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This survey identified a range of adolescent pregnancy prevention activities used by school nurses in selected Mid-Atlantic public schools. A purposive sample of 224 public school nurses completed the School Nurse Questionnaire adapted from an instrument used previously to survey school nurses. Based on a 54% response rate, a task analysis revealed that respondents performed only one pregnancy prevention activity frequently. A sub-sample of nurses, serving students in grades 6-12, used seven of 21 pregnancy prevention activities frequently. Though nurses did not actually perform the remaining activities, they felt prepared to do so. However, the structure of school nursing services often does not allow adequate time or opportunity to engage in adolescent pregnancy prevention activities.  相似文献   

Objectives Up to 20 % of school-age children have a vision problem identifiable by screening, over 80 % of which can be corrected with glasses. While vision problems are associated with poor school performance, few studies describe whether and how corrective lenses affect academic achievement and health. Further, there are virtually no studies exploring how children with correctable visual deficits, their parents, and teachers perceive the connection between vision care and school function. Methods We conducted a qualitative evaluation of Vision to Learn (VTL), a school-based program providing free corrective lenses to low-income students in Los Angeles. Nine focus groups with students, parents, and teachers from three schools served by VTL explored the relationships between poor vision, receipt of corrective lenses, and school performance and health. Results Twenty parents, 25 teachers, and 21 students from three elementary schools participated. Participants described how uncorrected visual deficits reduced students’ focus, perseverance, and class participation, affecting academic functioning and psychosocial stress; how receiving corrective lenses improved classroom attention, task persistence, and willingness to practice academic skills; and how serving students in school rather than in clinics increased both access to and use of corrective lenses. Conclusions for Practice Corrective lenses may positively impact families, teachers, and students coping with visual deficits by improving school function and psychosocial wellbeing. Practices that increase ownership and use of glasses, such as serving students in school, may significantly improve both child health and academic performance.  相似文献   

The present study develops and evaluates a theoretical framework of mediators of the relationship between acculturation and adolescent sexual behavior. Four hundred Latino mother–adolescent dyads from the Bronx, New York were interviewed. The study explored the relationship between intentions to have sexual intercourse and explanatory variables such as adolescent romantic relationship status and partner preferences, maternal approval of dating, adolescent perceptions of maternal approval of dating, and maternal and adolescent levels of familismo and acculturation. Findings revealed complex dynamics between acculturation and adolescent sexual behavior. Protective and risk-inducing associations were observed, with important gender differences operating for boys and girls. Implications for the development of applied prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Obesity is a significant health problem among today's youth; however, most school-based prevention programs in this area have had limited success. Focus groups were conducted with seventh- to eighth-grade students, parents, and teachers to provide insight into the development of a comprehensive program for the prevention of adolescent obesity: the Teen Eating and Activity Mentoring in Schools project (TEAMS). METHODS: Questions addressed (1) beliefs about the relationship between early adolescent behavior and health; (2) early adolescents' physical activity habits, preferences, influences, and barriers; (3) early adolescents' dietary habits, preferences, influences, and barriers; and (4) recommendations for interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating in early adolescence. RESULTS: Qualitative analyses revealed that early adolescents had a good understanding of the relationship between their behavior and their health, although they had a limited understanding of what constitutes healthy eating. Youth participants reported preferences for a number of healthy foods and physical activities, but identified numerous barriers preventing their engagement. The major difference between students, parents, and teachers reflected the operation of the fundamental attribution error with early adolescents attributing their unhealthy behaviors to situational factors, teachers blaming parents, and parents blaming their children. CONCLUSIONS: Implications of these findings for the development of school-based, integrated strategies for obesity prevention among early adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

Using Correlational Evidence to Select Youth for Prevention Programming   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In a period of increased accountability and reduced prevention resources, the effective targeting of those limited resources is critical. One way in which limited resources are focused is to identify and provide services to those most at risk for later substance use. Risk status, or propensity, is typically estimated from correlational evidence. Using meta-analytic techniques this paper examines the evidence that 29 of the 35 constructs specified by the CTC risk and protective factor model are related to alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana use. While these factors are generally demonstrated to be predictive of substance use, the strength of relation is modest. Ten factors show a significantly different strength of relation with tobacco than with alcohol and marijuana. Given the correlations observed and the rate of substance use in the population, providing only selective intervention services likely ignores the majority of those who will later use substances. Although selection improves the percentage of those receiving services who are likely to benefit from services, the evidence summarized in this study suggests selective interventions will omit many of those who will likely use substances. Given typical base and selection rates, smaller program effects on universal populations may keep a greater number of youth from becoming alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana involved. EDITORS' STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS: The data make a strong and provocative argument for primary prevention of youth substance abuse that should be heard by policymakers and service providers involved in strategic planning and appropriate deployment of resources.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper provides an overview for targeted preventive interventions using parent and family skills training with high risk children. The typical format and goals of these programs are presented. Empirically-examined parent training programs have either been delivered to the parents alone, to the parents and children in separate group meetings, or to the parents and children together in sessions for at least part of the time. An overview of findings from research on these programs indicates that these programs have consistent and replicated effects on children's behavior, on parents' improved use of effective discipline strategies, and on improved family functioning.The second major part of this paper describes gaps in existing research knowledge about indicated prevention programs are then identified, and the barriers and opportunities involved in the implementation of empirically-supported are discussed. Finally, the paper provides a series of recommendations for future research, knowledge development and policy development.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Parents play a primary role in the health and health education of their children. In particular, parent involvement in planning and promoting adolescent immunization campaigns is critical to successful efforts. Parents serve as their children's primary educators on health issues, but where can they get accurate health information? To help guide local PTA units in their programmatic efforts, the National PTA maintains positions and policy statements on multiple health issues: alcohol and other drug abuse; emergency preparedness; environmental issues; family life education; firearm safety; HIV prevention; health screenings; immunization (measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B); lead poisoning; nutrition; protective helmet use; sexual assault prevention; TB testing; tobacco use and access; violence prevention; and youth suicide prevention. Likewise, the school-home partnership is key to promoting the health of adolescents. Comprehensive school health programs and integrated services are necessary to support parent and community efforts to promote adolescent health issues, including immunization programs. Techniques for effective parent involvement, based on the National Standards for Family/Parent Involvement issued by the National PTA January 1997, are discussed.  相似文献   


This study examines administrator and stakeholder perspectives on factors influencing the sustainability of Problematic Sexual Behavior Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (PSB-CBT). After initial implementation of PSB-CBT, qualitative interviews (N?=?42) on the sustainability of services were conducted with treatment program administrators (n?=?10) and community stakeholders (n?=?32) from six sites across the USA. Interviewees discussed key facilitators and barriers for sustainability and identified the following factors as impacting the sustainability of PSB-CBT: public relations, policy, inter-agency collaboration, funding, and workforce issues. Results were overall consistent with the EPIS (Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment) model for implementation in public service sectors, but proposed modifications are also noted. Findings underscore the value of qualitative research in identifying best practices for sustaining valuable therapeutic interventions. The authors argue that future efforts to sustain evidence-based interventions, especially those dealing with sensitive topics around which misinformation and stigma are associated, should prioritize public relations (i.e., outreach, education) in addition to the intervention.


This study examined the relationship between ethnic pride, self-esteem and adolescent intentions to smoke cigarettes and engage in sexual intercourse. It also explored the influence of maternal levels of ethnic pride and self-esteem as indirect predictors of adolescent risk intentions. Middle school youth were randomly selected from six schools in the Bronx, NY. A total of 1,538 adolescents and their mothers were recruited. Mothers completed self-administered questionnaires about self-esteem and ethnic pride. Adolescents completed self-administered questionnaires about their intentions to engage in risk behaviors, as well as items about community connectedness, language spoken at home, self-esteem and ethnic pride. Results suggest that adolescent ethnic pride had protective effects on risk intentions through the mediator of self-esteem as well as independent of it. Maternal ethnic pride was associated with adolescent ethnic pride and, in turn, risk intentions, but the effect was weak in magnitude. Speaking Spanish at home was not significantly associated with ethnic pride. Both age and gender were related to ethnic pride, with ethnic pride diminishing as adolescents became older and females having higher levels of ethnic pride than males.  相似文献   

Although more schools are offering mental health programs, few studies have involved the school community in research to improve their successful implementation. In this community-partnered study, focus groups were conducted with school staff and parents to explore issues related to community engagement and feasibility of a mental health intervention for elementary school students exposed to trauma. Four educator focus groups, including 23 participants, and 2 parent focus groups, consisting of 9 Spanish-speaking and 7 English-speaking parents were conducted. Participants discussed facilitators and barriers to successful implementation of the program. Participants identified the importance of pre-implementation parent education, raising awareness of the impact of student mental health among educators, maintaining ongoing communication during the intervention, and addressing logistical concerns. Participants described clear considerations for parent and educator engagement, both at the pre-implementation phase and during implementation of the program. Implications for next steps of this community-partnered approach are described.  相似文献   

This article considers processes from an ecological-ethical viewpoint that may help explain the high rate of school failure and dropout of immigrant Latino adolescents. Drawing from research on filial responsibility and risk and protective processes in this population, a conceptual model is presented that accounts for both negative and positive developmental outcomes. For example, it is speculated that different stressors linked to immigration (e.g., poverty, discrimination) occasion a marked increase in filial responsibility (e.g., assuming the role of interpreter and liaison to the English speaking community, working to earn money for the family) that may compete with other sociocognitive tasks, such as schooling and peer involvement. Yet, Latino youths who perform major caregiving tasks in the family also appear to derive an increased sense of personal and interpersonal competence. The implications of the model for research and prevention programming are discussed.  相似文献   

The perceived quality of the working alliance in psychotherapy has been a consistent predictor of engagement and outcome in adult psychotherapy, yet there is limited research on working alliance in youth psychotherapy, particularly in the context of “usual” community-based services. In this study, we examined working alliance among 78 adolescents referred for community-based psychotherapy, their parents and therapists. We investigated (1) temporal stability of alliance from 1 to 6 months into treatment, (2) consistency among adolescent, parent, and therapist reports of alliances, and (3) associations between alliance and four outcome domains: symptoms, functioning, satisfaction, and environmental impact. We found individual reports of alliance relatively stable from 1 to 6 months into treatment, but consistency among reporters on quality of their alliance was low. We also found adolescent and parent reported alliances with therapists to be positively associated with several outcome indicators.
Kristin M. HawleyEmail:

The disruption of school participation and accompanying social expenences because of cancer and its treatment has been related to major problems in adaptation to the disease For the child with cancer contiuation of his/her social and academic activities provides an important opportunity to normalize as much as possible a very difficult expenence The present study reports on the childrens, parents, and teachers subjective evaluations of the benefits of a comprehensive school reintegration intervention Forty-nine children, newly diagnosed with cancer received comprehensive school reintegration consisting of supportive counseling, educational presentations, systematic haison between the hospital and the school, and periodic follow-ups Children, parents, and teachers were asked to rate their perceptions of the utility and value of the intervention approach Overall subjective evaluations were very positive, providing support for the social validity of the school reintegration approach for children with newly diagnosed cancer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This exploratory study used focus group methods to identify strategies that promote parent involvement with young children in an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) prevention program. The Health Belief Model (HBM) guided the interview process and data analysis. Five focus groups were conducted with low-income parents and school personnel from two urban elementary schools in Lexington, Kentucky. Cues to Action was the most frequent HBM construct expressed by both parents and school personnel in regard to ATOD prevention programs and general school activities. Enthusiasm for school activities expressed by children to their parents was identified as the core cue to parent involvement. Transportation, child care, and incentives were the basic requirements for parent involvement. Positive attitudes of school personnel, a combination of communication strategies, and multiple channels for involvement were major cues to parent involvement. Recommendations for involving parents in ATOD prevention and general school activities are suggested.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe a community-based obesity-prevention initiative that promoted cultural connectedness and traditional food revitalization and gained insight into youth participants’ perspectives on the program through a photovoice methodology.MethodsPhotovoice methods were used with fourth- and fifth-grade youths (aged 9–11 years) in the US Southwest who had participated in the Feast for the Future program. A total of 44 youths from 3 communities met for 8–9 sessions; they took photos of current food environments and traditional food systems, and discussed them as well as Feast for the Future and hopes for the future, and then prepared a final presentation. Photovoice sessions were recorded, transcribed verbatim, then open coded using Atlas.ti.ResultsFive common themes emerged: traditional food is farmed or gardened, traditional foods are healthy, Feast for the Future supported positive connections to culture, hope for more farming or gardening for future generations, and store or less nutrient-dense food is unhealthy.Conclusions and ImplicationsPhotovoice can be an effective way to engage Indigenous youths in conversations about their culture and food environments. The findings suggest that attention to revitalizing traditional food systems and supporting cultural connectedness may be an effective approach to obesity prevention in tribal communities, although future research would be needed to assess the impact of the intervention on obesity rates.  相似文献   

Prevention Science - An earlier trial of a school-based, preventative intervention, HealthWise South Africa, demonstrated some efficacy in preventing adolescent drinking and smoking in the Western...  相似文献   

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