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Segmentation of multiple objects with irregular contours and surrounding sporadic spots is a common practice in ultrasound image analysis. A new region-based approach, called cell-competition algorithm, is proposed for simultaneous segmentation of multiple objects in a sonogram. The algorithm is composed of two essential ideas. One is simultaneous cell-based deformation of regions and the other is cell competition. The cells are generated by two-pass watershed transformations. The cell-competition algorithm has been validated with 13 synthetic images of different contrast-to-noise ratios and 71 breast sonograms. Three assessments have been carried out and the results show that the boundaries derived by the cell-competition algorithm are reasonably comparable to those delineated manually. Moreover, the cell-competition algorithm is robust to the variation of regions-of-interest and a range of thresholds required for the second-pass watershed transformation. The proposed algorithm is also shown to be superior to the region-competition algorithm for both types of images. (E-mail: chung@ntu.edu.tw)  相似文献   

This paper presents a new deep regression model, which we call DeepDistance, for cell detection in images acquired with inverted microscopy. This model considers cell detection as a task of finding most probable locations that suggest cell centers in an image. It represents this main task with a regression task of learning an inner distance metric. However, different than the previously reported regression based methods, the DeepDistance model proposes to approach its learning as a multi-task regression problem where multiple tasks are learned by using shared feature representations. To this end, it defines a secondary metric, normalized outer distance, to represent a different aspect of the problem and proposes to define its learning as complementary to the main cell detection task. In order to learn these two complementary tasks more effectively, the DeepDistance model designs a fully convolutional network (FCN) with a shared encoder path and end-to-end trains this FCN to concurrently learn the tasks in parallel. For further performance improvement on the main task, this paper also presents an extended version of the DeepDistance model that includes an auxiliary classification task and learns it in parallel to the two regression tasks by also sharing feature representations with them. DeepDistance uses the inner distances estimated by these FCNs in a detection algorithm to locate individual cells in a given image. In addition to this detection algorithm, this paper also suggests a cell segmentation algorithm that employs the estimated maps to find cell boundaries. Our experiments on three different human cell lines reveal that the proposed multi-task learning models, the DeepDistance model and its extended version, successfully identify the locations of cell as well as delineate their boundaries, even for the cell line that was not used in training, and improve the results of its counterparts.  相似文献   

Segmentation of organs or lesions from medical images plays an essential role in many clinical applications such as diagnosis and treatment planning. Though Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have achieved the state-of-the-art performance for automatic segmentation, they are often limited by the lack of clinically acceptable accuracy and robustness in complex cases. Therefore, interactive segmentation is a practical alternative to these methods. However, traditional interactive segmentation methods require a large number of user interactions, and recently proposed CNN-based interactive segmentation methods are limited by poor performance on previously unseen objects. To solve these problems, we propose a novel deep learning-based interactive segmentation method that not only has high efficiency due to only requiring clicks as user inputs but also generalizes well to a range of previously unseen objects. Specifically, we first encode user-provided interior margin points via our proposed exponentialized geodesic distance that enables a CNN to achieve a good initial segmentation result of both previously seen and unseen objects, then we use a novel information fusion method that combines the initial segmentation with only a few additional user clicks to efficiently obtain a refined segmentation. We validated our proposed framework through extensive experiments on 2D and 3D medical image segmentation tasks with a wide range of previously unseen objects that were not present in the training set. Experimental results showed that our proposed framework 1) achieves accurate results with fewer user interactions and less time compared with state-of-the-art interactive frameworks and 2) generalizes well to previously unseen objects.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2015,25(1):297-312
We present a novel interactive segmentation framework incorporating a priori knowledge learned from training data. The knowledge is learned as a structured patch model (StPM) comprising sets of corresponding local patch priors and their pairwise spatial distribution statistics which represent the local shape and appearance along its boundary and the global shape structure, respectively. When successive user annotations are given, the StPM is appropriately adjusted in the target image and used together with the annotations to guide the segmentation. The StPM reduces the dependency on the placement and quantity of user annotations with little increase in complexity since the time-consuming StPM construction is performed offline. Furthermore, a seamless learning system can be established by directly adding the patch priors and the pairwise statistics of segmentation results to the StPM. The proposed method was evaluated on three datasets, respectively, of 2D chest CT, 3D knee MR, and 3D brain MR. The experimental results demonstrate that within an equal amount of time, the proposed interactive segmentation framework outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy, while it requires significantly less computing and editing time to obtain results with comparable accuracy.  相似文献   

Phase contrast, a noninvasive microscopy imaging technique, is widely used to capture time-lapse images to monitor the behavior of transparent cells without staining or altering them. Due to the optical principle, phase contrast microscopy images contain artifacts such as the halo and shade-off that hinder image segmentation, a critical step in automated microscopy image analysis. Rather than treating phase contrast microscopy images as general natural images and applying generic image processing techniques on them, we propose to study the optical properties of the phase contrast microscope to model its image formation process. The phase contrast imaging system can be approximated by a linear imaging model. Based on this model and input image properties, we formulate a regularized quadratic cost function to restore artifact-free phase contrast images that directly correspond to the specimen's optical path length. With artifacts removed, high quality segmentation can be achieved by simply thresholding the restored images. The imaging model and restoration method are quantitatively evaluated on microscopy image sequences with thousands of cells captured over several days. We also demonstrate that accurate restoration lays the foundation for high performance in cell detection and tracking.  相似文献   

Multi-atlas label fusion is a powerful image segmentation strategy that is becoming increasingly popular in medical imaging. A standard label fusion algorithm relies on independently computed pairwise registrations between individual atlases and the (target) image to be segmented. These registrations are then used to propagate the atlas labels to the target space and fuse them into a single final segmentation. Such label fusion schemes commonly rely on the similarity between intensity values of the atlases and target scan, which is often problematic in medical imaging – in particular, when the atlases and target images are obtained via different sensor types or imaging protocols.In this paper, we present a generative probabilistic model that yields an algorithm for solving the atlas-to-target registrations and label fusion steps simultaneously. The proposed model does not directly rely on the similarity of image intensities. Instead, it exploits the consistency of voxel intensities within the target scan to drive the registration and label fusion, hence the atlases and target image can be of different modalities. Furthermore, the framework models the joint warp of all the atlases, introducing interdependence between the registrations.We use variational expectation maximization and the Demons registration framework in order to efficiently identify the most probable segmentation and registrations. We use two sets of experiments to illustrate the approach, where proton density (PD) MRI atlases are used to segment T1-weighted brain scans and vice versa. Our results clearly demonstrate the accuracy gain due to exploiting within-target intensity consistency and integrating registration into label fusion.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2015,25(1):205-219
Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS), first introduced and popularized by the pioneering work of Rohlfing, et al. (2004), Klein, et al. (2005), and Heckemann, et al. (2006), is becoming one of the most widely-used and successful image segmentation techniques in biomedical applications. By manipulating and utilizing the entire dataset of “atlases” (training images that have been previously labeled, e.g., manually by an expert), rather than some model-based average representation, MAS has the flexibility to better capture anatomical variation, thus offering superior segmentation accuracy. This benefit, however, typically comes at a high computational cost. Recent advancements in computer hardware and image processing software have been instrumental in addressing this challenge and facilitated the wide adoption of MAS. Today, MAS has come a long way and the approach includes a wide array of sophisticated algorithms that employ ideas from machine learning, probabilistic modeling, optimization, and computer vision, among other fields. This paper presents a survey of published MAS algorithms and studies that have applied these methods to various biomedical problems. In writing this survey, we have three distinct aims. Our primary goal is to document how MAS was originally conceived, later evolved, and now relates to alternative methods. Second, this paper is intended to be a detailed reference of past research activity in MAS, which now spans over a decade (2003–2014) and entails novel methodological developments and application-specific solutions. Finally, our goal is to also present a perspective on the future of MAS, which, we believe, will be one of the dominant approaches in biomedical image segmentation.  相似文献   

Time-lapse microscopy is an important technique to study the dynamics of various biological processes. The labor-intensive manual analysis of microscopy videos is increasingly replaced by automated segmentation and tracking methods. These methods are often limited to certain cell morphologies and/or cell stainings. In this paper, we present an automated segmentation and tracking framework that does not have these restrictions. In particular, our framework handles highly variable cell shapes and does not rely on any cell stainings. Our segmentation approach is based on a combination of spatial and temporal image variations to detect moving cells in microscopy videos. This method yields a sensitivity of 99% and a precision of 95% in object detection. The tracking of cells consists of different steps, starting from single-cell tracking based on a nearest-neighbor-approach, detection of cell–cell interactions and splitting of cell clusters, and finally combining tracklets using methods from graph theory. The segmentation and tracking framework was applied to synthetic as well as experimental datasets with varying cell densities implying different numbers of cell–cell interactions. We established a validation framework to measure the performance of our tracking technique. The cell tracking accuracy was found to be >99% for all datasets indicating a high accuracy for connecting the detected cells between different time points.  相似文献   

Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) is an important tool for the long term study of living cells. Unlike fluorescence methods which suffer from photobleaching of fluorophore or dye molecules, PCM image contrast is generated by the natural variations in optical index of refraction. Unfortunately, the same physical principles which allow for these studies give rise to complex artifacts in the raw PCM imagery. Of particular interest in this paper are neuron images where these image imperfections manifest in very different ways for the two structures of specific interest: cell bodies (somas) and dendrites. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel parametric image model using the level set framework and an associated variational approach which simultaneously restores and segments this class of images. Using this technique as the basis for an automated image analysis pipeline, results for both the synthetic and real images validate and demonstrate the advantages of our approach.OCIS codes: (100.0100) Image processing, (100.2960) Image analysis, (100.1830) Deconvolution, (100.3020) Image reconstruction-restoration, (100.3190) Inverse problems  相似文献   



Liver volume segmentation is important in computer assisted diagnosis and therapy planning of liver tumors. Manual segmentation is time-consuming, tedious and error prone, so automated methods are needed. Automatic segmentation of MR images is more challenging than for CT images, so a robust system was developed.  相似文献   

Object segmentation is an important step in the workflow of computational pathology. Deep learning based models generally require large amount of labeled data for precise and reliable prediction. However, collecting labeled data is expensive because it often requires expert knowledge, particularly in medical imaging domain where labels are the result of a time-consuming analysis made by one or more human experts. As nuclei, cells and glands are fundamental objects for downstream analysis in computational pathology/cytology, in this paper we propose NuClick, a CNN-based approach to speed up collecting annotations for these objects requiring minimum interaction from the annotator. We show that for nuclei and cells in histology and cytology images, one click inside each object is enough for NuClick to yield a precise annotation. For multicellular structures such as glands, we propose a novel approach to provide the NuClick with a squiggle as a guiding signal, enabling it to segment the glandular boundaries. These supervisory signals are fed to the network as auxiliary inputs along with RGB channels. With detailed experiments, we show that NuClick is applicable to a wide range of object scales, robust against variations in the user input, adaptable to new domains, and delivers reliable annotations. An instance segmentation model trained on masks generated by NuClick achieved the first rank in LYON19 challenge. As exemplar outputs of our framework, we are releasing two datasets: 1) a dataset of lymphocyte annotations within IHC images, and 2) a dataset of segmented WBCs in blood smear images.  相似文献   

Phase-contrast microscopy is one of the most common and convenient imaging modalities to observe long-term multi-cellular processes, which generates images by the interference of lights passing through transparent specimens and background medium with different retarded phases. Despite many years of study, computer-aided phase contrast microscopy analysis on cell behavior is challenged by image qualities and artifacts caused by phase contrast optics. Addressing the unsolved challenges, the authors propose (1) a phase contrast microscopy image restoration method that produces phase retardation features, which are intrinsic features of phase contrast microscopy, and (2) a semi-supervised learning based algorithm for cell segmentation, which is a fundamental task for various cell behavior analysis. Specifically, the image formation process of phase contrast microscopy images is first computationally modeled with a dictionary of diffraction patterns; as a result, each pixel of a phase contrast microscopy image is represented by a linear combination of the bases, which we call phase retardation features. Images are then partitioned into phase-homogeneous atoms by clustering neighboring pixels with similar phase retardation features. Consequently, cell segmentation is performed via a semi-supervised classification technique over the phase-homogeneous atoms. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach produces quality segmentation of individual cells and outperforms previous approaches.  相似文献   

Deep unsupervised representation learning has recently led to new approaches in the field of Unsupervised Anomaly Detection (UAD) in brain MRI. The main principle behind these works is to learn a model of normal anatomy by learning to compress and recover healthy data. This allows to spot abnormal structures from erroneous recoveries of compressed, potentially anomalous samples. The concept is of great interest to the medical image analysis community as it i) relieves from the need of vast amounts of manually segmented training data—a necessity for and pitfall of current supervised Deep Learning—and ii) theoretically allows to detect arbitrary, even rare pathologies which supervised approaches might fail to find. To date, the experimental design of most works hinders a valid comparison, because i) they are evaluated against different datasets and different pathologies, ii) use different image resolutions and iii) different model architectures with varying complexity. The intent of this work is to establish comparability among recent methods by utilizing a single architecture, a single resolution and the same dataset(s). Besides providing a ranking of the methods, we also try to answer questions like i) how many healthy training subjects are needed to model normality and ii) if the reviewed approaches are also sensitive to domain shift. Further, we identify open challenges and provide suggestions for future community efforts and research directions.  相似文献   

Vertebral labelling and segmentation are two fundamental tasks in an automated spine processing pipeline. Reliable and accurate processing of spine images is expected to benefit clinical decision support systems for diagnosis, surgery planning, and population-based analysis of spine and bone health. However, designing automated algorithms for spine processing is challenging predominantly due to considerable variations in anatomy and acquisition protocols and due to a severe shortage of publicly available data. Addressing these limitations, the Large Scale Vertebrae Segmentation Challenge (VerSe) was organised in conjunction with the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) in 2019 and 2020, with a call for algorithms tackling the labelling and segmentation of vertebrae. Two datasets containing a total of 374 multi-detector CT scans from 355 patients were prepared and 4505 vertebrae have individually been annotated at voxel level by a human-machine hybrid algorithm (https://osf.io/nqjyw/, https://osf.io/t98fz/). A total of 25 algorithms were benchmarked on these datasets. In this work, we present the results of this evaluation and further investigate the performance variation at the vertebra level, scan level, and different fields of view. We also evaluate the generalisability of the approaches to an implicit domain shift in data by evaluating the top-performing algorithms of one challenge iteration on data from the other iteration. The principal takeaway from VerSe: the performance of an algorithm in labelling and segmenting a spine scan hinges on its ability to correctly identify vertebrae in cases of rare anatomical variations. The VerSe content and code can be accessed at: https://github.com/anjany/verse.  相似文献   



We propose a hybrid interactive approach for the segmentation of anatomic structures in medical images with higher accuracy at lower user interaction cost.

Materials and methods

Eighteen brain MR scans from the Internet Brain Segmentation Repository are used for brain structure segmentation. A MR scan and a CT scan of an old female are used for orbital structure segmentation. The proposed approach combines shape-based interpolation, radial basis function (RBF)-based warping and model-based segmentation. With this approach, to segment a structure in a 3D image, we first delineate the structure in several slices using interactive methods, and then use shape-based interpolation to automatically generate an initial 3D model of the structure from the segmented slices. To refine the initial model, we specify a set of additional points on the structure boundary in the image, and use a RBF to warp the model so that it passes the specified points. Finally, we adopt a point-anchored active surface approach to further deform the model for a better fitting of the model with its corresponding structure in image.


Two brain structures and 15 orbital structures are segmented. For each structure, it needs only to semi- automatically segment three to five 2D slices and specify two to nine additional points on the structure boundary. The time cost for each structure is about 1–3 min. The overlap ratio of the segmentation results and the ground truth is higher than 96%.


The proposed method for the segmentation of anatomic structure achieved higher accuracy at lower user interaction cost, and therefore promising in many applications such as surgery planning and simulation, atlas construction, and morphometric analysis of anatomic structures.  相似文献   

To overcome the problem of strong speckle and texture in high-resolution polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images, a novel level set segmentation method that uses a heterogeneous clutter model is proposed in this article. Because the KummerU distribution has the capability to describe the statistics of PolSAR imagery in both homogeneous and heterogeneous scenes, it is used to replace the traditional Wishart distribution as the statistical model that defines the energy function for PolSAR images in order to improve the accuracy of the segmentation. Moreover, in order to reduce the computation intensity, an enhanced distance-regularized level set evolution (DRLSE-E) term is applied to improve the computational efficiency. The experimental results obtained using synthetic and real PolSAR images show that the method described has an accuracy 10% better than level set methods based on Wishart distributions. It is also shown that adding the DRLSE-E term reduces the computation time by about a third, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

White matter hyperintensities (WMHs) have been associated with various cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Reliable quantification of WMHs is essential for understanding their clinical impact in normal and pathological populations. Automated segmentation of WMHs is highly challenging due to heterogeneity in WMH characteristics between deep and periventricular white matter, presence of artefacts and differences in the pathology and demographics of populations. In this work, we propose an ensemble triplanar network that combines the predictions from three different planes of brain MR images to provide an accurate WMH segmentation. In the loss functions the network uses anatomical information regarding WMH spatial distribution in loss functions, to improve the efficiency of segmentation and to overcome the contrast variations between deep and periventricular WMHs. We evaluated our method on 5 datasets, of which 3 are part of a publicly available dataset (training data for MICCAI WMH Segmentation Challenge 2017 - MWSC 2017) consisting of subjects from three different cohorts, and we also submitted our method to MWSC 2017 to be evaluated on the unseen test datasets. On evaluating our method separately in deep and periventricular regions, we observed robust and comparable performance in both regions. Our method performed better than most of the existing methods, including FSL BIANCA, and on par with the top ranking deep learning methods of MWSC 2017.  相似文献   

Lung vessel segmentation has been widely explored by the biomedical image processing community; however, the differentiation of arterial from venous irrigation is still a challenge. Pulmonary artery–vein (AV) segmentation using computed tomography (CT) is growing in importance owing to its undeniable utility in multiple cardiopulmonary pathological states, especially those implying vascular remodelling, allowing the study of both flow systems separately. We present a new framework to approach the separation of tree-like structures using local information and a specifically designed graph-cut methodology that ensures connectivity as well as the spatial and directional consistency of the derived subtrees. This framework has been applied to the pulmonary AV classification using a random forest (RF) pre-classifier to exploit the local anatomical differences of arteries and veins. The evaluation of the system was performed using 192 bronchopulmonary segment phantoms, 48 anthropomorphic pulmonary CT phantoms, and 26 lungs from noncontrast CT images with precise voxel-based reference standards obtained by manually labelling the vessel trees. The experiments reveal a relevant improvement in the accuracy ( ∼ 20%) of the vessel particle classification with the proposed framework with respect to using only the pre-classification based on local information applied to the whole area of the lung under study. The results demonstrated the accurate differentiation between arteries and veins in both clinical and synthetic cases, specifically when the image quality can guarantee a good airway segmentation, which opens a huge range of possibilities in the clinical study of cardiopulmonary diseases.  相似文献   

Ultrasound-guided injection is widely used to help anesthesiologists perform anesthesia in peripheral nerve blockade (PNB). However, it is a daunting task to accurately identify nerve structure in ultrasound images even for the experienced anesthesiologists. In this paper, a Multi-object assistance based Brachial Plexus Segmentation Network, named MallesNet, is proposed to improve the nerve segmentation performance in ultrasound image with the assistance of simultaneously segmenting its surrounding anatomical structures (e.g., muscle, vein, and artery). The MallesNet is designed by following the framework of Mask R-CNN to implement the multi object identification and segmentation. Moreover, a spatial local contrast feature (SLCF) extraction module is proposed to compute contrast features at different scales to effectively obtain useful features for small objects. And the self-attention gate (SAG) is also utilized to capture the spatial relationships in different channels and further re-weight the channels in feature maps by following the design of non-local operation and channel attention. Furthermore, the upsampling mechanism in original Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) is improved by adopting the transpose convolution and skip concatenation to fine-tune the feature maps. The Ultrasound Brachial Plexus Dataset (UBPD) is also proposed to support the research on brachial plexus segmentation, which consists of 1055 ultrasound images with four objects (i.e., nerve, artery, vein and muscle) and their corresponding label masks. Extensive experimental results using UBPD dataset demonstrate that MallesNet can achieve a better segmentation performance on nerves structure and also on surrounding structures in comparison to other competing approaches.  相似文献   

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