1±1.8)mm、PL距离下软骨缘距离为(6.2±2.2)mm,但每个标本均不相同。导航显示,ACL股骨足迹长轴与股骨干夹角为(19.3±3.1)°,AM与股骨外髁内面后缘为(5.8±1.2)mm、PL距离下软骨缘为(5.9±2.5)mm,各数据相差较大。 结论 ①ACL股骨与胫骨解剖足迹变异较大,应根据每例ACL足迹不同进行精确的个性化解剖重建。②以同一个标准进行所有ACL重建难以达到真正的解剖重建。  相似文献   

目的 探讨国人后交叉韧带的分束情况,对前外侧束和后内侧束的止点进行观测,掌握更为详细的解剖学资料,为临床双束重建后交叉韧带提供解剖学基础。 方法 30例膝关节标本,将后交叉韧带分为前外侧束和后内侧束,对双束股骨及胫骨端止点进行标记和解剖学观测。 结果 后交叉韧带的双束股骨止点中点至股骨内髁关节软骨前缘的距离分别为(8.52±1.81)mm和(11.63±1.81)mm,至股骨髁间窝顶的垂直距离分别为(4.67±0.55)mm和(10.32±1.23)mm;胫骨止点中点至胫骨关节面的垂直距离分别为(8.43±1.21)mm和(14.52±2.31)mm,至胫骨内侧软骨边缘的距离分别为(47.44±6.23)mm和(45.95±6.32)mm。双束股骨附丽区面积分别为(107.12±15.25)mm2和(65.35±10.27)mm2;胫骨附丽区面积分别为(50.07±11.33)mm2和(51.08±10.22)mm2。 结论 揭示了后交叉韧带双束止点的解剖学特点,为临床应用提供解剖学基础。  相似文献   

目的 研究前交叉韧带(ACL)胫骨附着处的解剖形态学特点,并探讨ACL胫骨附着处测量值埘选择ACL重建方式的意义.方法 对10例福尔马林处理的成人膝关节标本进行解剖.在屈伸膝关节时根据ACL纤维张力区分前内束和后外束,然后从胫骨附着处切断韧带,用Photoshop软件测量附着处的相关数据.结果 ACL存在着两个不同的功能束,即前内束和后外束;胫骨附着处的形状不规则,可分为倒三角形、椭1形及四边形三种;ACL胫骨附着处的前后径与横径分别为(17.89±2.44)mm、(13.85±1.79)mm;前内束和后外束胫骨附着处的面积分别为(101.18±32.28)m㎡、(77.61±19.86)m㎡;两束中心点连线的距离为(8.03±1.51)mm.结论 本研究改进的数字图像测量方法是一种既实用又廉价的测量方法;ACL胫骨附着处测量值可作为选择ACL重建方式的参考.  相似文献   

目的:解剖观察膝关节冠状韧带的结构特点,为解除半月板滑动障碍松解膝冠状韧带提供解剖学基础.方法:解剖观察成尸膝关节标本32侧,观测胫骨髁与半月板及膝冠状韧带的形态、长宽和厚度.结果:(1)外侧半月板向前滑动(5.6±1.3)mm,向后滑动(8.7±1.7)mm;内侧半月板向前滑动(5.5±1.4)mm,向后滑动(7.4±1.8)mm.(2)外侧膝冠状韧带周长(87.2±9.6)mm,上下宽(15.4±3.0)mm,韧带厚(0.9±0.3)mm.(3)内侧膝冠状韧带周长(91.9±7.9)mm,上下宽(15.9±3.2)mm,韧带厚(0.8±0.2)mm.(4)外侧膝冠状韧带前外侧微创进刀点,在膝关节外侧中点向前(26.4±3.7)mm范围内,膝关节前正中点向外(20.2±5.8)mm范围内不宜进刀,两者之间为前外侧进刀点.(5)内侧膝冠状韧带前内侧微创进刀点,在膝关节内侧中点处宽(7.0±2.0)mm范围内不宜进刀,由此处向前至髌韧带间为前内侧进刀点.另在膝关节内侧中点之后(29.1±4.5)mm,与半膜肌、半腱肌腱止点间为后内侧微创进刀点.结论:膝冠状韧带位于半月板外周缘连于胫骨内、外侧髁外周缘,从膝关节上述三个点进刀是微创切断松解膝冠状韧带的理想部位.  相似文献   

目的 对人体踝关节外侧副韧带的定量解剖及与周围骨性标志的解剖学测量,为踝关节外侧副韧带的重建手术提供理论参考.方法 选取30具经福尔马林处理好的正常成人踝关节标本,对外侧副韧带进行精细解剖并对其起止点至周围骨性标志的距离进行定量测量,对其测量结果进行统计学分析.结果 本实验30具踝关节标本中,前距腓韧带(ATFL)大致呈两端较宽,中部较窄的扁平四边体.其中18具ATFL (60%)分成双束,其上下两束的走行大致相同,而另12具则为单束(40%).跟腓韧带(CFL)自外踝尖向后下斜行,止于跟骨外侧面,形状前宽后窄.经测量,ATFL腓骨起点距离腓骨前部结节(17.1±1.78)mm;距离腓骨隐匿结节(5.0±1.46)mm;距离腓骨尖(14.0±1.63)mm.ATFL距骨止点距离距骨胫距关节面(11.4±1.28) mm;距离距下关节面(18.0±2.07)mm;距离距骨前外软骨面(4.7±0.76) mm.CFL腓骨起点距离ATFL腓骨起点(6.1±2.04)mm.CFL跟骨止点距离跟骨外侧结节(15.0±2.48) mm;距离跟骨后上缘(14.1±1.44) mm;距离距下关节面(15.1±2.67) mm.计算变异系数(CV)结果:ATFL腓骨起点至腓骨前部结节距离CV(10.41%) <ATFL至腓骨尖距离CV(11.64%) <ATFL至腓骨隐匿结节距离CV(29.20%).CFL跟骨止点至跟骨后上缘距离CV(10.21%) <CFL至跟骨外侧结节距离CV(16.53%) <CFL至距下关节面距离CV (17.68%).结论 踝关节外侧副韧带与周围骨性标志的距离有一定的变异性,认为变异度可能反映外侧副韧带与周围骨性标志的稳定性.比较CV得出ATFL腓骨起点至腓骨前部结节和ATFL至腓骨尖均是稳定性较好的骨性标志;而CFL至其各骨性标志的CV相差不大,但是考虑到距下关节面在关节镜下更加容易被观察到,因此在实际操作中,关节镜下重建CFL时将距下关节面作为定位的标志具有更好的可行性.为踝关节外侧副韧带重建手术提供了一定的数据和理论支持.  相似文献   

目的 分析前、后交叉韧带功能束在膝关节运动过程中的变化规律,为研究交叉韧带损伤机制和移植物重建提供依据。方法 选取5具无病理改变的膝关节节段标本作为研究对象,精确解剖膝关节前、后交叉韧带的功能束在股骨与胫骨附着点,然后分别于膝关节在0°、30°、60°、90°、120°进行CT扫描,应用Mimics及ANSYS软件对数据进行三维重建,建立包含交叉韧带附着点的膝关节三维有限元模型,最后应用ANSYS及CATIA软件确立前、后交叉韧带功能束附着部及功能束各平行切面的中心点,连接各中心点的长度,拟合得到以上5个角度各功能束中心点之间的曲线距离,即韧带的真实长度。结果 前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament, ACL)的前内侧束(anterior medial bundle, AMB)在0°~ 90°的范围内随着屈曲角度增加距离逐渐增大,到120°时距离稍有减小;其后外侧束(posterior lateral bundle, PLB)在0°~90°的范围内随着屈曲角度增加距离逐渐减小,到120°时距离稍有增加。后交叉韧带(posterior cruciate ligament, PCL)的前外侧束(anterior lateral bundle, ALB)和后内侧束(posterior medial bundle, PMB)在0°~120°的范围内随着屈曲角度增加距离逐渐增大。交叉韧带各功能束的长度变化在总体上有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论 在膝关节的屈曲过程中,ACL双束之间起到交互作用,而PCL双束之间起到协同作用。通过建立膝关节交叉韧带功能束的有限元模型,更能真实反映交叉韧带的实际长度,为研究交叉韧带各功能束在运动中的真实长度变化提供了合理的方法。  相似文献   

背景:股二头肌腱和外侧副韧带是膝关节后外侧复合体的重要组成成分,对维持膝关节后外侧稳定性有重要意义。 目的:观察腓骨头复合组织瓣切取后供区股二头肌腱和外侧副韧带下止点重建对膝关节稳定性的影响。 方法:选择10例男性新鲜冷冻膝关节尸体标本,利用生物力学扭转试验机测量腓骨头复合组织瓣切取前及股二头肌腱和外侧副韧带下止点重建后不同转矩下的胫骨外旋角。 结果与结论:同一转矩条件下,胫骨外旋角随膝关节屈曲角度的增大而变大,腓骨头复合组织瓣切取前及股二头肌腱和外侧副韧带下止点重建后比较差异无显著性意义;不同外旋转距条件下,外旋角变化的趋势一致。提示腓骨头复合组织瓣切取后,妥善重建股二头肌腱和外侧副韧带下止点,不会对膝关节稳定性造成显著影响。  相似文献   

目的 测量后外侧角(PLC)股骨止点和前交叉韧带(ACL)解剖重建股骨隧道外口的位置,以获得详细的解剖学资料,并以此为ACL和PLC一期解剖重建提供解剖依据。 方法 采用30例新鲜成人尸体膝关节标本。屈膝120°关节镜下经前内辅助入路解剖重建ACL股骨隧道,并用克氏针标记。在膝关节股骨外髁分离出膝关节外侧副韧带(LCL)和腘肌腱(PT)股骨解剖止点。以股骨外上髁为原点,建立x、y垂直坐标轴,测量LCL、PT的股骨解剖中心点和ACL股骨隧道外口在坐标轴的坐标,并测量3点之间的距离。 结果 LCL附丽部中心点在股骨外上髁近端(1.27±3.35)mm,后方(2.99±1.29)mm。PT附丽部中心点在股骨外上髁远端(8.85±3.38)mm、后方(3.83±1.95)mm。ACL股骨隧道外口在股骨外上髁近端(16.12±5.34)mm,后方(6.84±4.17)mm。LCL附丽部中心点与PT附丽部中心点相距(9.67±3.92)mm,ACL股骨隧道外口与LCL附丽部中心点相距(13.07±4.93)mm,ACL股骨隧道外口与PT附丽部中心点相距(23.37±6.16)mm。 结论 揭示了LCL、PT的股骨解剖中心点和ACL股骨隧道外口位置的解剖学特点,为临床一期联合解剖重建提供解剖学依据。  相似文献   

The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) can be anatomically divided into three bundles: anterolateral, posteromedial, and posterior oblique. The changes in distance between the femoral and tibial attachment sites of these three bundles were measured in 10 human knee specimens with intact ligamental structures. The femoral to tibial distance (and thus the length) of the posterior oblique bundle remained nearly the same throughout flexion between 0° and 90°. The femoral to tibial distance of the anterolateral and the posteromedial bundles distinctly changed throughout the same range of motion. For a truly functional replacement of the PCL, correct isometric placement of the transplant is especially important. Based on the results of the present study, an isometric reconstruction of the PCL is achieved by positioning the graft within the original attachment site of the posterior oblique bundle. © 1995 WiIey-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cadaveric studies have shown that the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is an important constraint to posterior translation of the tibia. Arthroscopic studies have shown that chronic PCL injuries predispose to articular cartilage lesions in the medial compartment and the patellofemoral joint. The aim of the present study was to investigate sagittal plane articulation of the tibiofemoral joint of subjects with an isolated PCL injury.Magnetic resonance was used to generate sagittal images of 10 healthy knees and 10 knees with isolated PCL injuries. The subjects performed a supine leg press against a 150 N load. Images were generated at 15° intervals as the knee flexed from 0 to 90°. The tibiofemoral contact and the flexion facet centre (FFC) were measured from the posterior tibial cortex.The contact pattern and FFC was significantly more anterior in the injured knee from 45 to 90° of knee flexion in the medial compartment compared to the healthy knee. The greatest difference between the mean TFC points of both groups occurred at 75 and 90°, the difference being 4 mm and 5 mm respectively. The greatest difference between the mean FFC of both groups occurred at 75° of flexion, which was 3 mm. There was no significant difference in the contact pattern and FFC between the injured and healthy knees in the lateral compartment.Our findings show that there is a significant difference in the medial compartment sagittal plane articulation of the tibiofemoral joint in subjects with an isolated PCL injury.  相似文献   

Morphometric side-to-side differences in human cruciate ligament insertions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Graft placement in cruciate ligament reconstruction is known to significantly influence postoperative knee stability and range of motion. Improvement of bone tunnel positioning has been advocated by computer-assisted surgical procedures that require reliable input and reference data. This study validates the hypothesis that morphometric reference data can be obtained from the uninjured controlateral knee for accurate bone tunnel and graft positioning. Thirty pairs of human cadaver knees were dissected and the femoral and tibial footprints of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (PCL) were radiopaquely marked. Radiographs were taken of the corresponding left- and right-sided femora and tibiae, and digitally processed. Controlateral specimens were mirrored and overlapped precisely, the areas and intersections of ligament insertion were digitally determined. There were no significant differences in the total area of cruciate ligament insertion between left and right knee specimens or between female and male specimens. Intersection areas (IAs) in femoral and tibial anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) insertions averaged 31.3 and 33.4% of the total insertion area, respectively. The center of gravity for the femoral and tibial ACL footprint differed by 4.7 and 4.5 mm between left and right knees, respectively. IAs in femoral and tibial PCL insertions averaged 46.1 and 61.3% of the total insertion area, respectively. The center of gravity for the femoral and tibial PCL footprint differed by 4.5 and 2.4 mm between left and right knees, respectively. Our study does not support the concept of obtaining morphologic reference data from the uninjured controlateral knee for individual bone tunnel placement.  相似文献   

目的以膝上内侧血管为蒂大收肌腱转位重建膝关节后交叉韧带断裂缺损,比较重建前后的生物力学差异。方法36例经动脉灌注红色乳胶成人标本,解剖观测大收肌腱的形态及其血供,模拟手术设计,以膝上内侧血管为蒂大收肌腱转位修复膝关节后韧带断裂缺损,并比较在修复前后,在屈膝0^o、30^o、60^o、90^o和120^o时胫骨后移距离和韧带应变。结果后交叉韧带断裂后胫骨的负荷后移明显加大,重建后向正常时回归,移植物的生物力学变化的总体趋势与正常时相似。结论采用大收肌腱重建膝关节后PCL,可以取得较满意的重交叉韧带,在各屈膝角度均能有效防止胫骨后移,生物力学特征更接近于正常建效果。  相似文献   

The success of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction is dependent on appropriate tunnel placement. Computed tomography (CT) provides detailed images of intra-articular osseous anatomy. The objective of this study was to analyze by CT the position of femoral and tibial tunnels relative to intra-operative goals following arthroscopic-assisted PCL reconstruction. Nineteen patients who underwent single-bundle PCL reconstruction were evaluated 16 months post-operatively. Each underwent a CT scan and tunnel locations were identified in the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes. The coronal plane tibial tunnel location was within 5mm of the intra-operative goal (48% of the total tibial plateau width from the medial border of the plateau) in 16 patients (84%). The sagittal plane tibial tunnel location was within 5mm of the intra-operative goal (the middle of the posterior half of the retrospinal surface) in 14 patients (74%). In the sagittal plane, the femoral tunnel location was within 5mm of the intra-operative goal (10mm from in the distal articular margin of the medial femoral condyle) in 15 patients (79%). In the notch, the femoral tunnel was between 10:30 and 11:30 for left knees or between 12:30 and 1:30 for right knees (the intra-operative goal was 11 o'clock for left knees and 1 o'clock for right knees) in 18 patients (95%). Arthroscopic PCL reconstruction results in tunnel positions near intra-operative goals. Further work is necessary to define CT-specific criteria for the assessment of PCL tunnel position.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of combined posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and postero-lateral corner (PLC) reconstruction on laxity and three-dimensional kinematics of cadaver knees. We performed anatomical double bundle PCL reconstruction, and functional one bundle 'over-the-bottom' PCL reconstruction combined with one type of PLC reconstruction, running from the postero-lateral tibia to an isometric point near the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Our results showed that combined reconstruction was necessary to restore rotatory laxity. PLC reconstruction, according to the technique described, invariably created a shift towards internal rotation of the kinematic curves, compared to the intact knee.  相似文献   

Although some investigators have referred to the human posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) as the center of the knee, it has received less attention than the more frequently injured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL). Therefore, our understanding of the function of the PCL is limited. Our laboratory has developed a method of measuring thein-situ forces in a ligament without contacting that ligament by using a universal force-moment sensor (UFS). In this study, we attached a USF to the tibia and measuredin-situ forces of the human PCL as a function of knee flexion in response to tibial loading. At a 50-N posterior tibial load, the force in the PCL increased from 25±11 N (mean±SD) at 30° of knee flexion to 48±12 N at 90° of knee flexion. At 100 N, the corresponding increases were to 50±17 N and 95±17 N, respectively. Of note, at 30° knee flexion, approximately 45% of the resistance to posterior tibial loading was caused by contact between the tibia and the femoral condyles, whereas, at 90° of knee flexion, no resistance was caused by such contact. For direction of thein-situ force, the elevation angle from the tibial plateau was greater at 30° of knee flexion than at 90° of knee flexion. The data gathered on the magnitude and direction of thein-situ force of the PCL should help in our understanding of the dependence of knee flexion angle of the forces within the PCL.  相似文献   

背景:目前对膝关节后交叉韧带损伤后的研究多集中于软骨、后外侧结构及关节的松弛度等方面。 目的:观察后交叉韧带断裂对膝关节内、外侧副韧带生物力学的影响。 方法:取12具正常成人新鲜尸体膝关节标本,在200 N载荷下,测试膝关节屈曲0°,30°,60°,90°位时,内、外侧副韧带中点的应变,后将12具标本的后交叉韧带全部切断再进行相同的测试。 结果与结论:膝屈曲0°和30°位时,后交叉韧带断裂前后内、外侧副韧带中点的应变均为压应变,且差异无显著性意义 (P > 0.05);膝屈曲30°~90°位时,内侧副韧带中点的应变随着角度增加而逐渐增大;膝屈曲60°和90°位时,后交叉韧带断裂后拉应变较断裂前明显增大(P < 0.05),其中内侧副韧带中点的应变均为拉应变,而外侧副韧带中点的应变在后交叉韧带完整情况下膝屈曲60°时为压应变。说明后交叉韧带完全断裂对30°内的膝关节运动无明显影响,但是随着屈曲角度的增加,内、外侧副韧带受到的影响逐渐增大。  相似文献   

Abnormal knee kinematics and sagittal instability after most knee replacements are due in part to deficient anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) function. The guided motion bi-cruciate stabilized knee replacement aspires to stabilize the knee posteriorly and anteriorly by means of a cam-post mechanism. This investigation studies the ACL-stabilizing function of that mechanism in early flexion, and 25 knees that had undergone replacement with this implant were studied. Antero-posterior laxity at 15° flexion was adequately restored for 76% (16/21) of the knees (side-to-side difference <3?mm on KT assessment), and 72% (18/25) knees exhibited a positive pivot shift test. The findings of this study suggest excellent early clinical outcomes for this implant, but the goal of replicating ACL function has only been partially achieved.  相似文献   

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