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An analysis of treatment in 49 patients has demonstrated that pulmonary complications aggravate the course of the disease and not infrequently are causes of lethal issues. It is considered that an early removal of the primary purulent focus by means of trephination and transosseous perfusion with antibiotic solutions in an acute stage provides for the prophylaxis of pulmonary complications and reduces the mortality.  相似文献   

The work presents an analysis of 27 cases of acute hematogenic osteomyelitis with multiple injuries of bones. It has been noted that unlike primary localizations which often turn into a chronic process the secondary foci in such patients are frequently treated with good long-term issues. Lethality among patients with multiple osteomyelitis according to the authors' data is considerably higher (26%) than that in patients with the injury of one bone (0,8%).  相似文献   

The results of treatment of 215 patients with an acute gematogenic osteomyelitis (AGO) aged from newborn to 15 years were analyzed. The main principles and methods of the AGO treatment, elaborated and introduced in the clinic, were suggested. The osteotomy method with introduction of two drains for the affection focus sanation in the senior age children was proposed. Complications had occurred in 13% of patients, transition into chronic form was noted in 8%.  相似文献   

An examination of 46 patients has shown that the enzymatic status of circulating leukocytes of blood is a highly informative criterium which allows to judge about the pyo-inflammatory process, its spread, degree, reactivity of the patient's organism, efficiency of the therapy performed, prognosis of the disease.  相似文献   

The results of clinico-laboratory studies on 510 children with acute hematogenic osteomyelitis are presented. Being a septic manifestation, acute osteomyelitis in children is characterized by a severe general reaction with a symptom complex of a "septic schock" which not infrequently leads to diagnostic errors (36%). So, therapeutic measures should be aimed first at the correction of disorders of homeostasis through the specific effect of thyrocalcitonine (TCT), purposeful use of antibiotics and sparing surgical intervention (intraosseous dialysis).  相似文献   

The immune state estimation in 45 children with an acute gematogenic osteomyelitis was done for the disease course prognosis and the treatment tactic choice. Two groups with duration of treatment up to forty days and from 41 to 160 days were delineated. The immunologic investigation data permitted to prognosticate the disease course duration and to correct the treatment timely. Slow immune reaction of organism in patients was caused by the disease severity and presence of complications.  相似文献   

Under observation were 132 children with acute hematogenous osteomyelitis. The complex treatment of an acute stage of hematogenic osteomyelitis included also the local use of 33% dimexide (DMSO) solution together with antibiotics. The observations indicated a high efficacy of the suggested therapeutic method.  相似文献   

The author reports three cases of acute hematogenic osteomyelitis, in which the symptoms of "acute abdomen" were predominant. In the first patient an erroneous laparotomy was performed. Some characteristic features in diagnosis of acute hematogenic osteomyelitis with such clinical picture are analysed.  相似文献   

There were examined 275 children with an acute hematogenic osteomyelitis (AHO). The inflammatory focus puncture has decisive diagnostic significance. The local pH determination was applied as a method of the AHO express diagnosis. Early diagnosis and conduction of complex treatment during three days from the disease beginning had provided the patient's recovery.  相似文献   

The authors analyse the causes of functional and morphological disorders of the locomotor apparatus in 172 patients who had suffered from complicated forms of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis in childhood 2 to 36 years age. They accentuate the necessity for prognosing orthopedic deformities in complicated osteomyelitis processes following a protracted course in a growing organism. Analysis of the cause of disability makes it possible to elaborate stage-by-stage rehabilitation.  相似文献   

An examination of 79 children has shown that in acute hematogenic osteomyelitis lower parameters of non-specific resistance and immunity are of prognostic value. The administration of Pentoxyl and Levimizol improves the state of immunity and exerts a positive clinical effect.  相似文献   

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