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There has been concern that living near nuclear installations might increase the risk of cancer, including childhood leukemia, in surrounding communities. Such concern has been voiced by residents in Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties in Western Pennsylvania in conjunction with the operation of two former nuclear materials processing facilities located in the Apollo borough and the Parks township, just three miles apart. These facilities began operating in 1957 and 1960 and processed uranium and plutonium for commercial and naval applications. To evaluate the possibility of increased cancer rates in communities around the Apollo-Parks nuclear facilities, a cancer incidence and a cancer mortality survey were conducted. The county mortality findings are reported here. Nearly 40,000 cancer deaths occurred in the population residing in Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties from 1950 through 1995. Each of these two study counties was matched for comparison to three control counties in the same region on the basis of age, race, urbanization, and socioeconomic factors available from the 1990 U.S. Census. There were over 77,000 cancer deaths in the 6 control counties during the 45 y studied. Following similar methods used by the National Cancer Institute, Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs) were computed as the ratio of observed numbers of cancers in the study and control counties compared to the expected number derived from general population rates of the United States. Relative risks (RR) were computed as the ratios of the SMRs for the study and the control counties. There were no significant increases in the study counties for any cancer when comparisons were made with either the U.S. population or the control counties. In particular, deaths due to cancers of the lung, bone, liver, and kidney were not more frequent in the study counties than in the control counties. These are the cancers of a priori interest given that uranium and/or plutonium might be expected to concentrate in these tissues. Deaths from all cancers combined also were not increased in the study counties, and the RRs of cancer mortality before the facilities operated (1950-1964), during plant operations (1965-1980) and after plant closure (1980-1995) were similar: 0.96, 0.95 and 0.98, respectively. For childhood leukemia mortality, the relative risk comparing the study counties with their controls before plant start-up was 1.02, while during operations (RR 0.81) and after closure (RR 0.57) the relative risks were lower. The study is limited by the correlational approach and the relatively large size of the geographic areas of the counties studied.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies of cancer in populations near nuclear facilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We reviewed over 40 epidemiologic studies around nuclear power stations, fuel reprocessing plants, and weapons production facilities and testing sites in the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Canada. We examined these studies for their potential to support a cause and effect relationship between cancer risk and radiation exposure. The extent to which an epidemiologic study supports a causal relation between radiation exposure and increased cancer risk can be evaluated using a set of criteria that have become known as Hill's postulates. In our review, epidemiologic studies yielded results that were biologically plausible and were supported by experimental data, but in almost all of the studies the methodologies were not adequate for evaluating causality. In the majority of cases, the methodologies did not permit examination of dose-response associations, making it impossible to support or refute causal relations. We suggest that investigators consider these issues when designing studies and employ dose reconstruction methodology to estimate radiation doses for specific individuals and population groups.  相似文献   



In April 2010, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission asked the National Academy of Sciences to update a 1990 study of cancer risks near nuclear facilities. Prior research on this topic has suffered from problems in hypothesis formulation and research design.


We review epidemiologic principles used in studies of generic exposure–response associations and in studies of specific sources of exposure. We then describe logical problems with assumptions, formation of testable hypotheses, and interpretation of evidence in previous research on cancer risks near nuclear facilities.


Advancement of knowledge about cancer risks near nuclear facilities depends on testing specific hypotheses grounded in physical and biological mechanisms of exposure and susceptibility while considering sample size and ability to adequately quantify exposure, ascertain cancer cases, and evaluate plausible confounders.


Next steps in advancing knowledge about cancer risks near nuclear facilities require studies of childhood cancer incidence, focus on in utero and early childhood exposures, use of specific geographic information, and consideration of pathways for transport and uptake of radionuclides. Studies of cancer mortality among adults, cancers with long latencies, large geographic zones, and populations that reside at large distances from nuclear facilities are better suited for public relations than for scientific purposes.  相似文献   

M Dousset 《Health physics》1989,56(6):875-884
Cancer death rates from the Beaumont-Hague "canton," where a nuclear facility is located, were compared with those for the Manche "département." No significant increase was found in cancer deaths during 1970-1982 for leukemias and in 1975-1982 for all other types of malignant tumors.  相似文献   

L Jensen  G Regan  S Goranson  B Bolka 《Health physics》1984,46(5):1021-1033
Twenty-four hour sampling for airborne radioactivity near a former thorium and rare-earth extraction facility was conducted for approx. 2 months with high-volume and dichotomous air samplers. Thoron ( 220Rn ) daughters were identified in the air and confirmed to be originating from the waste storage site. High-volume samplers near the facility measured average 212Pb concentrations of 177, 43, and 237 pCi/m3 with corresponding ranges of (1.9-1351), (1.5-301) and (0.73-2201)pCi/m3. Simultaneous measurements with dichotomous samplers at the same sites measured average 212Pb concentrations on coarse particulates (2.5-15 microns dia.) of 14, 4 and 10 pCi/m3 and on fine particulates (less than 2.5 microns dia.) of 94, 9 and 214 pCi/m3, respectively. Corresponding ranges were (0.2-109), (0.1-63) and (0.1-94) pCi/m3 for coarse particulates and (0.7-1094), (0.4-101) and (0.5-2685) pCi/m3 for fine particulates. Uranium, thorium and radium radionuclides were not identified as being present in significant concentrations in the particulate samples.  相似文献   

Because of their well-documented exposures to repeated low doses of ionizing radiation, nuclear reactor workers offer an opportunity to assess cancer risk from low-dose radiation. A cohort of all 15,619 Finnish nuclear reactor workers was established through dose-monitoring records. A questionnaire survey revealed no substantial differences in consumption of tobacco or alcohol between different exposure groups nor between nuclear power company employees and contract workers. In the follow-up for cancer incidence, no clear excess in cancer incidence was observed overall, nor was any observed in any of the specific cancer types studied. There was little evidence for an association between cancer incidence and cumulative radiation dose, but the statistical power was limited. More precise estimates will be available from an international collaborative study of nuclear industry workers, including our cohort.  相似文献   

To assess whether workers at Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre (LHSTC) had different levels of cancer incidence from the New South Wales (NSW) population in Australia. A retrospective cohort study was undertaken at LHSTC. Data on 7,076 workers employed between 1957-98 were abstracted from personnel, dosimetry, and medical files. An inception cohort was defined which included 4,523 workers in employment between 1972-96 to examine cancer incidence. Cancer registrations in the inception cohort were identified to 1996 through electronic linkage of records with the NSW and the Australian national registers of cancer incidence. All-cancer incidence in workers at LHSTC was 15% below the NSW rates [SIR=0.85; 95% CI=(0.75, 0.95)]. Of 37 specific cancers and groups of cancers examined, statistically significant excesses relative to NSW rates were observed only for pleural cancer incidence [SIR=17.71; 95%=(7.96, 39.43)], and for incidence of cancer of the small intestine [SIR=4.34; 95% CI=(1.40, 13.46)]. This study gives little evidence of an increased risk of cancers associated with radiation exposure in a cohort of nuclear workers in Australia. The observed increase in the risk of cancer of the pleura was probably due to unmeasured exposures, given the lack of an established association with radiation exposure, and the strong link to asbestos exposure. Findings for cancers of the small intestine were based on small numbers and were likely to be due to chance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study analyzed short-term trends in pediatric injury hospitalizations. METHODS: We used a population-based retrospective cohort design to study all children 15 years or younger who were admitted to all acute care hospitals in Pennsylvania with traumatic injuries between 1991 and 1995. RESULTS: Injuries accounted for 9% of all acute hospitalizations for children. Between 1991 and 1995, admissions of children with minor injuries decreased by 29% (P < .001). However, admissions for children with moderate (P = .69) or serious (P = .41) injuries did not change. CONCLUSIONS: Significant declines in pediatric admissions for minor injuries were noted and may reflect both real reductions in injury incidence and changes in admission practices over the period of the study.  相似文献   

Cancer near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant: radiation emissions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
M C Hatch  J Beyea  J W Nieves  M Susser 《American journal of epidemiology》1990,132(3):397-412; discussion 413-7
As a public charge, cancers among the 159,684 residents living within a 10-mile (16-km) radius of the Three Mile Island nuclear plant were studied relative to releases of radiation during the March 28, 1979, accident as well as to routine plant emissions. The principal cancers considered were leukemia and childhood malignancies. Estimates of the emissions delivered to small geographic study tracts were derived from mathematical dispersion models which accounted for modifying factors such as wind and terrain; the model of accident emissions was validated by readings from off-site dosimeters. Incident cancers among area residents for the period 1975-1985 (n = 5,493) were identified by a review of the records at all local and regional hospitals; preaccident and postaccident trends in cancer rates were examined. For accident emissions, the authors failed to find definite effects of exposure on the cancer types and population subgroups thought to be most susceptible to radiation. No associations were seen for leukemia in adults or for childhood cancers as a group. For leukemia in children, the odds ratio was raised, but cases were few (n = 4), and the estimate was highly variable. Moreover, rates of childhood leukemia in the Three Mile Island area are low compared with national and regional rates. For exposure to routine emissions, the odds ratios were raised for childhood cancers as a whole and for childhood leukemia, but confidence intervals were wide and included 1.0. For leukemia in adults, there was a negative trend. Trends for two types of cancer ran counter to expectation. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma showed raised risks relative to both accident and routine emissions; lung cancer (adjusted only indirectly for smoking) showed raised risks relative to accident emissions, routine emissions, and background gamma radiation. Overall, the pattern of results does not provide convincing evidence that radiation releases from the Three Mile Island nuclear facility influenced cancer risk during the limited period of follow-up.  相似文献   

A recent study indicated an excess risk of leukaemia among children under the age of 5 years living in the vicinity of nuclear power plants in Germany. We present results relating to the incidence of childhood leukaemia in the vicinity of nuclear power plants in France for the same age range. These results do not indicate an excess risk of leukaemia in young children living near French nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

Arsenic exposure in children living near a former copper smelter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology -  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have been done on gastric cancer and alcohol consumption, results from these studies are inconsistent. We conducted a population-based, prospective cohort study to establish a relationship between alcohol and gastric cancer according to gender. The cohort consisted of elderly (>64 years of age) subjects at the baseline of 1993-1998. Baseline information was surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire. Gastric cancers were identified by the National Cancer Registry. Cox proportional hazards models were used to calculate relative risks with 95% confidence intervals. A follow up of 116,997.1 person-years of the 13,396 subjects revealed 151 newly diagnosed gastric cancers (80 men and 71 women). The risk of gastric cancer was higher by a factor of three among female former drinkers (adjusted relative risk 2.85 [95% confidence interval 1.11-7.32]) compared to current and nondrinkers. Female former drinkers showed greater alcohol consumption than current drinkers (36.5g/week vs. 16.4g/week; P<.0001) and a longer duration of alcohol consumption than did current drinkers (24.5 years vs. 18.46 years; P<.0001). Female subjects with more than 110g of weekly alcohol consumption had an increased risk of developing gastric cancer (adjusted relative risk 2.23 [95% confidence interval 0.79-6.29]), although the result was statistically insignificant. No relationship was observed for male subjects. The relationship between alcohol and gastric cancer differs according to gender. Alcohol consumption may increase the risk of gastric cancer in women, and the risk elevation may persist for several years after drinking ceases.  相似文献   

To minimize the amount of waste and to recover reusable resources during demolition of radioactively contaminated facilities, building construction material and equipment can be efficiently and successfully surveyed using statistical methods described in this article. A radioactive contamination survey strategy aimed at reducing survey technician labor while still providing assurance that only uncontaminated material is released for salvage is discussed. Provided is the survey method, rationale, and results of three case studies where this method was successfully employed at a former uranium processing facility.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To study incidence and mortality of leukaemias, cancer of the larynx, and other cancers near the petrochemical plant at Baglan Bay, in response to local concerns of an alleged cluster of cancers in the vicinity. METHODS--This is a small area study of cancer incidence, 1974-84 and of mortality, 1981-91 based on the national postcoded data held by the Small Area Health Statistics Unit and with population and socioeconomic data from the 1981 census. The study is centred on BP Chemicals Ltd, Baglan Bay, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan, South Wales and includes a general population sample of 115,721 people (1981 census) living within 7.5 km of the plant. Cancer incidence and mortality for all cancers, leukaemias, and cancer of the larynx were examined within 7.5 km and 3 km of the plant, and tests for decline in risk of these cancers with distance from the plant were carried out. Mortality from several other cancers possibly associated with the petrochemical industry was also studied. RESULTS--There were 5417 incident cancer cases and 2458 cancer deaths within 7.5 km of the plant during the periods of study. There was an 8% excess incidence of all cancers within 7.5 km, and a 24% excess of cancer of the larynx, consistent with a general excess of these cancers in West Glamorgan, but no apparent decline in incidence with distance from the plant, nor excess mortality. There was also no evidence of decline in leukaemia incidence or mortality with distance, at all ages or in children. Among the other causes included in the mortality study, there was an excess of multiple myeloma within 7.5 km, especially among women, and a significant decline in mortality from non-Hodgkin's lymphomas although there was no excess overall within 7.5 km. CONCLUSIONS--The apparent excess incidence of all cancers and cancer of the larynx within 7.5 km of the BP Chemical Ltd works was consistent with an excess more generally in West Glamorgan, possibly related, at least to some extent, to cancer registration in Wales. There was no excess mortality from these cancers. The results for multiple myeloma and especially non-Hodgkin's lymphomas may have been chance findings in view of the multiple tests of significance carried out in the study. A study of lymphatic and haematopoietic cancers near oil refineries in Great Britain is to be undertaken that will help put the findings of the present study in wider context.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper is to study the effect of external photon radiation on the mortality of two populations of French nuclear workers: workers exposed only to external photon radiation and workers potentially exposed also to internal contamination or to neutrons.


External photon radiation has been measured through individual dosimeters. Potential exposure to internal contamination or to neutrons has been assessed by experts on the basis of quantitative measurements or of worksite and type of activity. The mortality observed in each population was compared with that expected from national mortality statistics, by computing standardized mortality ratios. Dose?Ceffect relationships were analyzed through trend tests and log-linear Poisson regressions.


14,796 workers were exposed only to external photon radiation; 14,408 workers were also potentially exposed to internal radiation or to neutrons. Between 1968 and 1994, the number of deaths is respectively, 645 and 1,197. The mean external photon dose was respectively, 3.7 and 12.9?mSv. Similar Healthy Worker Effects were observed in the two populations (SMR?=?0.59). SMR of 2.41 90% CI [1.39?C3.90] was observed for malignant melanoma among workers of the second population. Significant dose?Ceffect relationships were observed: among workers exposed only to external photon radiation for leukemia except CLL and in the other population, for cancers and other diseases related to tobacco or alcohol consumption.


Results differed between the two populations. The increase in leukemia risk with dose in the first population will have to be confirmed with extended follow-up. In the other population, results may have been confounded by alpha-emitters inhalation, tobacco, or alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Cancer epidemiology in the former Soviet Union.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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