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分析肝硬化CT门静脉血管成像中门静脉侧支血管的临床表现,以期指导临床。收治的87例肝硬化伴门静脉高压患者实施肝脏CT检查,并对其CT影像重点实施门静脉血管成像,且实施门静脉侧支血管三维图像重建。结果呈胃左静脉曲张、食管下段曲张、胃短/胃后静脉曲张、食管旁静脉曲张、胃/脾-肾静脉分流、附脐静脉及腹壁静脉曲张影像学表现的例数分别为71、45、35、24、18及15例。肝硬化实施门静脉血管CT成像,对肝硬化合并的侧支血管门静脉高压可以得到极佳的影像学揭示效果,故其用于肝硬化及门静脉高压的诊断具有重要的临床价值。  相似文献   

多层螺旋CT门静脉造影诊断肝硬化门静脉高压   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
目的评价门静脉CT血管造影对肝硬化门脉高压患者的诊断价值.方法对43例经临床、肝功能和影像学检查诊断的肝硬化门脉高压患者进行门静脉CT血管成像(CTPV),对门静脉主干、主要属支和侧支循环血管进行显示和测量.结果 43例患者均成功地实施了门静脉CTPV,门静脉主干显示率100%,胃左静脉97.6%,胃短静脉44.2%,食管胃底静脉曲张90.7%,脾/胃肾分流28.7%,脐静脉、腹壁静脉曲张分别为46.5%、44.4%.其中门静脉主干宽度为(13.94±2.47) mm,胃左静脉主干宽度为(5.62±2.40) mm.结论 CTPV可显示肝硬化门脉高压患者的门-体静脉之间侧支循环血管,有助于对门脉高压合并消化道出血患者选择合理治疗方案及进行疗效随访.  相似文献   

目的:探讨门脉高压的CT血管成像表现在临床中的诊断应用价值.方法:搜集16例临床上行64排螺旋CT扫描并确诊为门脉高压的患者,CT检查时行薄层连续容积扫描,所获图像数据送工作站处理,主要使用以最大密度投影(MIP)为主进行任意平面重组成像(MPR)和表面遮盖显示(SSD)三维重建成像.结果:其中肝硬化患者12例,肝癌伴门脉高压2例,胰源性区域性门脉高压症1例,特发性门脉高压1例;门静脉及其属支均有不同程度的增粗扩张,所测门脉主干平均直径为15.4 mm;侧支循环形成,16例中食管下端及贲门胃底静脉均有不同程度曲张,脾肾静脉形成自发分流2例,附脐静脉开放2例.结论:多排螺旋CT血管造影及血管三维重建可清晰显示门脉系统的全面解剖信息,对临床门脉高压的诊断、治疗、评估和随访具有重要指导作用.  相似文献   

目的:应用多层螺旋CT门静脉成像(CTPV)显示肝硬化门静脉高压侧支循环血供的特点及临床意义。方法:对140例门静脉高压患者行CTPV检查,应用MIP、MPR、VR方法显示门静脉系统血管结构和侧支循环,比较肝硬化代偿组、失代偿组之间门静脉、胃左静脉血管宽度的差异。结果:CTPV不仅显示肝内门静脉3~4级分支,还显示了整个门脉侧支血管系统,140例患者中,胃左静脉曲张115例(82.1%),食管下段静脉曲张75例(53.6%),食管周围静脉曲张49例(35%),胃底静脉曲张31例(22.1%),胃短静脉曲张22例(15.8%),脾/胃-肾分流32例(22.7%),附脐静脉伴腹壁静脉曲张38例(27.1%),腹膜后静脉曲张18例(12.9%),门静脉海绵样变25例(17.9%),门静脉与下腔静脉分流3例(2.1%)。代偿组、失代偿组的门静脉直径变化无统计学意义(P>0.05),而胃左静脉宽度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:CTPV作为无创性门脉检查方法,能清晰显示门脉高压门静脉侧支血管开放的部位、范围及程度,对临床治疗方案的选择及疗效的观察有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的比较CT门静脉血管成像(CTP)与内镜诊断肝硬化胃食管静脉曲张的效果,探讨CTP对肝硬化门静脉高压侧支循环血管的显示及其在随访中的价值。方法对2010年1月-2011年12月收治的43例肝硬化患者行多排螺旋CT增强扫描门静脉血管成像,观察胃食管静脉曲张程度,及有无其他侧支开放,并在4周内行内镜检查,了解胃食管静脉曲张的程度。结果 43例患者中有33例经胃镜确诊食管静脉曲张,其中CTP诊断与胃镜相符29例;胃镜诊断胃底静脉曲张14例,其中有12例CTP诊断与之相符;CTP诊断胃食管静脉曲张与内镜有较好的相关性和一致性,但在判断食管静脉曲张部位上与胃镜一致性较差。结论对肝硬化患者可采用CTP进行随访,以评估胃食管静脉曲张出血风险,可减少不必要的内镜随访。  相似文献   

目的探讨多层螺旋CT血管成像(MSCTA)评价肝硬化性及胰源性门脉高压不同侧支循环开放的价值.方法胰源性和肝硬化所引起的门脉高压患者各19例,均进行MSCT检查,并经后处理重建显示二者侧支循环.结果胰源性门脉高压常引起胃网膜右静脉(18/19)和胃冠状静脉曲张(15/19),较少有食管下段静脉曲张(2/19),无脐静脉开放;而肝硬化门脉高压较常见胃冠状静脉(19/19)、食管下段静脉曲张(15/19)和脐静脉开放(9/19),无胃网膜右静脉曲张.结论 MSCTA在诊断及鉴别诊断胰源性和肝硬化所引起的门脉高压不同侧支循环具有重要临床价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨彩超对肝硬化门脉高压侧支循环的检测价值。方法 运用经体表与胃充盈法彩超检测一系列门脉侧支循环血管及血流动力学变化。结果 430例临床确诊的肝硬化患接受彩超检查,检出门脉侧支循环95例共11种.包括门脉内离肝血流、门静脉血流搏动化、脐旁静脉重新开放、胃底贲门区静脉曲张和胃左静脉扩张等。彩超显示扩张血管呈红或蓝色血流伴低速静脉流速曲线。结论 彩超能无创性检测门脉侧支循环血流方向、速度和性质,对肝硬化和门脉高压的诊断及手术方案的选择具有重要价值。  相似文献   

64层螺旋CT门静脉造影对门静脉高压侧支循环的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 评价64层螺旋CT门静脉造影对门静脉高压侧支循环的诊断价值.方法 正常者30例、肝硬化患者27例,行64层螺旋CT门静脉造影检查,容积数据采用最大强度投影法(MIP)、容积再现法(VR)及多平面重组法(MPR)三维重建,观察门静脉高压肝内门静脉、属支及侧支循环的影像学特征.结果 64层螺旋CT 门静脉造影能准确显示侧支循环分布范围、初步评估病变程度;门静脉高压症组门静脉属支管径显著大于正常组(P=0.000);肝功能对于其管径改变无显著影响(P值分别为0.343,0.778、0.367、0.370);脾/胃肾静脉分流的存在对门静脉直径有影响(P=0.000);脾静脉与胃左静脉共同分担门静脉压力及参与胃脾区高压形成,两者直径呈正相关性(r=0.653,P=0.000);64层螺旋CT诊断食管胃底静脉曲张与胃镜诊断有高度一致性(Kappa值为0.832).结论 64层螺旋CT门静脉造影能够多角度、立体观察侧支循环情况,对预测其并发症、于术方案的制定具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

CT 和MR三维血管成像技术对于TIPSS的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨CT血管造影及MR血管造影对门脉高压患者TIPSS治疗的价值。方法 TIPSS术前10例患者进行了三维MR血管造影,2例用MR团注技术测量门脉血流速度。60例进行了三维CT血管造影。所有病例经临床和DSA证实为肝硬化门脉高压,其中,68例行TIPSS治疗。MR血管造影使用西门子1.5T MR机,CT血管造影使用GE High Speed CT/i扫描机。结果 MR血管造影:10例患者均可见门静脉主干及其肝内分支扩张,但其中2例有布加综合征的表现。3例患者可见侧支循环及静脉曲张,表现为胃左静脉丛和左肾静脉曲张、脾肾分流。应用MR“团块追踪”技术测量了2例门脉主干的血流速度,分别为11.8cm/s和10.6cm/s。CT血管造影:准确地显示了60例患者的肝动静脉解剖、门脉主干扩张及其小血管分支,以及19例侧支循环及曲张血管。结论 CT血管造影和MR血管造影是一种无创性的检查方法,可充分显示肝静脉和门静脉解剖及变异,为TIPSS术前提供了重要信息。CT血管造影的空间分辨率优于MR血管造影。  相似文献   

目的 应用多排螺旋CT门静脉成像技术研究胰源性门静脉高压症的侧支循环特点.方法 回顾性分析72例胰源性门静脉高压症的多排螺旋CT门静脉成像图像,研究其胃静脉曲张的部位、形态及侧支循环特点.结果 胰源性门静脉高压症胃静脉曲张以孤立型胃静脉曲张多见(88.89%),形态为多纡曲状(88.89%),胃周静脉以胃网膜静脉曲张为特征(100%).结论 胰源性门静脉高压症在多排螺旋CT门静脉成像上可表现出相应的特征,具有很好的诊断和鉴别诊断价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨MSCTA评价肝硬化肝脏血管的异常改变及侧支循环形成的价值。 方法 对168例肝硬化患者(肝硬化组)及120例无肝硬化的患者(对照组)行肝区三期MSCTA,应用MIP和VR进行重建,并对获得的图像进行对照分析。 结果 肝硬化组和对照组门静脉1级和肝静脉1级血管的显示差异无统计学意义(P分别为0.51、0.08),肝动脉、门静脉、肝静脉分级显示差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。肝硬化组肝动脉、门静脉起始部增粗85例,分支纤细、纡曲98例,门静脉癌栓形成9例,海绵变性8例,肝动脉持续显影55例、门静脉持续显影57例;对照组3例肝动脉、门静脉起始部增粗,2例分支纤细、纡曲,4例肝动脉持续显影,3例门静脉持续显影。肝硬化组交通支开放总数258支,其中食管胃底静脉曲张196例(196/258,75.97%),对照组仅2例见腹膜后分流。 结论 64排CT三期血管成像可准确、全面显示肝 硬化血管的异常改变及门体分流,尤其能较早、较全面地显示食管胃底静脉曲张,为临床提供更多可靠的诊断和治疗依据。  相似文献   

Background: There are no reports regarding entire gastric fundic and esophageal varices evaluated with 64-row multidetector CT (MDCT). We attempt to clarify the feasibility of portal venography with this scanner in evaluation of these varices. Methods: A total of 33 patients, with clinically confirmed gastric fundic and esophageal varices secondary to posthepatitic cirrhosis, underwent thoracicoabdominal triphasic enhancement scans using 64-row MDCT along with conventional angiographic portography. CT portography and conventional portography were compared by statistical agreement to determine whether CT maximum intensity projection (CT-MIP) portography is useful in evaluation of entire gastric fundic and esophageal varices. Results: CT-MIP portography demonstrated gastric fundic and esophageal varices, and the inflowing and outflowing vessels of the varices. Gastric fundic varices were shown in 32 cases (97.0%), and esophageal varices were in 27 (81.8%). The inflowing vessels including the left gastric vein and posterior gastric vein/short gastric vein were illustrated in 31 (94.0%) and 17 (51.5%) cases, respectively. The outflowing vessels including the azygos vein, hemiazygos vein, and gastro-renal shunts were seen in 30 (90.9%), 8 (24.2%), and 12 (36.4%) cases, respectively. Findings of CT-MIP portography and conventional angiographic portography were in close agreement (Kappa value ranged from 0.621 to 1.000). Conclusion: CT-MIP venography with 64-row MDCT could be considered as a method for detecting entire gastric fundic and esophageal varices developed from posthepatitic cirrhosis.  相似文献   



Portosystemic collateral vessels (PSCV) are a consequence of the portal hypertension that occurs in chronic liver diseases. Their prognosis is strongly marked by the risk of digestive hemorrhage and hepatic encephalopathy.

Materials and methods

CT was performed with a 16-MDCT scanner. Maximum intensity projection and volume rendering were systematically performed on a workstation to analyze PSCV.


We describe the PSCV according to their drainage into either the superior or the inferior vena cava. In the superior vena cave group, we found gastric veins, gastric varices, esophageal, and para-esophageal varices. In the inferior vena cava group, the possible PSCV are numerous, with different sub groups: gastro and spleno renal shunts, paraumbilical and abdominal wall veins, retroperitoneal shunts, mesenteric varices, gallbladder varices, and omental collateral vessels. Regarding clinical consequences esophageal and gastric varices are most frequently involved in digestive bleeding; splenorenal shunts often lead to hepatic encephalopathy; the paraumbilical vein is an acceptable derivation pathway for natural decompression of the portal system.


Knowledge of precise cartography of PSCV is essential to therapeutic decisions. MDCT is the best way to understand and describe the different types of PSCV.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of color Doppler sonography in the detection of spontaneous portosystemic shunts and abnormal blood flow direction in the portal vein in patients with cirrhosis. METHODS: Patients were 67 men and 42 women (mean age, 53 +/- 14 years) with cirrhosis confirmed by liver biopsy. All patients underwent abdominal gray-scale and color Doppler sonographic evaluations to detect the presence of spontaneous portosystemic shunts and to analyze portal vein blood flow direction. RESULTS: Spontaneous portosystemic shunts were found in 41 patients (38%), most often as splenorenal shunts (21%) and patent umbilical veins (14%). Less frequent were gastric collaterals, gallbladder varices, collaterals to thrombotic portal veins, mesoiliac shunts, and portorenal shunts to the right kidney. The presence of shunts was associated with that of esophageal varices (p < 0.01), ascites (p < 0.01), and inversion of portal flow (p < 0. 001) but not with splenomegaly. The direction of portal venous flow was normal (hepatopetal) in 80 patients (73%), hepatofugal in 10 (9%), and bidirectional in 7 (6%); 12 patients (11%) had partial portal vein thrombosis. CONCLUSIONS: Portosystemic shunts and the direction of portal venous flow are important features in the sonographic diagnosis of portal hypertension.  相似文献   

目的 探索多层螺旋CT血管造影(MSCTA)在胰源性区域性门静脉高压症(PSPH)的诊断价值.方法 对38例PSPH 患者行全腹部CT 平扫及增强扫描,进行血管重建,分析脾静脉闭塞后侧支循环血管开放及曲张情况.结果 38 例PSPH 均表现为脾静脉闭塞.胃冠状静脉(GCV)未受累及32例中,胃短静脉(GSV)25例、胃冠状静脉(GCV)30 例、胃网膜静脉(GEV)25 例、胃结肠干(GCT)20 例;GCV受累及6例中,均出现GCV、GSV、GEV曲张.结论 MSCTA 能清晰显示PSPH 中脾静脉狭窄阻塞及侧支循环情况.  相似文献   

Background To review various portosystemic shunts (PS) and to evaluate their prevalence by CT during arterial portography (CTAP) using a multidetector-row CT (MDCT). Methods CTAP of 116 patients (liver cirrhosis 70 patients, non-liver cirrhosis 46 patients) was retrospectively reviewed. CTAP was performed with the catheter placed in the superior mesenteric artery using MDCT. Axial CT images of 0.625- and 3.75- or 2.5-mm thickness were obtained. Multiplanar reformation images and maximum intensity projection images were subjected to review. Results A part of the veins in the ileocecal region drained into the right renal vein or the inferior vena cava (IVC) via the right gonadal vein in 57 patients (81%). A part of the veins of the ascending colon drained via the right renal capsular vein into the IVC in 37 patients (53%). In 46 patients without liver cirrhosis, the right gonadal and right renal capsular veins were opacified on CTAP in 22 patients (48%) and 20 patients (43%), respectively. Conclusions Portosystemic shunts in retroperitoneum were frequently recognized on CTAP images in patients with liver cirrhosis. The right gonadal vein and the right renal capsular vein were the most frequent routes of the portosystemic shunts. They may exist in physiological condition.  相似文献   

Song B  Min P  Oudkerk M  Zhou X  Ge Y  Xu J  Chen W  Chen X 《Abdominal imaging》2000,25(4):385-393
Background: We investigated the constituting collateral vessels in cavernous transformation of the portal vein (CTPV) caused by tumor thrombosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by using contrast-enhanced spiral computed tomographic (CT) examination. Methods: Fifty-four histopathologically proven HCC patients with tumor thrombosis-induced CTPV were retrospectively included and assigned to cirrhosis negative (n= 31) and positive (n= 23) groups. Another 15 cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension but no HCC and CTPV were used for comparison. Standardized dual-phase contrast-enhanced spiral CT was performed for all patients. CT appearances of the collateral vessels of CTPV were observed, and their visualization rates were analyzed. Results: Biliary (cystic and paracholedochal veins) and gastric (left and right gastric veins) branches of the portal vein were the most frequently visualized collateral vessels of CTPV. There was a marked difference in CT visualization rates for biliary branches between patients with and without CTPV (83–94% vs. 0). No difference existed in visualization rates for gastric branches across the three groups (77–87% for left gastric, 58–61% for right gastric vein). Conclusions: Biliary and gastric branches of the portal vein are the major collateral vessels of CTPV. The intergroup differences in CT visualization rates may provide clues to the roles that they might play in the hemodynamic adaptation process of CTPV. Received: 13 October 1999/Accepted: 12 January 2000  相似文献   

Seven cases of unusual spontaneous portosystemic shunts observed by ultrasonography in the last 8 months are reported, including cases of coronary vein varicocele and patent umbilical vein; two cases of spleno-retroperitoneal anastomosis; omphalo-ilio-caval anastomosis; superior mesenteric vein-inferior vena cava anastomosis; spleno-renal anastomosis; and spleno-portal anastomosis and anastomosis from the splenic vein to the abdominal wall. One of these collateral vessels was also analyzed by pulsed Doppler flowmetry. The patients were either cirrhotic or had pre-hepatic portal hypertension (resulting from chronic pancreatitis) and gave no history of gastrointestinal bleeding or ascites. Two of these patients had previously undergone surgery for problems associated with cholestasis. In both cases, presurgical sonographic studies were used to guide the surgical procedures in the hope of preserving the anomalous connections. Furthermore, ultrasound detection of spontaneous portosystemic shunts was an important factor in interpreting the clinical symptoms of these patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDIntrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt (IPSVS) is a rare hepatic disease with different clinical manifestations. Most IPSVS patients with mild shunts are asymptomatic, while the patients with severe shunts present complications such as hepatic encephalopathy. For patients with portal hypertension accompanied by intrahepatic shunt, portal hypertension may lead to hemodynamic changes that may result in exacerbated portal shunt and increased shunt flow.CASE SUMMARYA 57-year-old man, with the medical history of chronic hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis, was admitted to our hospital with abnormal behavior for 10 mo. He had received the esophageal varices ligation and entecavir therapy 1 year ago. Comparing with former examination results, the degree of esophageal varices was significantly reduced, while the right branch of the portal vein was significantly expanded and tortuous. Meanwhile, abdominal ultrasound presented the right posterior branch of portal vein connected with the retrohepatic inferior vena cava. The imaging findings indicated the diagnosis of IPSVS and hepatic encephalopathy. Instead of radiologic interventions or surgical therapies, this patient had only accepted symptomatic treatment. No recurrence of hepatic encephalopathy was observed during 1-year follow-up.CONCLUSIONHemodynamic changes may exacerbate intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. The intervention or surgery should be carefully applied to patients with severe portal hypertension due to the risk of hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Color Doppler flow imaging was performed in 121 patients with portal hypertension. Portosystemic collateral shunts originating from the left portal veins were seen in 41 of the patients. A single collateral shunt was seen in 27 of these, and multiple collateral shunts were seen in the other 14. Collateral shunts running in the ligamentum teres were seen in 26 of the 41 patients; the veins ran through the liver parenchyma in 25 of these. B-mode ultrasound imaging could not clearly demonstrate vascular structures in 55% of the collateral shunts. Color Doppler flow imaging provided a clear picture of the course of the portosystemic collateral shunts originating from the left portal vein.  相似文献   

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