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Aims: Classical fear conditioning and extinction has been used to understand the neurobiology of fear learning and its inhibition. The recall of an extinction memory involves the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala, and patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been shown to exhibit deficits in this process. Furthermore, extinction forms the basis of exposure therapies commonly used to treat PTSD patients. It is possible that effective pharmacological and/or psychological treatment regimens could influence the activity of these regions, and thereby increase the ability to retain an extinction memory. However, to test this, a fear conditioning and extinction paradigm must demonstrate within‐subject reproducibility over time. We, therefore, sought to test the within‐subject reliability of a previously used 2‐day, classical fear conditioning and extinction paradigm. Methods: Eighteen healthy participants participated in a 2‐day paradigm on three occasions, each separated by at least 12 weeks. Conditioning and extinction took place on Day 1, and extinction recall and fear renewal were evaluated on Day 2 on each of the three occasions. The conditioned stimulus was a visual cue and the unconditioned stimulus was a mild electric shock to the fingers. Skin conductance was recorded throughout the experiment to measure conditioned responses. Results: We found that conditioning and extinction recall were not significantly different across time and were correlated within subjects. Conclusion: These data illustrate the reliability of this paradigm and its potential usefulness in evaluating the influence of a given treatment on the fear extinction network in longitudinal within‐subject designs.  相似文献   

The early rearing environment programs corticolimbic function and neuroendocrine stress reactivity in adulthood. Although early environmental programming of innate fear has been previously examined, its impact on fear learning and memory later in life remains poorly understood. Here we examined the role of the early rearing environment in programming fear conditioning and extinction in adult male rats. Pups were subjected to maternal separation (MS; 360 min), brief handling (H; 15 min), or animal facility rearing (AFR) on post-natal days 2–14. As adults, animals were tested in a 3-day fear learning and memory paradigm which assessed the acquisition, expression and extinction of fear conditioning to an auditory cue; the recall of extinction was also assessed. In addition, contextual fear was assessed prior to cued extinction and its recall. We found that the acquisition of fear conditioning to the cue was modestly impaired by MS. However, no early rearing group differences were observed in cue-induced fear expression. In contrast, both the rate of extinction and extinction recall were attenuated by H. Finally, although contextual fear was reduced after extinction to the cue, no differences in context-induced fear were observed between the early rearing groups. These results add to a growing body of evidence supporting an important role for early environmental programming of fear conditioning and extinction. They also indicate that different early rearing conditions can program varying effects on distinct fear learning and memory processes in adulthood.  相似文献   

The effects of developmental lead exposure on the emotional reactivity, contextual fear conditioning and neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of 60-80 days-old rats were studied. Wistar rat pups were exposed to 0.2% lead acetate via their dams' drinking water from postnatal day (PND) 1 to PND 21 and directly via drinking water from weaning until PND 30. At PND 60 and 80 the level of anxiety and contextual fear conditioning were studied, respectively. At PND 80 all animals received injections of BrdU to determine the effects of Pb on the generation of new cells in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus and on their survival and differentiation patterns. The results of the present study demonstrate that developmental lead exposure induces persistent increase in the level of anxiety and inhibition of contextual fear conditioning. Developmental lead exposure reduced generation of new cells in the dentate gyrus and altered the pattern of differentiation of BrdU-positive cells into mature neurons. A lower proportion of BrdU-positive cells co-expressed with the marker for mature neurons, calbindin. In contrast, the proportions of young not fully differentiated neurons and proportions of astroglial cells, generated from newly born cells, were increased in lead-exposed animals. Our results demonstrate that developmental lead exposure induces persistent inhibition of neurogenesis and alters the pattern of differentiation of newly born cells in the dentate gyrus of rat hippocampus, which could, at least partly, contribute to behavioral and cognitive impairments observed in adulthood.  相似文献   



Exposure-based therapies are used to treat a variety of trauma- and anxiety-related disorders by generating successful extinction following cue exposure during treatment. The development of adjuvant strategies that accelerate extinction learning, improve tolerability, and increase efficiency of treatment could increase the efficacy of exposure-based therapies. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) paired with exposure can enhance fear extinction, in rat models of psychiatric disorders, and chronic administration of VNS reduces anxiety in rats and humans. Objective: We tested whether VNS, like other cognitive enhancers, could produce generalization of extinction for stimuli that are not presented during the extinction sessions, but are associated with the fear event.


Male Sprague Dawley rats underwent auditory fear conditioning with two easily discriminable auditory stimuli. Following fear conditioning, extinction training consisted of exposure to only one of the conditioned sounds. Half of the rats received VNS and half received sham stimulation during with sound presentations. VNS effects on anxiety were examined in a separate study where VNS was administered prior to testing on the elevated plus maze.


Sham stimulated rats given 20 presentations of a conditioned stimulus (CS) during the extinction session showed performance that was matched to VNS-treated rats given only 4 presentations of the CS. Despite comparable levels of freezing to the presented CS, only the VNS-treated rats showed a significant decrease in freezing to the CS that was not presented. VNS-induced generalization of extinction was observed only when the two sounds were paired with footshock within the same fear conditioning session; VNS did not promote generalization of extinction when the two sounds were conditioned on different days or in different contexts. On the anxiety test, VNS administration significantly increased time spent in the open arms of the elevated plus maze.


These results provide evidence that VNS can promote generalization of extinction to other stimuli associated with a specific fear experience. Furthermore, non-contingent VNS appears to reduce anxiety. The ability to generalize extinction and reduce anxiety makes VNS a potential candidate for use as an adjunctive strategy to improve the efficacy and tolerability of exposure-based therapies.  相似文献   

Prolonged exposure to inorganic lead (Pb2+) during development has been shown to influence activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the mammalian brain, possibly by altering the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). To explore this possibility, we studied the effect of Pb2+ exposure on [Ca2+]i regulation and synaptic facilitation at the neuromuscular junction of larval Drosophila. Wild-type Drosophila (CS) were raised from egg stages through the third larval instar in media containing either 0 μM, 100 μM or 250 μM Pb2+ and identified motor terminals were examined in late third-instar larvae. To compare resting [Ca2+]i and the changes in [Ca2+]i produced by impulse activity, the motor terminals were loaded with a Ca2+ indicator, either Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1 (OGB-1) or fura-2 conjugated to a dextran. We found that rearing in Pb2+ did not significantly change the resting [Ca2+]i nor the Ca2+ transient produced in synaptic boutons by single action potentials (APs); however, the Ca2+ transients produced by 10 Hz and 20 Hz AP trains were larger in Pb2+-exposed boutons and decayed more slowly. For larvae raised in 250 μM Pb2+, the increase in [Ca2+]i during an AP train (20 Hz) was 29% greater than in control larvae and the [Ca2+]i decay τ was 69% greater. These differences appear to result from reduced activity of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA), which extrudes Ca2+ from these synaptic terminals. These findings are consistent with studies in mammals showing a Pb2+-dependent reduction in PMCA activity. We also observed a Pb2+-dependent enhancement of synaptic facilitation at these larval neuromuscular synapses. Facilitation of EPSP amplitude during AP trains (20 Hz) was 55% greater in Pb2+-reared larvae than in controls. These results showed that Pb2+ exposure produced changes in the regulation of [Ca2+]i during impulse activity, which could affect various aspects of nervous system development. At the mature synapse, this altered [Ca2+]i regulation produced changes in synaptic facilitation that are likely to influence the function of neural networks.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent organic pollutants present in the food chain and in human blood and milk. Exposure to PCBs during pregnancy and lactation leads to cognitive impairment in children. The underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Some PCBs are endocrine disrupters. The aim of this work was to assess whether exposure of rats to PCB126 (dioxin-like) or PCB153 (non-dioxin-like) during pregnancy and lactation affects the ability of the pups to learn a Y maze conditional discrimination task and/or the function of the glutamate–nitric oxide (NO)–cGMP pathway in brain in vivo when the rats are young (3 months) or adult (7–8 months). After finishing the learning experiments, the function of the pathway was analysed in the same rats by in vivo brain microdialysis. The results obtained show that perinatal exposure to PCB153 or PCB126: (1) impairs learning ability in young but not in adult rats, (2) impairs the glutamate–NO–cGMP pathway function in cerebellum in vivo in young but not in adult rats and (3) affect these parameters in males and females similarly. PCB126 is around 10 000-fold more potent than PCB153. In control rats the function of the glutamate–NO–cGMP pathway and learning ability are lower in adult than in young rats. These age-related differences are not present in rats exposed to PCBs. The impairment of the glutamate–NO–cGMP pathway function induced at young age by developmental exposure to the PCBs could be one of the mechanisms contributing to the cognitive impairment found in children whose mothers ingested PCB-contaminated food during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

To investigate whether lead (Pb2+) affects the tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive release of neurotransmitters, the whole-cell mode of the patch-clamp technique was applied to cultured hippocampal neurons. Pb2+ (>/=10 nM) reversibly blocked the TTX-sensitive release of glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), as evidenced by the reduction of the amplitude and frequency of glutamate- and GABA-mediated postsynaptic currents (PSCs) evoked by spontaneous neuronal firing. This effect of Pb2+, which occurred 2-3 s after exposure of the neurons to Pb2+-containing external solution, was not related to changes in Na+-channel activity, and was quantified by measurements of changes in the amplitude of PSCs evoked when a 50-micros, 5-V stimulus was applied via a bipolar electrode to a neuron synaptically connected to the neuron under study. With an IC50 of approximately 68 nM, Pb2+ blocked the evoked release of glutamate and GABA. This effect was most likely mediated by Pb2+'s actions on extracellular targets, because there was a very short delay (<3 s) for its onset, and it could be completely reversed by the chelator ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Given that Pb2+-induced blockade of evoked transmitter release could be reversed by 4-aminopyridine, it is suggested that the effect on release was mediated via the binding of Pb2+ to voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Thus, it is most likely that the neurotoxic effects of Pb2+ in the mammalian brain involve a decrease of the TTX-sensitive, Ca2+-dependent release of neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the hippocampus is critical for the context-dependent expression of extinguished fear memories. Here we used Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats to explore whether the entorhinal cortex and fornix, which are the major cortical and subcortical interfaces of the hippocampus, are also involved in the context-dependence of extinction. After pairing an auditory conditional stimulus (CS) with an aversive footshock (unconditional stimulus or US) in one context, rats received an extinction session in which the CS was presented without the US in another context. Conditional fear to the CS was then tested in either the extinction context or a third familiar context; freezing behavior served as the index of fear. Sham-operated rats exhibited little conditional freezing to the CS in the extinction context, but showed a robust renewal of fear when tested outside of the extinction context. In contrast, rats with neurotoxic lesions in the entorhinal cortex or electrolytic lesions in the fornix did not exhibit a renewal of fear when tested outside the extinction context. Impairments in freezing behavior to the auditory CS were not able to account for the observed results, insofar as rats with either entorhinal cortex or fornix lesions exhibited normal freezing behavior during the conditioning session. Thus, contextual memory retrieval requires not only the hippocampus proper, but also its cortical and subcortical interfaces.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb(2+)) is widely recognized as a neurotoxicant whose mechanisms of action are not completely established. We have previously demonstrated that Pb(2+) can activate the p38(MAPK) pathway and increase the phosphorylation of Hsp27 in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells and human SH SY5Y cells over a short incubation period (1 h). In the present work we analyzed the effects of Pb(2+) administered in vivo on the level and the phosphorylation state of ERK1/2 and p38(MAPK) in the hippocampus of immature rats. Rats were treated with lead acetate (2, 8 or 12 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline (control) over the 8th to 12th postnatal days, and hippocampal slices were prepared on the 14th day. The Pb(2+) level in the lead-treated animals increased 2.5-6-fold in the blood (3.0-6.0 microg/dl) and 2.0-3.0-fold in the forebrain (78-103 ng/g wet weight), compared to control (saline). The phosphorylation of both ERK1/2 and p38(MAPK) was significantly increased by prior exposure to Pb(2+) in vivo. In in vitro experiments, hippocampal slices from 14-day-old rats were exposed to Pb(2+) (1-10 microM) for 1 and 3 h. There were no changes in the phosphorylation state of ERK and p38(MAPK) for 1-h incubation, whereas a significant increase of ERK1/2 and p38(MAPK) phosphorylation by Pb(2+) (5 microM) was observed for the 3-h incubation. Cell viability measured using MTT was not modified in any of the conditions tested. These results indicate that the phosphorylation of hippocampal ERK1/2 and p38(MAPK) is stimulated by lead in a period of rapid brain development, an effect that may underlie, at least in part, the neurotoxicty elicited by this metal.  相似文献   



Fear conditionability has been found to be elevated in samples with high trait anxiety or anxiety disorders. Since these studies provide circumstantial evidence for a causal link between anxiety and conditionability we examined fear conditionability after experimental induction of anxiety in two experiments.


In Experiment 1, 60 participants were randomized to one of two film conditions inducing an anxious or happy emotional state. They subsequently underwent a differential conditioning acquisition procedure. Two pictures of faces served as conditioned stimuli (CS+ and CS−), and an electric stimulus served as aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). In Experiment 2, after similar acquisition procedure as used in Experiment 1, 90 participants watched one of three films (anxious, neutral, happy) prior to an extinction procedure. In both studies, skin conductance response (SCR) served as measure of fearful responding.


Conditioning was successful in both studies. In Experiment 1, the anxious group exhibited decreased SCRs to both CS+ and CS− during acquisition. In Experiment 2, during extinction SCRs to both CSs were highest in the anxious group, intermediate in the neutral, and lowest in the happy group.


State anxiety did not enhance conditionability during acquisition or reduce the extinction procedure. However, individuals in an anxious state show less responding during fear learning, but more responding during unlearning. Thus, our results suggest that state anxiety changes the sensitivity with which individuals react to stimuli presented in different contexts.  相似文献   

The amygdaloid complex is thought to be a major site of action of anxiolytic benzodiazepine agonists. To investigate whether activity in the amygdaloid complex is altered with anxiolytic effects of diazepam, mRNA expression of the immediate-early gene EGR-1 was examined in the amygdala following blockade of fear conditioning by diazepam. It was previously shown that mRNA expression of EGR-1 (also called, NGFI-A, Zif 268, Krox 24) increases in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) shortly following contextual fear conditioning. It was therefore hypothesized that diazepam would block both contextual fear and the concomitant increase in EGR-1 mRNA expression in the LA induced by fear conditioning. Rats administered systemic diazepam before fear conditioning displayed both anxiolytic effects during the post-shock period and amnesic effects during a retention test 24 h later. Diazepam blocked the fear-conditioning-induced increase in EGR-1 expression in the LA. In addition, diazepam significantly increased EGR-1 mRNA expression in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) in a dose-dependent manner. The results reveal differential regulation of EGR-1 by diazepam in the central and lateral nuclei of the amygdala suggesting that these two amygdala nuclei act in a reciprocal manner during the anxiolytic and amnesic action of the benzodiazepine agonist.  相似文献   

The amygdala has long been known to play a central role in the acquisition and expression of fear. More recently, convergent evidence has implicated the amygdala in the extinction of fear as well. In rodents, some of this evidence comes from the infusion of drugs directly into the amygdala and, in particular, into the basolateral complex of the amygdala, during or after extinction learning. In vivo electrophysiology has identified cellular correlates of extinction learning and memory in the lateral nucleus of that structure. Human imaging experiments also indicate that amygdaloid activity correlates with extinction training. In addition, some studies have directly identified changes in molecular constituents of the basolateral amygdala. Together these experiments strongly indicate that the basolateral amygdala plays a crucial role in extinction learning. Interpreted in the light of these findings, several recent in vitro electrophysiology studies in amygdala-containing brain slices are suggestive of potential synaptic and circuit bases of extinction learning.  相似文献   

In vivo microdialysis combined with the measurement of (45)Ca(2+) efflux from prelabelled hippocampus demonstrated a pronounced N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-evoked (45)Ca(2+) release to the dialysate in the rat dentate gyrus (DG) and CA1, whereas in rabbit a slight release of (45)Ca(2+) was observed only in the DG. In vitro, we noticed that the NMDA-evoked increase in Fura-2 detected intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in synaptoneurosomes from the rat, but not from the rabbit hippocampus, was strongly inhibited by the ryanodine receptor (RyR) antagonists dantrolene and ryanodine. To establish the mechanism of these differences, we characterised their possible dependence on the expression of RyR and their co-localisation with the calcium binding protein calbindin D(28k). A pronounced expression of [(3)H]ryanodine binding sites in the rat DG, which is only slight in the CA1, was demonstrated whereas in rabbit they were only found in the DG. The pattern of expression of calbindin D(28k) immunoreactivity and RyR in the rat and rabbit hippocampus was similar. These results suggest that the functional role of RyR in the generation of the NMDA receptor-mediated intracellular Ca(2+) signalling in the rabbit hippocampal neurones is marginal when compared to the rat. These differences reflect a diverse expression of RyR in both species. The corresponding differences in calbindin D(28k) immunoreactivity are most probably secondary in nature.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has shown that diverse chemotherapy agents can induce cognitive impairments and neurotoxic damage to the central nervous system. Oxaliplatin (OXP), a platinum compound, has been linked with acute and chronic peripheral neuropathies. This study explored the cognitive impacts of OXP in the rat with a fear conditioning procedure. 10 days prior to conditioning and testing, rats received an intraperitoneal injection of OXP (12 mg/kg). On the first day of conditioning, the rats were conditioned to two CSs (CS-ren and CS-ext) in one set of chambers (context A). They then received three tests on separate days. First, the rats were assessed for contextual fear conditioning in context A. Next, the CSs were presented 20 times in a new context (B) until fear conditioning had extinguished. Finally, one of the CSs (CS-ext) was tested again in the extinction context (B), and the other (CS-ren) presented in a new context (C). Results showed that OXP had no effect on the ability of rats to express fear to the conditioning context (A), or on the expression and extinction of conditioned fear to either CS when presented in a second context (B). However, the administration of OXP did impair the ability of rats to renew levels of conditioned fear to CS-ren when this CS was presented in a novel context (C) following extinction. This profile of impairment is consistent with hippocampal damage, and may also involve frontal cortical, amygdalar and thalamic regions important for context discrimination and the contextual modulation of behaviour.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptors in the basolateral complex of the amygdala (BLA) are essential for the acquisition, expression and extinction of Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats. Recent work has revealed that glutamate receptors in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CEA) are also involved in the acquisition of conditional fear, but it is not known whether they play a role in fear extinction. Here we examine this issue by infusing glutamate receptor antagonists into the BLA or CEA prior to the extinction of fear to an auditory conditioned stimulus (CS) in rats. Infusion of the α‐amino‐3‐hydroxyl‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazole‐propionate (AMPA) receptor antagonist, 2,3‐dihydroxy‐6‐nitro‐7‐sulfamoyl‐benzo[f]quinoxaline‐2,3‐dione (NBQX), into either the CEA or BLA impaired the expression of conditioned freezing to the auditory CS, but did not impair the formation of a long‐term extinction memory to that CS. In contrast, infusion of the N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, d,l ‐2‐amino‐5‐phosphonopentanoic acid (APV), into the amygdala, spared the expression of fear to the CS during extinction training, but impaired the acquisition of a long‐term extinction memory. Importantly, only APV infusions into the BLA impaired extinction memory. These results reveal that AMPA and NMDA receptors within the amygdala make dissociable contributions to the expression and extinction of conditioned fear, respectively. Moreover, they indicate that NMDA receptor‐dependent processes involved in extinction learning are localized to the BLA. Together with previous work, these results reveal that NMDA receptors in the CEA have a selective role acquisition of fear memory.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of schizophrenia involves several complex cellular mechanisms and is not well understood. Recent research has demonstrated an association between primary disturbances characteristic of the disease, including altered dopaminergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission, and impairments in neuronal calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis and signaling. Emerging Ca2+ hypothesis links and unifies various cellular processes involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and suggests a central role of dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis in the etiology of the disease. This review explores the in vitro data on Ca2+ homeostasis and signaling in schizophrenia. Major limitation in this research is the lack of schizophrenia markers and validated disease models. As indicated in this review, one way to overcome these limitations may be analyses of Ca2+ signalosomes in peripheral cells from schizophrenia patients. Validation of animal models of schizophrenia may permit the application of advanced Ca2+ imaging techniques in living animals.  相似文献   

The mechanism of Cd2+ neurotoxicity, which is considered to be secondary to changes in blood vessels, was re-evaluated in dissociated mesencephalic trigeminal (Me5) neurons of the adult rat. Cd2+ induced morphological changes in Me5 neurons at 0.1 and 1 mM but not at 0.01 mM. The changes appeared predominantly in the cytoplasm: destruction of the cytoplasmic organelles, swelling and vacuolization of the cell body, and finally resulted in cell lysis. These observations indicate necrosis rather than apoptosis, and no sign of degraded nuclear DNA, characteristic to apoptosis, was detected by the TUNEL technique. Using a Ca2+-sensitive dye Indo-1, Cd2+ was found to elevate the intracellular Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i (both in the cytoplasm and the nucleus). Both the elevation in [Ca2+]i and the morphological alteration were inhibited either by removing Ca2+ from the bathing medium or by the application of BAPTA/AM (10 μM), a membrane-permeable intracellular Ca2+ chelator. Furthermore, neither morphological changes nor elevation in [Ca2+]i by Cd2+ occurred in the presence of Zn2+. It is concluded that (1) Cd2+ can directly affect nerve cells, (2) toxicity of Cd2+ on Me5 neurons is mediated by continuous elevation in [Ca2+]i, (3) Cd2+ induces necrotic cell death, and (4) Cd2+ neurotoxicity can be antagonized by Zn2+.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cu2+ and Zn2+ in 3 strains of mice were determined spectrophotometrically. The brain of the inborn audiogenic mouse (DBA/2J) contains higher levels of Zn2+ and Cu2+ than those found in the normal mouse (CBA/Ca or Parkes). Small differences in the metallic content in the whole brains of audiogenic and normal mice are accentuated in the hippocampus and the colliculus.  相似文献   

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