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BackgroundDisparities in wages and salaries can be viewed as the dispersion of a statistical distribution that responds to observed and unobserved characteristics, and reflects socioeconomic phenomena such as the interplay of supply and demand, availability of information, and efficiency of markets in their search for equilibrium.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to explore the nature of inequality in the distribution of pharmacists' wage-and-salary earnings and establish the extent to which inequality primarily occurred because of variation between/among groups or within groups of pharmacists in several classifications of human-capital and job-related preference variables.MethodsData were collected through the use of a survey questionnaire mailed to registered pharmacists in South Florida, USA. Five indicators of inequality (the log earnings variance, the coefficient of variation, the lower median share, the 90-10 decile ratio, and the Gini coefficient) were estimated for eight human-capital classifications and eight job-related classifications. A one-way ANOVA model was applied to the groups in each classification to compare variation between/among versus within pharmacy groups.ResultsPharmacists' wage-and-salary earnings were more evenly distributed than most income distributions discussed in the literature. They were more equitably distributed for full-time pharmacists than for all pharmacists in the data set. All five-inequality indicators behaved similarly. Notable differences were observed between/among groups within the gender, age group, marital status, number of children, academic degree, and type of primary pharmacy activity classifications.ConclusionInequalities in wages and salaries have been identified both between/among and within pharmacist groups in several classifications using five commonly accepted indicators.  相似文献   

Background: While there is evidence for socioeconomic inequalities in some adolescent substance use behaviors, there is limited information on how socioeconomic inequalities compare across European countries and over time. Objectives: To compare socioeconomic inequalities in problematic adolescent substance use (regular smoking, heavy episodic drinking, and cannabis use) across 24 European countries at two time points. Methods: We use the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) to examine socioeconomic inequalities in problematic adolescent substance use across 24 European countries in 2007 (n?=?73,877) and 2011 (n?=?71,060) using within country logistic regressions. Socioeconomic inequalities are measured using a relative index of inequality based on highest level of parental education relative to country of residence within survey year. Countries are ranked according to socioeconomic differentials. Results: In 2007, lower socioeconomic status (SES) adolescents had significantly higher odds of heavy episodic drinking in 10 countries, regular smoking in 12 countries, and recent cannabis use in 1 country. In 2011, the number of countries were 11, 15, and 0, respectively. In 2007, lower SES adolescents had a significantly lower odds of heavy episodic drinking in one country, regular smoking in one country, and cannabis use in four countries. In 2011, the number of countries were two, one, and six, respectively. There was little evidence for changes in socioeconomic inequalities over time. Conclusions: There are large country level differences in socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent substance use.  相似文献   

目的探讨健康教育与健康促进对蓄电池企业作业工人的职业卫生行为的干预效果。方法选择2014年1月~2016年7月某市某蓄电池企业作业工人284例作为此次研究对象,随机将其分为对照组和研究组,每组各142例,对照组未接受系统健康教育和健康促进,而研究组则接受系统与灵活的健康教育和教育促进,比较两组铅作业工人的干预效果。结果研究组铅作业工人的职业卫生法律知识了解度、铅危害知识知晓度、个人防护用品使用率以及个人防护用品使用准确率均要明显高于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组铅作业工人的血铅浓度要明显低于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论对蓄电池企业作业工人实施系统的健康教育与健康促进,对铅作业工人职业卫生行为的改善具有重要作用,还能显著提升作业工人的职业卫生知识水平,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的 讨论儿童心理卫生在儿童保健中的作用.方法 选取2014年8月至2015年7月,参加儿童保健并建立档案的184例儿童为研究对象;男童105例,女童79例,年龄5~11岁,平均年龄为7岁;其中已经入幼儿园者87名,入小学者97名,将这些儿童均进行行为估测自量表测试;对检查出异常的儿童实行心理卫生干预,对比干预前后各项指标变化情况.结果 所有参加调查的儿童中,分值较高的儿童有35例,占总人数的19.02%,35例儿童的心理问题经过相应的心理干预以及对症治疗后,有8例(22.85%)患儿痊愈,其他儿童除了强迫症状无明显改变,其他的不良症状如多动、攻击、违纪、抑郁、心理分裂、交往不良、体诉、社会退缩等均有所改善.结论 儿童保健不仅是保障儿童身体上健康,同时也要保障其心理上的健康发展,对儿童采用针对性的心理教育措施是保障儿童身心健康发展的关键所在.  相似文献   

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