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Some lesbians and gay men tend to be more gender nonconforming, on average and for certain traits, than their heterosexual counterparts. Gender nonconformity in childhood has also been linked to adult homosexuality. Studies of both lesbians and gay men also find elevated rates of psychological distress. We hypothesized that these facts may be related. Individuals who violate social norms for gender-appropriate behavior may suffer from stigmatization by both heterosexual and homosexual people, leading to higher levels of psychological distress. We examined whether several measures of gender nonconformity were related to psychological distress in a community-based sample of gay men and lesbians. These included self-reports of childhood and adulthood gender nonconformity, as well as observer ratings of current behavior. Several measures of gender nonconformity were related to each other for both lesbians and gay men. In addition, gender nonconformity was related to psychological distress, but only for gay men. Finally, both lesbian and gay male participants reported more positive attitudes towards gender conformity than nonconformity, although the pattern was somewhat different for each group. We discuss the implications of these results for future studies of gender nonconformity and for the promotion of psychological health in lesbians and gay men.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether neighborhood ethnic diversity moderated the association between ethnicity and psychological distress in the four largest cities of Netherlands. Multilevel linear regression analysis was used to assess whether the association between ethnicity and psychological distress differed by levels of neighborhood ethnic diversity. Results showed that the Turkish and Moroccan residents reported significantly higher psychological distress than native Dutch and Surinamese residents. In high ethnic diverse neighborhoods Turkish residents reported significantly less psychological distress than in low ethnic diverse neighborhoods. Ethnic diversity amplifies the risk of depression for some but not all ethnic minorities.  相似文献   



Psychological distress is a health issue of critical importance, especially in people of working age in developed countries, including Japan. This study examined the relationships of income and employment arrangement with psychological distress and treatment of depression in a national sample of Japanese adults.  相似文献   

AimProviding effective support for students with mental health concerns is a priority on post-secondary campuses. Recreational programming including physical activity is an evidence-informed approach that can be used to support mental health and well-being. Yet, limited research has examined effective and acceptable strategies for using campus-based physical activity programs to support the mental health of post-secondary students. Using a mixed-methods approach, the current study addressed the acceptability and effectiveness of a physical activity program for student mental health.MethodsIn collaboration with on-campus mental health services, a 6-week one-on-one and individualized physical activity program tailored towards students seeking mental health support was implemented. A pretest-posttest design was used to test the effectiveness of the program and participants (N = 68; Mage = 22.96 years, SD = 3.42; 82% female) completed self-report questionnaires to assess changes in symptoms of psychological distress, depression, and anxiety. Semi-structured interviews (N = 11) with program participants were conducted to explore the acceptability of the program and were analyzed using thematic analysis.ResultsPaired samples t-tests demonstrated a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms, depression symptoms, and psychological distress pre-post program (ps < .05). The generated themes suggested that the program is an acceptable and effective holistic approach for improving mental health among students.ConclusionsThe results provide implications for implementing on-campus physical activity programs as a mental health and well-being intervention. Implications for further understanding principle program design and delivery strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines gender differences in the association between symptoms of depression and substance use during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood. Data are from three waves of the US-based National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (n=10,828). Results from latent growth curve analysis demonstrate that the association between depressive symptomatology and substance use is bi-directional. Adolescents who are initially more depressed begin the study period with substantially higher levels of substance use than their better-adjusted peers, yet they are less vulnerable to increases in smoking (girls only), binge drinking (girls and boys), and illicit drug use (girls only) across the transition to young adulthood. Also, adolescents who start out with higher than average cigarette, alcohol, and illicit drug use experience a faster rate of decline in symptoms of depression over time compared to those who start out with lower levels of substance use. This association appears to be more pronounced for girls than for boys. Despite their faster rate of decline in depressive symptoms, girls and boys who have higher initial levels of substance use report higher levels of depressive symptomatology at all three time points.  相似文献   

We examined the effect on self-rated health of neighbourhood-level income inequality in Hong Kong, which has a high and growing Gini coefficient. Data were derived from two population household surveys in 2002 and 2005 of 25,623 and 24,610 non-institutional residents aged 15 or over. We estimated neighbourhood-level Gini coefficients in each of 287 Government Planning Department Tertiary Planning Units. We used multilevel regression analysis to assess the association of neighbourhood income inequality with individual self-perceived health status. After adjustment for both individual- and household-level predictors, there was no association between neighbourhood income inequality, median household income or household-level income and self-rated health. We tested for but did not find any statistical interaction between these three income-related exposures. These findings suggest that neighbourhood income inequality is not an important predictor of individual health status in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Many studies report higher levels of health care utilization among women. Understanding how gender influences health care utilization is still unresolved. We developed a model that could explain these gender-related differences. The possible pathways assumed by this model that relate gender to utilization, can be summarized as follows: (1) utilization may be influenced by somatic morbidity, mental distress, perceived symptoms, poor subjective health and propensity to use services; (2) women have higher levels of these variables than men (mediating effect); and (3) the direct effects of some of these variables on utililization are moderated by gender, i.e. they are stronger for women than for men (moderating effect). Data were drawn from a community-based sample of adult enrollees of a sickness fund in the Netherlands, who had responded to a mailed health survey (N = 8698). This survey contained questions on somatic morbidity, mental distress and other mediating variables. Health care utilization was measured prospectively, using data extracted from a claims database held by the sickness fund that covers all types of general health services except general practitioner consultations. The model was tested using structural equation modelling. Women reported more somatic morbidity and mental distress than men did, as well as elevated levels of other mediating variables, which might explain-at least partly-gender related differences in utilization. Differences in propensity to use services were not found. The expected moderating effect of gender could not be demonstrated. That is, we did not find gender related differences in the strength of the relations between mental distress, other mediating variables and utilization. Mental distress is related to utilization in a way that is not gender specific, however, because women report higher levels of mental distress (as well as somatic morbidity), this results in a greater utilization of somatic health care services.  相似文献   

As the HIV pandemic progresses, the number of orphans is expected to rise. Uganda is one of the countries that has been most impacted by the pandemic. A few studies have explored the effects of orphanhood on psychological well-being; however, most of these studies have not explored potential pathways through which orphanhood could affect psychological well-being. Using a school-based sample, this study sought to examine the differences in depressive symptoms and hopelessness between orphans and non-orphans in Mukono District, Uganda. The study also explored the potential mediating role of the family environment. The study included 1500 young people from 10 randomly selected schools in Mukono Town Council. Data on school characteristics also were collected from the head teachers or their designees. Linear regression methods were used for multivariate models. We found that orphanhood was associated with psychological ill health among the males. Male double and male maternal orphans had a significantly higher level of hopelessness than their non-orphaned counterparts. Male double orphans also had more depressive symptoms, but this association was mediated by the family environment. No differences were noted between orphaned and non-orphaned females. The cause and timing of parental death was important only among the males, and loss of a parent to HIV was associated with worse psychological outcomes among the males and not the females. Lower parent/guardian connectedness, having a chronically ill adult in the household and ill treatment in residence were associated with a higher level of depression, especially among the males. The data show that the effect of orphanhood on psychological outcomes may vary by gender and type of outcome. This study also suggests an attenuated effect of orphanhood on psychological well-being among school-going youth. Programs seeking to improve psychological well-being among youth must pay attention to the family situations of these youth.  相似文献   

Chum A 《Health & place》2011,17(5):1098-1104
While researchers build an evidence that where one lives has an independent effect on their health, the work of translating this research into effective policies is impeded by problematic assumptions about urban poverty. In light of new experimental studies on the health effects of neighbourhoods using housing mobility programs, this paper addresses the politics of poverty deconcentration that implicitly undergirds much of this new research. By raising critiques of these programs that are rarely considered in the health literature, this paper challenges the central treatment of poverty dispersal in the new experimental literature. Poverty dispersal policies, without addressing the competitive urban structure, simply react to symptoms of poverty and ignore the underlying factors that shape the neighbourhood resources that structure health outcomes. These factors include municipal fragmentation, exclusionary land use planning, and municipal competition. Effective social policies aimed at improving neighbourhood influence on health must address the competitive and fragmented municipal structure that produces a patchwork of affluence and deprivation in today’s urban America.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in integrating people׳s daily mobility into contextual studies of social inequalities in health, the links between daily mobility and health inequalities remain inadequately conceptualised. This conceptual proposal anchors the relationship between daily mobility and contextual influences on social inequalities in health into the concept of mobility potential, which encompasses the opportunities and places individuals can choose (or are constrained) to access. Mobility potential is realized as actual mobility through agency. Being shaped by socially-patterned personal and geographic characteristics, mobility potential is unequally distributed across social groups. Social inequalities in realized mobility may thus result. We discuss pathways by which these may contribute to contextual influences on social inequalities in health. One pathway is reflected in disadvantaged groups encountering more fast-food outlets during their daily activities, which may relate to their higher risk of unhealthy eating. This proposal lays the bases for empirical research explicitly testing hypotheses regarding the contribution of daily mobility to social inequalities in health.  相似文献   



While many studies report that green spaces promote mental health, some suggest the psychological benefits of physical activity are amplified if participation occurs within greener environs. We investigated whether this relationship could be observed among adults in middle-to-older age.


Multilevel logit regression was used to investigate association between green space and psychological distress (Kessler scores of 22 +) among 260,061 Australians over 45 years old living in New South Wales (2006–2009). Physical activity was measured using the Active Australia survey. Percentage green space was estimated within a 1-kilometre of residence.


In comparison to residents of the least green areas, those in the greenest neighbourhoods were at a lower risk of psychological distress (Odds Ratio 0.83, 95% CI: 0.76, 0.92) and were less sedentary (0.81: 0.77, 0.87). An interaction was observed between physical activity and green space (p = 0.0028). More green space did not appear to benefit mental health among the least active (0.99: 0.85, 1.15), but there was a protective association for the more physically active (0.82: 0.67, 0.99).


For adults in middle-to-older age, green spaces are not only important for promoting physical activity, but the mental health benefits of greener environs appear contingent upon those active lifestyles.  相似文献   

不同系统功能性躯体症状与心理症状的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解不同系统功能性躯体症状 (FSS)和心理症状的相互关系。方法 用以SCL - 90和CMI为基础修订的自评心理和躯体症状问卷及一般情况调查表 ,调查某软件企业来医院体检的青年职工 4 5 0例。结果 ⑴不同系统FSS(五官、呼吸、循环、消化、神经肌肉、皮肤、疲劳 )和不同心理症状 (强迫、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌意、恐怖、偏执 )出现的构成比不同 (7 2 %~ 34 6 % )。⑵不同系统FSS合并出现的主要心理症状不同 ,如循环系统FSS被试同时存在人际敏感、焦虑、恐惧的可能性较大 ;而消化系统FSS被试则同时存在抑郁、恐怖、偏执的机会较大。⑶就诊次数与除皮肤、疲劳外的 5项FSS因子相关明显 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 正确识别和处理不同系统FSS及其可能合并的不同的心理症状是临床各科医师共同的任务  相似文献   

目的研究心理疏导对维、汉不同民族冠心病患者抑郁症症状的改善情况和二者之间的差异。方法随机选取已确诊冠心病的维、汉患者各40例给与冠心病标准药物治疗的同时进行心理疏导治疗,治疗前、治疗3个月、治疗6个月均进行SDS测评,将测评结果进行组间及组内比较,以P<0.05为具有统计学差异。结果两组患者与各自治疗前比较,SDS评分均较治疗前有明显降低,且维族冠心病组评分降低甚至低于汉族冠心病组。结论心理疗法能减轻冠心病患者的抑郁症状,维族冠心病患者心理疗法的效果强于汉族组,提示在不同民族心理治疗的效果不同。  相似文献   

We estimate and decompose income‐related inequality in child health in the USA and analyze its dynamics using the recently introduced health mobility index. Data come from the 1997, 2002, and 2007 waves of the Child Development Supplement of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The findings show that income‐related child health inequality remains stable as children grow up and enter adolescence. The main factor underlying income‐related child health inequality is income itself, although other factors, such as maternal education, also play a role. Decomposition of income‐related health mobility indicates that health changes over time are more favorable to children with lower initial family incomes versus children with higher initial family incomes. However, offsetting this effect, our findings also suggest that changes in income ranking over time are positively related to children's subsequent health status. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

妇产科手术患者术前心理状态分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的分析妇产科患者手术前的抑郁焦虑情况,探讨引起患者抑郁、焦虑的因素。方法采用zung评定抑郁量表(SDS)及zung评定焦虑量表(SAS)对65例妇产科手术患者术前的抑郁、焦虑状态进行测定,并对手术治疗与非手术治疗患者不同手术类型、文化程度、职业类型的抑郁焦虑状态进行分析。结果所测手术患者63.08%有抑郁、36.92%有焦虑、16.92%抑郁、焦虑均有:抑郁、焦虑程度与手术类型、文化程度、职业,而与年龄大小无关。结论手术前应针对各种不同类型患者进行有效的心理护理。  相似文献   

ObjectiveA growing number of people live in urban areas. Urbanization has been associated with an increased prevalence of mental disorders, but which mechanisms cause this increase is unknown. Psychological distress is a good indicator of mental health. This study sought to examine the relationship between urbanization and distress among adults in the Eastern Townships (southern region of Quebec, Canada).MethodIn the 2014–2015 Eastern Townships Population Health Survey (N = 10,687 adults living in one of the 96 Eastern Townships communities), distress was measured with the K6 distress scale (≥ 7). Urbanization was estimated by the residential density of the community treated in quintiles. Logistic regression analyses were carried out with adjustments for individual and environmental characteristics.ResultsWomen, young people aged 18–24, single parents, those without diplomas, those without a job, those with < $20,000 in income, adults with two or more chronic physical illnesses, adults with bad perceived health, or those living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods exhibited more distress. The unadjusted estimate between density and distress is only significant for the fifth quintile when compared with the first quintile (OR 1.23; 95% CI: 1.06–1.42). The relationship is practically the same after controlling for individual characteristics but decreases considerably after controlling for environmental characteristics (lack of trees, social deprivation, intersection density, vegetation index, and land use mix).ConclusionThis study was the first to examine an association between urbanization and distress by considering individual and environmental characteristics. The latter seem to explain the relationship between these concepts.  相似文献   

The links between psychosis and socio-economic disadvantage have been widely studied. No previous study has analysed the interrelationships and mutual influences between functioning dimensions in first episode of psychosis (FEP) according to their neighbourhood household income, using a multidimensional and transdiagnostic perspective. 170 patients and 129 controls, participants in an observational study (AGES-CM), comprised the study sample. The WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) was used to assess functioning, whereas participants' postcodes were used to obtain the average household income for each neighbourhood, collected by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). Network analyses were conducted with the aim of defining the interrelationships between the different dimensions of functioning according to the neighbourhood household income. Our results show that lower neighbourhood socioeconomic level is associated with lower functioning in patients with FEP. Moreover, our findings suggest that “household responsibilities” plays a central role in the disability of patients who live in low-income neighbourhoods, whereas “dealing with strangers” is the most important node in the network of patients who live in high-income neighbourhoods. These results could help to personalize treatments, by allowing the identification of potential functioning areas to be prioritized in the treatment of FEP according to the patient's neighbourhood characteristics.  相似文献   

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