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Jacquemaire laboratories' history started in 1881 with Léon Jacquemaire (1850-1907). He was associated with drug manufacturing since he met Dr Robin during the 1870 war. Dr Robin asked him to produce phosphates. This product, as well as glycerophosphates and B1édine, made the financial success of Jacquemaire before he died in 1907. Shortly before, Jacquemaire's assistant filed the trademark hich was later on sold to Fumouze and became a great success. But the name of Jacquemaire first remains associated with Blédine, which explains that many have forgotten that he was first a pharmacist!  相似文献   

Born in Paris on September 28, 1852, son of an eastern railways' employee and of a dressmaker, Henri Moissan's secondary schooling in Meaux did not allow him to get access to the sesame diploma "baccalauréat" (GCE). In 1869, he did obtain a special certificate of secondary schooling so that he could become an apprentice in watch making. That could have been the end of the story, but dreadful event for France appeared to have beneficial effects for Moissan. Under the threat of the Prussian army, Moissan's family took refuge near Paris. This gave the young Henri the opportunity to register as a student for the second-class pharmacy diploma, which did not need, at the time, the GCE. Moissan became then a trainee in pharmacy in 1871. Meanwhile, he followed the special schooling of "Ecole de chimie" founded by E. Frémy, and then joined the laboratory of Dehérain at the Museum, where he worked in plant physiology. He finally obtained the famous "baccalauréat" (GCE) and could register as a student in first-class pharmacy. He became a pharmacist as well as a doctor in sciences. In 1883, Moissan was named professor at the school of pharmacy in Paris. In 1886, he isolated fluorine by electrolysis of fluorhydric acid, in the presence of potassium fluoride, at a low temperature. He then studied diamond synthesis and gave a start to high temperature chemistry, designing his famous furnace. These findings and many others allowed Moissan to rise to membership in many learned academies around the world. Crowning achievement, Moissan won the Nobel Prize in 1906. A man of culture, collector of autographs and paintings, he died in 1907. Nothing of that would have been possible if there had not been a second-class pharmacist diploma. The history of Henri Moissan is one of a rise from apprenticeship to the Nobel Prize.  相似文献   

The clinical career ladder program for pharmacists at Hamot Medical Center (HMC), a 500-bed not-for-profit community teaching hospital, is described. Between 1980 and 1989 a career ladder at HMC evolved from an idea to an established program with parallel administrative, business, and clinical tracks. The development of the career ladder mirrored the growth of clinical programs and the diversification of pharmaceutical services. A formal plan for a clinical ladder was developed when the first satellite pharmacy opened in 1984. An entry-level pharmacist at HMC starts with a six-month period during which he or she learns the drug distribution system and prepares for several certification tests. The employee is then promoted to staff pharmacist. Staff pharmacists are promoted to clinical pharmacist II (CP II) upon meeting requirements for competence in a broad range of clinical skills and knowledge. Candidates for the position of clinical pharmacist specialist (CP I) must have either a minimum of three years of experience as a CP II or a Pharm.D. degree and have established an area of clinical expertise. A CP I can progress to assistant and associate director positions as vacancies occur. The clinical ladder has enhanced job satisfaction and encouraged the development of clinical practitioners who provide improved care. Problems have included time constraints, competition for positions, and management of incentives. A parallel career ladder program with a clinical track has enhanced the growth of pharmacy practice at HMC and improved the quality of pharmaceutical care.  相似文献   

He was born in a family of pharmacists of Beaune. He was a pharmacist in Paris, successively in four different places. He played an important part in the life of the Collège de pharmacie, which became in 1793 the Société libre des Pharmaciens de Paris. In the school of pharmacy, which was conducted by this Society, he had large charges in the administration and the teaching. With these offices, he was obliged to leave his pharmacy and to live in the school, Arbalètre street. In 1803, this school was replaced by a State school, and he was deprived of these functions. He joined in the armies of Napoléon, and successively was: a pharmacist of first class at Brest, a pharmacist in chief during the campaign of Prussia and Poland, and in the end major pharmacist in the army of Spain. He died in Cataluna in 1809, as a result of an "adynamic" fever. He wrote four important books, between 1800 and 1809, dedicated to pharmacy and to natural sciences, which gave a large view of the teaching he had previously made.  相似文献   

Paul Gillot came in Nancy to study pharmacy. Having obtained his diploma in 1913, one year before First World War, he was enlisted as a soldier then an officer, for five years. During these years, he was wounded and severely ill and he never recovered. In 1919, coming back at the school of pharmacy in Nancy, he began his thesis and his universitary career and became simultaneously hospital pharmacist and inspector of community pharmacies. In 1929 he had the luck of beeing nominated as the professor of materia medica, and in 1935 he was choosed as the dean of the faculty. Unfortunately he died some weeks after his election. The paper describes successively the activities of professor Paul Gillot during all his short life, and closes by some reflections about universitary practices of this period.  相似文献   

A pharmacist-managed clinic for treating latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) in health care workers (HCWs) is described. The hospital-based clinic was begun in 1993 after a review showed that only 0.8% of HCWs at the institution who were prescribed isoniazid for LTBI completed it. The goals of the clinic are to improve HCWs' adherence to LTBI treatment, enhance outcomes, and minimize adverse drug reactions. The clinic is staffed by a pharmacist, a medical resident, and a nurse. If an employee is diagnosed with LTBI, he or she is referred to the clinic, where the pharmacist conducts an initial assessment and provides information on medication available for treatment. The worker is then scheduled for monthly follow-up visits with the pharmacist for the first three months of LTBI therapy, during which the pharmacist evaluates treatment adherence and potential adverse effects. Thereafter, the pharmacist interviews the patient monthly by telephone until therapy is complete. HCWs are allowed only a one-month supply of medication with each refill. From June 1993 through June 1997, of 131 employees who started treatment, 122 (93%) completed it. From June 1997 through December 2001, annual therapy completion rates ranged from 90% to 100%. No cases of active tuberculosis have been reported in treated patients, and only nine adverse drug reactions were reported for the 1997-2001 period. A pharmacist-managed clinic substantially improved rates of treatment completion among HCWs with LTBI.  相似文献   

G.-E. Strohl, born in Bouxwiller, near Strasbourg, was first preparator at the college of sciences and pharmacy student in Strasbourg. After his diploma, he wished to become a fellow at the school of pharmacy but he renounced and became military pharmacist. During his first years of activity, he wrote some scientific papers, particularly one on thermal waters of Allevard which he choosed as the subject of his philosophical thesis in 1865. He was then in function in Strasbourg and had the possibility to become fellow. Admitted in 1866 and chief pharmacist of the military hospital, he remained in the town during the war, but, when the university was transfered in Nancy in 1872, his name was not on the list of professors and fellows. Reinstated in april 1873, he could never join Nancy, its school of pharmacy and the french University. Carrying on his military career in Algeria (Constantine and Algiers), he died in april 1882, after having published some other papers and translated four books devoted to biochemistry, toxicology, hydrology and pharmacy. He was worthy of becoming university professor.  相似文献   

A survey of selected teaching hospitals was conducted in early 1990 to determine salary ranges for pharmacist positions, salaries at which pharmacists were typically hired for these positions, differences in salary between clinical practitioner and managerial positions, and geographic differences in these salaries. Surveys were mailed to 50 members of the University Hospital Consortium (UHC) and 50 other university-affiliated and non-university-affiliated hospitals believed to be comparable to the investigators' hospital. Hospital capacity and census data, numbers of pharmacist and support staff positions, qualifications preferred and required for those positions, and salary information were requested. Data from 22 UHC hospitals and 23 non-UHC hospitals were evaluated. Relative to average daily census, UHC hospitals indicated higher pharmacist staffing levels and non-UHC hospitals reported higher support staff levels. More non-UHC hospitals than UHC hospitals (69.2% versus 43.5%) used an integrated model for delivery of clinical and distributive services. Nationally, the reported annual salaries were as follows: staff pharmacist, $34,881 to $47,906; clinical pharmacist, $37,768 to $51,564; clinical specialist, $38,905 to $55,282; supervisor, $39,905 to $54,416; assistant director, $43,554 to $58,758. Overall, typical hire rates (THRs) exceeded mean minimum salaries by about 10%. The percentages by which THRs exceeded mean minimum salaries were greatest in the West for staff pharmacist, clinical pharmacist, and clinical specialist positions and greatest in the Midwest for supervisor and assistant director positions. THRs for supervisors and assistant directors exceeded those for clinical specialists. Respondents' preferences varied regarding advanced education and training, and their actual requirements did not match their stated preferences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

对2013年版《药品经营质量管理规范》实施后执业药师的地位与作用进行分析,执业药师将直接参与药品流通企业的经营管理、把关药品质量准入、指导药品销售、调查分析药品质量事故。面对执业药师短缺的现状,应尽快为执业药师立法,加快零售药店执业药师的培养,探索零售连锁企业远程审方模式,建立职称与执业资格转评制度,创建执业助理药师制度,将高等药学教育与执业药师制度合理衔接。  相似文献   

It has generally been believed that Naoe Okamoto of Fukui Prefecture, who was licensed to open a pharmacy in December 1885, was Japan's first female pharmacist. However, there has been no way to confirm this because the pharmacists' registry held by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. This paper describes a hazy picture of her life, which we traced based on fragments of information from the Tokyo University Pharmacy and Life Science (TUPLS), pharmaceutical journals of her time, and two residents of Fukui City who met her when they were children. Naoe Okamoto was born in Asuwakamicho, Fukui City, in 1870, as the eldest daughter of a druggist operating since the Edo Era. Born in a socially and economically privileged family, Naoe went to Tokyo and entered Tokyo Pharmacists School (currently TUPLS) in 1883 or 1884. After two-years' study, she passed the pharmacist certification examination held by the Tokyo Prefecture Government in the autumn of 1885 and received a license to open a pharmacy from the Minister of Internal Affairs. In 1886 or 1887, she overtook the family business and married a doctor. She got divorced shortly thereafter, but continued to manage the family business although she had a younger brother. She died in 1941 at the age of 71. Her house and all articles left by her were burned to ashes after an air raid by the US Army Air Corps in July 1945 during the Second World War. Naoe left her small native city in Fukui Prefecture to study pharmacy in the capital at the beginning of the Meiji Era, when it was extremely difficult for women to pursue a professional career. She obtained the license to operate a pharmacy and pursued her career as a pharmacist through the Meiji, Taisho and Showa Eras. Her life offers great courage and lessons to today's 139,000 female pharmacists in Japan. Naoe Okamoto should be remembered as a pioneer of female pharmacists at this turning point when the 6-year pharmacy education system is about to start.  相似文献   

A program using satellite pharmacists to improve adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting in an 1100-bed teaching hospital is described. Because relying on physicians to report ADRs had met with little success (only six reports in seven years), the pharmacy department proposed that pharmacists in satellite pharmacies on patient-care units be called upon to identify and report ADRs. To begin this program, an ADR team composed of a physician, pharmacist, and nurse made weekly rounds of the satellite pharmacies to assist pharmacists in identifying potential ADRs. The FDA definition of an ADR was adopted. Also, inservice education programs about ADR reporting were conducted for pharmacists and nurses. Currently, suspected ADRs are reported to the satellite pharmacist, who forwards a completed drug reaction report form to the assistant director for clinical pharmacy services. Reports are discussed quarterly by the ADR subcommittee of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee; the sub-committee members determine whether any follow-up action is needed. In the first three years after implementation of this program, 306 ADRs were reported; 90% of the reports were filed by pharmacists. An ADR reporting system based on reporting by staff pharmacists has been effective in increasing the number of reported reactions and pharmacist involvement in monitoring patients for ADRs.  相似文献   

When the school of pharmacy was transferred from Strasbourg to Nancy in 1872, the chair of natural history was unoccupied and it remained initially in this position. First, the professor of faculty of medicine was designed to teach, but the importance of a pharmacist appeared rapidly. Edouard Marie Heckel, then temporary fellow at the school of Montpellier, was chosen and appointed in March 1873. We do not know for 1874, but he came again in 1875, and became professor. But hardly nominated, he went to Grenoble... During these years, he participated actively in university and pharmaceutical activities, and he begun with professor Schlagdenhauffen a durable and fruitful scientific collaboration. The presence in Nancy of professor Heckel shows some of the qualities that explain his splendid university career some years later in Marseille, and give an example of the difficulties initially encountered by the school of pharmacy of Nancy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The clinical and financial outcomes of a pain clinic managed by a pharmacist with prescribing authority are described. SUMMARY: Pharmacist clinicians in a for-profit, integrated health system recently received permission to bill for their services in certain ambulatory clinics. A pharmacist clinician, who had an individual Drug Enforcement Administration number and whose services are billable under New Mexico law, was chosen to assume the medication management responsibilities in a clinic where 90% of the patient population is treated for chronic non-cancer-related pain. No additional personnel were needed, and no additional space was required, eliminating overhead for the space and utilities needed for operating a new clinic. With the ability to bill for the pharmacist clinician's services, a new model for justification of clinical pharmacy services was developed for the ambulatory care clinics. The revenue generated was tracked by a medical billing system, and clinical outcomes were tracked using the clinic's database for patients' individual visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores. Between June 2004 and June 2005, an average of 18 patients were seen by the pharmacist clinician each day. The clinic generated 107,550 dollars of actual revenue and saved the health plan over 450,000 dollars. There was a consistent decrease in mean VAS pain scores with continued visits. CONCLUSION: Patients with chronic non-cancer-related pain were managed effectively by a pharmacist with prescribing authority and refill authorization in a pain management clinic. The favorable clinical outcomes, revenue generated, and cost savings achieved justified the pharmacist clinician's services in this health system.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to a randomly selected sample of Florida pharmacists to obtain information on the acceptability of mandatory patient counseling. The results of the questionnaire demonstrated that most Florida pharmacists who responded to the survey do not favor a patient counseling regulation. Factors that correlated with a desire for mandatory counseling include: an institutional practice site; assistant director and staff pharmacist position; and a perceived higher income for the patients served by pharmacists. These data indicated that if the mandatory method is selected to stimulate pharmacist-patient interaction, the interrelated issues of reimbursement, facility changes, technician support, patient profiles, continuing education programs, and pharmacists' attitudes toward regulated practice will need to be addressed.  相似文献   

The involvement of a clinical pharmacist in a Department of Veterans Affairs seizure clinic is described. A pharmacist who had served a residency in ambulatory care began working in a seizure clinic in 1988 after obtaining the cooperation of a neurologist interested in a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. A clinical protocol was developed to guide the pharmacist's participation. The seizure clinic is staffed by the clinical pharmacist, a pharmacy resident, and a neurologist and is currently treating 162 adult male veterans. Of the 162 patients, 159 are receiving anti-convulsant therapy. The role of the pharmacist is to assist the neurologist in providing patient-care services. The pharmacist interviews each patient, performs a neurological assessment and mental status evaluation, and orders laboratory tests. Information is recorded by the pharmacist on a history form and a subjective and objective assessment and planning form. The pharmacist presents the findings to the neurologist, and the patient is then interviewed jointly by the pharmacist and the neurologist. Between appointments, the pharmacist follows up on abnormal laboratory test values and informs patients of any necessary dosage adjustments. More time is available for patient care, there has been an increase in the detection of adverse drug reactions and disease states, and record keeping has improved. A pharmacist assumed a primary-care role in a seizure clinic by interviewing and assessing patients, ordering laboratory tests, and participating in the selection and adjustment of anticonvulsant therapy.  相似文献   

The french scientists Henri Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie, Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie contributed decisively to the discovery and use of radionuclides. Besides them, Antoine Lacassagne, Robert Courrier, Pierre Süe developed the research in Chemistry and Biology. After 1945, medical applications were initiated by Charlie Fisher, Maurice Tubiana, Henri Jammet, in France. Marcel Guillot, student and assistant of Marie Curie, pharmacist himself, inserted pharmacists in research, development, control and teaching of medical radionuclides. Marcel Guillot defined the first pharmaceutical regulations and worked out the first monographs in french and european pharmacopoeias.  相似文献   

Until 1814, Jean Hachette (1775-1840) practised as a military pharmacist and then as a hospital pharmacist in Paris. For him both professional and personal aspects of his life were affected by his fondness for gambling. His son, Louis (1800-1860), famous businessman and publisher, tempted to introduce him again to the authorities as military pharmacist in 1830 when he had to resign after a dispute with professeur Duméril (1774-1860). So, Hachette ended his career at the military hospital of Longwy. These facts are attested by archives documents.  相似文献   

在职临床药师参与临床实践培养模式探讨   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
陈莲珍  王育琴 《中国药房》2005,16(15):1124-1126
目的:探求我国快速培养在职临床药师的方式、方法及有效模式。方法:参照国内、外临床药师的培养过程和现状,比较国内、外临床药师培养的背景、制度和政策,并结合自身的工作经验,提出我国较为快速的在职临床药师的培养模式。结果与结论:我国的在职临床药师培养,只有分步骤进行,包括从理论学习和临床实践技能、考核指标的制订与评价,以及学术论文撰写等方面入手,才能尽快培养出真正意义上的临床药师参与临床实践,从而保证安全、合理、有效、经济用药,减少卫生资源的浪费。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) in documenting pharmacists' clinical interventions. SETTING: Evans Army Community Hospital (EACH), a 78-bed military treatment facility, in Colorado Springs. PARTICIPANTS: Pharmacists on staff at EACH. PRACTICE DESCRIPTION: All pharmacists at EACH used PDAs with the pilot software to record interventions for 1 month. The program underwent final design changes and then became the sole source for recording pharmacist interventions. The results of this project are being evaluated every 3 months for the first year and yearly thereafter. PRACTICE INNOVATION: Visual CE (Syware Inc. Cambridge, Mass.) software was selected to develop fields for the documentation tool. This software is simple and easy to use, and users can retrieve reports of interventions from both inpatient and outpatient sections. The software needed to be designed so that data entry would only take a few minutes and ad hoc reports could be produced easily. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Number of pharmacist interventions reported, time spent in clinical interventions, and outcome of clinical intervention. RESULTS: Implementing a PDA-based system for documenting pharmacist interventions across ambulatory, inpatient, and clinical services dramatically increased reporting during the first 6 months after implementation (August 2004-February 2005). After initial fielding, clinical pharmacists in advanced practice settings (such as disease management clinic, anticoagulation clinic) recognized a need to tailor the program to their specific activities, which resulted in a spin-off program unique to their practice roles. CONCLUSION: A PDA-based system for documenting clinical interventions at a military treatment facility increased reporting of interventions across all pharmacy points of service. Pharmacy leadership used these data to document the impact of pharmacist interventions on safety and quality of pharmaceutical care provided.  相似文献   

我院药师从事临床药学实践的方法与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李忠东  张福成  高和 《中国药房》2006,17(22):1752-1754
目的为药学工作者提供参考。方法介绍我院药师从事临床药学实践活动的方法与体会,即药师下临床前须准备的相关知识,确定工作目标;下临床后要确定工作路径参加医师查房和药师查房,阅读病历发现问题,参加病例讨论和会诊来参与制订治疗方案,对重症患者书写药历,注意新剂型的临床疗效,向医师讲课和提供新药信息来与医师进行多方面合作;以案例分析谈实践体会。结果与结论按照上述方法和路径,我院药师从事临床药学实践已初步取得积极效果,受到临床医师的好评。  相似文献   

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