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我校历年学生因病休学、退学、死亡情况分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
我校从1978年复校至今,78—88年本科生共34358人,因病休学、退学共128人,因病休、退学率为3.72‰。其中肝炎共46人,占128人的35.9%;结核29人占22.7%,两种传染病合计共75人,占58.6%,是我校学生休、退学的首要原因。其次是精神疾病,共31人,占休、退学总人数的24.2%;其中神经衰弱18人,占因精神疾病  相似文献   

据北京市 1 6所大学的调查表明 ,1 982年以前大学生休、退学的主要原因为传染病 ,1 982年以后转为精神疾病 ,其中的神经症占 74 %。清华大学近 1 5年以来休学的 4 60人中 ,有 4 8%为精神疾病 ,而且近年来因精神疾病而休、退学的人数呈上升趋势 ,神经症也是其主要原因。这群让同龄人羡慕不已的“天之骄子”中 ,有不少在各种竞争、压力、挫折面前郁郁寡欢、度日如年 ,有的甚至从没有过幸福的体验 ,自认为是天底下最不幸的人 ,所以相对来说 ,他们对痛苦、焦虑的情绪体验要比同龄人多 ,心理咨询对他们来说也尤为重要。笔者在近两年的大学生心理…  相似文献   

学校是传授知识和促进学生生理与心理健康发展的熔炉,对学生的智力发展和人格形成起着十分重要的作用。为此,需用心理卫生的要求教育学生克服心理缺陷,培养良好的习惯和行为模式。大学生心理卫生问题已引起国内外有识之士的广泛关注。据马建清报道:清华大学学生因精神疾病休学、死亡人数占总体学、死亡人数的51.O3%和50%;浙江大学1979~1987年间,休学、退学、死亡的大学生中,因神经衰弱、精神病所致的达28%,且精神病休学率有所上升。为此,关注大学生的心理卫生问题已是当务之急。大学生常见的心理卫生问题有:1“60分主义”我…  相似文献   

目前我国各级各类学校在校生普遍存在学习负担过重问题,且严重影响了他们的心理发展,出现了严重的心理障碍,尤其中学和大学更突出,更严重。我国对12.6万名大学生调查发现,大学生主要因心理健康问题而导致神经衰弱的占20.23%。据对北京16所高校调查,本科生因患精神疾病休学的学生人数占因病休学人数的35%以上(1/3),  相似文献   

目的调查分析独立学院大学生精神疾病发病特点,为开展校园心理干预提供依据。方法选取某独立学院5年制23590名新生作为研究对象,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、《家庭环境量表》(FES-CV)及校园心理干预系列调查表进行测评。结果独立学院学生家庭环境与中国常模比较有统计学意义(t=-2.74,P<0.01);症状自评量表(SCL-90)单因子分≥3.0预警人数平均比例4.2%;以专科诊断为依据,精神疾病67例,占入学人数的0.28%;大一年级发病52例,占总病例的77.61%;在疾病发现环节,辅导员报告40例,占总病例的59.70%。结论实施校园心理干预策略,可降低大学生精神疾病复发率和因精神疾病退学、休学,保障大学生精神疾病患者接受教育的权利。  相似文献   

近年来,我国高等职业院校学生心理障碍问题呈现高发率、高休学率和高退学率的特点.大学生受精神疾患困扰,无法顺利完成学业的现象已受到业界和社会媒体的关注.北京某大学1997—2009年学生休学原因的调查显示:精神疾病居于首位(48.21%),是导致高等职业院校学生因病休学的主要原因[1].有研究显示,慢性精神障碍患者社会功...  相似文献   

大学生因精神疾患所致辍学情况调查   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
高校中因精神疾患所致学生辍学(包括休学,退学,死亡)已成为一个不可忽视问题。我们于1988年12月对我校80—84年入学的五届学生因精神疾患辍学情况进行调查,现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   

有这样一组数字:某市调查5万名大学生有16%存在着不同程度的心理障碍;827名学生因抑郁和猜忌多疑而痛苦的占21%;某大学四年间因患精神疾病退、休学者占总体退学人数的30~4O%[’j。不难看出,青年学生失常心态不同程度的影响了健康成长,应引起全社会的充分重视。本文对逆反心理、嫉妒心态和心理障碍王大常见的失信心态,谈谈粗浅看法。1$反心态1.1表现及原因:逆反心态是指客观环境与主观要求不相符合时,产生的具有强烈抵触情绪的心理态度【”,是当今青年学生失常心态的典型之一。表现:怀疑~切、否定他人、对传统做法不满、…  相似文献   

<正>近年来,大学生的身心健康受到了社会的普遍关注,很多研究表明,人的心理健康状况与躯体疾病有着相互的影响。大学里因病休学退学,因病导致意志消沉,疏导不及时出现心理疾病也不少见,有的疾病虽然目前还没有治愈的方法,但随着医学的发展,在将来的某一天有治愈的可能。学生在治疗的同时,还是可以坚持正常的学习和生活,但是往往有着这样情况的大学生因人生经历不足,社会支持系统又不够,生病后  相似文献   

116例住院高校生精神障碍患者的临床特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,大学生的心理问题及精神疾病引起人们的关注。据有关资料统计 ,引起大学生病休、退学的前五位疾病中精神疾病列首位[1 ] 。而刘微微等[2 ]对某医学院校因病退学的原因进行分析发现 ,病休、退学的学生中 ,有 1 3学生是精神疾病所致。鉴于以往的研究大多局限于对正常大学生的一般心理卫生问题 ,评估工具多采用SCL -90等一般工具 ,较少涉及在校大学生的重性精神疾病问题[3,4 ] ,为此 ,笔者对 2 0 0 0年 1月 1日至 2 0 0 1年 12月 3 1日间从我院出院的在校大学生 (包含大专生、本科生、硕士研究生 )患者的有关情况进行分析 ,以期发现…  相似文献   

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are increasingly used to control hypertension although cough, sometimes severe enough to require discontinuance, is a well-described side effect of these drugs. Manufacturers' labeling indicates that this side effect occurs with a much lower frequency than is reported in the literature. This article describes the incidence of cough as a side effect of ACE inhibitors in a small inner-city practice and presents two reports of patients who required discontinuance of ACE inhibitors for this symptom. It is suggested that, consistent with the recent literature, the incidence of this symptom is more frequent than suggested by manufacturers' labeling, at least in this population.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight patients with chronic refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) were treated with weekly slow infusions of vincristine (0.02 to 0.04 mg/kg) or vinblastine (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg). Twenty-two patients showed good to excellent responses after one to eight infusions. These responses were generally short, and lasted only in six patients after discontinuance of the therapy. The efficacy was comparable between vincristine and vinblastine. Neither the age, sex, duration of the disease, prior splenectomy nor combined use of adrenocortical steroids was likely to have influenced the therapeutic effect. Side effects such as peripheral neuropathy, alopecia, gastrointestinal symptoms and leukopenia occurred in 34 patients, and necessitated discontinuance of the therapy in eight patients. Slow infusions of vinca alkaloids can be an effective means of inducing platelet response in patients with chronic refractory ITP, but frequent side effects limit its clinical usefulness.  相似文献   

We presented a case, who showed extremely high activity of lactate dehydogenase (LD) and confirmed the presence of the LD linked immunoglobulin in her serum. The maximum activity of LD was 6830 IU/L, and the electrophoretic pattern of LD isozymes showed the broad spectrum from isozyme LD2 to LD5. Analysis by counter immuno electrophoresis revealed that immunogloblin was attached to the M subunit of LD and its subtype was an IgG, lambda-chain. The cause, which produced the complex, might be thought to be the side effects by tiapride administrated for her mild dementia. After discontinuance of this drug, the LD activity in serum had gradually reduced. The serum creatinine also increased gradually after administration of tiapride, and did not reverse to normal level by discontinuance of it. The patient died from acute renal failure, which aggravated from sporadic urinary tract infection. It was suggested that her basal renal dysfunction might be due to the LD IgG complexes. We propose a rapid disruption of suspicious drug for the course of the production of LD linked immunoglobulin, because very high titer of these complexes might suffer irreversible damage to the kidney, which chance to become acute renal failure.  相似文献   

Forty-day hypodynamia caused by "hanging" rats on a special stand with discontinuance of the status function of the hind limbs and partial maintenance of the supporting function of the front limbs led to progressive atrophic changes in the alveolar process of the animals' jaws, which were accompanied by changes of the mineral phase manifested by diminished parameter of microfirmness. Atrophy of the alveolar process in hypodynamia was attended by marked tissue changes in the form of dentogingival pockets, widening of the periodontal fissure, and intensified resorption of the interradicular and interalveolar septa of the molars.  相似文献   

The etiologic role of atopy in chronic rhinitis in 40 infants and pre-school children was investigated and the long-term effectiveness and safety of promethazine studied during six to 48 months. Twenty children were clearly atopic and 16 were not. Four had incomplete laboratory evidence of atopy. In addition to clinical histories and physical findings, the subjects were evaluated by skin tests for common allergens. RAST tests, total IgE levels and absolute eosinophil counts. Promethazine in doses of 3 to 12 mg/kg/day (mean 8 mg) was administered in divided doses, four times a day for perennial rhinitis and on "as required" basis for recurrent and seasonal rhinitis. Side effects included drowsiness and irritability, which led to discontinuance of promethazine in one subject. There was no laboratory evidence of hematologic, renal or hepatic abnormalities. Promethazine was found to be an effective agent for symptom-control of chronic rhinitis in the pre-school child.  相似文献   

Colonic necrosis is known as a rare complication following the administration of Kayexalate (sodium polystryrene sulfonate) in sorbitol. We report a rare case of colonic mucosal necrosis following Kalimate (calcium polystryrene sulfonate), an analogue of Kayexalate without sorbitol in a 34-yr-old man. He had a history of hypertension and uremia. During the management of intracranial hemorrhage, hyperkalemia developed. Kalimate was administered orally and as an enema suspended in 20% dextrose water to treat hyperkalemia. Two days after administration of Kalimate enema, he had profuse hematochezia, and a sigmoidoscopy showed diffuse colonic mucosal necrosis in the rectum and sigmoid colon. Microscopic examination of random colonic biopsies by two consecutive sigmoidoscopies revealed angulated crystals with a characteristic crystalline mosaic pattern on the ulcerated mucosa, which were consistent with Kayexalate crystals. Hematochezia subsided with conservative treatment after a discontinuance of Kalimate administration.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of drawing blood specimens from a site proximal to an intravenous (IV) infusion line, 24 volunteers were infused with approximately 30 mL of 5% (w/v) dextrose in 0.9% (w/v) NaCl solution. Specimens were drawn proximal to the IV line, while the solution was infusing, and at 1, 2, and 3 minutes after discontinuance of the infusion and assayed for glucose, sodium, chloride, and red blood cell (RBC) count. Control samples were obtained simultaneously from the opposite arm to determine any residual or dilutional effects from the infusing solution. Statistical analysis using the paired sample t-test showed no significant difference of RBCs between arms at or beyond 1 minute. Statistical power analysis reveals that there is a 95% level of certainty that there is less than 1% dilution of the test arm specimen. Analysis of sodium and chloride levels showed no contamination of the test arm specimen at 1 minute, but glucose concentrations still showed an average elevation over control of 5% at 3 minutes. The authors concluded that the drawing of blood specimens proximal to an IV infusion, 3 minutes after its discontinuance, has a clinically negligable dilutional effect but substances present at relatively high levels in the infused solution may still be detected.  相似文献   

Conclusion Penicillamine and some structurally related compounds have been shown to be inducers of autoimmune phenomena when administered to patients, regardless of the underlying disease for which they are being given. Most of these reactions are serious and often mandate discontinuance of treatment, but the development of a particular adverse reaction to one SH compound does not necessarily mean that others will elicit a similar or indeed any adverse effect. Of great theoretical interest is the mechanism by which penicillamine, as the prototype of this class, results in apparent breakdown of tolerance to self-antigens. No clear answer to this extremely important question is forthcoming, probably due to limitations in contemporary methodology. It is believed that if the mechanism of these drug-induced events were understood, new insights into the immunologic aberrations in RA might be achieved.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of cortisone and glutaminic acid on the excitability of the nervous system was studied in white rats. The weight of the animals varied from 180 to 200 g. The degree of excitability of the animals was determined by the duration of sodium amytal-induced sleep and by the value of the electric shock threshold (EST). The latter was determined with the aid of an instrument suggested by Woodbury. The results obtained demonstrated that cortisone administration (2.5–5.0 mg per day) was accompanied by a considerable rise of the excitation of the nervous system. With the simultaneous action of the glutaminic acid, the excitability changed insignificantly or not at all. Interruption of the glutaminic acid injections without discontinuance of the hormone administration reduced the EST value sharply.Presented by Active Member AMN SSSR V. N. Orekhovich  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical and functional (ECG) study was made of the cardiac muscle of albino rats in the period of rest after acute fatigue caused by running for 20 min and swimming for 1 1/2 h.The glycogen content is restored 20 min after discontinuance of running and only normalized with the restoration of glycogen content. One hour after the rats has stopped running, and 4 h after it has stopped swimming, an excessive accumulation of glycogen granules is seen in the myocardial fibers lasting from 1–2 h. There is no rise of the protein concentration in these conditions.(Presented by Active Member AMN SSSR A. A. Vishnevskii) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 54, No. 8, pp. 30–33, August, 1962  相似文献   

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