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The superior colliculus (SC), via its projections to the pons, is a critical structure for driving rapid orienting movements of the visual axis, called gaze saccades, composed of coordinated eye-head movements. The SC contains a motor map that encodes small saccade vectors rostrally and large ones caudally. A zone in the rostral pole may have a different function. It contains superior colliculus fixation neurons (SCFNs) with probable projections to omnipause neurons (OPNs) of the pons. SCFNs and OPNs discharge tonically during visual fixation and pause during single-step gaze saccades. The OPN tonic discharge inhibits saccades and its cessation (pause) permits saccade generation. We have proposed that SCFNs control the OPN discharge. We compared the discharges of SCFNs and OPNs recorded while cats oriented horizontally, to the left and right, in the dark to a remembered target. Cats used multiple-step gaze shifts composed of a series of small gaze saccades, of variable amplitude and number, separated by periods of variable duration (plateaus) in which gaze was immobile or moving at low velocity (<25 degrees /s). Just after contralaterally (ipsilaterally) presented targets, the firing frequency of SCFNs decreased to almost zero (remained constant at background). As multiple-step gaze shifts progressed in either direction in the dark, these activity levels prevailed until the distance between gaze and target [gaze position error (GPE)] reached approximately 16 degrees. At this point, firing frequency gradually increased, without saccade-related pauses, until a maximum was reached when gaze arrived on target location (GPE = 0 degrees). SCFN firing frequency encoded GPE; activity was not correlated to characteristics or occurrence of gaze saccades. By comparison, after target presentation to left or right, OPN activity remained steady at pretarget background until first gaze saccade onset, during which activity paused. During the first plateau, activity resumed at a level lower than background and continued at this level during subsequent plateaus until GPE approximately 8 degrees was reached. As GPE decreased further, tonic activity during plateaus gradually increased until a maximum (greater than background) was reached when gaze was on goal (GPE = 0 degrees). OPNs, like SCFNs, encoded GPE, but they paused during every gaze saccade, thereby revealing, unlike for SCFNs, strong coupling to motor events. The firing frequency increase in SCFNs as GPE decreased, irrespective of trajectory characteristics, implies these cells get feedback on GPE, which they may communicate to OPNs. We hypothesize that at the end of a gaze-step sequence, impulses from SCFNs onto OPNs may suppress further movements away from the target.  相似文献   

Pontine omnipause neurons (OPNs) are inhibitory neurons projecting to saccade-related premotor burst neurons. OPNs exhibit sustained discharge during fixations and cease firing before and during saccades. The pause in OPN discharge releases the burst neurons from tonic inhibition, resulting in generation of saccadic eye movements. OPNs are thought to receive two major inhibitory inputs during saccades: an early component that determines the pause onset and a late component that controls the pause duration. Although there is evidence that numerous glycinergic and GABAergic terminals contact OPNs, their physiological roles remain unclear. To reveal functions of glycinergic and GABAergic inputs, we investigated effects of iontophoretic application of strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, and bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, on discharge patterns of OPNs in alert cats. Application of strychnine reduced the ratio of pause duration to saccade duration. Analysis of the timing of pause relative to saccades showed that pause onset was delayed and pause end was advanced. These effects were observed for saccades in all directions. Application of bicuculline, in contrast, had no effect on the OPN pause duration or timing. Both strychnine and bicuculline increased tonic firing rate during intersaccadic intervals. These results suggest that glycinergic, but not GABAergic, afferents convey inhibitory signals that determine the onset as well as duration of pause in OPN activity during saccades.  相似文献   

Omnidirectional pause neurons (OPNs) pause for the duration of a saccade in all directions because they are part of the neural mechanism that controls saccade duration. In the natural situation, however, large saccades are accompanied by head movements to produce rapid gaze shifts. To determine whether OPNs are part of the mechanism that controls the whole gaze shift rather than the eye saccade alone, we monitored the activity of 44 OPNs that paused for rightward and leftward gaze shifts but otherwise discharged at relatively constant average rates. Pause duration was well correlated with the duration of either eye or gaze movement but poorly correlated with the duration of head movement. The time of pause onset was aligned tightly with the onset of either eye or gaze movement but only loosely aligned with the onset of head movement. These data suggest that the OPN pause does not encode the duration of head movement. Further, the end of the OPN pause was often better aligned with the end of the eye movement than with the end of the gaze movement for individual gaze shifts. For most gaze shifts, the eye component ended with an immediate counterrotation owing to the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR), and gaze ended at variable times thereafter. In those gaze shifts where eye counterrotation was delayed, the end of the pause also was delayed. Taken together, these data suggest that the end of the pause influences the onset of eye counterrotation, not the end of the gaze shift. We suggest that OPN neurons act to control only that portion of the gaze movement that is commanded by the eye burst generator. This command is expressed by driving the saccadic eye movement directly and also by suppressing VOR eye counterrotation. Because gaze end is less well correlated with pause end and often occurs well after counterrotation onset, we conclude that elements of the burst generator typically are not active till gaze end, and that gaze end is determined by another mechanism independent of the OPNs.  相似文献   

Stimulation of the rostral approximately 2 mm of the superior colliculus (SC) during a large, visual target-initiated saccade produces a spatial deviation of the ongoing saccade and then stops it in midflight. After the termination of the stimulation, the saccade resumes and ends near the location of the flashed target. The density of collicular projections to the omnipause neuron (OPN) region is greatest from the rostral SC and decreases gradually for the more caudal regions. It has been hypothesized that the microstimulation excites the OPNs through these direct connections, and the reactivation of OPNs, which are normally silent during saccades, stops the initial component in midflight by gating off the saccadic burst generator. Two predictions emerge from this hypothesis: 1) for microstimulation triggered on the onset of large saccades, the time from stimulation onset to resumption of OPN discharge should decrease as the stimulation site is moved rostral and 2) the lead time from reactivation of OPNs to the end of the initial saccade on stimulation trials should be equal to the lead time of pause end with respect to the end of control saccades. We tested this hypothesis by recording OPN activity during saccades perturbed by stimulation of the rostral approximately 2 mm of the SC. The distance of the stimulation site from the most rostral extent of the SC and the time of reactivation with respect to stimulation onset were not significantly correlated. The mean lead of reactivation of OPNs relative to the end of the initial component of perturbed saccades (6.5 ms) was significantly less than the mean lead with respect to the end of control (9.6 ms) and resumed saccades (10.4 ms). These results do not support the notion that the excitatory input from SC neurons-in particular, the fixation neurons in the rostral SC-provide the major signal to reactivate OPNs and end saccades. An alternative, conceptual model to explain the temporal sequence of events induced by stimulation of the SC during large saccades is presented. Other OPN activity parameters also were measured and compared for control and stimulation conditions. The onset of pause with respect to resumed saccade onset was larger and more variable than the onset of pause with respect to control saccades, whereas pause end with respect to the end of resumed and control saccades was similar. The reactivated discharge of OPNs during the period between the end of the initial and the onset of the resumed saccades was at least as strong as that following control movements. This latter observation is interpreted in terms of the resettable neural integrator hypothesis.  相似文献   

Previous reports have shown that saccades executed during vergence eye movements are often slower and longer than conjugate saccades. Lesions in the nucleus raphe interpositus, where pontine omnipause neurons (OPNs) are located, were also shown to result in slower and longer saccades. If vergence transiently suppresses the activity of the OPNs just before a saccade, then reduced presaccadic activity might mimic the behavioral effects of a lesion. To test this hypothesis, 64 OPNs were recorded from 7 alert rhesus monkeys during smooth vergence and saccades with and without vergence. The firing rate of many OPNs was modulated by static vergence angle but not by version and showed transient changes during slow vergence without saccades. This modulation was smooth, and not the abrupt pause seen for saccades, indicating that OPNs do not act as gates for vergence commands. We confirmed that saccades made during both convergence and divergence are significantly slower and longer than conjugate saccades. OPNs paused for all saccades, and the pause lead (interval between pause onset and saccadic onset) was significantly longer for saccades with convergence, in agreement with our hypothesis. Contrary to our hypothesis, pause lead was not longer for saccades with divergence, even though these saccades were slowed as much as those occurring during convergence. Furthermore, there was no significant correlation, on a trial-by-trial basis, between pause lead and saccadic slowing. These results suggest that it is unlikely that presaccadic slowing of OPNs is responsible for the slower saccades seen during vergence movements.  相似文献   

Omnipause neurons (OPNs) are midline pontine neurons that are thought to control a number of oculomotor behaviors, especially saccades. Intracellular recordings were made from OPNs in alert cats to elucidate saccade-associated postsynaptic events in OPNs and thereby determine what patterns of afferent discharge impinge on OPNs to cause their saccadic inhibition. The membrane potential of impaled OPNs exhibited steep hyperpolarization before each saccade that lasted for the whole period of the saccade. The hyperpolarization was reversed to depolarization by intracellular injection of Cl- ions, indicating it consisted of temporal summation of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs). The duration of the saccade-related hyperpolarization was almost equal to the duration of the concurrent saccades. The time course of the hyperpolarization was similar to that of the radial eye velocity except for the initial phase. During the falling phase of eye velocity, the correlation between the instantaneous amplitude of hyperpolarization and the instantaneous eye velocity was highly significant. The amplitude of hyperpolarization at the eye velocity peak was correlated significantly with the peak eye velocity. The time integral of the hyperpolarization was correlated with the radial amplitude of saccades. The initial phase disparity between the hyperpolarization and eye velocity was due to the relative constancy of peak time (approximately 20 ms) of the initial steep hyperpolarization regardless of the later potential profile that covaried with the eye velocity. The initial steep hyperpolarization led the beginning of saccades by 15.9 +/- 3.8 (SD) ms, which is longer than the lead time for medium-lead burst neurons. These results demonstrate that the pause of activity in OPNs is caused by IPSPs initiated by an abrupt, intense input and maintained, for the whole duration of the saccade, by afferents conveying eye velocity signals. We suggest that the initial sudden inhibition originates from central structures such as the superior colliculus and frontal eye fields and that the eye velocity-related inhibition originates from the burst generator in the brain stem.  相似文献   

Summary Studies undertaken in head-restrained animals have long implicated the omnipause neurons (OPNs) in the initiation of saccadic eye movements. These inhibitory neurons discharge tonically but cease firing just before and during saccades in all directions. By recording from OPNs in alert behaving head-unrestrained cats, we have demonstrated that the activity of these cells is related to the displacement of the visual axis in space (gaze), which is the sum of the eye movement relative to the head and head movement relative to space. OPNs were found to exhibit a complete cessation of discharge for a period equivalent to the duration of the gaze shift, and not to the duration of either the rapid eye movement or the head movement components. In large gaze shifts, OPNs were silent even when the eye was immobile in the orbit, as long as the gaze shift was not completed. The results of this study show that OPNs are controlled by neural elements that take into account the actual position of the visual axis relative to its final desired position, irrespective of the trajectory of the eye in the orbit or of whether the head is moving or not.  相似文献   

Such perisaccadic mislocalization is maximal in the direction of the saccade and varies systematically with the target-saccade onset delay. We have recently shown that under head-fixed conditions perisaccadic errors do not follow the quantitative predictions of current visuomotor models that explain these mislocalizations in terms of spatial updating. These models all assume sluggish eye-movement feedback and therefore predict that errors should vary systematically with the amplitude and kinematics of the intervening saccade. Instead, we reported that errors depend only weakly on the saccade amplitude. An alternative explanation for the data is that around the saccade the perceived target location undergoes a uniform transient shift in the saccade direction, but that the oculomotor feedback is, on average, accurate. This "visual shift" hypothesis predicts that errors will also remain insensitive to kinematic variability within much larger head-free gaze shifts. Here we test this prediction by presenting a brief visual probe near the onset of gaze saccades between 40 and 70° amplitude. According to models with inaccurate gaze-motor feedback, the expected perisaccadic errors for such gaze shifts should be as large as 30° and depend heavily on the kinematics of the gaze shift. In contrast, we found that the actual peak errors were similar to those reported for much smaller saccadic eye movements, i.e., on average about 10°, and that neither gaze-shift amplitude nor kinematics plays a systematic role. Our data further corroborate the visual origin of perisaccadic mislocalization under open-loop conditions and strengthen the idea that efferent feedback signals in the gaze-control system are fast and accurate.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that saccades are guided to their targets by means of a motor error signal, which is produced by a local feedback circuit that calculates the difference between desired saccadic amplitude and an internal copy of actual saccadic amplitude. Although the superior colliculus (SC) is thought to provide the desired saccadic amplitude signal, it is unclear whether the SC resides in the feedback loop. To test this possibility, we injected muscimol into the brain stem region containing omnipause neurons (OPNs) to slow saccades and then determined whether the firing of neurons at different sites in the SC was altered. In 14 experiments, we produced saccadic slowing while simultaneously recording the activity of a single SC neuron. Eleven of the 14 neurons were saccade-related burst neurons (SRBNs), which discharged their most vigorous burst for saccades with an optimal amplitude and direction (optimal vector). The optimal directions for the 11 SRBNs ranged from nearly horizontal to nearly vertical, with optimal amplitudes between 4 and 17 degrees. Although muscimol injections into the OPN region produced little change in the optimal vector, they did increase mean saccade duration by 25 to 192.8% and decrease mean saccade peak velocity by 20.5 to 69.8%. For optimal vector saccades, both the acceleration and deceleration phases increased in duration. However, during 10 of 14 experiments, the duration of deceleration increased as fast as or faster than that of acceleration as saccade duration increased, indicating that most of the increase in duration occurred during the deceleration phase. SRBNs in the SC changed their burst duration and firing rate concomitantly with changes in saccadic duration and velocity, respectively. All SRBNs showed a robust increase in burst duration as saccadic duration increased. Five of 11 SRBNs also exhibited a decrease in burst peak firing rate as saccadic velocity decreased. On average across the neurons, the number of spikes in the burst was constant. There was no consistent change in the discharge of the three SC neurons that did not exhibit bursts with saccades. Our data show that the SC receives feedback from downstream saccade-related neurons about the ongoing saccades. However, the changes in SC firing produced in our study do not suggest that the feedback is involved with producing motor error. Instead, the feedback seems to be involved with regulating the duration of the discharge of SRBNs so that the desired saccadic amplitude signal remains present throughout the saccade.  相似文献   

Neurons in the rostral superior colliculus (SC) of alert cats exhibit quasi-sustained discharge patterns related to the fixation of visual targets. Because some SC neurons also respond to auditory stimuli, we investigated whether there is a population of neurons in the rostral SC which is active in relation to fixation of both auditory and visual targets. We identified cells which were active with visual fixation and which continued to discharge if the fixation stimulus was briefly extinguished. The population of neurons exhibited similar discharge characteristics when the fixation stimulus was auditory. Few neurons were significantly more active during fixation of visual targets than during fixation of auditory targets. Most fixation neurons showed a diminished discharge rate during spontaneous (self-generated) saccadic eye movements away from a visual fixation stimulus, regardless of the direction of the saccade. this diminished discharge rate (or pause) typically began, on average, 12.2 ms before saccade onset and the duration of the pause was Ionger than the duration of the saccade. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that increased discharge of these neurons is related to active fixation and that reductions in their activity are important for the generation of saccades. However, the lack of a precise relationship between pause duration and saccade duration implies that these neurons would be unlikely to project directly to the saccadic burst generator. The mean interval from the beginning of the pauses of fixation neurons to be beginning of the saccades away from fixation targets is also shorter than has been found in brainstem omnipause neurons. By analogy with the concept of a receptive field, agaze position error field depicts the range of gaze position error for which a cell is active. Although fixation neurons appear to encode the magnitude and direction of the error between visual targets and the visual axis, visual error fields at the end of fixating eye movements were significantly larger than those at stimulus onset. For auditory stimuli, this difference was not significant. These observations are compatible with a number of recent experiments indicating that neural signals of eye position are damped or delayed with respect to current eye position.  相似文献   

Most behavioral studies indicate that the efficacy (gain) of the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) in primates is modulated during the voluntary head movements that accompany large shifts in the direction of gaze. However, the timing and degree of this modulation is the subject of some debate. The neurophysiological substrate for this apparent gain reduction has been sought in the behavior of the type I position vestibular pause (PVP) neuron, a well-known type of interneuron in the direct VOR pathway. With the head fixed, PVPs increase their firing rates with contraversive eye position and with ipsiversive passive head rotation and also cease firing (pause) for the duration of ipsiversive saccades. During head-free ipsiversive gaze shifts, the eyes and head move in the same direction. If the vestibular signal carried by PVPs provides the primary drive for the VOR, the vestibular signal should be present during ipsiversive gaze shifts to the degree that the VOR is present. Of 25 type I PVPs recorded, 21 ceased their discharge for the entire duration of the rapid, eye-saccade component of an ipsiversive gaze shift. The resumption of activity occurred, on average, 13 ms after the end of the saccade. These results suggest that the activity of the vast majority of PVP neurons do not reflect the state of the VOR, but rather PVPs are completely eliminated from participation in the reflex during head-free gaze movements. We conclude that if any modulation of the VOR does exist, it must occur through other, probably longer-latency, pathways.  相似文献   

The premotor pathways subserving saccades and smooth-pursuit eye movements are usually thought to be different. Indeed, saccade and smooth-pursuit eye movements have different dynamics and functions. In particular, a group of midline cells in the pons called omnipause neurons (OPNs) are considered to be part of the saccadic system only. It has been established that OPNs keep premotor neurons for saccades under constant inhibition during fixation periods. Saccades occur only when the activity of OPNs has completely stopped or paused. Accordingly, electrical stimulation in the region of OPNs inhibits premotor neurons and interrupts saccades. The premotor relay for smooth pursuit is thought to be organized differently and omnipause neurons are not supposed to be involved in smooth-pursuit eye movements. To investigate this supposition, OPNs were recorded during saccades and during smooth pursuit in the monkey (Macaca mulatta). Unexpectedly, we found that neuronal activity of OPNs decreased during smooth pursuit. The resulting activity reduction reached statistical significance in approximately 50% of OPNs recorded during pursuit of a target moving at 40 degrees /s. On average, activity was reduced by 34% but never completely stopped or paused. The onset of activity reduction coincided with the onset of smooth pursuit. The duration of activity reduction was correlated with pursuit duration and its intensity was correlated with eye velocity. Activity reduction was observed even in the absence of catch-up saccades that frequently occur during pursuit. Electrical microstimulation in the OPNs' area induced a strong deceleration of the eye during smooth pursuit. These results suggest that OPNs form an inhibitory mechanism that could control the time course of smooth pursuit. This inhibitory mechanism is part of the fixation system and is probably needed to avoid reflexive eye movements toward targets that are not purposefully selected. This study shows that saccades and smooth pursuit, although they are different kinds of eye movements, are controlled by the same inhibitory system.  相似文献   

Saccade-related Purkinje cells (PCs) were recorded in the oculomotor vermis (lobules VI, VII) during spontaneous eye movements and fast phases of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus in the light and darkness, from two macaque monkeys. All neurons (n=46) were spontaneously active and exhibited a saccade-related change of activity with all saccades and fast phases of nystagmus. Four types of neurons were found: most neurons (n=31) exhibited a saccade-related burst of activity only (VBN); other units (n=7) showed a burst of activity with a subsequent pause (VBPN); some of the units (n=5) paused in relation to the saccadic eye movement (pause units,VPN); a few PCs (n=3) showed a burst of activity in one direction and a pause of activity in the opposite direction. For all neurons, burst activity varied considerably for similar saccades. There were no activity differences between spontaneous saccades and vestibular or optokinetically elicited fast phases of nystagmus. The activity before, during, and after horizontal saccades was quantitatively analyzed. For 24 burst PCs (VBN, VBPN), the burst started before saccade onset in one horizontal direction (preferred direction), on average by 15.3 ms (range 27-5 ms). For all these neurons, burst activity started later in the opposite (non-preferred) direction, on average 4.9 ms (range 20 to -12 ms, P<0.01) before saccade onset. The preferred direction could be either with ipsilateral (42% of neurons) or contralateral (58%) saccades. Nine burst PCs had similar latencies and burst patterns in both horizontal directions. The onset of burst activity of a minority of PCs (n=5) lagged saccade onset in all directions. The pause for VBPN neurons started after the end of the saccade and reached a minimum of activity some 40–50 ms after saccade completion. For all saccades and quick phases of nystagmus, burst duration increased with saccade duration. Peak burst activity was not correlated with saccade amplitude or peak eye velocity. PCs continued to show saccade-related burst activity in the dark. However, in 59% of the PCs (VBN, VBPN), peak burst activity was significantly reduced in the dark (on average 28%, range 15–36%) when saccades with the same amplitude (but longer duration in the dark) were compared. For VBP neurons, the pause component after the saccade disappeared in the dark. The difference in peak burst activity (light vs darkness) is similar to that seen for saccade-related neurons in the fastigial oculomotor region (FOR, the structure receiving direct input from vermal PCs) and suggests that the oculomotor vermis also might affect saccade acceleration and/or deceleration. The findings indicate that in the oculomotor vermis — in contrast to the FOR — several different types of saccade-related neurons (PCs) are found. However, the vast majority of PCs behave qualitatively similar to FOR neurons with regard to the burst activity pattern and a direction-specific burst activity onset starting well before saccade onset. This latency will allow these neurons to influence the initiation of saccades in the saccadic brainstem generator through multisynaptic pathways. At present, it has to be determined how (saccade-related) PC activity determines FOR activity.  相似文献   

Saccade-related burst neurons were recorded in the caudal part of the fastigial nucleus (fastigial oculomotor region) during spontaneous eye movements and fast phases of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus in light and darkness from three macaque monkeys. All neurons (n=47) were spontaneously active and exhibited a burst of activity with each saccade and fast phase of nystagmus. Most neurons (n=31) only exhibited a burst of activity, whereas those remaining also exhibited a pause in firing rate before or after the burst. Burst parameters varied considerably for similar saccades. For horizontal saccades all neurons, except for three, had a preferred direction with an earlier onset of burst activity to the contralateral side. For contralateral saccades the burst started on average 17.5 ms before saccade onset, whereas the average lead-time for ipsilateral saccades was only 6.5 ms. Three neurons were classified as isotropic with similar latencies and peak burst activity in all directions. None of the neurons had a preferred direction with an earlier onset of burst activity to the ipsilateral side. Burst duration increased with saccade amplitude, whereas peak burst activity was not correlated with amplitude. There was no relationship between peak burst activity and peak eye velocity. In the dark, neurons generally continued to burst with each saccade and fast phase of nystagmus. Burst for saccades in the dark was compared with burst for saccades of similar amplitude and direction in the light. Saccades in the dark had a longer duration and peak burst activity was reduced on average to 62% (range 36–105%). In three neurons a burst in the dark was no longer clearly distinguishable above the ongoing spontaneous activity. These data suggest that the saccade-related burst neurons in the FOR modify saccadic profiles by directly influencing acceleration and deceleration, respectively, of individual eye movements. This could be achieved by an input to the inhibitory and excitatory burst neurons of the saccadic burst generator in the brainstem. From neuroanatomical studies it is known that FOR neurons project directly to the brainstem regions containing the immediate premotor structures for saccade generation.  相似文献   

Natural movements often include actions integrated across multiple effectors. Coordinated eye-head movements are driven by a command to shift the line of sight by a desired displacement vector. Yet because extraocular and neck motoneurons are separate entities, the gaze shift command must be separated into independent signals for eye and head movement control. We report that this separation occurs, at least partially, at or before the level of pontine omnipause neurons (OPNs). Stimulation of the OPNs prior to and during gaze shifts temporally decoupled the eye and head components by inhibiting gaze and eye saccades. In contrast, head movements were consistently initiated before gaze onset, and ongoing head movements continued along their trajectories, albeit with some characteristic modulations. After stimulation offset, a gaze shift composed of an eye saccade, and a reaccelerated head movement was produced to preserve gaze accuracy. We conclude that signals subject to OPN inhibition produce the eye-movement component of a coordinated eye-head gaze shift and are not the only signals involved in the generation of the head component of the gaze shift.  相似文献   

Summary Centrifugal projections to several sensory systems modulate the afferent activity during active behaviors. To see whether such modulation occurred in the visual system, we recorded the activity of isthmo-optic neurons in awake chickens during eye movements. We find that the discharge of all isthmo-optic neurons tends to stop during saccades, although every neuron does not pause for every saccade. The pause begins at approximately the same time as the saccade, and pause duration is correlated with saccade duration. Pausing during saccades occurs in both dark and light suggesting that it is motoric rather that visual in origin. In addition, we find that the spontaneous activity of isthmo-optic neurons increases in darkness. We discuss the significance of the saccadic modulation of isthmo-optic activity in terms of possible functions of the centrifugal projection in modulation of ganglion cell activity.  相似文献   

The region in and around the thalamic internal medullary lamina (IML) in the cat recently has been shown to contain neurons active with ocular saccades and responding to visual stimuli. In the present study, single-unit microelectrode recordings were made in the corresponding thalamic region of the alert monkey in order to determine whether neurons with similar properties existed. Our objective was to specify the functional characteristics of these thalamic cells in the monkey, since 1) cell populations in the central thalamus form an important link between brain stem structures, such as superior colliculus and paramedian pontine reticular formation, and cortical areas, such as frontal eye field and inferior parietal lobule; and 2) most neurophysiological information on these structures with regard to gaze mechanisms has been obtained in primates. In this first part of the study we report observations on 164 thalamic units whose activity was related to the performance of spontaneous eye movements, head fixed. The animals had been trained on a visual discrimination task but photic stimuli were used only for calibrating the eye-position recording and for inducing small saccades and smooth pursuit. The experiments were performed in dim red light and in total darkness. Three types of units were found: 67 saccadic burst units, 58 saccade pause-rebound units, and 39 eye-position units. Sixty-two of the burst units had a directional preference. Most of the on-directions were contraversive, and it was in such units that the lead time of firing before saccades was the longest (up to at least 400 ms). Some of the burst units had a movement field, others fired more intensively and with a longer lead time, depending on the eccentricity of the eye position reached in orbit. The five units with no directional preference were the ones showing the best relation of burst duration with saccade duration. Three types of pause-rebound units were distinguished, depending on whether the saccadic pause or the postsaccadic burst was the most conspicuous event or the pause occurred after saccade offset. The three types were called, respectively, omnipausers, omnirebound cells, and late pausers. Omnipausers and omnirebound cells had no directional preference but their typical firing patterns occurred very consistently with all saccades, even less than 2 degrees. In a few units, the rebound progressively faded away in total darkness. The relation of firing rate of eye-position units with eccentricity of the eyes in orbit was analyzed. Fluctuations in time and a hysteresis effect were found to affect this relation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The discharge of 255 neurons in the fastigial nuclei of three trained macaque monkeys was investigated during visually guided saccades. Responses of these neurons were examined also during horizontal head rotation and during microstimulation of the oculomotor vermis (lobules VIc and VII). 2. One hundred and two units were characterized by bursts of firing in response to visually guided saccades. Ninety-eight of these (96.1%) were located within the anatomic confines of the fastigial oculomotor region (FOR), on the basis of reconstruction of recording sites. During contralateral saccades, these neurons showed bursts that preceded the onset of saccades (presaccadic burst), whereas, during ipsilateral saccades, they showed bursts associated with the end of saccades (late saccadic burst). They were hence named saccadic burst neurons. Sixty-one saccadic burst neurons (62.2%) were inhibited during microstimulation of the oculomotor vermis with currents less than 10 microA. 3. All saccadic burst neurons were spontaneously active, and the resting firing rate varied considerably among units, ranging from 10 to 50 imp/s. The tonic levels of activity did not correlate significantly with eye position. 4. The presaccadic burst started 18.5 +/- 4.7 (SD) ms (n = 45) before the onset of saccades in the optimal direction (the direction associated with the maximum values of burst lead time, number of spikes per burst, and burst duration). Optimal directions covered the entire contralateral hemifield, although there was a slightly higher incidence in both horizontal and upper-oblique directions in the present sample. The duration of the presaccadic burst was highly correlated with the duration of saccade (0.85 less than or equal to r less than or equal to 0.97). 5. The late saccadic burst was most robust in the direction opposite to the optimal in each unit (the nonoptimal direction). Its onset preceded the completion of ipsilateral saccade by 30.4 +/- 5.9 ms. The lead time to the end of saccade was consistent among different units and was constant also for saccades of various sizes. Thus the late saccadic burst started even before the saccade onset when the saccade duration was less than 30 ms. Unlike the presaccadic burst, its duration was not related to the duration of saccade. 6. Discharge rates of saccadic burst neurons were correlated neither to eye positions during fixation nor to the initial eye positions before saccades. 7. Eye-position units and horizontal head-velocity units were located rostral to the FOR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Models of combined eye-head gaze shifts all aim to realistically simulate behaviorally observed movement dynamics. One of the most problematic features of such models is their inability to determine when a saccadic gaze shift should be initiated and when it should be ended. This is commonly referred to as the switching mechanism mediated by omni-directional pause neurons (OPNs) in the brain stem. Proposed switching strategies implemented in existing gaze control models all rely on a sensory error between instantaneous gaze position and the spatial target. Accordingly, gaze saccades are initiated after presentation of an eccentric visual target and subsequently terminated when an internal estimate of gaze position becomes nearly equal to that of the target. Based on behavioral observations, we demonstrate that such a switching mechanism is insufficient and is unable to explain certain types of movements. We propose an improved hypothesis for how the OPNs control gaze shifts based on a visual-vestibular interaction of signals known to be carried on anatomical projections to the OPN area. The approach is justified by the analysis of recorded gaze shifts interrupted by a head brake in animal subjects and is demonstrated by implementing the switching mechanism in an anatomically based gaze control model. Simulated performance reveals that a weighted sum of three signals: gaze motor error, head velocity, and eye velocity, hypothesized as inputs to OPNs, successfully reproduces diverse behaviorally observed eye-head movements that no other existing model can account for.  相似文献   

1. We recorded single-unit activity in the caudal central nucleus (CCN) of the oculomotor complex in monkeys trained to make vertical saccadic, smooth-pursuit, and fixation eye movements. We confirmed that our recordings were from motoneurons innervating the upper lid, because small lesions placed at the sites of responsive units were recovered among neurons labeled by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injections into the levator palpebrae superioris muscle. 2. For fixations above a threshold lid position, levator motoneurons discharged at a steady rate, which increased linearly with upward lid position. The average position sensitivity during fixation was 2.9 spikes/s per deg, and the average lid motoneuron was recruited into steady firing when the eye was looking 10 degrees down. 3. During upward saccades, levator motoneurons discharged a burst of spikes that began, on average, 7.3 ms before the lid movement if the saccade started from a straight-ahead position; the lead time decreased considerably as the initial eye and lid positions shifted downward. The firing rate usually reached its peak (130-280 spikes/s) at the very onset of the burst and declined gradually during the course of the saccade. The steady rate associated with the new fixation position was reached about halfway during the saccade. All units exhibited a pause in firing during the initial half of large downward saccades; during small saccades, the pause was inconspicuous or absent. 4. During vertical sinusoidal smooth pursuit, levator motoneurons exhibited a sinusoidal modulation in firing rate, which led eye position by an average of 23 degrees at 0.3 Hz. The average velocity sensitivity calculated from such data was 0.63 spikes/s per deg/s. 5. Although they exhibit a number of qualitative similarities, the discharge patterns of levator motoneurons and superior rectus motoneurons differ in several respects. First, during a blink, when the lid undergoes a large depression but the eye exhibits only a brief transient displacement, levator motoneurons cease firing completely, whereas superior rectus motoneurons continue to discharge. Second, for all types of coordinated lid and eye movements, levator motoneurons discharge at lower firing rates than do superior rectus motoneurons. Third, during saccades, levator motoneurons have less conspicuous and shorter-lasting bursts and pauses than do motoneurons involved in rotating the eye. 6. During upward gaze, the qualitative similarity of their burst-tonic discharge patterns suggests that levator and superior rectus motoneurons receive input signals that originate from a common source, but that the signals are processed differently to deal with the different loads facing these muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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