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对58名飞行员的膳食调查结果表明,热能及各种营养素达到或超过RDA,蛋白质质量较好,其供热所占热比>15%;膳食脂肪来自动物性食物所占比重较大,而钙、铁、锌则以植物性来源为主。膳食中硫胺素摄入不足,占营养素供给标准(RDA)的81.2%。身体质量指数(BMI)显示营养状况正常者为84.5%,超重或肥胖者为15.5%。  相似文献   

食管癌1.亚硝胺:亚硝胺类化合物是一类很强的致癌物,在100多种亚硝胺中有十几种引起多种动物食管癌.在食管癌高发区发现居民膳食中摄入不同量的亚硝胺,同时证明:从膳食中摄入亚硝胺的量与食管癌发病率成正相关.一些亚硝胺能特异地引起动物食管癌.高发区人胃液中亚硝胺类化合物含量明显高于低发区.2.霉菌:从高发区酸菜、窝窝头、玉米面中分出多种霉菌,粮食霉菌污染率明显高于低发区.粮食中分离的冬青匍柄霉、互隔交链孢霉有致实变作用,所产生的毒素可致染色体畸变.霉菌与亚硝胺有协同致癌作用.  相似文献   

以食管癌高发区林州市和食管癌低发区禹州市居民作为研究对象,进行了血清β-胡罗卜素水平与食管癌发生关系的研究。结果显示:食管癌高、低发区居民血清β-胡罗卜素的含量分别为:451μg/L、1241μg/L。经t检验,具有极显著性差异(P<0.001)。并且在食管癌高发区内食管癌死亡率高的区域居民血清β-胡罗卜素含量低于食管癌死亡率低的区域居民。提示:血清β-胡罗卜素水平与食管癌的发生有一定的关系。  相似文献   

目的了解新疆托里县哈萨克族食管癌高发区居民膳食状况及一碳单位代谢相关营养素水平,为当地居民的营养知识宣教和食管癌预防提供理论依据。方法于2015年6月采用分层整群随机抽样方法对在新疆托里县抽取的244名健康哈萨克族食管癌高发区居民进行膳食状况调查,并采用化学发光免疫法测定血清叶酸和血清维生素B_(12)含量。结果新疆托里县哈萨克族食管癌高发区居民每人每日平均摄入谷类薯类499 g、畜禽肉类315 g、奶类359 g,均高于膳食指南建议量,水果类128 g、蛋类14 g、豆类5 g、鱼虾类0 g,均低于膳食指南建议量,蔬菜类399 g,符合膳食指南建议量;居民每日膳食中,蛋白质、胆固醇和维生素A的摄入量分别为(104.00±20.63)g、(383.63±130.64)mg和(1 175.24±260.74)μgRE,相当于膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)的160.00%、128.00%和147.00%,摄入明显偏高;硫胺素和维生素E的摄入量分别为(0.83±0.14)mg和(10.13±2.28)mg,相当于DRIs的59.29%和72.35%,摄入不足;维生素B6和叶酸的摄入量分别为(0.47±0.11)mg和(45.46±14.62)μg,相当于DRIs的29.38%和11.37%,摄入严重不足;居民血清叶酸含量为(8.09±3.85)nmol/L,低于13.4 nmol/L的参考范围,血清维生素B_(12)含量为(296.55±133.99)pmol/L,在133~675 pmol/L的参考范围内。结论新疆哈萨克族食管癌高发区居民膳食结构不合理,提倡居民应多食用豆类、蛋类、鱼虾类、新鲜水果和绿叶蔬菜,增加维生素B6和叶酸的摄入量。  相似文献   

商丘市1 300名住校中学生膳食调查及营养分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解中学生膳食及营养状况,指导学生科学用餐。方法采用膳食记录法连续调查5 d的膳食,以中国居民平衡膳食宝塔和2000年中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)及中等劳动强度的建议量为标准,进行比较评估。结果学生大多数营养素摄入充足,膳食中优质蛋白质来源比例偏低,钙、锌摄入普遍不足。女生热能及视黄醇摄入不足;男生维生素C摄入不足,热能营养素来源比不合理,碳水化合物供热偏高。结论膳食结构不够合理,对学生及膳食管理人员应加强营养知识教育,应按膳食指南和平衡膳食宝塔的要求合理安排膳食。  相似文献   

目的了解荆州市居民生活水平、食物结构、营养状况的变化趋势。方法利用1989、2004年“中国健康与营养调查”资料,分层整群随机抽样80户(城市、乡村各40户),采取连续3d称取每户每天食物消费量和个人询问两种方法进行调查。结果2004年居民谷类、薯类、蔬菜消费量减少,水产品、豆类、肉类、乳类消费量有较大增长,全市居民平均能量来源于谷类食物比例略有减少,豆类比例变化幅度大,动物性食物比例由8.33%上升到16.16%。与2000年膳食目标比,蛋白质供热比偏低,脂肪供能比超标;蛋白质来源于谷类比例下降,来源于动物性食物的比例增加;摄入能量、蛋白质已能满足营养需要,但部分维生素及微量元素摄入不足。2004年全市居民DDP评分值较高,但膳食质量略微提高。结论荆州市居民膳食结构有所改善,应采取有效措施解决膳食不平衡问题。  相似文献   

通辽市某中专学校学生膳食调查及营养评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解中等专业学校学生膳食营养状况。方法:采用膳食记录法调查7天的膳食,依据中国居民平衡膳食宝塔和2000年中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)与中等劳动强度的建议量进行比较评价。结果:学生大多数营养素摄入充足,膳食中优质蛋白质来源比例偏低,钙、锌摄入普遍不足。女生热能、蛋白质、铁、视黄醇当量摄入不足;男生维生素C摄入不足,热能营养素来源比不合理,碳水化合物供热偏高。结论:膳食结构不够合理,对学生应加强营养知识教育,按膳食指南和平衡膳食宝塔的要求合理安排膳食。  相似文献   

北京市50岁以上中老年人膳食营养状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的为了解北京市50岁及以上中老年人的膳食营养状况,对2002年“中国居民营养与健康状况调查”北京地区的结果进行分析。方法采用连续3d的称重法和24h回顾法,收集样本人群的食物消费种类及数量,获得个体每日食物和营养素的摄入量。结果北京市中老年人群的膳食以谷类为主,城郊区在膳食比例上存在差异。虽然人群的营养素平均摄入水平已接近或超过每日营养素供给量(RNI),但个体之间存在较大差异。人群中仍有相当比例的个体能量、蛋白质、脂溶性维生素和B组维生素以及锌、钾等营养素的摄入达不到RNI。结论北京市中老年人群膳食结构仍欠合理;应增加维生索和矿物质丰富的蔬菜、水果和豆类制品的摄入;控制脂肪和钠的摄取;并需努力减少个体之间的差异。  相似文献   

2009年夏季对宁夏城乡居民的膳食结构和营养状况抽样调查。结果表明全市居民平均摄入热量以及蛋白质、钙、铁和硫胺素、尼克酸、抗坏血酸等主要营养素的摄入量,均已达到或超过供给量标准,但维生素A和核黄素仍不足,蛋白质的质量也有待提高。调查显示膳食中的谷类粮食是提供热量和蛋白质的主要来源,动物性食物提供蛋白质来源的17.5%。作者等认为连云港地区居民膳食保持以粮谷类为主,蔬菜为辅,内、蛋、奶为助的结构模式可以基本满足我区居民的正常生理需要,为了进一步改善居民营养,建议发展豆类及其制品的生产销售,提高畜禽类动物的摄入。  相似文献   

食管癌高发区居民膳食结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:分析了解四川食管癌高发区盐亭居民膳食结构.方法:采用称重记账法对盐亭县699户农村居民入户调查四季各种食物摄入量,分析膳食结构和营养素摄入量,计算DDP评分.结果:1)调查期间调查对象人均摄入量较高的四类食品为谷薯类、新鲜蔬菜类、猪肉和酸菜、泡菜类,豆类、蛋类和水果类摄入极少,奶类食品摄入为零.2)四季膳食DDP评分分别为37.24、42.14、42.39、58.1.3)脂肪(49.6%~78%)、钙(21.6%~43.3%)、核黄素(47%~71%)在一年四季中的摄入量均明显低于RDA.硒(70.0%~76.0%)、视黄醇当量(52.0%)在春季的摄入量稍低于RDA.结论:食管癌高发区四川盐亭县居民1986年膳食模式不合理,有多种微量营养素摄入量低于膳食营养素推荐摄入量,春季尤为突出.不当的膳食模式和营养素的缺乏可能与当地食管癌发病的病因之一.  相似文献   

食管癌高低发区民膳食结构及营养素摄入水平分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李文杰 《卫生研究》1997,26(5):351-355
The dietary pattern and nutrients intakes of residents in areas with high and low prevalence of esophageal cancer were studied by 3 days' dietary survey. The results showed that the dietary pattern and nutrients intakes of residents in areas with low prevalence (ALP) of esophageal cancer was superior to that in area with high prevalence (AHP). The amount of soybean, meat and vegetable consumed by residents in the ALP was more than that in the AHP. Deep color vegetable and gaelic vegetable were dominant in ALP, but so were light color vegetables in AHP. The protein quality and quantity as well as the amount of Zn, Ca, RE and riboflavin consumed in the AHP were lower than that in the ALP. The energy from carbohydrate accounts for 78.14% of the total in the AHP. It is suggested that poor dietary pattern and the quality and amount of nutrients intake may be related to the development of esophageal cancer, and nutrition intervention in area of high prevalence seems rational.  相似文献   

[目的]比较福建省胃癌高发区(长乐)和中发区(同安)居民健康状况及饮食习惯,探索胃癌高发的可能原因,为防制工作提供依据。[方法]以随机抽样法抽取两地5年及以上常住居民一对一问卷调查,并进行统计分析。[结果]长乐居民慢性胃炎史、消化性溃疡史、家族胃癌史和自觉消化系统症状均高于同安居民。长乐居民饮食习惯中不良甚至有害因素较同安多,如食用鱼露制品、酸菜、烫食和陈旧粮食等。同安居民饮食习惯中的保护因素较长乐多,如摄入新鲜蔬菜水果和饮茶等。[结论]胃癌高、中发区居民在健康状况和饮食习惯等方面存在较大的差异,有必要在胃癌高发区开展健康教育,促进居民关注自身健康,改变不良或有害的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

居民膳食营养状况与食管癌和肝癌死亡率关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解食管癌与肝癌低发地区山东省淄博市桓台县、食管癌高发地区江苏省淮安市楚州区、肝癌高发地区广西壮族自治区扶绥县等3个地区居民的膳食营养状况,探讨膳食营养状况与食管癌、肝癌之间的关系。方法在3个地区各抽取1个自然村,选择年龄25~65岁,一般健康状况良好者作为调查对象,采用食物频率法,实地入户进行膳食调查。结果3个地区居民营养素的摄入有较大差异。江苏淮安楚州区调查对象的胡萝卜素、硫胺素、维生素E以及硒元素摄入量均低于山东桓台县,广西扶绥县调查对象的蛋白质、脂肪、视黄醇、硫胺素、钙、磷、硒以及膳食纤维摄入量均低于山东桓台县;山东地区调查对象的膳食营养状况明显好于其他2个地区。结论膳食营养因素可能与食管癌、肝癌的发生有一定关系。  相似文献   

青岛地区35~64岁城乡居民血脂异常特点及其相关因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的了解青岛地区35~64岁城乡居民血脂异常患病特点及其影响因素。方法利用青岛市首次居民营养与健康状况调查资料分析702名35~64岁城乡居民的血脂异常患病特点及其影响因素。结果城乡居民血脂异常率达74.1%,以高胆固醇(TC)血症为主要类型。45~岁组男性高于女性(P<0.01),55~64岁组女性高于男性(P<0.01)。核黄素摄入不足(OR=0.480,95%可信区间0.277~0.832),饮酒(OR=1.585,95%可信区间1.024~2.455),体质指数(BMI)较高(OR=1.057,95%可信区间1.002~1.115),维生素E摄入不足(OR=0.986,95%可信区间0.971~1.002),收缩压偏高(OR=1.012,95%可信区间1.002~1.022),脂肪摄入较高(OR=1.009,95%可信区间1.002~1.017)和维生素C摄入不足(OR=0.996,95%可信区间0.992~1.000)是血脂异常的危险因素。结论应针对人群特点,进行适当的健康教育,改善膳食结构获得理想血脂。  相似文献   

藏族与汉族中老年人膳食模式的差异对血脂的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解西藏地区居住的藏、汉两族中老年人及居住在汉族地区的汉族中老年人的膳食模式与血脂异常的关系。方法应用移民流行病学的方法,调查35岁以上居住在藏族地区的藏族、汉族和居住在汉族地区的汉族中老年人共572人的膳食和血脂状况,分析其特征和差异。结果藏民摄入较多为粗粮[(219.8±123.3)g/d]、肉类[(226.2±210.1)]g/d,饮酒较多[(580.8±1049.0)g/d],蔬菜、水果摄入量较低[(217.8±160.4)g/d];藏民的高甘油三酯血症(TG,5.0%)、低高密度脂蛋白胆固醇血症患病率(HDL-C,3.1%)低于其他两组人群(藏区汉族居民22.5%,10.7%;汉族地区汉族居民14.7%,8.4%),差别有统计学意义(P〈0.05);藏族地区汉族人群饮食结构类似汉族地区汉族居民,其高TG血症患病率较高(22.5%),低HDL-C血症患病率(10.7%)与汉族地区汉族居民(8.4%)接近,高于藏民(3.1%),差别有统计学意义(P〈0.05);高胆固醇血症(TC,2.7%)、高低密度脂蛋白胆固醇血症患病率(LDL-C,1.6%)低于汉族地区汉族居民(7.6%,4.0%)。结论藏区藏族居民高TC血症、高LDL-C血症患病率较低。藏区藏族居民高脂膳食对高TC血症发病有一定不良影响。  相似文献   

河南农村中老年人群膳食结构和高血压患病状况分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Wang J  Zhang D  Xiao Y  Zhao W 《卫生研究》2003,32(1):46-48
利用 1 997年中国预防医学科学院和美国BioSignia公司的合作项目“膳食、生活方式与慢性疾病研究”的资料 ,对河南南阳农村地区 61 86名 40岁以上居民中高血压患病特点及膳食结构进行分析。结果表明 ,调查地区居民尤其是高血压患者的膳食结构明显不合理 ,人群高血压患病率明显偏高 ,高达 44 8% ;膳食结构不合理与高血压患病率之间存在明显的关系 ,新鲜蔬菜和水果、水产品摄入高的人群中患病率低 ,而腌制蔬菜摄入高的人群中患病率高  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the protective effect associated with vegetables and fruits in breast cancer could be explained by nutrients and bioactive substances present in these plant foods, we carried out a case-control study in Uruguay including 400 cases and 405 controls. The intake of vegetables, fruits, and related nutrients was estimated with a food frequency questionnaire on 64 food items. This questionnaire allowed the calculation of total energy intake, and nutrients were calorie adjusted by the residuals method. Odds ratios for study variables were estimated by unconditional multiple logistic regression. Total vegetable, total fruit, dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, folate, and total phytosterol intakes were inversely associated with breast cancer risk [4th quartile odds ratio for total vegetable intake = 0.41, 95% confidence interval = 0.26-0.65, p (for trend) = 0.004]. The association with total vegetable intake was not independent of lycopene intake. The results related to vegetable and nutrient intakes are consistent with antioxidant and antiestrogenic effects. This could be mediated, among other nutrients, by dietary fiber and lycopene intake. The role of other unmeasured phytochemicals, correlated with dietary fiber and lycopene intakes, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Daily dietary fiber intakes were determined for two groups of older adults with significantly different bowel habits: nursing-home (NH) residents who habitually took laxatives and independent-living (IL) adults who took laxatives occasionally. Fiber intakes were calculated from neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and Southgate total dietary fiber values. IL subjects (n = 7) consumed on average 9.0 +/- 1.6 g NDF and 18.8 +/- 4.6 g total fiber daily. The NH menu provided a similar amount of NDF but more total fiber. NH residents (n = 6) consumed approximately 70-85% of the fiber served. When fiber intakes were expressed as energy, NH and IL subjects consumed similar amounts of NDF but IL subjects consumed less total fiber. Grain products were major fiber sources for both groups; IL subjects consumed more fiber from fruits. Comparisons of fiber intakes, bowel function, lifestyles, and medications suggest that dietary fiber is only part of the basis for inadequate large bowel function experienced by some elderly populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We assessed fiber intakes and determined the major food categories that contribute to dietary fiber intakes in the Taiwanese elderly. We also examined the association between fiber intake and health status. METHODS: Macronutrients, dietary, and crude fiber intakes of 173 elderly men (76.4 +/- 0.4 y) and 140 women (76.6 +/- 0.4 y) were assessed with 24-h recall. Health status was assessed by the checklist questionnaire. Food was categorized as grain, vegetable, fruit, soy, other legumes, snack, seaweed, nuts, and mushroom groups. RESULTS: The mean dietary and crude fiber intakes by our older population were 8.79 +/- 0.24 g/d and 3.30 +/- 0.08 g/d, respectively. Significant associations were found between low fiber intakes and swallowing ability in the elderly population. Vegetables, fruits, and grains contributed most (>85%) to dietary fiber intakes for men and women. However, women consumed a greater proportion of fiber from vegetables and a lesser proportion from grain and snacks than did men. CONCLUSIONS: Elderly subjects had remarkably low dietary fiber intakes (g and g/Mcal). Swallowing and chewing ability determined the amount of fiber consumed. Vegetable contributed more than half of dietary fiber intake. The selection of food groups exerted sex-dependent pattern in grains, vegetables, and snacks.  相似文献   

Linxian, China, is a region with high incidence of esophageal cancer and a history of poor nutritional status. Nutrition Intervention Trials were conducted in this area from 1985 through 1991 and found a reduction in total cancer mortality in the group receiving supplementation of beta-carotene/selenium/alpha-tocopherol. The positive results of those trials have, in part, been ascribed to the poor nutritional status of this population. To investigate more recent food patterns, nutrient intakes, and seasonal variations in the diet, dietary surveys were conducted among the residents of Linxian in 1996. Food consumption data were collected among 104 households in spring and 106 households in autumn using a method of food inventory changes. Intake of nutrients was estimated and compared to the Chinese Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). In both seasons, the five most common food groups consumed were cereals, fresh vegetables, yams, seasoning, and eggs. Low nutrient intakes were found for selenium (79% RDA and 66% RDA), zinc (72% RDA and 62% RDA), vitamin B2 (64% RDA and 52% RDA), and calcium (53% RDA and 39% RDA) in both spring and autumn. A large seasonal variation was seen in the consumption of leafy vegetables, root vegetables and eggs, all of which might have contributed to the lower intake of vitamin A (25% RDA), vitamin C (75% RDA), protein (76% RDA), and vitamin E (78% RDA) in autumn. These indicate that the nutrient intake in Linxian is inadequate for a number of vitamins and minerals including those shown to be associated with esophageal cancer.  相似文献   

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