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Few panel studies have investigated the relationships between air pollutants and air spora and lung function change in asthmatic subjects. This article examines the association of outdoor air pollutant concentrations and air spora with the decrease in lung function (measured by morning peak expiratory flow) of two groups of asthmatic subjects in the subtropical environment of South East Queensland, Australia. Lung function responses were stratified by age, allergy status, and location, and seasonal effects were examined. Allergy status and age were found to be important, with air pollutants such as ozone and particles associated with decreases in lung function in allergic individuals older than 15 years. Fungal spore counts were strongly associated with a decrease in lung function in allergic adults, especially in those over 54 years, only in seasons when these air spora peak. Analysis for the entire study period indicates that the effect of ozone on peak expiratory flow in the allergic group can sometimes be confounded by air spora effects, indicating that in a subtropical climate the impact of ozone on asthma severity can be accurately estimated only when the confounding effects of air spora are included.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE--The hepatitis delta virus (HDV) contributes significantly to the morbidity and mortality of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, which is particularly prevalent among intravenous drug users and male homosexuals. A recent report has indicated that HDV first appeared in the South East London intravenous drug using population in 1982. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of HDV in these two groups at risk of HBV infection in South East London. DESIGN--The study was a cohort analysis of HBV and delta virus serum markers, stratified temporally and with respect to intravenous drug use and sexual practice. SETTING--This was a population study of 372 consecutive intravenous drug users attending a local drug rehabilitation centre and 1481 subjects seen at a sexually transmitted disease clinic in the same area, during the years 1979 to 1988. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Of 372 intravenous drug users, 195 (52.4%) had evidence of current or past infection with HBV, of whom 17 had chronic HBV infection--a carriage rate of 8.7%. Twelve (70.6%) of these 17 also had chronic HDV infection--the first cases being identified in 1984. By comparison, 406 (27.4%) of the sexually transmitted disease clinic patients had been been exposed to HBV, 32 having chronic HBV--a carriage rate of 7.9% (7.5% v 9.4% among male homosexuals v male heterosexuals). Ten had been exposed to HDV (the first case in 1980) but only two (who did not admit to intravenous drug use) had chronic HDV infections (p less than 0.0005 v the rehabilitation centre patients). CONCLUSIONS--Although the HBV carriage rate is very similar in these two populations, chronic HDV infections were mainly confined to intravenous drug users. However, reports from the USA and France indicate spread of delta virus to the male homosexual community and, since there is clearly a pool of HDV in SE London, vaccination against HBV in these risk groups in likely to be cost-effective and should be actively encouraged.  相似文献   

A novel source-to-dose modeling study of population exposures to fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)) and ozone (O(3)) was conducted for urban Philadelphia. The study focused on a 2-week episode, 11-24 July 1999, and employed the new integrated and mechanistically consistent source-to-dose modeling framework of MENTOR/SHEDS (Modeling Environment for Total Risk studies/Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation). The MENTOR/SHEDS application presented here consists of four components involved in estimating population exposure/dose: (1) calculation of ambient outdoor concentrations using emission-based photochemical modeling, (2) spatiotemporal interpolation for developing census-tract level outdoor concentration fields, (3) calculation of microenvironmental concentrations that match activity patterns of the individuals in the population of each census tract in the study area, and (4) population-based dosimetry modeling. It was found that the 50th percentiles of calculated microenvironmental concentrations of PM(2.5) and O(3) were significantly correlated with census-tract level outdoor concentrations, respectively. However, while the 95th percentiles of O(3) microenvironmental concentrations were strongly correlated with outdoor concentrations, this was not the case for PM(2.5). By further examining the modeled estimates of the 24-h aggregated PM(2.5) and O(3) doses, it was found that indoor PM(2.5) sources dominated the contributions to the total PM(2.5) doses for the upper 5 percentiles, Environmental Tobacco Smoking (ETS) being the most significant source while O(3) doses due to time spent outdoors dominated the contributions to the total O(3) doses for the upper 5 percentiles. The MENTOR/SHEDS system presented in this study is capable of estimating intake dose based on activity level and inhalation rate, thus completing the source-to-dose modeling sequence. The MENTOR/SHEDS system also utilizes a consistent basis of source characterization, exposure factors, and human activity patterns in conducting population exposure assessment of multiple co-occurring air pollutants, and this constitutes a primary distinction from previous studies of population exposure assessment, where different exposure factors and activity patterns would be used for different pollutants. Future work will focus on incorporating the effects of commuting patterns on population exposure/dose assessments as well as on extending the MENTOR/SHEDS applications to seasonal/annual studies and to other areas in the U.S.  相似文献   

为分析乡级常规接种率报告工作存在的问题,提高报告质量,我们利用EPI info 6.04软件编程对全市乡级常规免疫接种率报告情况进行了分析。结果表明,自1997年到2001年期间,全市乡级单位报告率由80.44%上升到95.03%;及时报告率由45.54%上升到90.51%,年报告6次及以上的乡级单位由43.44%上升到2001年的99.12%,监测系统的质量逐年提高,报告数据应种人数与实种人数相等率由24.75%,下降到4.75%;报告数据逻辑不符率由11.92%下降到3.26%;核查1999-2001年93个乡镇的乡级报表,应种人数相符率由23.53%上升72.73%,实种人数相符率2001年达81.82%。分析影响常规接种率报告质量的因素,认为实施常规接种率报告的计算机管理,加强对常规接种率报告工作的监督指导,提高乡级报告人员的工作责任心和业务素质是提高常规接种率报告质量的关键。  相似文献   



This article compares 2 variants of logging technologies at the motor-manual level: variant A — cutting and delimbing by means of a petrol chainsaw, skidding with the use of a cable winch mounted on a tractor (67–74 kW); variant B — cutting by means of a petrol chainsaw, skidding, debranching and cutting to length by means of a processor aggregated with a farm tractor (61 kW).

Material and Methods

Direct dosimetry and non-parametric (moving block bootstrap) methods were used in order to specify the characteristics of the collected sets.


Bootstrap average values show that the average CO concentration at a skidding tractor operator’s station during early thinning was 2.54 mg×m?3. At processor operator’s station it amounted to 10.35 mg×m?3. Such results allow to conclude that a higher CO concentration at the above-mentioned 2 work stations was observed during early thinning. In the case of a petrol chainsaw operator, it was observed that the permissible exposure limit (23 mg×m?3) was exceeded and the short-term permissible exposure limit (117 mg×m?3) was not. The average concentration value for a chainsaw operator working individually during late thinning interventions was substantially lower (15.01 mg×m?3), which results from the lack of technological pressure that can be observed while cooperating with a processor operator.


The risk increases along with conditions that generate the concentration of exhaust produced by 2-stroke petrol chainsaw engines.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Athletes consume arginine and/or aspartate as potential nutritional ergogenics. Their metabolic effects are controversial and there is some evidence that ingestion of large doses of single amino acids can adversely affect the nitrogen balance or induce an amino acid imbalance. Nevertheless, the general metabolic influence of an arginine aspartate supplementation during a prolonged exercise bout has not yet been investigated. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate the general metabolic impact of a chronic supplementation with arginine aspartate in endurance-trained athletes at rest and during a marathon run. METHODS: Fourteen endurance-trained runners participated in this field study which was carried out according to a double-blind crossover design. 15 g of arginine aspartate or a carbohydrate-based placebo were supplemented daily for 14 days before a marathon run. Blood samples for analysis of metabolites and hormones were collected shortly before the run, after 31 km, at the end of the run, and after a recovery period of two hours. Additionally, the respiratory exchange ratio was determined during the run. RESULTS: The plasma level of carbohydrate (glucose, lactate, pyruvate) and fat metabolites (fatty acids, glycerol, beta-hydroxybutyrate), cortisol, insulin, ammonia, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatine kinase as well as the respiratory exchange ratio were unaffected by the supplementation. In contrast, the plasma level of somatotropic hormone, glucagon, urea, and arginine were significantly increased, and the level of most of the remaining plasma amino acids as well as their sum was significantly reduced. CONCLUSIONS: There was no obvious metabolic benefit derived from the chronic supplementation with arginine aspartate. And since furthermore the consequences of a reduction of the total plasma amino acid level are not known, the practice of using single amino acid supplements as potential ergogenics should be critically reevaluated.  相似文献   

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