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Background: Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy can cause pain and anxiety for patients. Despite the use of many distraction methods to reduce pain and anxiety, there is no study on the use of stress balls during lithotripsy. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of use of stress balls and music therapy to reduce pain and anxiety during lithotripsy. Design: This was a single-center, parallel randomized controlled trial. Settings: The study involved the lithotripsy unit in a training and research hospital in Turkey. Participants: The study included 120 patients who had kidney or ureter stones. Methods: The patients were randomly divided into three groups. The control group (group 1) received no interference, whereas experimental groups received stress ball (group 2) and music (group 3) interventions during lithotripsy, respectively. Data were collected using the Patient Information Form, visual analog scale, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: There was no statistically significant difference among the three groups in regard to anxiety and pain mean scores (p > .05). No statistically significant difference was found between anxiety scores before and after lithotripsy in each group (p > .05), whereas there was a statistically significant difference between pain scores during and after lithotripsy (p < .05). Conclusion: Based on the present study, no statistically significant difference was found between the use of stress balls and music in reducing pain and anxiety during lithotripsy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of stress balls used during lithotripsy.  相似文献   

Preoperative educational intervention for anxiety and pain affects patients undergoing spinal surgery. The effects, however, have never been examined using randomized controlled designs. To investigate the effects of education on anxiety and pain for patients undergoing spinal surgery, a randomized trial with block design was used. Patients were recruited from a medical center in central Taiwan. We invited 90 patients to participate in this study. Inclusion criteria were (a) age ≥20 years, (b) voluntary participation, (c) able to understand Taiwanese Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese, and (4) no hearing or vision impairments after using aids. Patients (n = 86) undergoing lumbar spinal surgery were randomized into either an Intervention group (using educational intervention; n = 43) or a Control group (n = 43); four patients voluntarily dropped out after surgery (one in Intervention group; three in Control group). Patients had their anxiety (using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; STAI) and pain (using a visual analog scale) measured the day before surgery, 30 minutes before surgery, and the day after surgery. After controlling for demographics, the adjusted anxiety and pain levels were significantly lower for the Intervention group: mean STAI scores were 52.67 at baseline and 47.54 at 30 minutes before surgery (p < .001); mean pain scores were 6.07 at baseline and 5.28 on day after surgery (p < .001). Preoperative educational intervention is effective in informing patients undergoing spinal surgery that can lead to a reduction in pain, anxiety, and fear postoperatively.  相似文献   

Background: Understanding whether a patient's race or gender and/or the nurse's race or gender influence how nurses form care decisions can contribute to exploration of methods that can positively affect disparate treatment. Aims: This research examined how the variables of race and gender of both the nurse and the patient influence nurses' decision making about pain management. Design: A randomized four-group post-test–only experimental design was used to examine the variables and variable interactions. Settings: An investigator-developed case vignette tool hosted online was used to obtain data about nursing pain management decisions. The vignette intervention was developed to simulate four exact patient scenarios that differed only by patient race and gender. Participants/Subjects: A quota sample of 400 nurses was recruited using a self-selected face-to-face recruitment technique. Methods: A four-way between-groups analysis of variance assessed whether the gender of the nurse, race of the nurse, gender of the patient, or race of the patient made any differences in the dose intensity of pain medications selected by the nurse sample. Results: No significant interactions were noted between any combinations of the four independent variables. A significant main effect was noted in medication intensity for nurse gender (F [1,384] = 9.75, p = .002). Conclusions: Data trends suggested that gender stereotypes about how patients managed pain played a role in dose intensity decisions because female patients on average were given higher doses of pain medication than male patients were by all the nurses in the study. Further research is needed in this complex area of study.  相似文献   

Background: Accurate pain assessment and management constitute a major challenge for medical and nursing staff in intensive care units (ICUs). A distinct recollection of pain is reported by high proportions of ICU patients. Purpose: A clinical therapeutic intervention directed at improving pain assessment and management in critically ill patients who are unable to communicate was implemented at an Italian ICU. Methods: In this before-and-after study, data were collected before (T0) and after (T1) the adoption of a protocol involving pain assessment with an ad hoc behavioral pain scale and the administration of analgesics, rather than sedatives, to patients with intermediate to high pain scores. Results: The main outcome measure was pain recollection a year after discharge; secondary outcome measures were the use and doses of sedatives and analgesics. A significantly (p = .037) smaller proportion of patients treated after protocol adoption recollected feeling severe pain compared with patients treated before the protocol was introduced. This group also received significantly (p < .001) fewer sedatives and significantly (p = .0028) more anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics on an “as needed” basis. The administration of strong analgesics was similar in the two groups. The intervention was implemented in 70.5% of patients with intermediate to high pain scores. Conclusions: Appropriately trained ICU nurses have the potential to help adopt pain relief and prevention measures during nursing care and to contribute to the successful management of sedation and analgesia. Further studies of larger patient samples are needed to monitor the stability of results over time and to explore the efficacy of the approach in other populations, such as pediatric and neonatal ICU patients.  相似文献   

Background: Painful medical procedures are common. Topical anesthetics are easily applied, rapid onset, inexpensive, and avoid injection pain and needlestick injury. The aims of this study, using patient and health care provider questionnaires, were to answer the following questions: (1) Does vapocoolant spray decrease venipuncture pain? (2) Would patients be satisfied with and use a vapocoolant spray in the future? (3) Would providers be satisfied with and use a vapocoolant spray in the future? Design: Adults (18-80 years) in a hospital emergency department (ED) were randomly assigned to sterile water placebo spray (S) (N = 50) or vapocoolant spray (V) (N = 50) before venipuncture. Questionnaires were completed by patients undergoing venipuncture (N = 100) and the health care providers (N = 100) who performed the venipuncture (total questionnaires = 200) as part of a prospective, double-blind, randomized controlled trial comparing the efficacy and safety of vapocoolant spray compared with placebo spray in patients undergoing venipuncture in the ED. Results: Patient and venipuncture variables were not significantly different for the two groups (S vs. V). Responses to the questionnaires were significantly different for the S versus V groups for both the patients and the health care providers. Patient questionnaires: Did you have less pain with spray? S 14%, V 76% (p < .001). Compared with previous blood draws, the spray was much more painful/more painful: S 10%, V 6%; same: S 76%, V 16%; less painful/much less painful: S 14%, V 78% (p < .001). How satisfied were you with the spray? Satisfied/very satisfied: S 20%, V 74% (p < .001). Would you use this spray in future? Yes S 20%, V 80% (p < .001). Provider results: The patient had less pain with the use of the spray: S 14%, V 78% (p < .001). How satisfied were you with the use of the spray? Satisfied/very satisfied: S 12%, V 82% (p < .001). Would you use this spray in the future? Yes S 24%, V 84% (p < .001). Conclusions: The use of a vapocoolant spray in adult ED patients undergoing venipuncture significantly decreased venipuncture pain, was associated with high patient and provider satisfaction, and both patients and providers would use a vapocoolant spray in the future for venipuncture and other painful procedures.  相似文献   

IntroductionProcedural pain in general, and intramuscular (IM) injection pain in particular, is one of the most distressing and painful health care experiences for children. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic methods are used as forms of pain control for children undergoing acute painful interventions in emergency departments.MethodsThis study was a prospective, randomized controlled trial. The sample consisted of children aged 5 to 10 years old who required IM injections. Children were placed in 4 subgroups through randomization, using a computer program: the Buzzy (MMJ Labs. Atlanta, GA) group (n = 40), the ShotBlocker (Bionix Development Corporation, Toledo, OH) group (n = 40), the bubble-blowing group (n = 40), and the control group (n = 40). Immediately before and after the injection, the children, their parents, and an observer were asked to evaluate the child’s level of fear. The Oucher scale was also employed by the observers, children, and parents immediately after the procedure to assess the level of pain in the children in each group.ResultsNo statistically significant difference was determined between the control and intervention groups in terms gender, age, previous pain experienced with injection, the parent who was with the child, the parent’s age. A significant difference was found between the intervention and control groups in terms of levels of pain and fear during IM injection. Pain and fear were notably less in the group of children receiving the Buzzy intervention.DiscussionThe Buzzy intervention should be used when children are undergoing IM injections to reduce their levels of pain and fear.  相似文献   

Background: Pain is the quintessential symptom for individuals suffering from sickle cell disease (SCD). Although the degree of suffering and the cost of treatment are staggering, SCD continues to be grossly understudied, including a lack of data for pain-related genes and prevalence of polymorphisms in this population. This lack of data adds to the inadequacy of pain therapy in this population. Pain genetics investigators have recently examined allele frequencies of single-nucleotide polymorphisms from candidate genes in people who have SCD. One of the genes identified was the arginine vasopressin receptor 1A gene (AVPR1A) and its associated single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs10877969. Progress in explaining pain-related polymorphisms associated with SCD can be facilitated by understanding the literature. Aim/Design: The purpose of this literature review was to describe mechanisms of the polymorphic gene AVPR1A and the phenotypic variations associated with its SNPs relative to health conditions and pain. Methods: Published studies were included if the research addressed AVPR1A and was a full article in a peer-reviewed journal, in the English language, a human or animal study, and published 2009 to present. Abstracts were included if they were in English and provided information not found in a full article. Results: The results of this review revealed that AVPR1A is associated with behavioral phenotypes, which include pair bonding, autism spectrum disorder, musical aptitude, infidelity, altruism, monogamy, mating, substance abuse, and alcohol preference. In addition, there were associations with pain, stress pain by sex, and sickle cell pain. Conclusion: Summary of this literature could provide insights into future pain research of this SNP in people with SCD.  相似文献   

Native Americans (NAs) have a higher prevalence of chronic pain than any other U.S. racial/ethnic group; however, little is known about the mechanisms for this pain disparity. This study used quantitative sensory testing to assess pain experience in healthy, pain-free adults (n = 137 NAs (87 female), n = 145 non-Hispanic whites (NHW; 68 female)) after painful electric, heat, cold, ischemic, and pressure stimuli. After each stimulus, ratings of pain intensity, sensory pain, affective pain, pain-related anxiety, and situation-specific pain catastrophizing were assessed. The results suggested that NAs reported greater sensory pain in response to suprathreshold electric and heat stimuli, greater pain-related anxiety to heat and ischemic stimuli, and more catastrophic thoughts in response to electric and heat stimuli. Sex differences were also noted; however, with the exception of catastrophic thoughts to cold, these finding were not moderated by race/ethnicity. Together, findings suggest NAs experience heightened sensory, anxiety, and catastrophizing reactions to painful stimuli. This could place NAs at risk for future chronic pain and could ultimately lead to a vicious cycle that maintains pain (eg, pain → anxiety/catastrophizing → pain).PerspectiveNAs experienced heightened sensory, anxiety, and catastrophizing reactions in response to multiple pain stimuli. Given the potential for anxiety and catastrophic thoughts to amplify pain, this characteristic may place them at risk for pain disorders and could lead to a vicious cycle that maintains pain.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the efficacy of real instrument training in virtual reality (VR) environment for improving upper-extremity and cognitive function after stroke.DesignSingle-blind, randomized trial.SettingMedical center.ParticipantsEnrolled subjects (N=31) were first-episode stroke, assessed for a period of 6 months after stroke onset; age between 20 and 85 years; patients with unilateral paralysis and a Fugl-Meyer assessment upper-extremity scale score >18.InterventionsBoth groups were trained 30 minutes per day, 3 days a week, for 6 weeks, with the experimental group performing the VR combined real instrument training and the control group performing conventional occupational therapy.Main Outcome MeasuresManual Muscle Test, modified Ashworth scale, Fugl-Meyer upper motor scale, hand grip, Box and Block, 9-Hole Peg Test (9-HPT), Korean Mini-Mental State Examination, and Korean-Montreal Cognitive Assessment.ResultsThe experimental group showed greater therapeutic effects in a time-dependent manner than the control group, especially on the motor power of wrist extension, spasticity of elbow flexion and wrist extension, and Box and Block Tests. Patients in the experimental group, but not the control group, also showed significant improvements on the lateral, palmar, and tip pinch power, Box and Block, and 9-HPTs from before to immediately after training. Significantly greater improvements in the tip pinch power immediately after training and spasticity of elbow flexion 4 weeks after training completion were noted in the experimental group.ConclusionsVR combined real instrument training was effective at promoting recovery of patients’ upper-extremity and cognitive function, and thus may be an innovative translational neurorehabilitation strategy after stroke.  相似文献   

Background: Labor is one of the most painful events in a women's life. Frequent change in positions and back massage may be effective in reducing pain during the first stage of labor. Aim: The focus of this study was to identify the impact of either change in position or back massage on pain perception during first stage of labor. Design: A quasi-experimental study. Setting: Teaching hospital, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, November 2014 to October 2015. Subjects: Eighty women were interviewed as a study sample when admitted to the labor and delivery area and divided into three groups: 20 women received frequent changes in position (group A), 20 women received back massage (Group B), and 40 women constituted the control group (group C). Methods: A structured interview questionnaire to collect background data was completed by the researcher in personal interviews with the mothers. The intervention was performed at three points in each group, and pain perception was measured after each intervention using the Face Pain Scale. Results: The mean rank of the difference in pain scores among the study groups was as follows after the first, second, and third interventions, respectively: group A—52.33, 47.00, 49.2; group B—32.8, 30.28, 30.38; group C—38.44, 42.36, 41.21. There were significant differences between groups A, B, and C after the first, second, and third interventions (p1 = .011, p2 = .042, p3 = .024). Conclusions: Back massage may be a more effective pain management approach than change in position during the first stage of labor.  相似文献   

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