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Computers are a ubiquitous part of the ambulatory health care environment. Although stand-alone computers may be adequate for a small practice, networked computers can create much more powerful and cost-effective computerized systems. Local area networks allow groups of computers to share peripheral devices and computerized information within an office or cluster of offices. Wide area networks allow computers to securely share devices and information across a large geographical area. Either singly or in combination, these networks can be used to create robust systems to help physicians automate their practices and improve their access to important clinical information. In this article, we will examine common network configurations, explain how they function, and provide examples of real-world implementations of networking technology in health care.  相似文献   

The emergence of managed behavioral health care has increased the value of data describing outcomes of mental health treatment. At the same time, increased development of the national information infrastructure and other computer linkage systems has facilitated the flow of information among a wide network of data systems. These two developments create a dynamic tension between the need to share information and the need to protect the privacy of mental health clients and the confidentiality of their computerized records. This problem is exacerbated by the cost associated with potential solutions. Unfortunately, policy development in this area has lagged behind rapid developemnts in technology. The mental health administrator must balance the three components of this conflict (the increasing need for information transfer, the protection of confidentiality, and cost) without a great deal of guidance. This article offers recommendations that may help the mental health administrator manage this conflict.  相似文献   

政府建设农村医疗卫生的依据和职责定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量存在的农民因病致贫和因病返贫现象是农村医疗卫生体系不健全、保障制度缺失的表现。农村医疗服务的特点、医改过度市场化和政府干预不力导致农村医疗网络破损;保障制度建设尚处于起步阶段,由于制度环境和监管等原因导致制度实际效力低下。因此政府一方面要完善和维护好农村医疗卫生网络,发挥网络的整体功能;另一方面应在制度建设的全过程——目标规划、制度设计、实施和监管中承担起责任。全面落实政府的责任还应建立起政府和农民之间的信任关系,适时推进政策的法制化。  相似文献   

Due to rising health care expenditures international comparisons of health care systems are recently gaining more importance. These benchmarks can provide interesting information for improving health care systems. Many of these comparisons implicitly assume that countries have a universal understanding of justice. But this assumption is rather questionable. With regard to the existing cultural differences in the understanding of justice the transferability of elements of health care systems is not always assured. A transfer usually requires a thorough examination of the judicial systems in each country. This article analyses the influence of different judicial systems applying to health care. In this context theories of justice by Rawls, Nozick and Confucius representing the possible understanding of justice in different cultures are described and analysed with regards to their influence on health care systems. The example of financing health care shows that the three theories of justice have very different consequences for designing health care systems especially concerning the role of governments.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of online social networking for health, health care systems are experiencing an inescapable increase in complexity. This is not necessarily a drawback; self-organising, adaptive networks could become central to future health care delivery. This paper considers whether social networks composed of patients and their social circles can compete with, or complement, professional networks in assembling health-related information of value for improving health and health care. Using the framework of analysis of a two-sided network – patients and providers – with multiple platforms for interaction, we argue that the structure and dynamics of such a network has implications for future health care. Patients are using social networking to access and contribute health information. Among those living with chronic illness and disability and engaging with social networks, there is considerable expertise in assessing, combining and exploiting information. Social networking is providing a new landscape for patients to assemble health information, relatively free from the constraints of traditional health care. However, health information from social networks currently complements traditional sources rather than substituting for them. Networking among health care provider organisations is enabling greater exploitation of health information for health care planning. The platforms of interaction are also changing. Patient–doctor encounters are now more permeable to influence from social networks and professional networks. Diffuse and temporary platforms of interaction enable discourse between patients and professionals, and include platforms controlled by patients. We argue that social networking has the potential to change patterns of health inequalities and access to health care, alter the stability of health care provision and lead to a reformulation of the role of health professionals. Further research is needed to understand how network structure combined with its dynamics will affect the flow of information and potentially the allocation of health care resources.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Determining a community's health care access needs and testing interventions to improve access are difficult. This challenge is compounded by the task of translating the relevant data into a format that is clear and persuasive to policymakers and funding agencies. Geographic information systems can analyze and transform complex data from various sources into maps that illustrate problems effortlessly for experts and nonexperts. OBJECTIVE: To combine the patient data of a community health center (CHC) with health care survey data to display the CHC service area, the community's health care access needs, and relationships among access, poverty, and political boundaries. DESIGN: Georeferencing, analyzing, and mapping information from 2 databases. SETTING: Boone County, Missouri. PARTICIPANTS: Community health center patients and survey respondents. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Maps that define the CHC service area and patient demographics and show poor health care access in relation to the CHC service area, CHC utilization in relation to poverty, and rates of health care access by geopolitical region. RESULTS: The CHC serves a distinctly different area than originally targeted. Subpopulations with unmet health care access needs and poverty were identified by census tract. These underserved populations fell within geopolitical boundaries that were easily linked to their elected officials. CONCLUSIONS: Geographic information systems are powerful tools for combining disparate data in a visual format to illustrate complex relationships that affect health care access. These systems can help evaluate interventions, inform health services research, and guide health care policy. Arch Fam Med. 2000;9:971-978  相似文献   

The last few years have been a period of transition not only for hospitals and their governance but also for post-graduate medical education in Hong Kong. Both trends have a direct impact on the information market place. This article starts by studying the provision of medical and health-related information in Hong Kong. The two university medical and dental libraries, together with the hospital and health sciences libraries in government hospitals and the Department of Health, house the major collections on medicine and health care. The demand for medical and health care information is increasingly felt with the takeover of 39 hospitals by the statutory Hong Kong Hospital Authority in 1991. The major problems and issues in planning for library information services are the historically uneven development of libraries, discrepancies in funding, the changes in organizational and management structure, and the competition with higher development priorities within the organization. In view of current technology and the availability of rich external resources, the adopted strategies tend towards the formation of 10 library service networks, development of integrated library information systems on the Health Authority-wide area network, and the devolution of management responsibilities. The future challenges in store for the information professional are examined.  相似文献   

European Union health policy and its implications for national convergence.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the relevance for health care of European Union (EU) legislation, regulation and policies. Reports, communications and other materials of the European Commission and other relevant European bodies are screened for their implications for health care, primarily on the national health system level. The paper provides a brief overview of EU history and its main institutions, followed by an analysis of health (care)-related provisions in the EU's main legal documents--its treaties. The impact of the EU actions on health protection is considered with regard to both actions in the field of public health and health protection requirements in its policies. In the public health area, information systems that are now being developed are discussed, followed by an outline of health protection requirements in EU policies that can have an impact on health systems. These policies are then analysed using the political factions model. Finally an attempt is made to predict future developments, stressing the need for a far-reaching synchronization of national systems.  相似文献   

JCAHO, WEDI, ANSI, HCFA, the Clinton Administration health care reform task force, and other local, state, and national organizations are having a major impact on the health care system. Health care providers will become part of larger health care organizations, such as accountable health plans (AHPs), to provide health care services under a managed care or contracted fee-for-service basis. Information systems that were designed under the old health care model will no longer be applicable to the new health care reform system. The new information systems will have to be patient-centered, operate under a managed care environment, and function to handle patients throughout the continuum of care across a multiple-provider organization. The new information system will require extensive network infrastructures operating at high speeds, integration of LANs and WANs across large geographic areas, sophisticated interfacing tools, consolidation of core patient data bases, and consolidation of the supporting IS infrastructure (applications, data centers, staff, etc.). The changes associated with the health care reform initiatives may, indeed, turn current information systems upside down.  相似文献   

Integration of health information is critical to the provision of effective, quality care in today's fragmented health care system. The increasing prevalence of chronic conditions and the demand for a comprehensive understanding of patient health on the part of providers are driving the need for the integration of health information through electronic health information systems. Two distinct health information systems currently utilized in the health care field include electronic medical records (EMR) and chronic disease management systems (CDMS). The integration of these systems is likely to enable the efficient management of health information and improve the quality of health care as it would provide real-time patient information in a coordinated manner. The lack of real-time information may result in delayed treatment, uninformed decisions, inefficient resource use, and medical errors. Despite their importance and widespread support, these systems have slow provider adoption rates. Our understanding of how health information technology may be used to improve health care is limited by the relative paucity of research on the adoption, integration, and implementation of these 2 types of systems. This paper documents the use of an EMR at Marshfield Clinic, a multidisciplinary group practice in the United States. We review the concomitant use of an EMR for clinical data capture and the implementation of a proprietary CDMS, InformaCare, for care management of chronic diseases. These 2 systems allow providers to deliver health care using evidence-based guidelines that meet the Institute of Medicine's aim of providing safe, efficient, patient-centered, and timely care.  相似文献   

Research documents that interactions among experientially similar others (individuals facing a common stressor) shape health care behavior and ultimately health outcomes. However, we have little understanding of how ties among experientially similar others are formed, what resources and information flows through these networks, and how network embeddedness shapes health care behavior. This paper uses in-depth interviews with 76 parents of pediatric cancer patients to examine network ties among experientially similar others after a serious medical diagnosis. Interviews were conducted between August 2009 and May 2011. Findings demonstrate that many parents formed ties with other families experiencing pediatric cancer, and that information and resources were exchanged during the everyday activities associated with their child's care. Network flows contained emotional support, caregiving strategies, information about second opinions, health-related knowledge, and strategies for navigating the health care system. Diffusion of information, resources, and support occurred through explicit processes (direct information and support exchanges) and implicit processes (parents learning through observing other families). Network flows among parents shaped parents' perceptions of the health care experience and their role in their child's care. These findings contribute to the social networks and social support literatures by elucidating the mechanisms through which network ties among experientially similar others influence health care behavior and experiences.  相似文献   

A health care information server utilizing Internet resource discovery technology is presented as a component of a statewide medical information network. The development of an information server, including the development process and its design and operation, is presented. Menu design and implementation, which involved providing access to information resources in support of the tasks that make up the health care delivery process, are described. The potential impact of this technology on the health care delivery process is explored, and ways in which access to information can be facilitated and matched with the information needs of the various health care delivery tasks are identified. Issues associated with the use of public domain information resources are discussed, including control over Internet resources, access to information resources, network operational delays, client connection and software availability, information quality, and menu navigation. This project has demonstrated that Internet information resources exist that match the information needs of the tasks that make up the health care delivery process. Positive response has been received from physicians after initial utilization of the server in a stand-alone context. In the future, more applications will integrate the vast information resources on the Internet with traditional computing systems.  相似文献   

A development process, marked by the re-appearance of the primary health care as the core of health systems, has emerged in Latin America. Governments have made a commitment to renew this strategy as the basis of their health systems. However, these health systems are mainly faced with re-introducing equity values, and there are common challenges such as providing the health systems with trained human resources in sufficient numbers, overcoming the fragmentation/segmentation of the systems, ensuring financial sustainability, improving governance, quality of care and information systems, expanding coverage, preparing to face the consequences of an aging population, the changing epidemiological profile, and increase in the response capacity of the public health system. This article is intended to provide a comprehensive view of the progress and challenges of the inclusion of primary care health systems in Latin American countries.  相似文献   

With the move to CPR, health information managers will be challenged to reengineer the ways they manage processes within the medical record department. A lot of age-old health information problems (i.e., missing documents, lost test results, and missing records) can be solved and productivity improved with imaging. The digitized records will allow simultaneous access to readily available, legible, and usable information for patient care, research, audits, and correspondence. However, the transition from a manual to computerized record presents many challenges. Health information managers will have to monitor the changeover carefully, anticipating the needs for new information and developing the necessary mechanisms to produce it, as well as implementing new technologies as they emerge. Conditions are right for an advance in health care information systems. Pressures and changes in structure in the health care industry require better management tools. Acceptance of HIS as a management tool is growing rapidly among the health care provider community. The technology to realize the CPR and advanced decision support systems is available. All the pieces are there--they just need to come together. As the health care organization's view of and need for information systems change, medical record professionals must draw on their knowledge and experience and make the transition from managers of record systems to managers of health care information systems.  相似文献   

Employers are becoming more active in affecting health care delivery systems and developing new health care coalitions and systems. Hospitals will benefit from building a dialog with the employers and industry groups in their service areas. By sharing information and working together, hospitals and employers have the opportunity to check rising costs, avoid duplication of services and maximize utilization of health care resources.  相似文献   

Community stakeholders, from hospital systems to independent physicians, from self-insured employers to managed health plans, from government agencies to consumers, require access to health information across the continuum of care. As the information highways for organizations and communities, health information networks and community health information networks have become the vehicles to address this growing health information imperative. Research identified more than 500 health information networks in all 50 states and most metropolitan markets. Health information networks vary widely in their definition, strategy, and operational status. Despite tumultuous change with both successes and failures, health information networks are indeed affecting health care delivery within enterprises and local communities, across regions, and on a national scale.  相似文献   

Capitation and risk adjustment have become the chosen policy instruments to seek cost containment and equity of access for many developed health care systems. Increasingly, this entails the prospective setting of global budgets for the health care expenditures incurred by health care plans on behalf of their members. Methods of deriving such budgets are diverse and tailored to the specific circumstances of the health care system they seek to serve. This special issue presents a collection of papers devoted to issues surrounding the rationale, derivation, and implementation of capitation and risk adjustment methods of financing health care. These are discussed within the context of health care systems in eight countries, illustrating the range of interest in the topic. Undoubtedly, capitation and risk adjustment will become increasingly significant elements of virtually all systems of health care and we hope the collection of papers will help to stimulate further debate and research in this important and interesting area of health care financing. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The increasing importance of laws concerning privacy is directly connected to the importance of modern information and communication technologies and is a result of newly awakened consciousness concerning chances and risks of disseminating information. These conflicts have to be resolved mostly by legal means.Many new applications of information technology in medicine especially in diagnostics and treatment and the potential for new developments in health care of the disabled and elderly will open up new ways for the information society. Computer sciences and the Internet have created new dangers for privacy and data security, as information is continuously gathered and stored in various systems and places. Many organizations depend more and more on information systems, especially in the fields of health care and related areas.The growing exchange of sensitive data between health care organizations and third party institutions is responsible for the growing fear about misuse and abuse of private information. On the other hand, information systems and data exchange no longer exist in a legal grey area as the process of legislation continues to closely follow developments in new information technologies.Due to the importance of health care information systems, the growing need for rules and laws in the modern information society is a challenge that has already been addressed.  相似文献   

The rapid movement of information technologies into health care organizations has raised managerial concern regarding the capability of today's institutions to satisfactorily manage their introduction. Indeed, several health care institutions have consumed huge amounts of money and frustrated countless people in wasted information systems implementation efforts. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers as to why so many health informatics projects are not more successful. The aim of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of clinical information systems implementation. The research reported in this paper focuses on building a theory of the dynamic nature of the implementation process, that is, the how and why of what happened. The general approach taken was inspired by the work of Eisenhardt (1989) on building theories from case study research. We examined the implementation process, use and consequences of three distinct clinical information systems at a large tertiary care teaching hospital. A series of four research propositions reflecting the dynamic nature of the implementation process are offered as each of the three cases are analyzed. Findings add a number of new perspectives and empirical insights to the existing body of knowledge in the fields of IT implementation and medical informatics.  相似文献   

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