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患者,女,44岁。因左乳无痛性包块,渐增大来 诊。查体:双乳等大,皮肤无红肿等改变,左乳内上 象限可触及约3cm×3cm×2cm大的包块,边界清,无 压痛,与皮肤及胸壁无粘连,活动好。彩超示:左乳 内上象限见大小为2.0cm×1.9cm×2.5cm的低回 声,边界清,周边有完整浅声晕包绕,后方回声无衰 减(图1)。彩色多普勒示其内有点状血流信号。脉冲 多普勒取样为动脉血流频谱,RI=0.94。双侧腋窝未 见肿大淋巴结。超声诊断:左乳实性肿块(乳癌可 相似文献
目的探讨乳腺腺样囊性癌的超声图像特征,提高对该病的图像认识。方法回顾性分析经组织活检或术后病理确诊的14例乳腺腺样囊性癌患者(14个病灶)的超声图像特征。结果 14例患者声像图表现为:肿块形态不规则,边缘不光整,长轴与皮肤平行;10例呈低回声,4例呈囊实混合性回声;5例肿块后方回声增强,1例衰减,8例无变化;3例肿块内见点状钙化,9例伴周围结构异常;CDFI示肿块内未探及或仅见少许血流信号。结论乳腺腺样囊性癌声像图表现无特异性,术前超声诊断较困难。 相似文献
外耳道腺样囊性癌4例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
外耳道腺样囊性癌4例报告白求恩国际和平医院[050082]用文明,白坤歧,赵国庆,汤晓义,任光,黄友外耳道腺样囊性癌是一种少见的盯聍腺恶性肿瘤。将我们自1978年至1993年间资料齐全的4例报告如下,重点分析其误诊原因及治疗方面的注意事项。病例简介例... 相似文献
源发于耳鼻喉的腺样囊性癌较为少见,临床很易造成误诊,我科自1973~1992年共收治经病理确诊的耳鼻喉腺样囊性癌11例,现总结报道如下。临床资料一、一般资料:11例中男6例,女5例;年龄31~76岁,平均50岁。二、其他资料:见附表。所有病例经取样病检均诊断为腺样囊性癌。 相似文献
患者女性 ,46岁。外耳道肿物伴疼痛 3个月。查体 :一般情况尚可 ,两侧外耳道无畸形 ,右侧外耳道稍宽大 ,于右上壁可见一 0 8cm× 0 5cm× 0 4cm肿物 ,灰红色 ,质软 ,易出血 ,肿物表面结痂。手术切除送病理。病理检查 巨检 :灰白色不规则肿物 1个 ,大小 1 0cm×0 6cm× 0 5cm ,表面粗糙 ,无包膜。切面实性 ,灰白色 ,质软。镜检 :瘤细胞似基底细胞 ,大小一致 ,圆形或卵圆形 ,核仁不明显 ,核染色较深 ,核分裂象偶见 (图 1)。瘤细胞排列呈不规则上皮样团块 ,其内可见圆形或卵圆形囊样腔隙 ,呈筛孔状 (图 2 )。在上皮团及囊样… 相似文献
患者男性 ,32岁。持续性声音嘶哑 6个月。入院后行直接喉镜下声门肿物活检 ,术中见右侧声带下有一隆起 ,约1 8cm× 1 5cm× 1 5cm ,基底较广 ,表面黏膜色泽正常无充血 ,双声带活动尚可。常规实验室检查均正常 ,考虑为“喉肿瘤” ,行喉肿瘤扩大切除术。术中送组织冷冻切片 ,诊断 :小细胞癌 ,考虑为腺样囊性癌 ,侵犯横纹肌组织。病理检查 巨检 :冷冻剩余组织 ,灰白灰红不规则组织一块 ,体积 2cm× 1 3cm× 0 6cm ,切面灰白灰红。术后送检组织为灰白灰红组织附部分软骨组织 ,体积 4cm× 2 7cm×1 5cm ,可见 2cm× 1 7c… 相似文献
Jin Kyung An Jeong Joo Woo Eun Kyung Kim Hee Yong Kwak 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》2021,9(25):7579-7587
BACKGROUNDBreast adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) is a rare invasive carcinoma composed of epithelial and myoepithelial cells. Microglandular adenosis (MGA) is a rare benign proliferative lesion consisting of small, uniform, and round glands formed by a single layer of epithelial cells and basement membrane without a myoepithelial cell layer. MGA may progress to atypical MGA and carcinoma arising in MGA. Among various invasive carcinomas from MGA, AdCC has been rarely reported. Here, we report a case of AdCC arising in MGA.CASE SUMMARYA 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with a newly developed density on a routine mammogram. The density was similar to or slightly lower than that of the breast parenchyma. Sonography showed an irregular mass with a slightly higher echo than that of fat. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an irregular mass with a similar T1 signal intensity and a slightly higher T2 signal intensity compared to muscles or the breast parenchyma. The lesion showed heterogeneous internal enhancement with an initially slow and delayed persistent enhancing pattern. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of invasive AdCC, in situ AdCC, and MGA. AdCC is composed of basaloid and ductal epithelial cells forming cribriform or solid sheets, or haphazardly scattered small cribriform or tubular glands. MGA showed small glands with a single epithelial lining and retained lumen. S-100 staining was strongly positive in MGA area. The patient underwent breast-conserving surgery with sentinel lymph node biopsy. CONCLUSIONBreast AdCC arising in MGA showed unique imaging findings that was different from usual invasive cancer. 相似文献
Katsuhiro ICHIKAWA Yuji MIZUKAMI Teruhiko TAKAYAMA Akihiro TAKEMURA Tosiaki MIYATI Takao TANIYA 《Journal of Medical Ultrasonics》2007,34(4):193-196
A 57-year-old woman was referred to our institution 4 months after she noticed a palpable, painless mass in her left breast.
Physical examination revealed a mobile and elastic mass. An axillary or subclavicular lymph node was not palpable. Mammography
revealed a lobulated mass with a partially ill-defined border. Ultrasonography depicted a 2.5 × 1.5 cm irregularly shaped
mass with heterogeneous internal echo and posterior acoustic enhancement. The border of the mass was poorly defined at the
anterior and lateral aspects of the mass. Results of ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology were strongly
suggestive of a malignant tumor. Thus, the patient underwent breast-conserving surgery with axillary lymph node dissection.
The gross resected specimen revealed a gray-to-white and well-demarcated solid tumor measuring 3 × 2 × 2.5 cm, with an irregular
border and heterogeneous internal structure. Histological examination showed the characteristic patterns of adenoid cystic
carcinoma of the breast. Immunohistochemical studies for both estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PgR) were
negative. The patient remains well and has no clinical recurrence of the disease after 5 years of follow-up without radiotherapy
or adjuvant therapy. 相似文献
<正>患者男,67岁,右眼眼球渐进性突出1年半。患者1年半前发现右眼眼球突出,伴眼球活动受限、视力下降。专科查体:视力:右眼0.04(不接受矫正)左眼0.5(-1.00DS-1.0)。眼球突出度:右眼26 mm左眼11 mm,眶距:105 mm。右眼眶上缘外侧可触及一光滑包块,大小约为20 mm×35 mm,质中、边界清,压痛(+),眼睑无红肿,眼球突出,向下方移位,各方位活动受限。MR 相似文献
We report on the case of a 61-year-old woman with a pedunculated esophageal tumor that had a central ulceration. Histology of the resected tumor revealed adenoid cystic carcinoma which was localized entirely in the submucosal layer. The tumor was composed predominantly of solid nests of tumor cells, with some areas showing a cribriform pattern. 相似文献
气管癌非常少见,医疗工作中极易漏诊或误诊,作者在近3万份CT片中仅发现1例,报道如下。病例男,54岁,4月前无明显诱因出现气紧、喘息、呼吸困难、偶有咳嗽、一般无痰。在门诊按支气管哮喘给予抗感染、解痉、平喘等对症治疗,症状缓解不明显。入院前10天,上述症状逐渐加重,同时伴有咳嗽胸痛,咳少量痰且带有血丝,于2002年4月2日入院。因各项检查均无明显异常改变给予抗感染、平喘、解痉等处理,症状仍无好转。多次透视和摄胸部平片,仍未发现异常。CT平扫:在定位像上见气管下段,距气管隆突上方3cm处管腔内有一局限性… 相似文献
Kobayashi T Konaka C Shibanuma H Serizawa H Ebihara Y Kato H 《Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy》1995,1(4):237-240
A unique case of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the left main bronchus is reported. 相似文献