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目的总结90例难治性癫痫患者的外科治疗要点及效果。方法 90例难治性癫痫患者在皮层脑电图监测下进行显微手术治疗,并对其进行回顾性分析。结果所有患者随访2~8个月,疗效满意者66例(73.3%),显著改善者9例(10%),良好者7例(7.8%),较差者8例(8.9%),无明显并发症及死亡病例。结论外科手术是治疗难治性癫痫的一种有效方法,但手术前的准确定位致痫灶及选择适当的手术方式是取得最佳的治疗效果的关键。  相似文献   

难治性癫痫48例外科治疗全身麻醉方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨难治性癫痫性外科手术合理的麻醉方法。方法 48例难治性癫痫患随机分为3组:A组4例麻醉维持以50%N2O+2MAC安氟醚吸入并辅以大剂量芬太尼和维库溴铵1 ̄2μg·kg^-1·min^-1。B组5例以大于1.5MAC异氟醚吸入,余同A组。C组39例C 小于1MAC异氟醚+50%N2O吸入,辅以小剂量芬太尼,余同上。全部病例均常规监测皮层脑电图(CEEG)。结果 A组和B组分别有75%和  相似文献   

2001年10月至2006年10月,我们对28例难治性癫痫进行了多种手术方式相结合的治疗,并经6个月~5年随访,以进一步确定对难治性癫痫进行手术治疗的疗效并探索如何改进手术方法,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料本组28例患者,男性17例,女性11例;年龄11~48岁,平均23.2岁;癫痫发作病  相似文献   

目的 探讨颞叶癫痫手术前的评估、手术方法及效果.方法 对72例颞叶癫痫患者,采用有创和无创方式进行术前评估,术中脑电图监测下采用改良的前颞叶切除术切除致痫灶.结果 随访1~11(5.12±2.98)年.痊愈55例(76%),好转10例(13%),效果不明显4例(7%),失访3例(4%).结论 临床发作形式、长程视频脑电图结合蝶骨电极定位及MRI检查是无创性颞叶癫痫致痫灶定位较好的方法;硬脑膜下电极监测是术前准确定位致痫灶可靠方法.改良的手术方式对切除颞叶及颞叶内侧病变安全、方便.  相似文献   

儿童颞叶癫痫的外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨儿童颞叶癫痫手术治疗的适应证、致痫灶定位、手术方法及手术效果。方法:对25例儿童须叶癫痫患者,通过CT、MRI、脑电图、硬膜下电极等方法确定致痫灶,采用改良的前颞叶切除术切除颞叶。结果:随访3~9年,平均512±298年。痊愈18例(72%),好转4例(16%),效果不明显1例4%),失访2例(8%)。结论:手术对儿童颞叶癫痫的治疗效果良好,早期手术对改善儿童生活质量有明显帮助。  相似文献   

孙业忠  刘健  吴若秋 《贵州医药》2001,25(12):1085-1086
癫痫的发病率在 4‰到 10‰之间 ,我国为 3 5‰~ 4 8‰ ,每年新发病人数约有 30余万 ,估计约 2 0 %的病人不能药物控制发作 ,其中至少有 5 0 %的病人适宜手术治疗 ,依此类推 ,我国约有 80~ 10 0万癫痫病人需要手术治疗[1] 。近年来由于电生理技术 ,如视频脑电图、长程脑电图的监测 ,皮质电极、深电极的应用 ,对致痫灶的定位有了长足的进步。神经影像学CT、MRI的扫描可发现颅内异常改变 ,尤其是MRI可清晰地发现脑皮质的异常改变 (如灰质异位、海马硬化等 )。SPECT和PET能判断脑致痫灶的血流和代谢的变化。上述诊断技术的…  相似文献   

目的探讨颞叶癫痫的诊断和治疗方法。方法利用EEG和mr、PET/CT、ECT对32例颞叶癫痫病例的癫痫灶进行定位诊断,依据诊断结果对其中17例实施前颞叶切除术,另15例接受前颞叶切除+海马杏仁切除术,并分析其近期疗效及随访结果。结果 32例病例中手术疗效满意18例;显着12例;良好1例,术后无并发症发生。结论 mr、PET、ECT有助于对TLE的定位诊断;手术是治疗顽固性TLE的重要手段,对EEG和mr提示为颞叶癫痫的例应选用前颞叶切除+海马杏仁核切除术。  相似文献   

刘建良 《江苏医药》2001,27(1):67-67
自 8 0年代起我所共收治 75例出血性贲门癌 ,兹报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料 :75例中男 6 0例 ,女 15例 ,年龄 33~ 71岁 ,平均 5 2岁 ,其中 45岁以上 45例 ,12例有明显的进食梗阻史 ,30例有上腹部饱胀史 ,75例病例血红蛋白均低于90g/L。 75例中 2 4例贲门癌出血在入院前已明确诊断 ,18例经短期止血输血治疗后出血症状明显改善后 ,择期手术治疗 ;6例出血严重 ,短期治疗未明显改善 ,并出现休克症状而行急诊手术。5 1例以上消化道出血入院 ,18例经止血、输血后出血症状改善 ,经纤维胃镜检查明确为贲门癌 ,择期手术治疗。 15例经积极的治…  相似文献   

目前 ,外科手术已成为难治性癫痫的主要治疗手段 ,而术前术中致痫灶的精确定位及据不同发作类型选择术式是手术成功的关键。本文报道 1998年 5月至 2 0 0 2年 5月 5 3例难治性癫痫手术患者 ,分析如下。1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料 :男性 3 2例 ,女性 2 1例 ,年龄 11~ 3 8岁 ;病程 4~ 3 4a,平均病程 13 .5 a;发作类型 :全身强直—阵挛发作 18例 ,复杂部分发作 16例 ,简单部分发作 15例 ,其他 4例 ;发作次数 :每日 3~ 4次至每月数次不等 ,均经系统抗癫痫药物治疗无效。1.2 术前致痫灶定位 :1电生理检查 :普通脑电图 ( EEG)加蝶骨电极及…  相似文献   

Introduction: Epilepsy affects approximately 3 million people in the USA and up to 2% of the worldwide population. The yearly direct medical cost of epilepsy in the USA alone is estimated to be $9.5 billion. Epilepsy affects both children and adults and can significantly impair quality of life. Zonisamide is a second-generation antiepileptic drug (AED) that has broad-spectrum efficacy, a favorable side-effect profile and simpler dosing than earlier drugs.

Areas covered: The history of the development of zonisamide is reviewed in this paper. The data available demonstrating zonisamide's mechanism of action as a voltage-gated sodium channel inhibitor, a T-type calcium channel inhibitor, an enhancer of GABA release and an inhibitor of glutamate release are also reviewed. Four key Phase III clinical trials are reviewed in detail, as are subsequent postmarketing trials that have expanded the therapeutic indication for zonisamide.

Expert opinion: From the available clinical data, zonisamide is a viable first-line and adjunctive therapeutic for partial-onset epilepsy and should be considered as an adjunctive therapeutic for a wide-range of generalized epilepsies.  相似文献   

Background: Treatment strategies for focal epilepsy need to take account of the phase and severity of the seizure disorder, comorbidity, gender and age. Methods: Expert review and evaluation of major studies on the treatment of focal epilepsy. Results: Complete seizure control is most often achieved with antiepileptic drug (AED) monotherapy. In the choice of AED, possible unfavourable endocrine, cognitive or psychiatric adverse effects and their interaction with the non-seizure manifestations of focal epilepsy have to be considered. In women teratogenic risks associated with AED may be relevant. If complete seizure control cannot be achieved with the first three steps of AED treatment, epilepsy surgery becomes the most likely treatment modality to provide complete seizure control. It is proposed that AED combination treatment should be limited to two or three agents to minimize the risk of side effects, especially negative effects on cognition. Conclusions: Recent developments in the treatment of focal epilepsy have made it easier to tailor AED therapy to patients' demographic and clinical profile.  相似文献   

Introduction: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting about 1% of the population worldwide. With currently available antiepileptic drugs, one-third of patients continue to suffer from seizures even when treated at maximally tolerated dosages, either in monotherapy or in various drug combinations. Pharmacoresistance is associated with physical risks, reduced life expectancy, reduced quality of life and impairments in social opportunities. The acetamide derivate levetiracetam (LEV) that primarily targets the synaptic vesicle protein 2A has been one of the most successful second-generation antiepileptic drugs.

Areas covered: This article reviews a rationally designed LEV derivative, brivaracetam (BRV), which has an increased affinity to the LEV-binding site. BRV has shown some efficacy in the treatment of progressive myoclonus epilepsy and is under development to be used as an add-on treatment of focal epilepsy. Evidence is given for possible advantages related to the higher intrinsic antiepileptic efficacy of BRV and its antiepileptic potential in relation to a wide spectrum of epilepsy forms and for possible disadvantages related to hepatic metabolism and to a lower therapeutic index related to additional intrinsic activity at the sodium channel. An update on pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and study data published until 2010 on BRV is given.

Expert opinion: BRV is a rationally developed third-generation antiepileptic drug with higher binding to SV2A and additional mechanisms of actions. Animal studies are promising regarding its efficacy in a wide spectrum of epilepsy models. Clinical studies have shown good tolerability at dosages of up to 50 mg/day but have yet to identify the optimal dose range and to prove an additional value of the drug in terms of seizure control.  相似文献   

托吡酯治疗小儿癫痫   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
目的 :评价托吡酯治疗小儿癫痫的疗效和安全性。方法 :3 1例癫痫病儿 (男性 2 1例 ,女性 10例 ,年龄 6a±s 4a)口服托吡酯 ,起始剂量为 1~ 2mg·kg- 1·d- 1,qd ;目标剂量为 4~ 10mg·kg- 1·d- 1,bid。随访时间为 3~ 8mo。结果 :托吡酯总有效率为 69% ,单药治疗与添加治疗的疗效比较差异无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,其不良反应较轻。结论 :托吡酯对于小儿癫痫有较好的疗效 ,单药与添加治疗的疗效近似 ,病儿对其有较好的耐受性。  相似文献   

Importance of the field: More than 1 million epilepsy patients suffer from insufficiently controlled epilepsy, both in the USA and in Europe. Zonisamide is an antiepileptic drug with multiple mechanisms of action, corresponding to efficacy in diverse epilepsy syndromes.

Areas covered in this review: Here, an update on pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy and safety in childhood and adult epilepsies is given based on an analysis of controlled and uncontrolled studies, European, US and East Asian, and on clinical experience with zonisamide (ZNS) published up to 2009.

What the reader will gain: Evidence is presented that ZNS is effective not only in adult focal epilepsies, for which it has been approved in the USA and in Europe, but also may offer treatment options for compassionate use in a spectrum of difficult-to-treat epilepsy syndromes. Its favorable pharmacokinetic profile allows for easy combination with most available antiepileptic drugs.

Take home message: Provided that additional studies on ZNS are performed to extend approval and to generate comparative data, ZNS has a potential to gain importance in the treatmnt of a wide spectrum of epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

本文报道α-细辛脑治疗癫痫大发作及精神运动性发作共32例,剂量90-270mg/d,有效率为59%,其中15例单独接受α-细辛脑(另17例接受α-细辛脑加其它抗癫痫药)有效率为59%;另一组15例单独用苯妥因治疗具同样发作类型的癫痫病人进行对照观察,有效率为53%。后者与上述2组比较均无显著差异,而且不良反应小,说明α-细辛脑控制癫痫的疗效可与苯妥因相媲美,是一新型抗癫痫药。  相似文献   

A large number of new antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have become available over the last 10 years. Results from placebo-controlled clinical trials and community-based practice have demonstrated that levetiracetam has a broad spectrum of activity in suppressing seizures as add-on treatment and monotherapy and that it is safe and well-tolerated. Levetiracetam also has a favourable pharmacokinetic profile characterised by rapid and nearly complete absorption, very low potential for drug interactions and a prolonged pharmacodynamic effect that permits twice-daily dosing. Although, the mechanism of action of levetiracetam is not completely understood, preclinical studies suggest that it may have antiepileptogenic and neuroprotective effects, with the potential to slow or arrest disease progression.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that plays a pivotal role in signal transduction at integrin-linked cellular adhesions, which mediate cell contact with the extracellular matrix. It has been shown to play a role in the survival of anchorage-dependent cells and to be essential for integrin-linked cell migration – processes that are likely to play important roles in the development of malignancies. FAK is upregulated in a wide variety of human epithelial cancers, with expression being closely correlated to invasive potential. Recently, evidence has emerged directly linking FAK expression to tumour development in vivo, raising the possibility that intervention strategies to block FAK function may potentially provide an opportunity for the development of anticancer therapeutics.  相似文献   

托吡酯单药及合并用药治疗癫痫32例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:观察托吡酯单药及合并用药治疗癫痫的临床疗效。方法:对11例癫痫患者采用托吡酯单药治疗,对21例难治性癫痫患者采用托吡酯附加治疗,观察治疗前后癫痫发作频率变化。同时观察脑电图和药物的不良反应。结果:单药治疗组发作频率减少72.50%,总有效率为81.83%;托吡酯合并用药治疗组发作频率减少78.59%,总有效率为85.71%。脑电图明显改善。结论:托吡酯单用及合用其他药治疗各型癫痫均有效,未见明显不良反应,有较高的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

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