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可视化人体在泌尿外科医师培训中应用的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,在可视化人体数据集基础上产生的虚拟现实医学,实现了人体解剖结构的三维可视化,能在可视化模型上进行人体解剖结构的任意切割和多方位显示,并实现了虚拟外科学,已在教学和临床发挥了重要的作用。本文将对可视化人体在泌尿外科医师培训中的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

肝脏可视化研究在解剖学教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,使数字化虚拟现实在医学上的应用得以实现,并在医学、生物学等领域提出了对数字化可视人体的多层次的需求,使得人体结构数据的可视化成为当今研究的热点,为数字化可视人体解剖学研究提供了一个良好的机遇。数字化可视肝脏借助计算机软件应用动态三维立体图像取代传统的医学二维图像,通过应用肝脏三维虚拟结构模型进行动态显示,  相似文献   

目的:医学图像三维可视化技术是医学图像领域新的研究热点,其应用领域广泛。为了更直观的掌握人体内部信息.医学图像三维可视化技术仍需继续发展。方法:本文对国内外近年来医学图像三维可视化技术及其应用进行了较为全面的综述。结果:主要介绍了三维可视化技术、体绘制加速技术、结合医学图像三维可视化的思路及在临床诊断和临床治疗上的最新应用,并对不同方法的特点及存在的问题进行了讨论。结论:研究表明,医学图像三维可视化技术在临床医学上已经取得了大量的应用成果。随着计算机技术的不断成熟和新技术不断涌现,医学图像三维可视化技术及其应用也将继续发展和完善。  相似文献   

背景:VTK是一个免费的图像三维重建和处理的专业开发平台,其功能强大,源代码开放,用户可以根据自己的需求灵活的定制和开发。 目的:介绍图像三维可视化中常用的面绘制和体绘制两类可视化技术的原理,以及其典型的Marching Cubes和Ray Casting三维重建算法,并对重建的三维医学图像的应用和扩展进行了探讨。 方法:基于免费的VTK可视化开发包平台和Visual C++ 6.0 IDE开发工具,使用C++语言,采用真实人体CT数据集,实现CT图像的三维重建和应用扩展。 结果与结论:基于VTK平台,采用面绘制和体绘制不同绘制原理实现了医学图像的三维可视化。重建得到的三维医学图像,显示效果清晰直观,并且可以配合进行三维医学图像的测量、虚拟切割等操作,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代开始,国内外相继出现了医学三维重建的报道,90年代进行了虚拟人体形态结构的研究[1-2],国内耳蜗的三维建模也随之开展.医学三维重建是借助计算机对多途径所获得的器官组织连续图像进行分割处理、提取轮廓,构建其三维图形并进行定量测量的一种形态学研究方法.随着计算机硬件的不断升级,以及图形图像工具软件的更新换代,使得在二维图像上无法呈现的复杂空间构筑,在三维可视化屏幕上得以实现.  相似文献   

数字化可视人体在解剖学教学中的初步应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着医学与信息技术,计算技术的结合以及计算机技术的迅猛发展,使医学数据的数字化成为当今研究与应用中的热点,也为数字化虚拟人体解剖学研究提供了一个前所未有的机遇。目前,我们应用已完成的中国首套数字化可视人体数据集,在PC机上实现了该套数字化人体数据交互式三维可视化,并人体解  相似文献   

背景:医学影像三维可视化技术将二维断层图像转化为三维图像,有利于提高医疗规划的准确性,是当今医学领域研究的热点,在诊断医学、手术规划、模拟仿真等领域都有重要的应用。目的:利用二维医学图像序列重建出三维模型的关键技术,对可视化系统进行总体设计。方法:首先研究现有三维重建技术,包括预处理技术,图像分割和配准可视化算法。其次给出了系统体系结构设计图,各模块中应用到各种三维重建关键技术。结果与结论:根据现有关键技术的研究,选用OpenGL作为可视化开发工具,设计了一种基于PC机的三维医学图像可视化系统。  相似文献   

本文分析了医学高职高专院校学生生源、师资队伍、教材和人体解剖学授课模式等方面的现状,指出了现今人体解剖学教学的瓶颈主要是课堂中学生对人体形态结构很难形成三维立体印象,影响学习积极性。从而引出人体虚拟解剖台是医学与信息技术相融合的产物,结合国内关于虚拟解剖台应用于教学的相关研究,阐明了结合虚拟解剖台的教学模式是高职高专院校人体解剖学教学改革发展的一种必然趋势。  相似文献   

背景:近年来图像可视化技术蓬勃发展,相应的各种加速算法也层出不穷,但少有文献就此方面进行综述和概括。 目的:尝试对医学图像可视化技术及加速技术的研究进展和发展趋势进行归纳和概括。 方法:由第一作者检索2000/2009 PubMed数据及万方数据库有关医学图像三维重建、科学计算可视化、可视化加速技术等方面的文献。计算机初检得到56篇文献,根据纳入标准保留23篇进一步归纳总结。 结果与结论:医学图像可视化技术可以在重建三维图像模型的基础上,进行定性定量分析,便于人们更清楚地认识蕴涵在体数据中的复杂结构,这对于医学研究和临床诊断都具有十分重要的理论意义和应用价值。医学图像可视化技术通常分成面绘制和体绘制这两大类。由于面绘制技术的缺点和局限,以及计算机技术的迅猛发展,目前人们越来越多地关注体绘制技术及其加速技术。医学图像可视化技术及其加速技术如能与虚拟现实及GPU相结合,必能发挥更大的作用,真正体现其价值。  相似文献   

<正>随着计算机图像技术的发展,计算机辅助教学成为教学中不可缺少的部分。数字解剖学是一门将工程和信息处理技术引入医学解剖学,用先进的信息处理技术研究人体结构的交叉学科。它先将人体结构数字化,再通过虚拟仿真技术,实现对人的整体、系统、器官、组织、细胞、分子和基因等的精确模拟,以构建不同用途的可视化人体模型~([1])。数字化虚拟人体的科学意义,  相似文献   

基于虚拟中国人数据集的鼻部及颞骨解剖结构三维重建   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:为可视化虚拟人体模型鼻部及颞骨解剖结构的三维重建探索一种可行的方法。方法:利用3D-Slicer软件进行鼻部及颞骨部分解剖结构的三维重建。对单层图片进行图象分割及提取,处理后的体数据导入3D—Slicer,选择阈值进行进一步的图像分割,产生感兴趣区的标志图,进而重建出组织结构的三维表面模型。结果:成功重建了四组鼻窦,鼻中隔,中下鼻甲,颞骨,鼓室,乳突气房,乙状窦,颈内动脉的三维表面模型,并可显示不同结构间的毗邻关系与空间定位。结论:基于中国第一号虚拟人数据集,用3—D软件可以实现鼻部颞骨部分解剖结构三维可视化,便于对该部解剖结构的观察和理解。  相似文献   

目的针对当前医学图像处理的需要,在VTK类库提供的可视化与显示功能的基础上,用VC++2008设计和实现一个可集成于OK图像采集卡的三维可视化系统。方法在VC++2008平台下,结合可视化工具包VTK,对DICOM格式的CT图像序列进行面绘制和体绘制,通过设置虚拟切面的内点和法向量对重建后的三维物体进行切割并获得虚拟切片的信息,在切割的同时可以同步显示出虚拟切片图像。结果实验结果表明,该系统能有效地实现DICOM医学图像的体绘制和表面绘制,并且可以在任意方向切割、旋转、放大与平移三维图像。结论上述系统对增强OK图像采集卡的后处理功能具有重要作用,在理论研究和临床应用上有重要意义和研究价值。  相似文献   

The study of three-dimensional reconstruction of Chinese adult liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Purpose  To build a three-dimensional (3D) visible model of human liver and provide visualization of precise anatomical structures for making plans for hepatic operations and obtain accurate simulation of liver on computer. Methods  Based on the Chinese Visible Human data set, the hepatic structures were precisely segmented by Photoshop software. Then the segmented structures were reconstructed in surface rendering method and the hepatic parenchyma and the other parts of upper abdomen were reconstructed with volume rendering method by using our software on personal computer. Results  A 3D model of human liver and its surrounding structures was built. The reconstructed structures can be displayed singly, in small groups or as a whole and can be continuously rotated in 3D space at different velocities. This model can help doctors to understand the spatial structure of the liver and its surrounding organs and also help surgeons to devise a reasonable surgical plan and reduce the risk of surgical malpractice. Conclusion  Combining volume-rendering reconstruction with surface rendering reconstruction can overcome some of the defects of both rendering reconstructions. The reconstructed liver and the main internal structures are realistic, which demonstrate the natural shape and exact position of the structures. They provide an accurate anatomical model for Chinese adult and also provide a basis for performing virtual hepatic operation.  相似文献   

Preliminary study on digitized nasal and temporal bone anatomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to explore a feasible method for the reconstruction of the nasal and temporal bone structures of the Chinese virtual human project and provide a more accurate and facilitated way view them three-dimensionally (3D). The 3-D Slicer software was used to reconstruct the anatomic structures of the human nose and temporal bone. Segmentation and extraction of the contours of the ROI (region of interest) in each single slice were conducted and the processed volume data was transferred into the 3-D Slicer. After resegmentation, a set of labeled maps of the ROI were produced. Based on these maps, the 3D surface models of the tissues of interest were constructed. Four groups of paranasal sinuses, nasal septa, middle and inferior turbinates, temporal bones, tympanic cavities, mastoid air cells, sigmoid sinuses, and internal carotid arteries were reconstructed successfully. These models show spatial relationships and orientation between them. The results show that the 3-D Slicer may be used for the 3D visualization of parts of anatomic structures in the nose and temporal bone based on the first Chinese virtual human data, and thus, can facilitate the observation and understanding of the anatomic structures in this area.  相似文献   

Several partial models of cochlear subparts are available. However, a complete 3D model of an intact cochlea based on actual histological sections has not been reported. Hence, the aim of this study was to develop a novel 3D model of the guinea pig cochlea and conduct post-processes on this reconstructed model. We used a combination of histochemical processing and the method of acquiring section data from the visible human project (VHP) to obtain a set of ideal raw images of cochlear sections. After semi-automatic registration and accurate manual segmentation with professional image processing software, one set of aligned data and six sets of segmented data were generated. Finally, the segmented structures were reconstructed by 3D Slicer (a professional imaging process and analysis tool). Further, post-processes including 3D visualization and a virtual endoscope were completed to improve visualization and simulate the course of the cochlear implant through the scala tympani. The 3D cochlea model contains the main six structures: (1) the inner wall, (2) modiolus and spiral lamina, (3) cochlea nerve and spiral ganglion, (4) spiral ligament and inferior wall of cochlear duct, (5) Reissner’s membrane and (6) tectorial membrane. Based on the results, we concluded that ideal raw images of cochlear sections can be acquired by combining the processes of conventional histochemistry and photographing while slicing. After several vital image processing and analysis steps, this could further generate a vivid 3D model of the intact cochlea complete with internal details. This novel 3D model has great potential in teaching, basic medical research and in several clinical applications. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

目的 总结医学插画的历史及其新可视化模式在解剖与临床中的应用。方法 以“医学插画” “解剖插画”以及“medical illustration”“medical illustration and three-dimensional”“medical illustration and virtual reality”为中英文关键词,在中国知网、万方数据和PubMed等数据库中检索2020年1月前发表的与医学插画历史、现状及其新可视化模式相关的文献,检索到文献634篇,剔除内容不符、无法获取全文、重复研究以及设计缺陷的文献,最终纳入32篇文献,对其进行总结分析。结果 从手绘解剖插画到大体解剖图谱,再到三维虚拟解剖模型、3D打印解剖模型及虚拟手术解剖,技术推动了解剖学的发展,为医学专业人员学习解剖提供了便捷,也改变着解剖学的教学方式和外科的培训模式。结论 医学插画的新可视化模式在解剖教学与临床培训中有很好的应用前景,如何利用这些新模式来创造更高效的教学工具,改进外科训练模式,有待进一步的探索。  相似文献   

目的:总结脑解剖结构的三维可视化研究进展及其临床应用。方法:查阅近年来与脑解剖结构三维可视化相关的文献,了解三维可视化技术的应用方法及临床意义。结果:三维可视化技术在脑解剖、数字人脑图谱、虚拟现实、神经导航及远程医疗等方面已得到广泛应用。结论:随着三维可视化技术在多学科领域的广泛应用及与更多科技领域的合作,将会推动神经外科向更加先进医疗方式的发展。  相似文献   

Visible Korean Human: its techniques and applications   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three recent studies have offered an unprecedented view of the human body. The Visible Human Project, the Visible Korean Human (VKH), and the Chinese Visible Human have featured the serial sectioning of whole cadavers, producing cross-sectional images that methodically catalogue gross human anatomy. By volumetric reconstruction, these cross-sectional images can be transformed into three-dimensional (3D) images of anatomic structures. Compiling these 3D images would create an invaluable library for medical education and research. The goal of this report is to promote the expansion of such a library of 3D anatomic images and to help users fully understand and utilize the serially sectioned images. To do this, we will discuss the fundamental techniques and equipment used in the VKH and its preliminary experiments. We will also address new applications of the VKH, including virtual brain surgery, virtual endoscopy, and virtual cardiopulmonary resuscitation via the development of virtual dissection software.  相似文献   

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