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There is a growing appreciation that ion channels encoded by the ether-à-go-go-related gene family have a functional impact in smooth muscle in addition to their accepted role in cardiac myocytes and neurones. This study aimed to assess the expression of ERG1–3 (KCNH1–3) genes in the murine myometrium (smooth muscle layer of the uterus) and determine the functional impact of the ion channels encoded by these genes in pregnant and non-pregnant animals. Quantitative RT-PCR did not detect message for ERG2 and 3 in whole myometrial tissue extracts. In contrast, message for two isoforms of mERG1 were readily detected with mERG1a more abundant than mERG1b. In isometric tension studies of non-pregnant myometrium, the ERG channel blockers dofetilide (1 μ m ), E4031 (1 μ m ) and Be-KM1 (100 n m ) increased spontaneous contractility and ERG activators (PD118057 and NS1643) inhibited spontaneous contractility. In contrast, neither ERG blockade nor activation had any effect on the inherent contractility in myometrium from late pregnant (19 days gestation) animals. Moreover, dofetilide-sensitive K+ currents with distinctive 'hooked' kinetics were considerably smaller in uterine myocytes from late pregnant compared to non-pregnant animals. Expression of mERG1 isoforms did not alter throughout gestation or upon delivery, but the expression of genes encoding auxillary subunits (KCNE) were up-regulated considerably. This study provides the first evidence for a regulation of ERG-encoded K+ channels as a precursor to late pregnancy physiological activity.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two broad electrophysiological classes of spiral ganglion neuron that differ in their rate of accommodation ( Mo & Davis, 1997 a ). In order to understand the underlying ionic basis of these characteristic firing patterns, we used α-dendrotoxin (α-DTX) to eliminate the contribution of a class of voltage-gated K+ channels and assessed its effects on a variety of electrophysiological properties by using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Exposure to α-DTX caused neurons that initially displayed rapid accommodation to fire continuously during 240 ms depolarizing test pulses within a restricted voltage range. We found a non-monotonic relationship between number of action potentials fired and membrane potential in the presence of α-DTX that peaked at voltages between –40 to –10 mV and declined at more depolarized and hyperpolarized test potentials. The α-DTX-sensitive current had two components that activated in different voltage ranges. Analysis of recordings made from acutely isolated neurons gave estimated half-maximal activation voltages of –63 and 12 mV for the two components. Because α-DTX blocks the Kv1.1, Kv1.2 and Kv1.6 subunits, we examined the action of the Kv1.1-selective blocker dendrotoxin K (DTX-K). We found that this antagonist reproduced the effects of α-DTX on neuronal firing, and that the DTX-K-sensitive current also had two separate components. These data suggest that the transformation from a rapidly adapting to a slowly adapting firing pattern was mediated by the low voltage-activated component of DTX-sensitive current with a potential contribution from the high voltage-activated component at more depolarized potentials. In addition, the effects of DTX-K indicate that Kv1.1 subunits are important constituents of the underlying voltage-gated potassium channels.  相似文献   

Small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (SK channels) contribute to the long lasting afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that follows an action potential in many central neurones. The biophysical and pharmacological attributes of cloned SK channels strongly suggest that one or more of them underlie the medium component of the AHP that regulates interspike interval and plays an important role in setting tonic firing frequency. The cloned SK channels comprise a distinct subfamily of K+ channels. Heterologously expressed SK channels recapitulate the biophysical and pharmacological hallmarks of native SK channels, being gated solely by intracellular Ca2+ ions with no voltage dependence to their gating, small unitary conductance values and sensitivity to the bee venom peptide toxin, apamin. Molecular, biochemical and electrophysiological studies have revealed that Ca2+ gating in SK channels is due to heteromeric assembly of the SK α pore-forming subunits with calmodulin (CaM). Ca2+ binding to the N-terminal E–F hands of CaM is responsible for SK channel gating. Crystallographic studies suggest that SK channels gate as a dimer-of-dimers, and that the physical gate of SK channels resides at or near the selectivity filter of the channels. In addition, Ca2+-independent interactions between the SK channel α subunits and CaM are necessary for proper membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

GABAergic interneurones are essential in cortical processing, yet the functional properties of their dendrites are still poorly understood. In this first study, we combined two-photon calcium imaging with whole-cell recording and anatomical reconstructions to examine the calcium dynamics during action potential (AP) backpropagation in three types of V1 supragranular interneurones: parvalbumin-positive fast spikers (FS), calretinin-positive irregular spikers (IS), and adapting cells (AD). Somatically generated APs actively backpropagated into the dendritic tree and evoked instantaneous calcium accumulations. Although voltage-gated calcium channels were expressed throughout the dendritic arbor, calcium signals during backpropagation of both single APs and AP trains were restricted to proximal dendrites. This spatial control of AP backpropagation was mediated by Ia-type potassium currents and could be mitigated by by previous synaptic activity. Further, we observed supralinear summation of calcium signals in synaptically activated dendritic compartments. Together, these findings indicate that in interneurons, dendritic AP propagation is synaptically regulated. We propose that interneurones have a perisomatic and a distal dendritic functional compartment, with different integrative functions.  相似文献   

A transient decrease in excitability occurs regularly during the S1 phase of threshold electrotonus to depolarizing conditioning stimuli for sensory and, less frequently, motor axons. This has been attributed to the outwardly rectifying action of fast K+ channels, at least in patients with demyelinating diseases. This study investigates the genesis of this notch in healthy axons. Threshold electrotonus was recorded for sensory and motor axons in the median nerve at the wrist in response to test stimuli of different width. The notch occurred more frequently the briefer the test stimulus, and more frequently in sensory studies. In studies on motor axons, the notch decreased in latency and increased in amplitude as the conditioning stimulus increased or the limb was cooled. Low-threshold axons displayed profound changes in strength–duration time constant even though the threshold electrotonus curves contained no detectable notch. When a 1.0 ms current was added to subthreshold conditioning stimuli to trigger EMG, the notch varied with the timing and intensity of the brief current pulse. This study finds no evidence for an outwardly rectifying deflection due to K+ channels, other than the slow accommodation attributable to slow K+ currents. In normal motor axons, a depolarization-induced notch during the S1 phase of threshold electrotonus is the result of the conditioning stimulus exceeding threshold for some axons. The notch is more apparent in sensory axons probably because of the lower slope of the stimulus–response curve and their longer strength–duration time constant rather than a difference in K+ conductances. This may also explain the notch in demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

Potassium channels that are inhibited by intracellular ATP (ATPi) were first identified in ventricular myocytes, and are referred to as ATP-sensitive K+ channels (i.e. KATP channels). Subsequently, K+ channels with similar characteristics have been demonstrated in many other tissues (pancreatic β-cells, skeletal muscle, central neurones, smooth muscle). Approximately one decade ago, KATP channels were cloned and were found to be composed of at least two subunits: an inwardly rectifying K+ channel six family (Kir6.x) that forms the ion conducting pore and a modulatory sulphonylurea receptor (SUR) that accounts for several pharmacological properties. Various types of native KATP channels have been identified in a number of visceral and vascular smooth muscles in single-channel recordings. However, little attention has been paid to the molecular properties of the subunits in KATP channels and it is important to determine the relative expression of KATP channel components which give rise to native KATP channels in smooth muscle. The aim of this review is to briefly discuss the current knowledge available for KATP channels with the main interest in the molecular basis of native KATP channels, and to discuss their possible linkage with physiological functions in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

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