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目的了解孟加拉国兰加马蒂蚊类种群群落特征,为当地媒介蚊虫控制措施的制定提供依据。方法 2019年9月,在孟加拉国兰加马蒂人房和牛房采用诱蚊灯通宵诱捕成蚊,形态鉴定蚊种并分析其群落特征。结果共捕获蚊虫2亚科7属33种6 445只,当地的优势蚊种为菲律宾按蚊和三带喙库蚊,分别占捕获蚊总数的37.66%(2 427/6 445)和35.67%(2 299/6 445)。人房致倦库蚊构成比较高,为73.59%(719/977);牛房菲律宾按蚊占41.73%(282/5 468),三带喙库蚊占41.04%(2 244/5 468)。蚊虫Shannon-Wienner多样性指数为1.62,Simpson多样性指数为0.29,Pielou均匀度指数0.46。结论孟加拉国兰加马蒂蚊虫种类丰富,疟疾和乙型脑炎媒介蚊虫属于当地优势蚊虫种群。应进一步加强孟加拉国蚊虫群落特征研究,为当地媒介蚊虫控制措施的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

目的了解南京市2013年蚊虫密度、种群及季节消长情况。方法按照《全国病媒生物监测方案(试行)》要求,采用诱蚊灯法在南京市开展蚊虫监测。结果 2013年南京市共捕蚊3 268只,蚊密度为0.57只/(h·灯),捕获的蚊虫隶属2亚科4属5种,优势蚊种为淡色库蚊和三带喙库蚊,分别约占58.05%和17.59%,季节消长呈7月和10月双高峰曲线。结论南京市蚊虫具有种群多样性,淡色库蚊和三带喙库蚊为优势蚊种,每年7月和10月为密度高峰季节,可供当地蚊虫防制措施的指定提供参考。同时要关注蚊虫孳生地情况及气象因素对蚊虫密度的影响。  相似文献   

目的探究腾冲市常见蚊虫自然携带的细菌群落结构多样性以及未知细菌。方法从云南省腾冲市同一地点随机捕捉的3种蚊虫,分别为中华按蚊、三带喙库蚊、致倦库蚊。应用Illumina NovaSeq测序平台对这3种蚊虫自然携带的细菌16S rRNA基因的V4高变区进行高通量测序,将测序数据进行处理分析后用于细菌微生物群落结构及多样性的分析和未知细菌的探究。结果获得可用于后续分析的OTU数目为2866个,通过绘制稀释曲线,可以看出本次的测序深度能充分反映这3种蚊虫的实际菌群结构。3种蚊虫及各组样品间既有共有的OTUs,也有特有的OTUs;Alpha和Beta多样性分析显示各蚊种及各组样品之间的物种组成丰度与相似性存在差异,其中中华按蚊的菌群丰度和多样性高于其他两种蚊虫,而三带喙库蚊和致倦库蚊的物种组成较为相似。通过对3种蚊虫菌群结构的分析,在门水平上,变形菌门、厚壁菌门、未明确细菌和放线菌门均是各蚊种共有的优势菌群,但在各蚊种中相对丰度存在差异;在属水平上,各蚊种的优势菌属及其相对丰度均存在显著差异。同时发现菌群中存在葡萄球菌属、变形杆菌属、无形体属、支原体属等大量的致病菌和条件致病菌,以及未知细菌。结论在同一环境下,不同蚊种及同一蚊种不同个体分组之间的细菌微生物群落结构和多样性存在显著差异,同时各蚊种均携带了致病菌和未知细菌,对该地区的公共卫生安全具有潜在的隐患。  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆维吾尔自治区哈密市蚊虫种类及病毒携带情况,并鉴定该市尖音库蚊所属亚种。方法 分别于2019、2020年7月中旬,在新疆维吾尔自治区哈密市伊州区、伊吾县、巴里坤县采用诱蚊灯法捕捉蚊虫,鉴定所捕获蚊虫种属及尖音库蚊种属。采用逆转录PCR技术检测捕获蚊虫携带黄病毒属、甲病毒属、布尼亚病毒属、流行性乙型脑炎病毒、辽宁病毒、Tahyna病毒、蜱传脑炎病毒及西尼罗病毒情况。结果 在哈密市伊州区、伊吾县、巴里坤县共捕获蚊虫1 496只,分属于3属3种。尖音库蚊为优势蚊种,占所捕获蚊虫总数的65.91%(986只);其次为里海伊蚊,占30.55%(457只);阿拉斯加脉毛蚊最少,仅占3.54%(53只)。所捕获尖音库蚊经雄蚊尾器鉴定为尖音库蚊指名亚种。经逆转录PCR法检测,所捕获蚊虫黄病毒属、甲病毒属、布尼亚病毒属、流行性乙型脑炎病毒、辽宁病毒、Tahyna病毒、蜱传脑炎及西尼罗病毒均为阴性。结论 2019—2020年哈密市存在尖音库蚊、里海伊蚊、阿拉斯加脉毛蚊3种蚊虫,以尖音库蚊为优势蚊种;所捕获尖音库蚊均为指名亚种,未发现蚊类携带相关虫媒病毒。  相似文献   

目的调查中缅边境地区蚊虫对4种建筑类型房屋的侵入情况,为制定当地疾病媒介控制策略与措施提供依据。方法 2021年5-6月,在中国盈江那邦镇和缅甸克钦邦第二特区拉咱市选择不同居民建筑类型房屋采用诱蚊灯通宵诱捕成蚊,形态学分类鉴定成蚊种类并计数分析。结果共捕获2亚科10亚属18种3 419只成蚊,其中中国那邦镇2亚科7亚属14种1 715只,缅甸拉咱市2亚科10亚属17种1 704只。两地区优势蚊种均为致倦库蚊,占比分别为59.24%(1 016/1 715)和82.04%(1 398/1 704)。微小按蚊属于两地区的主要疟疾媒介种类,占比分别为17.66%(303/1 715)和3.40%(58/1 704)(χ~2=184.147,P0.05)。竹扒房、木质结构、砖混结构和钢混结构建筑类型房屋捕获蚊虫比例分别为42.84%、27.14%、21.35%和8.67%,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=184.147,P0.05);捕获微小按蚊比例分别为43.21%、48.75%、4.16%和3.88%,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=955.889,P0.05)。结论中缅边境地区的中国那邦镇和缅甸拉咱市居民点蚊虫种类丰富,致倦库蚊为当地优势蚊种,微小按蚊属当地疟疾主要媒介。砖混结构和钢混结构房屋阻挡蚊虫侵入房屋效果较好,可减少人蚊接触几率,减少蚊媒病的传播。  相似文献   

目的调查克拉玛依市农业综合开发区内的蚊虫。方法用人帐诱法、扫网法进行调查。结果克拉玛依市农业综合开发区采集制作蚊虫标本6 381份,采获蚊虫3属6种,按蚊属1种,伊蚊属3种,库蚊属2种;季节消长呈坡型,蚊虫于4月下旬开始出现,10月以后逐渐消失,以7月为活动高峰。淡色库蚊为优势种占49.97%,米塞按蚊(15.04%)、刺扰伊蚊(12.85%)、里海伊蚊(10.95%)所占比例相当,为该地区侵扰人类的重要蚊种。结论淡色库蚊、米塞按蚊、刺扰伊蚊、里海伊蚊是该地区危害人类的主要蚊种,本调查为蚊虫防制提供了生态学依据。  相似文献   

云南省西双版纳州蚊虫分布特点及与虫媒病毒的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1981、1982、1983、1986、1987和1988年在西双版纳州景洪、勐海和勐腊县(市)捕获成年雌性蚊虫8属34种34508只。夜晚在农村畜圈及其周围采获蚊虫21种,优势蚊种为棕头库蚊和三带喙库蚊;白天在野外竹林采获蚊虫25种,优势蚊种为贺斑伊蚊和白蚊伊蚊。从三带喙库蚊(8株)、霜背库蚊(4株)、伪杂鳞库蚊(3株)、环带库蚊(1株)、棕头库蚊(1株)、中华按蚊(3株)、刺扰伊蚊(2株)、白  相似文献   

云南省澜沧江下游地区蚊虫群落及地理生态位的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对云南省澜沧江下游地区7县(市)的14个乡镇蚊虫群落的优势种组成及分布、集中性指数、多样性指数、均 匀度指数和地理生态位宽度进行了分析。结果表明农村畜卷及人房周围夜间活动蚊虫优势种共7个,包括三带喙库蚊、棕头库蚊、迷走按蚊、伪杂鳞库蚊、霜背库蚊、中华按蚊和菲律按蚊;野外竹林树林白天活动蚊虫优势种6个,分别为白纹伊库蚊、圆斑伊蚊、多栉领方、骚扰阿蚊、刺扰伊蚊和伪白纹伊蚊;蚊虫多样性指数变化顺序:农村畜圈及人房周围生态为勐腊县关累镇(2.132)、景洪市大勐龙乡(2.018)、勐腊县象明乡(1.892)、景洪市城郊(1.856)、孟连县勐马5级(1.842)、景洪市勐罕乡(1.823)、思茅市城郊(1.688)、勐腊县城郊(1.659)、勐海县城郊(1.557)、思 茅市思茅港(1.527)、澜沧县雅口乡(1.841)、勐海县打洛镇(1.121)、澜沧县东郎乡(0.814)和普洱县同兴乡(0.553);野外竹林树林生态为景洪市城 郊(1.841)、勐腊县城郊(1.743)、景洪市大勐龙乡(1.278)、孟连县勐马乡(1.160)、澜沧县东朗乡(1.077)、勐海县打洛镇(1.031)和澜沧县雅口乡(0.741);各地蚊虫多样性指数较大,差异不显。夜间活动蚊虫中,三带喙库蚊、迷走按蚊、棕头库蚊和中华按蚊地理生态位宽度最大,分别为:0.786、0.773、0.755和0.738;白天活动蚊虫中,白纹伊蚊地理生态位宽度最大(0.826).  相似文献   

目的 探讨乙型脑炎病毒媒介在人房的季节消长、嗜血习性和叮人行为,以及其幼虫相关的生物学习性, 从而制定出有效的媒介控制措施。 方法 2001 年 6~12 月,在云南南部湄公河上游,选取一个种植场,采用 CDC 诱蚊灯和人工诱捕的方法捕蚊;蚊胃血源环状沉淀法鉴定其嗜血习性以及孳生地调查幼虫孳生习性。 结果 共捕获乙脑病毒媒介蚊虫5属、11种、5 726只。无论是诱蚊灯还是人工诱蚊法,三带喙库蚊、伪杂鳞库蚊、棕头库蚊和中华按蚊的季节密度高峰都出现于 6~8 月的雨季;3 种库蚊在村内和村外有整夜叮咬活动,但中华按蚊的叮人高峰出现在 21:00 之前。人房室内诱蚊灯捕蚊与室外人诱观察发现,室内捕捉乙脑病媒数量远高于室外。蚊胃血检测结果发现它们的人血指数都比较高;幼虫具有明显的特征性分布。 结论 湄公河上游地区人房优势蚊种三带喙库蚊、伪杂鳞库蚊、棕头库蚊和中华按蚊的生物学及行为与以往畜圈调查的结果存在着差异。  相似文献   

目的 探讨乙型脑炎病毒媒介在人房的季节消长、嗜血习性和叮人行为,以及其幼虫相关的生物学习性,从而制定出有效的媒介控制措施。方法 2001年6~12月,在云南南部湄公河上游,选取一个种植场,采用CDC诱蚊灯和人工诱捕的方法捕蚊;蚊胃血源环状沉淀法鉴定其嗜血习性以及孳生地调查幼虫孳生习性。结果 共捕获乙脑病毒媒介蚊虫5属、11种、5726只。无论是诱蚊灯还是人工诱蚊法,三带喙库蚊、伪杂鳞库蚊、棕头库蚊和中华按蚊的季节密度高峰都出现于6~8月的雨季;3种库蚊在村内和村外有整夜叮咬活动,但中华按蚊的叮人高峰出现在21:00之前。人房室内诱蚊灯捕蚊与室外人诱观察发现,室内捕捉乙脑病媒数量远高于室外。蚊胃血检测结果发现它们的人血指数都比较高;幼虫具有明显的特征性分布。结论 湄公河上游地区人房优势蚊种三带喙库蚊、伪杂鳞库蚊、棕头库蚊和中华按蚊的生物学及行为与以往畜圈调查的结果存在着差异。  相似文献   

In the studies to know the feeding pattern of various species of mosquitoes, a total of 7461 specimens comprising of Anopheles culicifacies (150), An. stephensi (61), An. subpictus (990), An. annularis (572), Culex quinquefasciatus (5217) and C. vishnui group (471) of mosquitoes were collected from different biotopes of selected localities in Delhi and environs during all the months of the year. The mosquito blood samples were processed by Gel diffusion technique to know the source of blood meal. Results of study revealed that the mosquito species tested in the study were by and large zoophilic and opportunistic feeders. The feeding behaviour was found to be highly influenced by biotopes from where the mosquitoes were collected, village and areas, different climatic seasons, sleeping behaviour of human beings and availability of alternative hosts particularly animal population. Overall anthropophilic index was found to be 24.66% for An. culicifacies, 20.96% for An. stephensi, 16.93% for An. subpictus, 9.96% for An. annularis, 26.33% for C. quinquefasciatus and 36.39% for C. vishnui group of mosquitoes. Feeding behaviour towards other animals viz: bovine, goat, dog, pig and bird for all these mosquito species in different months and biotopes e.g. human dwellings, cattle sheds and mixed dwellings; in different months and seasons of the year have been presented.  相似文献   

The resting preferences of mosquito species was investigated in domestic wells. In addition to the routine adult surveys in human dwellings, adult collections were also made in domestic wells using an innovated equipment operating on the principles of spray sheet collections. Above the water surface, wells provide humid and dark microclimate along the inner walls. It has been observed that this microclimate provides very congenial resting place for few mosquito species; specially for the males and for the females between their gonotropic cycles. Larval collections in the wells did not reveal breeding of majority of the mosquito species collected by this technique. Investigations were conducted in 87 wells in 11 localities during 2005. A total of 4969 mosquitos were collected of which 69.1% (3441) were males and 30.9% (1528) were females. From among the mosquitos collected 96.5% were Cu. quinquifasciatus, 0.26% All stephensi, 3.0% Aedes agypti and 0.24% Armegeres sp. The results of the analysis of the physical and chemical parameter of water samples of the study wells before and after the surveys endorsed the utility of this technique for entomological investigations in outbreak situations, for monitoring the liquidation of outbreak foci and for other research purposes.  相似文献   

The programmes for the elimination of bancroftian filariasis that have been implemented in the Nile delta of Egypt are expected to lead to substantial reductions in filarial loads in the treated populations. Better methods than those currently available are needed for monitoring the efficacy of these and similar efforts at intervention. A PCR-ELISA was therefore evaluated as an epidemiological tool for the detection of the Wuchereria-bancrofti-specific SspI repeat in pools of Culex pipiens collected in a village with a low prevalence of filarial infection in its human residents (2.1%). Indoor-resting mosquitoes were collected by aspiration from 114 randomly selected houses (during one to nine visits/house) and separated into 673 pools, each of which held the mosquitoes collected during one night from one house. Although 18 (2.7%) of the pools showed PCR inhibition and had to be excluded, filarial DNA was detected, using the PCR-ELISA, in 91 (13.9%) of the 655 remaining mosquito pools. The minimum prevalence of W. bancrofti infection in the mosquitoes caught (assuming one infected mosquito/positive pool) was 2.8%. The mean (S.D.) number of mosquitoes/pool did not vary significantly between positive [5.5 (3.4)] and negative [4.9 (3.5)] pools. The assay detected parasite DNA in mosquitoes from 19.3% of 114 houses when only the first visit was considered and from 73.9% of the 88 houses visited more than once. The PCR-ELISA yielded results comparable with those of the regular PCR-SspI assay. The latter assay is recommended for the routine examination, in laboratories in endemic areas, of mosquito pools from randomly selected houses, as the ELISA component of the PCR-ELISA is exceedingly time-consuming, expensive and requires special equipment.  相似文献   

The abundance of anopheline mosquitoes varies substantially among houses within the same villages. Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto is highly anthropophilic, and Anopheles arabiensis is zoophilic; thus, it is often hypothesized that the abundance of An. gambiae and An. arabiensis in a house is associated with the distribution of livestock and humans. In this paper we examined the influence of livestock and human host availability on the distribution and abundance of malaria vectors in the basin region of Lake Victoria in western Kenya. Larvae and adults of An. gambiae, An. arabiensis and Anopheles funestus were collected in the beginning and the end of the rainy season in 1999. Anopheles gambiae was the predominant species in both larval and adult samples. Multiple regression analyses found that the ratio of distance between houses and larval habitats to distance between cowsheds and larval habitats had a significant and negative association with the relative abundance of An. gambiae larvae for both sampling periods. The ratio of human density to cow density was positively correlated with the relative abundance of An. gambiae larvae in the late rainy period. For the adult samples, distance from a house to its nearest larval habitats was the only variable that showed a significant correlation with the An. gambiae density in houses in both sample periods. More than 90% of anopheline adults were found in the houses within 300 meters from the nearest larval habitats. Anopheline mosquito density was not correlated to the density of cows or humans, or the distance to cowsheds from houses. These results suggest that livestock and human host availability affect the relative abundance of An. gambiae larvae in aquatic habitats, but the distribution of anopheline adults in houses is determined by the distance from houses to larval habitats.  相似文献   

The predominant sand fly species collected inside houses in Kfar Adumim, an Israeli village in the Judean Desert that is a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis, was Phlebotomus papatasi, which was also caught attempting to bite humans. Phlebotomus sergenti, which is rarely seen inside houses, constituted the predominant sand fly species in caves near the village. Leishmania isolates from Ph. sergenti and humans typed as Leishmania tropica. Sand fly and human isolates produced similar small nodular cutaneous lesions in hamsters. Isolates produced excreted factor (EF) of subserotypes A(9) or A(9)B(2), characteristic of L. tropica and reacted with L. tropica-specific monoclonal antibodies. Isoenzyme analysis consigned the strains to the L. tropica zymodemes MON-137 and MON-275. Molecular genetic analyses confirmed the strains were L. tropica and intraspecific microheterogeneity was observed. Genomic fingerprinting using a mini-satellite probe separated the L. tropica strains into two clusters that were not entirely congruent with geographic distribution. These results support the heterogeneous nature of L. tropica and incriminate Ph. sergenti as its vector in this Judean Desert focus.  相似文献   

Bancroftian filariasis in an isolated Philippine village has been intensively investigated; this paper reports the entomological findings. Surveys were carried out six months apart in the driest and wettest months. Significant transmission was demonstrated only during the wet season. Aedes poicillius was the major vector of Wuchereria bancrofti. Ae. poicilius accounted for 58% of larvae found in the axils of banana plants and 31% of those in abaca axils; negligible numbers of larvae of this species were found in pandanus and gabi axils. Mosquitoes were collected from indoor harbourages twice weekly for five weeks during the wet season; 615 mosquitoes were caught of which 80% were Ae. poicilius and 9% were Culex quinquefasciatus. 11% of the former and 13% of the latter contained filariae; whereas all stages of development were seen in Ae. poicilius, no development beyond the first stage was seen in Cx. quinquefasciatus. Human bait trapping was used for 110 manhours; 371 mosquitoes were caught of which 58% were Ae. poicilius and 24% were Culex summorosus. Filarial larvae were seen only in Ae. poicilius; 3.7% of mosquitoes were positive and all stages of filarial development were seen. The mean landing/biting rate between 1900 and 0500 hours was 3.37 mosquitoes per man-hour with a maximum of almost seven mosquitoes per man-hour at midnight. Overall, 2.26% of vectors collected in the human studies were infective. There was an average of 3.38 third-stage larvae per infective mosquito. The efficiency of transmision was estimated as 6.1 x 10-5, or one new case of microfilaraemia for every 16, 400 bites by infective mosquitoes in the village population. In contrast to the human studies, large numbers of mosquitoes were caught by animal bait trapping in both the wet and dry seasons. The distribution of mosquito species was similar in the two seasons. Ae. poicillius represented only 1.0-1.5% of all mosquitoes seen. No filarial larvae were seen. It was concluded that transmission of filariasis in the village was inefficient and postulates were advanced to explain the increased intensity and severity of filariasis inmen as compared to women.  相似文献   

Malaria endemicity in lower Myanmar has been studied to identify the causes for the prevalence of malaria in Yeasitkan village of lower Myanmar. Vector mosquitoes were collected by mosquito net in cattlesheds and in human dwellings (indoor and outdoor) by biting and catching procedure for the identification of species, insecticide susceptibility test and sporozoites detection. Larvae of mosquitoes were also collected in and around the village for vector identification and for breeding sources. Malaria infection in humans was examined by blood examination and blood antibody detection by ELISA method. Results showed that malaria infection was 43.2% in children under 10 years of age and An. dirus and An. minimus were found as main vectors. Total parasite positive rate was found to be 41.28% and in this 78.87% were P. falciparum infections and remaining 18.31% were of P. vivax. Spleen positive rate has been found very high in children between 2 and 9 years (52.94%). Study indicates that villages near to dam areas are more prone to malaria infection.  相似文献   

Malaria is a serious health issue in Indonesia. We investigated the dusk to dawn anopheline mosquito activity patterns, host-seeking and resting locations in coastal plain, hilly and highland areas in West Timor and Java. Adult mosquitoes were captured landing on humans or resting in houses or animal barns. Data analyzed were: mosquito night-time activities; period of peak activity; night-time activity in specific periods of time and for mosquito resting locations. Eleven species were recorded; data were sparse for some species therefore detailed analyses were performed for four species only. In Java Anopheles vagus was common, with a bimodal pattern of high activity. In West Timor, its activity peaked around midnight. Other species with peak activity around the middle of the night were An. barbirostris and An. subpictus. Most species showed no biting and resting preference for indoors or outdoors, although An. barbirostris preferred indoors in West Timor, but outdoors in Java. An. aconitus and An. annularis preferred resting in human dwellings; An. subpictus and An. vagus preferred resting in animal barns. An. barbirostris preferred resting in human dwellings in West Timor and in animal barns in Java. The information is useful for planning the mosquito control aspect of malaria management. For example, where mosquito species have peak activity at night indoors, bednets and indoor residual spraying should reduce malaria risk, but where mosquitoes are most active outdoors, other options may be more effective.  相似文献   

Bancroftian filariasis is targeted for elimination in the Nile Delta of Egypt. Improved simple methods are needed for monitoring Wuchereria bancrofti infection in the mosquito vector and thereby the success of elimination programmes. We evaluated the performance of the SspI-PCR assay combined with a DNA Detection Test StripTM method and used the PoolScreen algorithm method for estimating mosquito infection rates. A total of 769 indoor-resting Culex pipiens were captured in 79 randomly selected houses from a filaria-endemic village in the Nile Delta of Egypt (24.4% antigenaemia and 8.6% microfilaraemia). Collected mosquitoes were pooled by house, and assayed by the SspI-PCR. Amplified parasite DNA was detected by both electrophoresis of agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide (EtBr) and by test strips. PCR based on EtBr and test strip methods identified 43 (54.4%) and 45 (56.9%) houses, respectively, as being filaria positive. The minimum mosquito infection rate, assuming one infected female/pool was 6.85% by the PCR test strips. Mosquito infection rate calculated by the PoolScreen2 algorithm software amounted to 8.1% [95% confidence interval 5.85, 10.47]. Because it is faster and safer, the PCR test strip is a practical tool, especially when combined with the PoolScreen algorithm method, for xenomonitoring the success of elimination programmes.  相似文献   

Entomologic studies were conducted between January 27 and February 2, 1997, in Bbaale village in southcentral Uganda during an o'nyong-nyong (ONN) virus epidemic, which began in mid 1996 and continued into 1997. The objectives were to confirm the role of anophelines in ONN virus transmission and to examine other mosquito species as epidemic vectors of ONN virus. Of 10,050 mosquitoes collected using light traps and pyrethrum knockdown sprays, Anopheles (Cellia) funestus Giles was presumed to be the principal vector because it was the most abundant mosquito species from which a strain of ONN virus was isolated. This virus was isolated for the first time from a culicine species, Mansonia (Mansonioides) uniformis Theobald. Bwamba virus and Nyando virus were also isolated from An. funestus.  相似文献   

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