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术必泰用于集中注射时护士手消毒的效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 为了解决护士在集中注射时,手消毒物品携带不方便的问题。方法 应用术必泰棉球对100人次护士的手进行擦拭消毒并进行细菌学检测。结果 护士手消毒后细菌消除率达91.2%,个人手消毒后细菌含量符合卫生部规定的医护人员手细菌数不得超过8cfu/cm2的标准。结论 此方法消毒效果可达到有关标准;消毒用物携带方便;消毒程度简单、快速。可适用于医院内医护人员集中注射或其它操作时手的消毒。  相似文献   

001555医护人员手的消毒效果监测/赵小平…刀护士进修杂志一1999,14(7)一52 手是医院内病原菌的重要传播媒介。选用术必泰棉球擦拭方法作为医生集体查房和护士集中注射等操作前后手消毒试验。经细菌学检测结果,消毒前细菌含量最高达170cfu/cmZ,菌种为金葡菌;消毒后细菌含量最高为5.6 cf以cmZ,最低为0。fu/en12,未检出致病菌。认为术必泰棉球擦拭法是医院内医护人员手消毒较理想的方法。表1参4(刘丽萍)()0 1556供应室护士自我防护的探讨/何泳红刀护士进修杂志一1999,14(9)一23一24 通过对该院供应室护士进行70例操作的随机抽查,结果发现供应…  相似文献   

目的 调查分析我院泌尿科护士手消毒的情况.方法 对泌尿科护士22人在洗手和手的消毒措施前后,检测手部进行细菌菌落.结果 手消毒前菌落数比消毒后高84.86%,合格率仅占9.1%,经统计学处理发现消毒后手的带菌数显著减少,合格率显著提高(P<0.01).结论 合理有效的洗手及手消毒,可有效降低手的带菌数,减少或杜绝由护士手而引起的医院交叉感染.  相似文献   

集中静脉输液是一项主要的护理技术操作,在此操作过程中。护士的手需要反复多次密切接触患者穿刺部位皮肤。因为护士的手常处于带菌状态。有传播感染的机会。需要进行必要的卫生消毒。为防止集中静脉输液中手污染导致医院感染。我院选用75%酒精棉球对护士手进行擦拭消毒,并进行消毒后的效果检测,现报道如下。  相似文献   

集中静脉输液是一项主要的护理技术操作,在此操作过程中。护士的手需要反复多次密切接触患者穿刺部位皮肤。因为护士的手常处于带菌状态。有传播感染的机会。需要进行必要的卫生消毒。为防止集中静脉输液中手污染导致医院感染。我院选用75%酒精棉球对护士手进行擦拭消毒,并进行消毒后的效果检测,现报道如下。  相似文献   

集中静脉输液中乙醇擦手消毒效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为防止集中静脉输液中因手污染导致医院感染,用75%乙醇作擦手消毒液,采用现场采样检测方法观察其消毒效果的可靠性。结果,用浸湿75%乙醇的毛巾于静脉输液前擦手1 m in,在连续使用不同次数时进行采样检测,对手的消毒合格率为96.25%,未检出致病菌生长。结论,在集中静脉输液中,操作护士用75%乙醇擦手消毒效果可靠,操作方便。  相似文献   

大批量闭式输液瓶塞连续消毒效果探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大批量闭式输液是医院护士一项主要的技术操作,特点多是集中由一名护士配液体,分散由其它护士负责输液,全军15项技术操作录像带,规范了单个静脉输液操作,但对在同时完成数个甚至数10个大批量的输液操作,来作统一规定,由于考虑到节时省力及工作中的可能性,寻求瓶塞集中连续消毒的可靠效果,笔者对瓶塞消毒方法分组作了试验,以指导临床及加强对瓶塞消毒的管理。结果表明:消毒效果与环境、瓶塞表面清洁度与铝盖周围的污染密切相关;连续消毒瓶塞的效果与数量相关:消毒时的手法对效果有影响;连续消毒1~4个瓶塞效果可靠;活体瓶塞不消毒细菌生长率为90%;青霉素瓶塞试验组及对照组均无细菌生长。  相似文献   

医院是各种病人集聚的场所。护理工作的特殊性决定了护士是医务人员中解除病人最频繁的人。在频繁的治疗护理工作中.护士手上各种细菌的种类和数量比其他人多,手的污染情况相当严重。由于医务人员的手传播细菌而造成的医院感染约占30%。因此,正确执行卫生部有关手的清洁消毒规定.可有效地降低医院的感染率。本文就护士手的清洁与消毒的几个问题进行综述如下。  相似文献   

目的:护士在输液操作前后选择一种即简单省时、又有效无刺激性的洗手方法。方法:先将擦手巾用含500-1000mglL有效氯的消毒液浸泡半小时,用流动水清洗干净后用于护士输液操作前后擦手,一次一块擦手巾,用后统一消毒,手指采样标本作菌落计数。结果:擦手后手指菌落采样计数均〈10cfu/cm^2,并未检出致病菌,合格率为100%。结论:流动水洗净消毒液后毛巾用于集中输液时擦手即简单省时,又有效无刺激性,而且有较强的去污能力。  相似文献   

目的:比较外科手消毒中指甲清洁器和洗手刷清除指甲下污物效果。方法选取我院手术室护士70名随机分为指甲清洁器组和洗手刷组每组35例。分别采用一次性指甲清洁器和洗手刷预处理指甲清洁器组和洗手刷组护士手。采用4%葡萄糖洗必泰外科手消毒剂对指甲清洁器组和洗手刷组进行外科手消毒;外科手消毒后对优势手进行细菌采样计数。结果外科手消毒后指甲清洁器组平均菌落数为(2.7±1.2)CFU/cm2,洗手刷组平均菌落数为(3.1±0.9)CFU/cm2,两组菌落数无统计学差异;两组均未检出金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌。结论外科手消毒中指甲清洁器与传统的洗手刷具有相同的去污效果。  相似文献   

目的探索科学、高效的护理管理模式,提高护理管理效果。方法采用护理质量与数量考核相结合的方法,按工作数量和质量分配的原则进行工作量化考核。结果激发了护士的工作积极性,缩短了患者的注射等候时间,提高了工作效率和患者的满意度。结论护士长在抓好护理质量管理的同时,也应将护理工作数量作为护士考核的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

This paper describes nurses' experiences of violence and abuse in the workplace and the ways in which those experiences influence their abilities to care for patients. The original purpose of the research from which these findings derive was to explore nurses' work with abused women. The qualitative study utilizing a Social Constructivism approach was conducted in two countries: Canada and the United Kingdom. Forty-nine nurses from four clinical areas were interviewed, both in focus groups and individually, about factors influencing their care of abused women. In the course of the original study, the degree of verbal abuse and physical violence that nurses routinely encounter in their work became apparent. It also became clear that abuse against nurses is an important issue that has a significant impact on nurses' abilities to offer effective care. Findings indicated that nurses experience significant threat, frequently in the context of their work, at the hands of patients and their relatives; that verbal abuse is an almost daily occurrence; and that support from other healthcare professionals or from administration in addressing the issue, while improving somewhat, is inadequate. This work has implications not only for nurses' health and safety but also, in the broader sense, for the profession's ability to attract and retain nurses within the healthcare system.  相似文献   

护理人员职业防护问题及对策   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
目的:增强护理人员自我防护意识,了解自我防护状况。方法:采用问卷调查法对166名护理人员关于卫生保健、防护 知识等内容进行调查分析。结果:护理人员具有一定的自我防护意识和知识,也存在一些问题。结论:要加强卫生保健、做好 标准预防、加强学习,预防感染。  相似文献   

Critically ill patients are admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) to receive advanced technological and medical treatment. Some patients seem not to benefit from the treatment, and sometimes questions are raised as to whether treatment should be withheld or withdrawn. This study was conducted using ICU nurses' experiences with the aim of acquiring a deepened understanding of what good nursing care is for these patients. The study was performed at an adult ICU in Norway, where 14 ICU female nurses were included as participants. The research design was based on interpretative phenomenology and data was collected by group interviews inspired by focus-group methodology. The participants were divided into two groups and each group was interviewed four times. Colaizzi's model was used in the process of analysis. The results show that good nursing care depended on several basic conditions: continuity, knowledge, competence and cooperation, and included clear goals to give appropriate life-saving -- or end-of-life treatment and care. Cornerstones in good nursing care were nurses' verbal communication and nurses' use of their hands. The study emphasises several consequences for future ICU nursing practice and education to enhance good nursing care to patients on the edge of life.  相似文献   

Patients' and nurses' experiences of perioperative dialogues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Previous research has shown that perioperative visiting can aid the planning and implementation of nursing care by giving patients an opportunity to express their expectation and to receive information. This is in turn can reduce anxiety and stress. However, patients and nurses' experiences of this process have not been studied before. AIM: The aim of the research was to describe and interpret the meaning of nursing care experienced by patients and nurse anaesthetists or operating-room nurses (referred to as perioperative nurses) through the pre-, intra- and postoperative dialogues. METHODS: A hermeneutic approach was used when interpreting text from interviews with 10 patients after the operation and 10 nurses who were asked to write down their experiences after having conducted pre-, intra- and postoperative dialogues with their patients. The interpretation of the whole was: the common quality of the pre-, intra- and postoperative dialogues was continuity and the distinguishing quality was how the patient and nurse experienced continuity. FINDINGS: Continuity in 'the perioperative dialogue' from the patients' point of view is expressed as sharing a story and the body is in safe hands. From the nurses' point of view continuity means that professional nursing care becomes visible and that continuity gives meaning to the work. CONCLUSION: If perioperative nurses used the perioperative dialogue they could create continuity for patients and for themselves in the pre-, intra- and postoperative phases. The nurse is, in this context, the continuity and continuity gives the possibility of establishing a caring relationship and caring for the patient in a dignified way.  相似文献   

目的探讨皮肤消毒监测数据不确定度评定法,以评价手术室护士手部消毒的效果。方法选择某医院1名手术室护士手部皮肤消毒后10个部位监测数据为研究对象,依据《江苏省医院消毒灭菌效果监测规范(试行)》与《JJF1059~1999测量不确定度评定与表示》的技术规范,对监测数据的不确定度情况进行分析评价。结果消毒后护士手部皮肤表面,菌落总数为(4.0±2.0)cfu/cm^2,表明该名护士手部消毒的均匀性不够。结论不确定度评定方法可有效评定皮肤消毒灭菌效果监测数据的可信度。该方法简便易行,适用于医院消毒效果监测数据的不确定度评定。  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study exploring nurses' views on the 'potential' content and functions of an ethical code for nurses in Belgium. The term 'potential' is used, because Belgian nurses do not have experience with an ethical code. BACKGROUND: Ethical codes have been developed to guide nurses' practice and to improve their professional status. Little empirical research, however, has been undertaken to determine nurses' views on the content and functions of these codes. The available quantitative studies merely give some information on nurses' (lack of) knowledge and use of their ethical code. No nursing ethical code currently exists in Belgium. Qualitative research exploring nurses' views, therefore, was needed in order to find out which functions an ethical code could fulfil and what the code's content could be. METHOD: Eight focus groups were conducted with 50 nurses in different healthcare settings in Belgium. Data were generated during 2003. FINDINGS: According to participants, an ethical code could fulfil several functions, including supporting their professional nursing identity (external function) and giving guidelines for nursing practice (internal function). In addition, some aspects of content were mentioned, including nurses' responsibilities in a relational context: particular attention should be paid to the personality of the nurse and to the specificity of nursing as a relational activity. Most agreement was reached on the 'ethical' function of the code, namely guiding nurses' professional moral practice. Regarding disciplinary use and the need for legalization of the ethical code, on the contrary, opinions were divergent. CONCLUSIONS: It is of utmost importance to take into account nurses' views when developing an ethical code for their profession. This study gave a first picture of the views of nurses themselves. These initial findings should be completed with nurses' views on the formulation, dissemination and promotion of the ethical code. Such evidence-based development of an ethical code will probably give more guarantees that the code will meet nurses' expectations and will function optimally.  相似文献   

Background: The conventional approach to mandibular dislocation involves intraoral bilateral inferior-posterior downward force on the patient's molar occlusal surfaces. Discussion/Technique: The unified hands technique is a new method for reducing a mandibular dislocation. The technique involves intraoral unilateral application of both hands on the side of the dislocated mandible. This maneuver was successful in reducing a mandibular dislocation refractory to the traditional method of intraoral bilateral inferior-posterior downward force on the patient's molar occlusal surface. Conclusion: The technique described may be useful for the emergent reduction of mandibular dislocations when traditional methods fail.  相似文献   

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