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Idiopathic myelofibrosis: a clinical study of 80 patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of 122 consecutive patients with bone marrow fibrosis initially referred or categorized as idiopathic myelofibrosis is described. After a clinical and pathological review 14 patients were classified as postpolycythaemic myelofibrosis and 7 patients as a transitional myeloproliferative disorder. In 13 patients a diagnosis of hairy cell leukaemia was made, 3 patients had malignant lymphoma, 2 had malignant histiocytosis, and 1 patient had systemic lupus erythematosus with myelofibrosis. Two patients were excluded for further analysis owing to insufficient data. In the remaining 80 patients a diagnosis of idiopathic myelofibrosis was made. The clinical and laboratory findings in this series of patients are presented and compared to those in previous series. Infectious, cardiovascular, thromboembolic, and haemorrhagic complications were frequent, being recorded in 63%, 50%, 40%, and 33% of the patients, respectively. Various autoimmune phenomena were found in a proportion of the patients, but none had clinical evidence of connective tissue disease. Fifteen patients (19%) had a syndrome of acute myelofibrosis. The diagnostic criteria for this disease entity and its place within the spectrum of myeloproliferative disorders are discussed. In the present series acute myelofibrosis was found to encompass various transitional stages toward the evolution of acute leukaemia. It is proposed that acute or malignant myelofibrosis is considered as an acute variant of idiopathic myelofibrosis. Within this syndrome the acute variant seems to be far more common than previously recognized, which may also explain the marked clinical heterogeneity of the myelofibrosis/osteomyelosclerosis syndrome in this and most previous series.  相似文献   

CD146+ bone marrow stromal cells have been recently recognized as clonogenic osteoprogenitors able to organize a complete hematopoietic microenvironment. In this study we used immunohistochemical analysis to investigate the contribution of CD146+ bone marrow osteoprogenitors to the stromal remodeling occurring in the different stages of primary myelofibrosis. We found that CD146+ cells sited at the abluminal side of the bone marrow vessels and branching among hematopoietic cells significantly increased in the advanced stages of primary myelofibrosis (p<0.001), paralleling the extent of fibrosis (ρ=0.916, p<0.0001) and the microvascular density (r=0.883, p<0.0001). Coherently with a mural cell function, such cells also displayed smooth-muscle actin expression. Our data providing evidence of CD146+ cell involvement in bone marrow stromal changes occurring in primary myelofibrosis are consistent with the capability of these cells to participate in fiber deposition, angiogenesis, and bone formation. They could also represent rationale for new therapies targeting the bone marrow stroma in primary myelofibrosis.  相似文献   

In 51 patients with primary myelofibrosis the initial bone marrow biopsy findings were evaluated by morphometric methods, correlated with the patients' main clinical and haematologic data and analysed for prognostic significance. The high variability of the marrow features was the most striking finding of the morphologic study. The only remarkable clinico-pathological correlation was that found between the extent of stromal proliferation in the bone marrow and the number of WBC precursors in peripheral blood. Classical bone marrow histologic patterns did not correlate with the main clinical or haematologic data nor did they influence the patients' survival. Finally, collagen fibrosis and abnormal clusters of immature myeloid precursors were the only histologic features showing an unfavourable prognostic significance at the multivariate study.  相似文献   

The conventional treatment of myelofibrosis involves a wait-and-see approach for asymptomatic patients, oral chemotherapy for the hyperproliferative forms of the disease, androgens or erythropoietin for the anaemia, and splenectomy in selected patients. Low-dose thalidomide plus prednisone is a well-tolerated therapy for the anaemia and the thrombocytopenia of myelofibrosis, whereas imatinib has shown little efficacy. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT) is the only curative therapy for myelofibrosis. Its standard modality has an associated mortality of about 30% and can be applied to younger patients with high-risk disease or resistant to conventional treatment. Reduced-intensity conditioning allo-SCT involves a low mortality and is a promising therapy for patients aged 45-70 years old with the above characteristics. Autologous SCT is a palliative therapy for patients resistant to conventional treatment who lack a suitable donor. The next candidates for the treatment of myelofibrosis are the thalidomide derivatives, the proteasome inhibitors, and vascular endothelial growth factor neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

磁共振成像具有软组织密度分辨力高、安全无创和操作便捷等特点,不但能发现病变、准确定位,而且可以反映疾病严重程度。本文总结了肌肉磁共振成像在特发性炎症性肌病的诊断、活动性评价及肌活检定位方面的应用。  相似文献   

111Indium--transferrin (111In) and 99mTechnetium-colloids (99mTc) bone marrow imaging of 55 myelofibrosis (MF) cases has been compared with clinical, histological, and iron-kinetics data. The best correlations are seen between the splenic uptake of 111In with the spleen/sacrum ratio of 59Fe at the first hour (r = 0.69, P less than 0.001) and also with the splenic erythropoiesis histologically assessed in ten splenectomized patients (r = 0.75, P less than 0.01). Moreover, sacrum uptake of 111In, when compared with sacrum uptake of 59Fe (r = 0.51, P less than 0.001) and with hematopoietic cellularity of the bone marrow (r = 0.57, P less than 0.001) reflects faithfully the hematopoietic cell content of the marrow. Thus, 111In bone marrow imaging provides a noninvasive and useful tool for the diagnosis of myeloid metaplasia in MF. Ferrokinetic studies still appreciate with better insight the amount of ineffective erythropoiesis or hemolysis and remains therefore of great value when splenectomy is discussed.  相似文献   

Characteristics of circulating CFU-MK and the effect of serum and plasma on CFU-MK growth were studied in 14 patients with primary myelofibrosis (MF) using short- and long-term culture methods. The number of CFU-MK in short-term cultures was significantly increased in the non-splenectomized patient group (p < 0.01). Without added PHA-LCM and normal serum, spontaneous colony formation was found in 9 out of 10 patients. In long-term blood cultures from 6 MF patients, 3 untreated patients formed confluent adherent layers and produced in suspension an equal number or an even greater number of nucleated cells, megakaryocytes and CFU-MK than those obtained in long-term bone marrow culture from normal individuals. 2 splenectomized patients showed neither an increased numbers of CFU-MK nor the capacity to develop an adherent layer. The serum and plasma of MF patients failed to stimulate megakaryocyte colony formation by normal bone marrow in a normal fashion. These findings indicate a megakaryocytopoietic abnormality, and a central role of the spleen in extramedullary haematopoiesis in MF.  相似文献   

To ascertain the value of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the differential diagnosis between myelofibrosis (MF) and essential thrombocythaemia (ET), 38 patients were analysed. 20 patients had MF (idiopathic myelofibrosis, 15 cases; post-ET myelofibrosis, four cases; post-polycythaemic MF, one case) and 18 ET. Mean age was 61.5 years (range 30-89) for patients with MF and 60.9 years (range 26-83) for ET patients. MR imaging was performed in the dorsal vertebrae in all cases, and also in both femurs in 2 5 of the patients. In most ET cases the MR signal of the dorsal vertebrae was not modified, whereas it was markedly reduced in MF (P=0.0000001). With regard to femoral marrow, it was usually fatty in ET, with an absent to moderate degree of reconversion seen in the 14 cases analysed, contrasting with the marked degree of reconversion noted in 10/11 patients with MF (P=0.000007). An inverse correlation was demonstrated between the vertebral signal and the degree of femoral reconversion. These differences were due to the fact that in ET the bone marrow adipose tissue is grossly preserved, whereas in MF it is usually markedly decreased or absent. The above results indicate that MR imaging is a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of ET and MF, with the usefulness of this technique increasing when vertebral and femoral bone marrow studies are combined.  相似文献   

Thalidomide for the treatment of idiopathic myelofibrosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Except rare instances of allogeneic stem cell transplantation, treatment of idiopathic myelofibrosis (IMF) is only palliative and based on cytostatic treatment (hydroxyurea and anagrelide), androgen therapy, steroids and splenectomy. Thalidomide is an anti-angiogenic and immunomodulatory drug with a wide spectrum of activities, which are not clearly understood. Current data suggest that the action of thalidomide is related to several different mechanisms, including suppression of tumor necrosis factor, effects on basic fibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, interleukins and interferons, downregulation of selected cell surface adhesion molecules, and changes in the lymphocyte subsets. We administered thalidomide to 16 patients with IMF (15 men, one women) who had transfusion-dependent anemia, thrombocytopenia or symptomatic splenomegaly. Median age was 59 yr (range: 52-78). Patients received thalidomide at an escalating dose from 100 to 400 mg/d (median 300 mg). The drug was discontinued in four patients because of progressive disease (two) or polyneuropathy (two). Other adverse effects were obstipation (10), fatigue (eight) and edema (two). Clinical response has now been observed for a median duration of 9 months (range: 3-20). Fifteen patients are evaluable. Anemia improved in six of 10 patients who were anemic. Platelet counts improved in five of seven patients with thrombocytopenia. Splenomegaly regressed in three of 13 patients. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) decreased in seven of 12 patients, but increased in four patients. LDH levels were not correlated with clinical response. In summary, thalidomide appears useful in the treatment of IMF.  相似文献   

Idiopathic myelofibrosis (MF) is a rare disease in childhood. The clinical spectrum is very variable. Familial idiopathic MF has been recorded exceptionally. In previous reports idiopathic MF in childhood has been described in association with congenital anomalies and with chromosome abnormalities, although neither of these features have been reported in a familial context. We report two sisters with idiopathic MF and multiple eruptive hemangiomas. Details of their clinical signs, laboratory findings, and histologic features are described. Am. J. Hematol. 59:175–177, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The prognostic significance of bone marrow cytogenetic lesions in myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM) was investigated in a retrospective series of 165 patients. An abnormal karyotype was demonstrated in 57% of patients. At diagnosis (n = 92), 48% of the patients had detectable cytogenetic abnormalities, and clonal evolution was frequently demonstrated in sequential studies. More than 90% of the anomalies were represented by 20q-, 13q-, +8, +9, 12p-, and abnormalities of chromosomes 1 and 7. Of these, 20q-, 13q- and +8 were the most frequent sole abnormalities, each occurring in 15-25% of the abnormal cases. Trisomy 9 and abnormalities of chromosomes 1 and 7 were equally prevalent but were usually associated with additional cytogenetic lesions. Chromosome 5 abnormalities were infrequent but were over-represented in the group of patients exposed to genotoxic therapy. In a multivariate analysis that incorporated other clinical and laboratory variables, the presence of an abnormal karyotype did not carry an adverse prognosis. Instead, +8, 12p-, advanced age and anaemia were independent prognostic determinants of inferior survival. In particular, survival was not adversely affected by the presence of either 20q- or 13q-.  相似文献   

Simtuzumab, a monoclonal antibody inhibitor of extracellular matrix enzyme lysyl oxidase‐like‐2, showed preclinical promise and was well tolerated in clinical studies. A phase 2, open‐label study of simtuzumab was conducted in patients with primary myelofibrosis (MF), post‐polycythaemia vera MF and post‐essential thrombocythaemia MF. Fifty‐four patients were randomized to receive simtuzumab alone (200 or 700 mg [n = 12 each group]) or simtuzumab (200 or 700 mg) with ruxolitinib (n = 15 each group) for 24 weeks. Simtuzumab alone or in combination with ruxolitinib showed no clinical benefit at 24 weeks. The mean serum simtuzumab trough concentrations appeared to increase dose‐proportionally between the 200‐mg and 700‐mg treatment groups. Therapy‐related serious adverse events were pyrexia, pain in extremity (both in 1 patient) and infusion reaction (in another patient). Bone marrow fibrosis (BMF) score was reduced at 24 weeks in 2 patients (16·7%) in the simtuzumab 700‐mg group, 1 (6·7%) in the simtuzumab 200‐mg + ruxolitinib group, and 2 (13·3%) in the simtuzumab 700‐mg + ruxolitinib group; similar numbers of patients had increased BMF. Simtuzumab alone or with ruxolitinib was well tolerated but did not produce clinical benefit nor consistently reduce BMF in patients with MF by 24 weeks.  相似文献   

Thalidomide treatment in myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia (MMM) is uniquely characterized by macroscopic bone marrow stromal changes that are believed to be both reactive and cytokine mediated. Furthermore, a prognostically detrimental increase in bone marrow angiogenesis has recently been demonstrated. These observations suggest a potential therapeutic role for agents that are inhibitory to angiogenesis as well as cytokines that are pathogenetically implicated in MMM. In a prospective study of 15 patients with MMM, thalidomide treatment, starting at a dose of 200 mg/d, resulted in increased platelet counts (12 of 15 patients), increased haemoglobin level (3 of 15), a modest decrease in spleen size (3 of 12), increased bone marrow megakaryopoiesis (5 of 9) and decreased bone marrow angiogenesis (2 of 9). Undesirable haematological effects included pericardial extramedullary haematopoiesis in one patient, marked leucocytosis in two patients and extreme thrombocytosis in three patients. The thrombocytosis occurred in both patients with post-thrombocythaemic myeloid metaplasia (PTMM) and was also associated with higher baseline levels of circulating CD34+ cells. Previously described toxicities of thalidomide were seen in the majority of patients and dose escalation to 400 mg/d was permitted in only two patients. In contrast, toxicity-related dose reductions to 50 mg/d did not appear to lessen drug efficacy. We conclude that thalidomide has both beneficial and potentially adverse biological activity in MMM. A lower dose of the drug might be more tolerable without compromising therapeutic value. Patients with PTMM and/or markedly increased circulating CD34+ cell counts might be susceptible to thalidomide-induced thrombocytosis.  相似文献   

In chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (CIMF) the factors predicting survival in patients who were already in the fibrotic stage have been well documented by numerous studies. Prefibrotic stages were only rarely evaluated so that the prognostic impact of myelofibrosis is currently not well known. Also predictive factors for disease-related events were not included in those studies. Thus, we evaluated the prognostic impact of myelofibrosis and other histopathological (megakaryocytes, blasts) and clinical [age, gender, splenomegaly, chemotherapy, hemoglobin (Hb), leukocyte, and platelet count] parameters in 122 patients in fibrotic and prefibrotic stages of CIMF on event-free survival. The statistical analysis was performed using the univariate log-rank test and the multivariate recursive partition and amalgamation (RECPAM) approach. In 62 patients disease-related events occurred during a mean observation period of 58 months. In univariate analysis they were associated with blast increase in the bone marrow. In RECPAM analysis a shorter event-free survival was found in anemic patients (mean: 9.3 months). In nonanemic patients older than 60 years, advanced myelofibrosis was associated with a shorter event-free mean survival of 23.2 months versus 69.3 months in less advanced cases. A slight or moderate myelofibrosis was not found to have a prognostic impact on event-free survival. The longest event-free survival was found in nonanemic patients who were younger than 60 years (mean: 185 months), regardless of the grade of myelofibrosis. Thus, we found that the most relevant prognostic parameter for event-free survival in CIMF were the Hb value, age, and grade of myelofibrosis.  相似文献   

Thirteen patients with idiopathic myelofibrosis (5 osteomyelosclerosis) were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo) for transfusion-dependent anemia. All but 7 patients were concomitantly treated with alpha interferon, and 5 patients also received a interferon before the start of erythropoietin (EPO) treatment. All but two patients became transfusion independent. The highly positive results of the present study of transfusion-dependent patients with idiopathic myelofibrosis calls for further studies to delineate more precisely in larger series those patients who are likely to respond to rHuEpo.  相似文献   

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