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由于生理性衰老所致的药物代谢动力学和药物效应动力学改变等因素,老年人极易发生潜在不适当用药(PIM)的情况。目前国际上已研制出多种评价工具用于筛查老年人PIM,但各国老年人PIM标准均以所在国上市药品为基准,制定方法各异。因此,基于我国老年患者的流行病学资料,建立并优化本土化的PIM评估标准,可有效减少老年患者诊疗过程中的PIM行为。本文通过介绍国内外潜在不适当用药常用评价工具,并综述其国内应用情况及展望,以期为我国老年患者合理用药提供依据。  相似文献   

分析我院老年住院患者的潜在不适当用药情况,探讨STOPP/START标准及《中国老年人潜在不适当用药判断标准》的适用性,为促进合理用药提供依据。分别以STOPP/START标准和《中国老年人潜在不适当用药判断标准》为依据,对我院1196例全科老年住院患者的潜在不适当用药情况进行分析。1196例患者平均年龄为(76.2±7.0)岁,平均用药品种数(15.7±6.5)种。根据STOPP/START标准,368例(占30.77%)患者存在潜在不适当用药现象共491项,其中涉及最多的药物是苯二氮■类药物;293例(占24.50%)患者存在处方遗漏共354项,其中遗漏最多的是血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂未用于有冠心病(史)的患者。根据《中国老年人潜在不适当用药判断标准》,726例(占60.70%)患者存在药物相关的潜在不适当用药现象共1215项,其中在与药物相关的PIM中,涉及药物最多的是氯吡格雷;110例(占9.20%)患者存在疾病状态下的潜在不适当用药现象共116项,全为A级警示药物相关的PIM,其中涉及最多是高血压患者使用非甾体抗炎药。两种标准检出相同的PIM 258例(占21.58%),共320项,其中可能引起跌倒药物重复检出的频率最高。我院全科老年住院患者存在较多潜在不适当用药情况,并且STOPP/START标准与《中国老年人潜在不适当用药判断标准》在识别潜在不适当用药方面均具有重大意义,应联系实际,合理使用。  相似文献   

目的 分析基于STOPP标准对老年多重用药患者的干预效果。方法 选取2018年9月—2019年12月江苏省南通市海门区中医院住院诊治的老年患者72例,采用Beers标准与STOPP标准判定患者的多重用药合理情况,调查患者的临床资料并进行影响因素分析。结果 72例患者中,Beers标准判断为潜在不适当用药24例,占33.33%;STOPP标准判断为潜在不适当用药26例(主要涉及的药物类型包括胺碘酮、阿普唑仑、艾司唑仑、奥氮平、地高辛及奥美拉唑等),占36.11%,两者差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。Logistic回归模型显示,合并疾病类型、年龄、住院时间、用药种类为潜在不适当用药发生的主要影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 基于STOPP标准评估老年多重用药患者潜在不适当用药具有重要价值,可促进老年人有效、安全、合理的药物治疗。  相似文献   

目的:通过对老年人不适当用药的调查评价,为我院老年人规范用药提供参考.方法:依据Beers标准(2012版)对我院290份60岁以上的老年住院患者病历进行回顾性评价,分析老年患者的不适当用药情况.结果:患者平均年龄(74.6±4.6)岁,平均用药15种;其中81例(发生率为27.93%)存在潜在的不适当用药,19例(发生率为6.55%)存在特定疾病的潜在不适当用药,11例(发生率为3.79%)发生药物不良反应.结论:我院老年住院患者不适当用药比例较高,药师和医师应重视以保证老年人的合理用药.  相似文献   

目的:整理国内外合理用药评价指标,为构建科学的合理用药评价体系提供思路。方法:通过检索中国知网、万方、Pubmed和Proquest等数据库,对有关合理用药评价的文献进行归纳、分析,总结目前国内外有关合理用药的评价指标。结果:合理用药评价的宏观标准包括世界卫生组织不合理用药指标、医院处方点评管理规范等。微观标准主要为潜在不适当处方(PIP)指标,其中明确标准包括比尔斯标准(Beers)、老年人不适当处方和处方遗漏筛查工具(STOPP/START)、虚弱老年人治疗评估标准(ACOVE)、中国老年人疾病状态下潜在不适当用药初级判断标准等;隐含式标准包括处方优化方法、药物合理指数等。结论:无论是宏观还是微观标准都是很好的处方评价工具,但研究者在实际应用中需要关注每个标准中指标设置的理由和建议,根据不同标准的特点,充分考虑评价对象、数据特征、药品目录、地区用药习惯等因素,对评价工具进行选择和调整。  相似文献   

目的:关注老年患者用药安全,促进合理用药。方法:以Beers(2012年版)标准为主要依据。对我院3012位老年患者进行潜在性不合理用药(PIM)评价分析。结果:根据Beers标准判断,共有162例(5.4%)至少发生了一种PIM,其中129例(4.6%)使用了老年人应避免使用的药物,46例(1.5%)使用了老年人应慎用的药物,13例存在两种PIM情况。354例(11.8%)发生了Beers标准未包括的PIM。尚未发现与诊断或疾病状态相关的潜在性不适当用药。结论:Beers标准是专业判断的重要补充,门诊老年患者潜在不当用药需要综合评价标准。  相似文献   

潜在不适当用药是老年人普遍存在的现象,与许多不良的医疗结局相关,包括药品不良反应、住院率及死亡率。目前,许多国家制定了相应的潜在不适当用药评价标准。这些标准大多关注药物的过度使用和错误使用,而关注药物治疗不足的较少。本文介绍、比较了潜在不适当用药的常用工具,讨论潜在不适当用药发生的影响因素,以及如何在日常工作中预防潜在不适当用药的发生。  相似文献   

目的 比较Beers标准(2019版)、老年人不适当处方筛查工具(STOPP)/老年人处方遗漏筛查工具(START)标准(2014版)及中国老年人潜在不适当用药判断标准(中国PIM标准)对河南省人民医院神经内科老年多重用药患者不适当用药的异同.方法 回顾性分析2019年河南省人民医院神经内科住院的老年患者医嘱,以3种标准为评价依据进行对比分析.结果 纳入患者223例,依照中国PIM标准,审查出潜在不适当用药170例,其中高风险40例,低风险126例,疾病状态下潜在不适当用药4例;依照Beers标准,共审查出潜在不适当用药228例,其中避免使用的潜在不适当用药89例,与疾病状态相关的不适当用药10例,谨慎使用药物113例,非抗感染药物间相互作用15例及肾功不全使用非抗感染药物的警示病例1例;依据STOPP/START标准审查出潜在不适当用药109例,处方遗漏70例.结论 各国标准均存在一定的优势和局限性,建议中国标准取长补短,在完善当前内容的同时,增加相互作用、联合用药等内容.  相似文献   

目的 为临床慢性肾病老年患者的合理用药提供依据。方法 抽取医院2021年4月肾病门诊老年(≥65岁)患者处方,根据美国老年医学会(AGS)制订的《老年潜在不适当用药的比尔斯标准(Beers)》(2019版),综合2017年我国出版的《老年人潜在不适当用药判断标准》,评价处方用药的潜在不适当用药(PIM)情况,并确定PIM的影响因素。结果 5 972例慢性肾病门诊老年患者中,男3 759例(62.94%),女2 213例(37.06%),发生PIM 288例,涉及药物14种。结论 药师应结合临床,合理灵活应用Beers标准,关注老年患者的个体化用药,促进医院的合理用药,保证患者的用药安全。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年人潜在不适当用药的研究发现。方法分别以"老年人不适当用药""potentially inappropriate medications"等为中英文检索词,检索从建库至2018年7月2日PubMed、SCI、Embase、中国知网、维普、万方6个数据库发表的相关文献。通过EndNote 8.0软件进行分类整理,统计项目包括纳入的文献年份、发表国家和研究内容等。结果共纳入文献607篇,其中英文文献506篇,中文文献101篇;2004年以后,老年人潜在不适当用药研究进入活跃期,美国发文量最多,使用最多的筛查标准为Beers标准和STOPP/START标准,主要涉及的药物种类包括抗精神失常药、苯二氮棘类药、非甾体抗炎药等。结论世界范围内老年人潜在不适当用药问题普遍存在,相比门诊、社区和疗养院,住院老年人潜在不适当用药发生率较高;老年人潜在不适当用药导致药物不良反应/事件值得重点关注,需要与临床医师配合共同干预,降低老年人潜在不适当用药的发生率。  相似文献   

Background Potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) should be avoided by the elderly because they possess a significant high risk for this population when a safer alternative is available. Therefore, the identification of prevalence and factors associated with PIMs should be considered as they provide valuable information that can be used to develop strategies to ensure patients’ safety. Objective To identify the prevalence and the clinical and socioeconomic–demographic factors that may be associated with PIMs use in the elderly, according to Beers criteria 2003 and its updated version 2012. And, as a secondary objective, a comparison between both criteria was performed. Setting Pharmacy of the Basic Health District Unit of the western district of Ribeirão Preto. Methods This cross-sectional observational study was conducted with the elderly, assisted by the Brazilian public health system. Data from patients were collected through a structured interview form. Beers criteria 2003 and 2012 were used to classify PIMs. The association between PIMs used and independent variables were analyzed by odds ratios. The differences between PIMs use according to Beers criteria 2003 and 2012 were analyzed by McNemar’s test and the agreement by kappa coefficient. Main outcome measure Prevalence and factors associated with PIMs use in Brazilian elderly outpatients. Results One thousand elderly patients were interviewed. High prevalence of PIMs use was observed, 48.0 and 59.2 % according to Beers criteria 2003 and 2012, respectively. The factors associated with PIMs use, common for both criteria, are female gender, self-medication, use of over the counter drugs, complaints related to adverse drug event, psychotropic medication, polypharmacy and some categories of drugs. PIMs use is different between Beers criteria 2003 and 2012 (McNemar’s test, p < 0.01), although a substantial agreement between these classifications was observed (kappa coefficient 0.635, 95% confidence intervals (0.588, 0.681). Conclusions Our study showed a high prevalence of PIMs use, which is associated with various clinical and social–demographic factors. When comparing both criteria through McNemar’s test, PIMs use was considered different. The differences may have occurred because medications with high prevalence of use in Brazil were included in Beers criteria 2012 .  相似文献   

Elderly patients are at increased risk of drug-related morbidity and mortality. Avoiding the use of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) is one of the strategies that has been widely adopted to reduce the harmful consequences of drug use. There are several PIM screening tools available. In this review, we provide an overview of existing screening tools to detect PIMs in the elderly, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Combining previously published and adopted tools (adjusted Beers list, French consensus panel, McLeod's list, and Lindblad's list of clinically important drug-disease interactions), we develop a new comprehensive tool that also includes the adjusted Hanlon's and Malone's lists of potentially serious drug-drug interactions in the elderly. In addition to listed PIMs and clinically important drug-drug interactions, alternative therapeutic solutions are suggested. The new protocol differentiates: drugs with an unfavorable benefit/risk ratio (to be avoided regardless of the underlying disease/condition), drugs with a questionable efficacy, and drugs to be avoided with certain diseases/conditions, and provides a list of potentially serious drug-drug interactions. A tool consisting of PIMs and potential drug-drug interactions within the same protocol provides more comprehensive quality assessment of drug-prescribing behavior to the elderly, which in turn may lead to better prescribing practices.  相似文献   

Chang CB  Chan DC 《Drugs & aging》2010,27(12):947-957
Several sets of explicit criteria for potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) have been developed by expert consensus. The purpose of this review is to summarize and compare existing criteria to enable more informed choices about their use. After a systematic literature search was conducted, seven examples of criteria published between 1991 and 2009 were included in the review and their individual characteristics are presented. Common medications listed in the majority of these criteria are also summarized. PIMs listed regardless of co-morbidities in all seven criteria sets were long-acting benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants. PIMs regardless of co-morbidities were most similar among the Beers, Rancourt and Winit-Watjana criteria. Several drug-disease interactions such as benzodiazepines and falls were cited in most criteria. With respect to drug-drug interactions, most criteria agreed that concomitant use of warfarin and NSAIDs should be avoided. The prevalence of PIMs varied with patient population, availability of medications in local markets, the specialties of the prescribing physicians and the assessment instruments used. The associations between PIMs use and health outcomes were largely inconclusive because of limited data. Further research is necessary to validate these published criteria in terms of reducing the incidence of adverse drug reactions and improving health outcomes among older adults. Incorporation of these criteria into computer-assisted order entry systems would increase their utilization in daily practice.  相似文献   

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