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Courtship songs of normal males and those expressing short-period, long-period, and arrhythmic mutations at theperiod (per) locus ofDrosophila melanogaster have been reanalyzed for rhythmic components, using spectral treatments of the fluctuating rates of tone pulse production that occur during courtship. It was concluded, as in previous studies, that such songs are strongly rhythmic, except for courtships performed byper 01 males. Songs produced by males expressing this and otherper alleles were compared to computer-generated random ones. Interpulse interval variations influenced byper 01 and songs simulated to be arrhythmic both were found to be associated with cryptic rhythmicities; several such period values, extracted by the spectral analyses, defined very short cycle durations. We discuss the implications of these findings and of some recently reported results that have challenged the existence of rhythmicity inDrosophila songs.This work was supported by SERC Grant GRD-79982 to C.P.K. and NIH Grant GM-21473 to J.C.H.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAK) regulates the activity of several membrane-bound ion channels and carriers. The role of cAK in regulating the transport of osmoprotective amino acids in the distal tubule is unknown. We examined the regulation of Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent proline transport in MDCK cells expressing a mutant murine regulatory subunit (RIalpha(AB)) of cAK. For this purpose, MDCK cells were transfected with an expression vector encoding RIalpha(AB) driven by the metallothionein 1 promoter together with neomycin-resistance (NEO) gene. Stable G418-resistant colonies were isolated that expressed RIalpha(AB) as demonstrated by Northern hybridization analysis using a cDNA probe for RIalpha and cAK assay that showed decreased enzyme activity. A clone constitutively expressing high levels of RIalpha(AB) (M(AB)) in a Zn-independent manner and a control clone transfected with the NEO gene alone (M(neo)) were selected for transport studies. We examined the effect of the cAMP-stimulating agents forskolin (F) and IBMX on NaCl-dependent uptake of [(3)H]proline by confluent monolayers of transfected MDCK cells. While F/IBMX-induced mean inhibition of proline transport in M(neo) cells was 48 and 45% at 5 and 15 min, respectively, inhibition of proline uptake in M(AB) cells was 9% (5 min) and 0% (15 min). These data demonstrate that the inhibition of NaCl-linked proline transport in response to elevated cAMP is reversed in MDCK clones that express mutant cAK and provide evidence that cAK mediates the modulatory action of cAMP on proline transport. cAK may play an important role in controlling transport of proline and other osmoprotective amino acids in the renal tubule.  相似文献   

《Journal of neurogenetics》2013,27(1-2):105-118
The previously described site-selected P-element mutagenesis of a Drosophila gene encoding the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase generates mutants that have defective behavior in the olfactory learning test. Here we describe the effect of the same mutations in a courtship conditioning assay. Wild-type males can distinguish between virgin females (which they court vigorously), and fertilized females (which they court less vigorously). After exposure to fertilized females, wild-type males modify their behavior by decreasing courtship to subsequent target virgins, an effect that may last for many hours. Like wild-type males, PKA-RI mutant males are also able to distinguish between virgin and fertilized females. PKA-RI males also modify their behavior towards virgin females after prior exposure to a fertilized female, but such an effect is short-lived, suggesting a defect in memory rather than learning. We also show that under these conditions the behavior of PKA-RI males is similar to that of amnesiac, dunce and rutabaga males.  相似文献   

The activity of adenylate cyclase in homogenates prepared from the Drosophila memory mutant rutabaga is lower than normal. The effect is most pronounced in washed membranes prepared from the abdomen, in which the enzyme displays both a lower Vmax and a higher Km. Analysis of the effect of divalent cations suggests a lesion in the responsiveness of the enzyme to Mg2+. Studies of adenylate cyclase in rutabaga may potentially pinpoint a subpopulation of the enzyme which may prove relevant to molecular mechanisms underlying conditioning.  相似文献   

Function of the Drosophila CPEB protein Orb2 in long-term courtship memory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Both long-term behavioral memory and synaptic plasticity require protein synthesis, some of which may occur locally at specific synapses. Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element-binding (CPEB) proteins are thought to contribute to the local protein synthesis that underlies long-term changes in synaptic efficacy, but a role has not been established for them in the formation of long-term behavioral memory. We found that the Drosophila melanogaster CPEB protein Orb2 is acutely required for long-term conditioning of male courtship behavior. Deletion of the N-terminal glutamine-rich region of Orb2 resulted in flies that were impaired in their ability to form long-term, but not short-term, memory. Memory was restored by expressing Orb2 selectively in fruitless (fru)-positive gamma neurons of the mushroom bodies and by providing Orb2 function in mushroom bodies only during and shortly after training. Our data thus demonstrate that a CPEB protein is important in long-term memory and map the molecular, spatial and temporal requirements for its function in memory formation.  相似文献   

Protein kinases exert major regulatory effects in eukaryotic signaling events. As these proteins play central regulatory and sensory functions they are interesting targets for antiparasitic drug development and serve as vaccine candidates. A cDNA with an open reading frame of 1122 bp coding for the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Ov-pka-r) of the pathogenic human nematode Onchocerca volvulus has been isolated. The predicted protein displays 84% homology to the corresponding protein of Caenorhabditis elegans and 71% to the human homologue. The O. volvulus protein has unique features, it includes six cysteine residues, as compared to four residues in mammals. Ov-PKA-r was recombinantly expressed as His-tagged protein and under reducing conditions showed a molecular mass of 52 kDa. In sera from O. volvulus patients IgG antibodies were found that strongly reacted with the recombinant Ov-PKA-r. Using rabbit antisera raised against the recombinant protein for immunohistology allowed the localization of the native Ov-PKA-r within the nervous system and sensory organs of adult O. volvulus worms and of microfilariae. The predominant expression in the nervous system and sensory organs as well as the unique structural features identify this signaling molecule of O. volvulus as a new and interesting target for drug or vaccine development.  相似文献   

The cAMP-PKA is the major glucose-sensing pathway that controls sexual differentiation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Sequencing from the pka1 locus of recessive sam mutants, in which cells are highly inclined to sexual differentiation, led to the identification of mutations in the pka1 locus in sam5 (pka1-G441E) and sam7 (pka1-G441R). Rst2 and Ste11 proteins were induced and localized to the nucleus of sam5 and sam7 mutants even under rich glucose conditions, indicating that the function of Pka1 was completely abolished by mutations. Pka1-G441E and Pka1-G441R mutant proteins reside in the cytoplasm, even under glucose-rich conditions, while wild-type Pka1 resides in the nucleus, indicating that the functionality of Pka1 is important for its nuclear localization. This is supported by the observation that the Pka1-T356A mutant, which partially lacks Pka1 function, was localized to both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, but an active phosphomimetic Pka1-T356D mutant prtotein was localized to the nucleus under glucose-rich conditions. In addition to the basal phosphorylation of Pka1 at T356, hyperphosphorylation of Pka1 was observed under glucose-starved conditions, and such hyperphosphorylation was not observed in pka1-G441E, pka1-G441R, pka1-T356A or pka1-T356D mutants. As these mutant proteins failed to interact with a regulatory subunit Cgs1, hyperphosphorylation of Pka1 mutant proteins was considered to be dependent on Cgs1 interaction. Consistent with a role for Cgs1 in Pka1 phosphorylation, we detected the formation of a Cgs1-Pka1 complex prior to Pka1 hyperphosphorylation. Together, these results indicate that nuclear localization of Pka1 depends on its activity and hyperphosphorylation of Pka1 depends on Cgs1 interaction.  相似文献   

Odontogenic myxomas are rare benign neoplasms affecting the jaw. Myxomas of bones and other sites occur as part of Carney complex (CNC), a multiple neoplasia syndrome caused by mutations in the PRKAR1A gene, which codes for the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A (PKA). In the present study, 17 odontogenic myxomas from patients without CNC were screened for PRKAR1A mutations and PRKAR1A protein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Mutations of the coding region of the PRKAR1A gene were identified in 2 tumors; both these lesions showed no or significantly decreased immunostaining of PRKAR1A in the tumor compared to that in the surrounding normal tissue. One mutation (c.725C>A) led to a nonconservative amino acid substitution in a highly conserved area of the gene (A213D); the other was a single base-pair deletion that led to a frameshift (del774C) and a stop codon 11 amino acids downstream of the mutation site; both tumors were heterozygous for the respective mutations. Of the remaining tumors, 7 of the 15 without mutations showed almost no PRKAR1A in the tumor cells, whereas IHC showed that the protein was abundant in nontumorous cells. We concluded that PRKAR1A may be involved by its down-regulation in the pathogenesis of odontogenic myxomas caused by mutations and/or other genetic mechanisms. Of the sporadic, nonfamilial tumors associated with PRKAR1A mutations, the odontogenic type was the first myxomatous lesion found to harbor somatic PRKAR1A sequence changes.  相似文献   

Bisexual courtship in male Drosophila melanogaster may be induced in some circumstances. These include ectopic expression of the transformer (tra) gene, ectopic expression of the mini-white (mw) gene, and the homozygous presence of mutant alleles of the fruitless (fru) gene. Experiments were performed to determine if ectopic mw and fru, as well as ectopic tra and fru, acted in the same pathway to control courtship. Male flies homozygous for the frusat allele court females little if at all and males at a low level. When homozygous, the frusat allele suppresses the bisexual courtship induced by both ectopic mw and ectopic tra, indicating that the fru wild-type function is necessary for expression of the ectopic mw and ectopic tra effect. This demonstrates that fru shares a pathway controlling courtship behavior with these ectopically expressed genes.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is an important opportunistic fungal pathogen. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) signaling pathway plays an important role in regulating morphology, growth, and virulence in a number of fungal pathogens of plants and animals. We have constructed a mutant of A. fumigatus that lacks the regulatory subunit of PKA, pkaR, and analyzed the growth and development, sensitivity to oxidative damage, and virulence of the mutant, along with those of the wild type and a complemented mutant. Both growth and germination rates of the mutant are reduced, and there are morphological abnormalities in conidiophores, leading to reduced conidiation. Conidia from the DeltapkaR mutant are more sensitive to killing by hydrogen peroxide, menadione, paraquat, and diamide. However, the hyphae of the mutant are killed to a greater extent only by paraquat and diamide, whereas they are less susceptible to the effects of hydrogen peroxide. In an immunosuppressed mouse model, intranasally administered conidia of the mutant are significantly less virulent than those of the wild type or a complemented mutant. Unregulated PKA signaling is detrimental to the virulence of A. fumigatus, perhaps through the reduced susceptibility of the mutant to damage by oxidizing agents and reduced growth kinetics.  相似文献   

From an S49 mouse lymphoma cell subline that carries an electrophoretic marker mutation in one allele for a regulatory (R) subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, 130 cyclic AMP-resistant mutants were isolated and characterized. Of the 77 independent spontaneous and mutagen-induced isolates identified, 74 had kinases with increased apparent activation constants (Kas) for cyclic AMP-dependent activation. The Ka phenotype was invariably correlated with an apparent structural lesion in one R subunit allele. Charge-shift lesions in 43 independent isolates were mapped to small regions within the R subunit by two-dimensional gel analysis of partial proteolysis peptides. Nine Ka mutations were distinguished by differences in charge or peptide maps of mutant R subunits, and the mutations were clustered in two regions associated with the cyclic AMP-binding sites of the R subunit. The relative frequencies of different mutations differed among spontaneous, ethyl methanesulfonate-induced, and N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced isolates. Mutation frequencies were also markedly different for the two R subunit alleles; this allele preference was strongest for mutagen-induced lesions in the more carboxy terminal cyclic AMP-binding site.  相似文献   

Using a reconstituted DNA replication assay from yeast, we demonstrate that two kinase complexes are essential for the promotion of replication in vitro. An active Clb/Cdc28 kinase complex, or its vertebrate equivalent, is required in trans to stimulate initiation in G(1)-phase nuclei, whereas the Dbf4/Cdc7 kinase complex must be provided by the template nuclei themselves. The regulatory subunit of Cdc7p, Dbf4p, accumulates during late G(1) phase, becomes chromatin associated prior to Clb/Cdc28 activation, and assumes a punctate pattern of localization that is similar to, and dependent on, the origin recognition complex (ORC). The association of Dbf4p with a detergent-insoluble chromatin fraction in G(1)-phase nuclei requires ORC but not Cdc6p or Clb/Cdc28 kinase activity, and correlates with competence for initiation. We propose a model in which Dbf4p targets Cdc7p to the prereplication complex prior to the G(1)/S transition, by a pathway parallel to, but independent of, the Cdc6p-dependent recruitment of MCMs.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation-dephosphorylation, in the presence of adenosine 5'-[gamma-32P]triphosphate, of a polypeptide of apparent molecular mass 53,000 has been compared in head homogenates of wild type and memory mutant dunceM11 strains of Drosophila melanogaster. In both strains, labelling of the 53 kilodalton protein required exogenous adenosine 3',5'-phosphate (cAMP), but in dunceM11 cAMP at higher concentration (above approximately 3 microM) caused the rapid disappearance of the label. This differential dephosphorylation can be attributed to the lack of a cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase isoenzyme in the mutant. Several lines of evidence indicate that the 53 kilodalton protein is identical with the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The findings suggest that in the mutant's nerve cells the state of phosphorylation of the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase is altered, which may contribute to the biochemical disorder leading to the memory deficit.  相似文献   

Immature D. melanogaster males, like virgin females, often elicit vigorous courtship from mature males. Since males perform the same behaviors in response to attractive males and females, the question arises as to whether the foci--cells in the courting male's nervous system that must be haplo-X for the fly to perform a behavior--are the same for homosexual and heterosexual courtship. To answer this question, we analyzed the behaviors that normal males perform in response to sexually attractive flies. From these data, we calculated the probabilities that a fly with haplo-X tissue in a focus for homosexual and heterosexual courtship would perform the behavior in response to one or both of the two sex objects with which it was tested. Next, we observed the courtship behaviors that gynandromorphs (sex mosaics) performed in response to attractive males and females. Since the numbers of mosaics that performed a behavior in response to one or both of the sex objects with which they were tested were not significantly different from the predicted values, we conclude that the foci for performance of homosexual and heterosexual courtship are almost certainly identical.  相似文献   

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