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We investigated whether corticospinal excitability during the imagery of an action involving an external object was influenced by actually touching the object. Corticospinal excitability was assessed by monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous muscle following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex during imagery of squeezing a ball—with or without passively holding the ball. The MEPs amplitude during imagery when the ball was held was larger than that when the ball was not held. The MEPs amplitude was not modulated just by holding the ball. In the same experimental condition, the somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in response to the stimulation of median nerve were not modulated by motor imagery or by holding the ball. These results suggest that the corticospinal excitability during imagery of squeezing a ball is enhanced with the real touch of the ball, and the enhancement would be caused by some changes along the corticospinal pathway itself and not by the change in responsiveness along the afferent pathway to the primary somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   

Previous studies have clearly shown that motor imagery modulates corticospinal excitability. However, there is no clear evidence for the modulation of intracortical inhibition (ICI) during imagined task performance. The aim of this study was to use transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to assess changes in corticospinal excitability and ICI during the imagined performance of two types of task. In Experiment 1, eight subjects performed phasic depression of a computer mouse button using the dominant index finger in time with a 1 Hz auditory metronome. Single and paired pulse magnetic stimuli were delivered at rest, and during the on and off phases of actual and imagined task performance. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from FDI and APB. In Experiment 2, eight subjects performed phasic isometric abduction of the dominant thumb in time with a 1 Hz auditory metronome. As before, single and paired pulse magnetic stimuli were delivered at rest, and during the on and off phases of actual and imagined task performance. In both experiments, the conditioning stimulus intensity was set to produce 50% inhibition at rest, to enable both increases and decreases in ICI during task performance to be detected. No significant temporal or spatial modulation of MEP amplitude or ICI was observed in Experiment 1. In contrast, MEP amplitude was significantly greater, and ICI significantly lower during the on phase of imagined task performance in Experiment 2. These results are most likely related to the higher levels of target muscle activation required during actual task performance and the greater anatomical distance between target and control muscles in Experiment 2. These task characteristics may influence the observed degree of corticospinal excitability and ICI modulation.  相似文献   

Our previous studies showed that corticospinal excitability during imagery of squeezing a foam ball was enhanced by somatosensory input generated by passively holding the ball. In the present study, using the same experimental model, we investigated whether corticospinal excitability was influenced by holding the object with the hand opposite to the imagined hand. Corticospinal excitability was assessed by monitoring motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the first dorsal interosseous muscle following transcranial magnetic stimulation over the motor cortex during motor imagery. Subjects were asked to imagine squeezing a foam ball with the right hand (experiment 1) or the left hand (experiment 2), while either holding nothing (Null condition), a ball in the right hand (Right condition) or a ball in the left hand (Left condition). The MEPs amplitude during motor imagery was increased, only when the holding hand and the imagined hand were on the same side. These results suggest that performance improvement and rehabilitation exercises will be more effective when somatosensory stimulation and motor imagery are done on the same side.  相似文献   

This study examined modulation of corticospinal excitability during both actual and imagined movements. Seven young healthy subjects performed actual (3–50% maximal voluntary contractions) and imagined index finger force production, and rest. Individual responses to focal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in four fingers (index, middle, ring, and little) were recorded for all three tested conditions. The force increments at the threshold of activation were predicted from regression analysis, representing the TMS-induced response at the threshold activation of the corticospinal pathways. The measured increment in the index finger during motor imagery was larger than that at rest, but smaller than the predicted increment at the threshold of activation. On the other hand, the measured increment in the uninstructed (middle, ring, and little), slave fingers during motor imagery was larger than that at rest, but not different from the predicted increment at the threshold of activation. These contrasting results suggest that the degree of imagery-induced enhancement in corticospinal excitability was significantly less than what could be predicted for threshold levels from regression analysis, but only for the index finger, and not the adjacent slave fingers. It is concluded that corticospinal excitability for the explicitly instructed index finger is specifically enhanced at subthreshold levels during motor imagery.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of physical practice on excitability changes in human primary motor cortex (M1) during motor imagery (MI). Using different intensities of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we examined changes in the motor evoked potential (MEP) of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscle with and without MI, and before and after physical practice. On comparing results for MEPs recorded before and after physical practice, the difference between the MEP amplitudes observed at rest and during MI only increased at higher TMS intensities. This finding indicates a physical practice-dependent increase of the higher threshold recruitment of corticospinal tract neurons (CTNs), consistent with synchronization for efficient movement, and provides evidence that neural mechanisms of MI depend not only on the type of movement but also on the extent of the motor adaptation (the physical practice). These present findings also show the benefit of MI and highlight beneficial neural mechanisms related to the activation of M1 during MI. In other words, MI may reflect functional changes of M1 that are similar to the changes observed after physical practice.  相似文献   

The responses of 34 extensor-carpi-radialis motor units to graded transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electrical stimulation of the radial nerve were investigated in six human subjects. Simultaneously with the recording of the single motor-unit discharges, motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) and H-reflexes evoked by the two types of stimulation were recorded by surface electrodes and expressed as a percentage of the maximal motor response (Mmax). Ten motor units were activated in the H-reflex when it was less than 5% of Mmax, but not in the MEP even when it was 15% of Mmax. The opposite was observed for three motor units. Eleven motor units were recruited by both stimuli, but with significantly different recruitment thresholds. Only ten motor units had a threshold similar to TMS and radial nerve stimulation. From these observations, we suggest that caution should be taken when making conclusions regarding motor cortical excitability based on changes in the size of MEPs, even when it is ensured that there are no similar changes in background EMG-activity or H-reflexes. Received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 4 June 1999  相似文献   

Fearful facial expressions are danger signals that rapidly trigger a cascade of neurobiological processes defensibly associated with action preparation. However, direct evidence for the activating effects of fearful facial expressions on the motor system is absent. The current transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study investigated whether fearful facial expressions selectively increase corticospinal motor tract (CST) excitability. Focal TMS was applied over the left primary motor cortex during the exposure of fearful, happy, and neutral facial expressions in 12 healthy right-handed volunteers. Changes in CST excitability using the motor evoked potential (MEP) were recorded. Results showed significant selective increases in MEP to fearful facial expressions. These findings provide the first direct evidence for selective increases in CST excitability to threat and contribute to evolutionary views on emotion and action preparedness.  相似文献   

This study examined whether muscle fatigue alters the facilitatory effect of motor imagery on corticospinal excitability. We aimed to determine if post-exercise depression of potentials evoked magnetically from the motor cortex is associated with alterations in internally generated movement plans. In experiment 1, motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from two right hand and two right forearm muscles, at rest and during motor imagery of a maximal handgrip contraction, in eight neurologically normal subjects, before and after a 2-min maximal voluntary handgrip contraction. Resting MEP amplitude was facilitated by motor imagery in three of the four muscles, but consistently only in two. Motor imagery also reduced the trial-to-trial variability of resting MEPs. Following the exercise, resting MEP amplitude was depressed reliably in only one muscle engaged in the task, although two other muscles exhibited some depression. Motor imagery MEPs were smaller after exercise, but the degree of facilitation compared to the rest MEP was unchanged. In experiment 2, TMS intensity was increased after exercise-induced MEP depression so that the MEP amplitude matched the pre-exercise baseline. The amplitude of the MEP facilitated with motor imagery was not altered by MEP depression, nor was it increased when the TMS intensity was increased. These results suggest, at least with a simple motor task, that while post-exercise depression reduces corticospinal excitability, it does not appear to significantly affect the strength of the input to the motor cortex from those areas of the brain responsible for the storage and generation of internal representations of movement.  相似文献   

In the present report, we extent our previous findings (Clark et al. in Neuropsychologia 42:105–122, 2004) on corticomotor facilitation associated with covert (observation and imagery) and overt execution (action imitation) of hand actions to better delineate the selectivity of the effect in the context of an object-oriented action. A second aim was to examine whether the pattern of facilitation would be affected by age. Corticomotor facilitation was determined in two groups of participants (young n = 21, 24 ± 2 years; old n = 19, 62 ± 6 years) by monitoring changes in the amplitude and latency of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited in hand muscles by transcranial magnetic stimulation. MEP responses were measured from both the first dorsal interosseous (FDI, task selective muscle) and the abductor digiti minimi (ADM) of the right hand while participants attended to four different video presentations. Each of four videos provided specific instructions for participants to either: (1) close their eyes and relax (REST), (2) observe the action attentively (OBS), (3) close their eyes and mentally simulate the action (IMAG), or (4) imitate the action (IMIT). The action depicted in the videos represented a male subject cutting a piece of material with scissors. In the young group, the pattern of results revealed selective facilitation in the FDI in conditions involving either covert (OBS and IMAG) or overt action execution (IMIT). In the ADM, only overt execution with action imitation was associated with significant MEP facilitation. In the old group, a similar pattern of results was observed, although the modulation was less selective than that seen in the young group. In fact, older individuals often exhibited concomitant facilitation in both the FDI and ADM during either covert (OBS and IMAG conditions) or overt action execution (IMIT condition). Taken together, these results further corroborate the notion that the corticomotor system is selectively active when actions are covertly executed through internal simulation triggered by observation or by motor imagery, as proposed by Jeannerod (Neuroimage 14:S103–S109, 2001). With aging, the ability to produce corticomotor facilitation in association with covert action execution appears to be largely preserved, although there seems to be a loss in selectivity. This lack of selectivity may, in turn, reflect age-related alterations in the function of the corticospinal system, which may impair the ability to individuate finger movements either in the covert or overt stage of action execution.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the human primary motor cortex (M1) is involved in motor learning, but the nature of that involvement is not clear. Here, learning-related changes in M1 excitability were studied with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) while na subjects practiced either a ballistic or a ramp pinch task to the 0.5-Hz beat of a metronome. Subjects rapidly learned to optimize ballistic contractions as indicated by a significant increase in peak pinch acceleration and peak force after the 60-min practice epoch. The increase in force and acceleration was associated with an increase in motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude in a muscle involved in the training (flexor policis brevis) but not in a muscle unrelated to the task (abductor digiti minimi). MEPs returned to their baseline amplitude after subjects had acquired the new skill, whereas no practice-induced changes in MEP amplitude were observed after subjects had overlearned the task, or after practicing slow ramp pinches. Since the changes in MEP amplitude were observed only after TMS of M1 but not after direct stimulation of the corticospinal tract, these findings indicate task- and effector-specific involvement of human M1 in rapid motor learning.  相似文献   

The primate premotor cortex is endowed with an "action observation/execution matching system", that is, the same premotor neurons discharge when actions are performed and when actions are observed. Hence, this system predicts a strong visual input to the motor system. Whether this input is dependent on visual experience or not has not been previously investigated. To address this issue we compared corticospinal excitability while subjects viewed frequently observed and less frequently observed hand actions of others and of themselves. Motor corticospinal excitability was larger when the action orientations were as they are frequently observed (Self-away, subject's own hand facing out from the subject, or Other-toward, an unknown hand facing toward the subject) compared with less frequently observed actions (Self-toward, subject's own hand facing "toward" the subject, or Other-away, an unknown hand facing out from the subject). This finding suggests that the modulation of motor corticospinal excitability during action observation and hence the "action observation/execution matching system" is largely dependent upon visual experience. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The present study aimed to further investigate whether the intracortical neural circuits within the primary motor cortex (M1) are modulated during ipsilateral voluntary finger movements. Single- and paired-pulse (interstimulus intervals, ISIs; 3 ms and 12 ms) transcranial magnetic stimulations of the left M1 were applied to elicit motor evoked potential (MEP) in the right first dorsal interosseous (Rt-FDI) muscle during voluntary contractions (10% and 30% maximum voluntary contraction) of the left FDI (Lt-FDI) muscle. F-waves of Rt-FDI muscle were recorded under these left index-finger conditions for ensuring that the excitability changes occur at the supraspinal level. MEPs were also recorded during motor imagery of the left index-finger abduction instead of overt movement. The results showed that, in single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paradigm, MEPs in Rt-FDI muscle were markedly enhanced during voluntary contractions of Lt-FDI muscle compared with the complete resting state. In paired-pulse TMS paradigm, the short intracortical inhibition was significantly reduced in proportion to increments of the ipsilateral muscle contraction, whereas the intracortical facilitation had no change. F-wave of Rt-FDI muscle was unchanged under these conditions, while MEP in Rt-FDI muscle was also enhanced during motor imagery of the left index-finger abduction. Based on the present results, it is suggested that the intracortical inhibitory neural circuits may be modulated in the transition from rest to activity of the ipsilateral homonymous muscle. The excitability changes in M1 might be induced by overflows of voluntary drive given to the ipsilateral limb, probably via the transcallosal pathway.  相似文献   

In a typical flanker task, responses to a central target (“S” or “N”) are modulated by whether the flankers are compatible (“SSSSS”) or incompatible (“NNSNN”), with increased reaction times and decreased accuracy on incompatible trials. The role of the motor system in response interference under these conditions remains unclear, however. Here we show that transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the left primary motor cortex modulates the amount of flanker interference depending on the hand used for the response. Left motor TMS delivered at 200 ms after the onset of the array increased interference from incompatible flankers (“SSNSS”) when the target response was associated with the contralateral motor response (i.e. for “N” responses with the right hand), relative to when responses were to targets using the (left) hand ipsilateral to the site of TMS. Interestingly, under identical conditions, the degree of flanker interference was reduced when the TMS pulse was applied later in time. The analyses of the TMS-induced motor evoked potentials pointed to motor activity varying in the same conditions. We discuss the implications for understanding response interference and the role of the primary motor cortex in response selection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate if ipsilateral motor evoked potential (MEP) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) could provide neurosurgeons preoperatively with useful information regarding surgical procedure for patients with severe cerebral hemiatrophy or unilateral malformation. Thirteen epilepsy patients with severe cerebral hemiatrophy or unilateral malformation were studied before operation using MEPs recorded on bilateral abductor pollicis brevis (APBs) muscles, elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex. Ten subjects served as controls. Results: (1) no ipsilateral MEP responses were recorded in all the 10 healthy subjects; (2) in the 13 patients, the results of MEPs could be divided into four types. Type A: in 3 patients bilateral MEPs were recorded when unaffected hemisphere was stimulated, while no responses were elicited when the affected hemisphere was stimulated. Type B: in another 3 patients, the MEPs were elicited from bilateral APB muscles when the unaffected hemisphere was stimulated, and the contralateral MEP was also elicited when the affected hemisphere was stimulated. Type C: in two patients contralateral MEP was elicited when the unaffected hemisphere was stimulated, while no MEP was induced in APB muscles of either side following the affected hemisphere stimulation. Type D: in the remaining 5 patients, contralateral magnetic MEPs were elicited either when the affected or the unaffected hemisphere was stimulated. Patients of type A, B and C received hemispherectomy showed no significant permanent motor functional deficit. Among the total 8 patients, 7 patients got seizure free after the operation. Patients of type D showed minor muscle strength decrease after localized cortical resection. Three out of 5 patients of type D got seizure free after the operation. Ipsilateral MEP response might be useful for neurosurgeons to plan appropriate surgical procedure which helps avoid post-operative motor deficits.  相似文献   

The excitability of the corticospinal motor pathways to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be differentially modulated by a variety of motor tasks. However, there is emerging evidence that linguistic tasks may alter excitability of the corticospinal motor pathways also. In this study we evaluated the effect of several movement-free, low-level linguistic processes involved in reading and writing on the excitability of the bilateral corticospinal motor pathways in a group of right-handed subjects. The study included two series of tasks, visual searching/matching and imaginal writing/drawing. The tasks were designed to roughly correspond with elemental aspects of the reading and writing, grapheme recognition and grapheme generation, respectively. Each task series included separate blocks with different task targets: letters, digits, semantically easy-to-code (i.e. geometric) shapes, and semantically hard-to-code shapes, as well as control blocks with no task. During task performance, TMS was delivered randomly over the hand area of either the left or right motor cortex and the modulation of the excitability of the corticospinal motor pathways was measured bilaterally through changes of the size of the motor-evoked potential (MEP) induced in the relaxed right and left first dorsal interosseous (FDI) muscles. We found that the size of the MEP in hand muscles increased during visual searching/matching tasks, particularly when targets were letters or geometric shapes, and the increase was significant for the dominant hand (left hemisphere) only. No such consistent effects were seen across subjects during imaginal tasks. This study provides evidence that even the performance of certain low-level linguistic tasks can modulate the excitability of the corticospinal motor pathways, particularly those originating from the left (dominant) hemisphere, despite the absence of overt motor activity. Moreover, in the light of the recently increased awareness of the role of "mirror neurons" in perception, the results suggest that activation of motor circuits used in generation of the written output may be an essential part of the perception of the written material as well. Understanding the patterns of task-dependent changes in excitability of the corticospinal motor pathways will provide insights into the organisation of central nervous system functional networks involved in linguistic processes, and may also be useful for future development of novel approaches to rehabilitation therapy of linguistic and motor functions.  相似文献   

Motor imagery can be defined as the covert rehearsal of movement. Previous research with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has demonstrated that motor imagery increases the corticospinal excitability of the primary motor cortex in the area corresponding to the representation of the muscle involved in the imagined movement. This research, however, has been limited to imagery of oneself in motion. We extend the TMS research by contrasting first person imagery and third person imagery of index finger abduction-adduction movements. Motor evoked potentials were recorded from first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) during single pulse TMS. Participants performed first and third person motor imagery, visual imagery, and static imagery. Visual imagery involved non biological motion while static imagery involved a first person perspective of the unmoving hand. Relative to static imagery, excitability during imagined movement increased in FDI but not ADM. The facilitation in first person imagery adds to previous findings. A greater facilitation of MEPs recorded from FDI was found in third person imagery where the action was clearly attributable to another person. We interpret this novel result in the context of observed action and imagined observation of self action, and attribute the result to activation of mirror systems for matching the imagined action with an inner visuo-motor template.  相似文献   

Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of the motor cortex were recorded in separate sessions to assess changes in motor cortex excitability after a fatiguing isometric maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the right ankle dorsal flexor muscles. Five healthy male subjects, aged 37.4±4.2 years (mean±SE), were seated in a chair equipped with a load cell to measure dorsiflexion force. TMS or TES was delivered over the scalp vertex before and after a fatiguing MVC, which was maintained until force decreased by 50%. MEPs were recorded by surface electrodes placed over quadriceps, hamstrings, tibialis anterior (TA), and soleus muscles bilaterally. M-waves were elicited from the exercised TA by supramaximal electrical stimulation of the peroneal nerve. H-reflex and MVC recovery after fatiguing, sustained MVC were also studied independently in additional sessions. TMS-induced MEPs were significantly reduced for 20 min following MVC, but only in the exercised TA muscle. Comparing TMS and TES mean MEP amplitudes, we found that, over the first 5 min following the fatiguing MVC, they were decreased by about 55% for each. M-wave responses were unchanged. H-reflex amplitude and MVC force recovered within the 1st min following the fatiguing MVC. When neuromuscular fatigue was induced by tetanic motor point stimulation of the TA, TMS-induced MEP amplitudes remained unchanged. These findings suggest that the observed decrease in MEP amplitude represents a focal reduction of cortical excitability following a fatiguing motor task and may be caused by intracortical and/or subcortical inhibitory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Following forceful exercise that leads to muscle fatigue, the size of muscle evoked responses (MEPs) generated by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in the exercised muscle is depressed over a prolonged period. Strong evidence implicates intracortical mechanisms in this depression. As well as evoking MEPs in contralateral muscles, TMS also reduces MEPs evoked in ipsilateral muscles through interhemispheric inhibition mediated by a transcallosal pathway. Here we have sought to determine whether this effect is also depressed after exercise. Using two magnetic stimulators, the aftereffects of unilateral hand muscle exercise on the ability of TMS delivered to the hemisphere that generated the exercise were examined to i) generate MEPs in the exercised hand muscles, and ii) depress MEPs evoked by TMS pulses in contralateral (non-exercised) hand muscles. After exercise there was a significant reduction in the amplitudes of MEPs evoked by TMS in the exercised muscles (p<0.001). However, the same stimuli remained able to depress responses evoked by TMS to the contralateral hemisphere in the non-exercised muscles as effectively as before the exercise. We conclude that unlike the MEPs evoked by corticospinal output, interhemispheric inhibition evoked from the hemisphere that generated the exercise is not depressed after exercise. A similar differential effect on interhemispheric inhibition and corticospinal output has been reported recently for the effects of transcranial direct current (DC) stimulation of the motor cortex. Fatiguing exercise and transcranial DC stimulation may therefore engage similar intracortical mechanisms.  相似文献   

Fatigue of voluntary muscular effort is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Fatigue of peripheral nervous system components, including the contractile apparatus and the neuromuscular junction, has been well studied. Central nervous system components also fatigue, but studies have lagged for want of objective methods. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a relatively new technique that can be used to assess central nervous system excitability from the motor cortex to the alpha-motoneuron. In six normal volunteers, including four of the investigators, the amplitudes of motor evoked potentials elicited by transcranial magnetic stimulation were transiently decreased after exercise, indicating fatigue of motor pathways in the central nervous system. The decrease in amplitude was associated with a feeling of fatigue. The mechanism of this phenomenon is apparently decreased efficiency in the generation of the motor command in the motor cortex.  相似文献   

Weak transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can induce long lasting changes in cortical excitability. In the present study we asked whether tDCS applied to the left primary motor cortex (M1) also produces aftereffects distant from the site of the stimulating electrodes. We therefore tested corticospinal excitability in the left and the right M1 and transcallosal excitability between the two cortices using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) before and after applying tDCS. Eight healthy subjects received 10 min of anodal or cathodal tDCS (1 mA) to the left M1. We examined the amplitude of contralateral motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and the onset latency and duration of transcallosal inhibition with single pulse TMS. MEPs evoked from the tDCS stimulated (left) M1 were increased by 32% after anodal and decreased by 27% after cathodal tDCS, while transcallosal inhibition evoked from the left M1 remained unchanged. The effect on MEPs evoked from the left M1 lasted longer for cathodal than for anodal tDCS. MEPs evoked from the right M1 were unchanged whilst the duration of transcallosal inhibition evoked from the right M1 was shortened after cathodal tDCS and prolonged after anodal tDCS. The duration of transcallosal inhibition returned to control values before the effect on the MEPs from the left M1 had recovered. These findings are compatible with the idea that tDCS-induced aftereffects in the cortical motor system are limited to the stimulated hemisphere, and that tDCS not only affects corticospinal circuits involved in producing MEPs but also inhibitory interneurons mediating transcallosal inhibition from the contralateral hemisphere.  相似文献   

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