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目的本研究旨在探讨不同心理弹性的受虐儿童对情绪面孔的注意加工特点。方法使用杨世昌儿童受虐筛查自编问卷从遵义市某小学筛选出90名被试,分为受虐儿童和非受虐儿童,再使用青少年心理韧性量表将受虐和非受虐儿童再分别分为高、低心理弹性两组,然后让他们完成点探测任务。结果心理弹性的人际协助可以正向预测受虐儿童对愉快面孔以及愤怒作为无效线索时的反应速度,而家庭支持维度可以正向预测非受虐儿童对愉快面孔的反应速度。结论尽管受虐儿童的家庭支持水平极低,但是家庭环境之外的人际协助可以预测受虐儿童对情绪刺激的认知加工。  相似文献   

情绪面孔的识别能力是考察情商的一个重要指标,搜集不同人群对情绪面孔的觉察、加工等客观生理反应指标,考察正性、中性、负性情绪对其的不同作用和影响,将加深对其社会认知机制的理解,有利于研究特殊人群对情绪面孔的注意偏向,了解其社会功能以及对其进一步干预.本文从不同人群的情绪面孔识别研究等方面予以综述.  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童行为、情绪问题及受虐状况.方法 2012年4月分层整群抽取河南省新郑市、南阳市城乡普通中小学生460名,采用儿童行为问题筛查量表(CBCL)、儿童焦虑性情绪筛查表(SCARED)、儿童抑郁障碍自评量表(DSRSC)和儿童受虐筛查表(SQCA)调查儿童行为、情绪问题及受虐状况.结果 ①共筛查出儿童行为问题85例,检出率19.02%(85/447).②有行为问题儿童组的焦虑、抑郁障碍患病率均高于非行为问题儿童组(44.7% vs.17.65%;36.47% vs.14.12%);SCARED总分、DSRSC总分[(22.92±13.30)、(12.58±5.08)]均高于非行为问题组[(13.05±9.72)、(9.75±4.37)];行为问题儿童受虐率高于非行为问题组(29.4%vs.4.7%),差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.01).结论 普通中小学生中,儿童行为问题检出率高;有行为问题儿童具有更多的焦虑及抑郁症状,存在更多的受虐状况.  相似文献   

自杀行为受多种因素影响,儿童受虐是导致成人自杀的危险因素。本文从儿童受虐类型与自杀的关系及儿童受虐后导致自杀的影响因素进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的 探讨精神分裂症首次发病患者面孔识别障碍的特点.方法 采用病例对照研究设计,对性别、年龄、文化程度匹配的精神分裂症首次发病患者组(30例)和对照组(30例),应用Ekman标准表情库中的面孔生成刺激材料,研究2组受试者的面孔不同程度性别识别能力(分低、中、高3等程度的男女识别)和面孔不同程度表情识别能力(分低、中、高3等程度的高兴、厌恶、恐惧情绪的识别),分析面孔性别识别和面孔表情识别的判断正确率、反应时间,并比较各类视觉事件相关电位中的P100、N170、N250、晚正成分P300的波幅和潜伏期.结果 (1)行为学数据:患者组与对照组在性别识别方面的总体正确率和总体反应时间的差异均无统计学意义(F =3.306,P=0.077;F=3.866,P =0.056);患者组与对照组在表情识别方面的总体正确率为(44.5±2.4)%,低于对照组(60.5±2.1)%,差异有统计学意义(F=2.372,P=0.009),2组反应时间的差异无统计学意义(F=3.580,P =0.066).(2)脑电数据:患者组高程度的厌恶情绪和高程度的高兴情绪诱发的N170潜伏期低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(F=3.176,P=0.047);患者组与对照组N250波幅的差异有统计学意义(F =4.516,P=0.015).结论 精神分裂症首次发病患者存在面孔识别能力损害,N170、N250可能是精神分裂症的属性指标.  相似文献   

精神分裂症患者存在严重的社会认知缺陷,而面孔情绪识别受损是社会认知受损的一个重要方面,这一症状在精神分裂症不同阶段的人群中稳定存在。使用量化的事件相关电位指标探讨面孔情绪识别缺陷的机制,加深对疾病的理解。现就精神分裂症的面孔情绪识别缺陷及其事件相关电位的特征和机制进行综述。  相似文献   

儿童青少年情绪障碍作为一种常见的精神障碍,除了与遗传相关,家庭因素在其发生、发 展和干预康复中也有不可替代的作用。现依据DSM-5 的分类标准,综述儿童青少年情绪障碍与家庭的 关系,总结针对儿童青少年情绪障碍的具有实证研究的非传统的家庭心理干预新模式,希望能为其临 床研究和干预提供方向和依据。  相似文献   

儿童情绪障碍常有各种运动和感觉等方面的主诉^[1,2],易长期按躯体疾病就医造成误诊。现将我院2000年至2002年收治的15例患儿报告如下:  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-three acute schizophrenics, 21 acute major depressives (Research Diagnostic Criteria), and 15 normal controls participated in a study on facial expression and emotional face recognition. Under clinical conditions, spontaneous facial expression was assessed according to the affective flattening section of the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms. Under experimental laboratory conditions involuntary (emotioneliciting interview) and voluntary facial expression (imitation and simulation of six basic emotions) were recorded on videotape, from which a raterbased analysis of intensity or correctness of facial activity was obtained. Emotional face recognition was also assessed under experimental conditions using the same stimulus material. All subjects were assessed twice (within 4 weeks), controlling for change of the psychopathological status in the patient groups. In schizophrenics, neuroleptic drug influence was controlled by random allocation to treatment with either haloperidol or perazine. The main findings were that schizophrenics and depressives are characterized by different quantitative, qualitative, and temporal patterns of affect-related dysfunctions. In particular, schizophrenics demonstrated a trait-like deficit in affect recognition and in their spontaneous and voluntary facial activity, irrespective of medication, drug type and dosage, or extrapyramidal side-effects. In depressives a stable deficit could be demonstrated only in their involuntary expression under emotion-eliciting interview conditions, whereas in the postacute phase a reduction in their voluntary expression became apparent. Differences in patterns of affect-related behavioral deficits may reflect dysfunctions in different underlying psychobiological systems.  相似文献   

A systematic review of medical records of one hundred consecutive admissions to a children's psychiatric inpatient unit was conducted to assess specific somatic, cognitive and emotional characteristics that distinguish sexually abused children from other hospitalized children. Sexually abused children were characterized by: a lower performance IQ, higher incidence of parasomnia prior to admission, longer length of hospital stay, and comparatively small physical stature.  相似文献   

Many clinicians do not agree on whether or to what extent sexually abused children suffer emotional harm. An analysis of behavioral problems among 112 preschool, school-age, and adolescent children who had been sexually abused indicated that the preschool and adolescent samples showed relatively few signs of serious disturbance. The school-age group, however, showed a substantial incidence of psychological difficulties. The authors discuss the specific disturbances found among each group, the severity of the disturbances compared with those of normal children and children receiving psychiatric treatment for other reasons, and the implications of the findings for clinical interventions.  相似文献   

People spontaneously mimic a variety of behaviors, including emotional facial expressions. Embodied cognition theories suggest that mimicry reflects internal simulation of perceived emotion in order to facilitate its understanding. If so, blocking facial mimicry should impair recognition of expressions, especially of emotions that are simulated using facial musculature. The current research tested this hypothesis using four expressions (happy, disgust, fear, and sad) and two mimicry-interfering manipulations (1) biting on a pen and (2) chewing gum, as well as two control conditions. Experiment 1 used electromyography over cheek, mouth, and nose regions. The bite manipulation consistently activated assessed muscles, whereas the chew manipulation activated muscles only intermittently. Further, expressing happiness generated most facial action. Experiment 2 found that the bite manipulation interfered most with recognition of happiness. These findings suggest that facial mimicry differentially contributes to recognition of specific facial expressions, thus allowing for more refined predictions from embodied cognition theories.  相似文献   

The study aims to explore the significance of event-related potentials (ERPs) and event-related brain oscillations (EROs) (delta, theta, and alpha power) in response to emotional face during 180-250 poststimulus time interval. Twenty-one adults looked at emotional (sad, happy, fearful) or neutral faces. The results demonstrated that the emotional face elicited a negative peak at approximately 230 ms (N230). Moreover EEG measures showed that motivational significance of face (stimulus type) can modulate the amplitude of EEG, especially for theta and delta. Regression analysis showed that theta oscillations mainly effect as oscillation activity at the N2 latency. Thus, this frequency band variation could represent a complex set of cognitive processes, whereby selective attention becomes focused on an emotional relevant stimulus.  相似文献   

Allen and Tarnowski (1988) identified a pattern of depressive characteristics that distinguished physically abused from nonabused children. The present study attempted to extend the generality of these findings to sexually abused children Sexually abused and nonabused children were compared on measures of depression, hopelessness, and self-esteem. Results indicated that while sexually abused children self-reported more depressive symptoms in comparison to nonabused controls, that these differences were not statistically significant and failed to replicate the findings noted for physically abused children.  相似文献   

Music is part of everyday life, and is generally regarded as therapeutic. There is increasing interdisciplinary interest in innate human musicality and the link between music and the emotions. Innate musicality is evident in the dynamic forms of emotional expression that both regulate and cultivate the foundations of meaning in human communication (intersubjectivity). This article discusses music therapy, drawing from interdisciplinary perspectives, and illustrated by case material of individual music therapy with a sexually abused child. Where the growth of mind and meaning is devastated at its core by early relational trauma, music, when used with clinical perception, may reach and work constructively with damaged children in an evolving, musically mediated therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

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