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简栋梁 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2004,(4):30-31
以口语为主导的全沟通,有利于发展聋生的语畜和思维,更有利于他们融入主流社会,是聋教育值得坚持和完瞢的教学模式。若论“口语教学”的成败,应检讨的是具体的操作方法,而不是否定这种模式本身。 相似文献
马新明 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2008,(6):47-48
语言能力的获得离不开语言环境,在聋校语文教学中恰当地运用课堂表演,不仅有利于提高聋生的语言表达能力和塑造良好的心理素质,而且可以培养他们的想象力和创造力。本文从3个方面阐述了课堂表演在聋校语文教学中的作用,介绍了课堂表演在教学中的具体实施方法,简析了课堂表演在语文教学中的意义。 相似文献
史斌艳 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2007,(1):41-43
本文对聋校地理教学中渗透心理健康教育的问题进行了探讨,认为在聋校地理教学中实施心理教育的具体方式有:挖掘地理学科中的心理资源,塑造学生正向情感;创新课堂教学方式,丰富学生成功体验;变换家庭作业性质,培养学生学习兴趣;开展社会实践活动,培养学生交往能力。在实施过程中,要注意两点:发挥主体特长,提升学生自信心;建立和谐的师生关系,使学生“亲其师信其道”。 相似文献
双语聋教育中的语言学问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
郑璇 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》2011,19(5):448-450
语言问题是聋教育的核心问题,双语聋教育的诞生、发展与传播,处处离不开语言学的参与。双语聋教育理念的成型直接得益于20世纪60年代以来手语语言学的发展,其理论精髓在于主张以手语作为聋人的第一语言,促进第二语言(即本国主流语言)的学习。本文针对当前中国内地的双语聋教育现状,以中国手语(CSL)为研究对象,力求对双语聋教育中涉及到语言学的一些热点问题进行阐述。 相似文献
丁山燕 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2008,(6):44-46
目的进一步了解聋校语文教学中师生沟通的现状,探讨提高聋校语文教学质量的策略。方法对某聋校6~9年级的聋生和语文教师分别进行问卷调查和访谈,分析当前语文教学中师生之间沟通与交往的现状。结果调查显示,语文教学中存在师生沟通障碍的情况,但沟通障碍对聋生学习语文的热情影响不大,且随着课改推进,师生间的沟通方式呈现多元化发展趋向。高年级聋生交往的频率呈下降趋势、教师使用课堂语言主观随意性较强、教师对教材中的“听(看)话·说话”内容不够重视。结论要有针对性地采取相应的对策以提高语文教学的质量,如加强对聋人自然手语的学习和研究、重视培养和提高聋生的沟通与交往能力、注重对教材进行合理化加工和处理等。 相似文献
言语矫治是提高聋童言语清晰度的有效手段。针对聋童因听力障碍导致言语清晰度下降,加之聋童因学科学习任务重,语训时间过少的问题,分析了将言语矫治渗透到聋校低年级语言教学中的可行性和必要性。并从特教老师专业技能发展,教学内容、教学方法、教学组织形式以及教学评价等方面提出了相应措施及建议。 相似文献
余敦清 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2005,(6):40-43
聋教学语言的培养与运用,是关系到聋教育质量如何的一个瓶颈。围绕着聋教学语言的取向,“手.口之争”在聋教界达200多年。“聋人双语教学”的浪潮是这一争论的又一轮回。有人推崇,有人否定。讨论是有益的。本文主要研究了有关文章谈及的“聋人双语教学”的概念.它的兴起.理念,以及各家对它的不同评价,从与时俱进的高度,提出了聋教学语言取向的基本理论和基本原则。 相似文献
聋校学生的书面词语理解与教学 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
聋生在书面词语理解方面存在着严重的缺陷。在语文教学中,需要向聋生讲解的书面词语比需要向听力正常学生讲解的要多得多。向聋生进行书面调语讲解也比向听力正常学生进行书面词语讲解困难得多。聋校的书面词语教学需要从聋生的实际出发,采用适合聋生特点的书面词语教学方法。 相似文献
以聋人最佳发展和顺利融入社会为本开展聋教育 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
朴永馨 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2010,(1):8-11
近些年很多文章和专著论述聋人双语双文化问题.本文就聋教育产生发展的手口争论、对聋教育对象的认识和聋教育教学手段等涉及“双语双文化问题”等方面进行讨论。 相似文献
陈凤芸 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2008,(2):50-52
随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的进一步深化,心理健康教育越来越被重视。对心理健康教育工作的重视从另一个侧面说明了目前在学校教育中学生所暴露出的心理问题已层出不穷。本文着重分析了目前聋校心理健康教育的现状,并提出了相应的实施策略。 相似文献
Causes of deafness in schools for the deaf in Madras 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
R F Gray 《International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology》1989,18(2):97-106
Information has been collected by questionnaire from parents and teachers of 928 deaf school children in South India. 374 of these children were examined during a 21-day visit to Madras. These findings are part of the outcome of the visit by a working party organised and financed by the Commonwealth Society for the Deaf. The Society has organised surveys of deafness in West Africa and Gambia. In this survey the causes of severe deafness in Madras have been identified. Streptomycin injections were responsible for 3.6% of cases and meningitis for 5.3%. Examination found 29% of children with ophthalmic signs of intrauterine rubella. These could be prevented. Only a third of Indian mothers of children with eye signs are aware of having had rubella infection during pregnancy. 相似文献
Silan F Demirci L Egeli A Egeli E Onder HI Ozturk O Unal ZS 《International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology》2004,68(11):1399-1406
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the syndromic etiology of bilateral severe sensorineural hearing disorders in children and current etiological causes to reduce the cases in the unknown group. METHODS: This study was conducted on 550 students of five schools for the deaf in Istanbul and Zonguldak, Turkey. Otologic, audiologic, dysmorphologic, ophthalmologic and dental examinations were performed in all children. Familial and medical histories were obtained. RESULTS: The etiology of hearing loss was genetic in 346 (62.90%), acquired in 107 (19.45%) and unknown in 97 (%17.63) cases. A total of 619 malformations were defined in 550 children and 99 of them belonged to a syndrome. We identified 33 different syndromes for these 99 syndromic children. Syndromic etiology was found in 18.0% of the total and 28.61% of the subjects with genetic etiology. Most common syndrome was Waardenburg syndrome which occurred in 33 children. CONCLUSION: The incidence of hereditary hearing impairment is very high in developing countries compared to developed countries. Prevention is essential to reduce the incidence, multidisciplinary approach and genetic counselling are necessary in this regard. 相似文献
Ninety-three children attending the schools for the deaf in Copenhagen were examined in order to assess the aetiology of the hearing disorder and to compare the causing factors to those indicated in a previous investigation from 1953. Based on pre-existing investigations including both audiological and non-audiological procedures, the aetiology of the hearing impairment was known in 63% while in 37% the cause of the hearing disorder was unknown. A thorough examination programme was performed in 71 of the attending children whereby a reduction of ‘unknown cause’ of the hearing disorder could be obtained in half of these children. Compared to the previous investigation from 1953 the incidence of acquired hearing impairment had decreased in contrast to congenital severe hearing impairment. Based on the results of the present investigation it is concluded that an improved nosological classification can be obtained by re-evaluation of both the children and the parents; the physical examination is a long-standing dynamic process running over years; the increased incidence of congenital hearing impairment can be ascribed to prenatal infections, predominantly foetal rubella which is a preventative disease. 相似文献
张艳红 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》2010,(1):49-50
聋儿康复教育教学过程中要坚持“快乐教学,情感为先”的原则,建立良好的师生关系,创设具有情感性、参与性的物质环境,教师以情绪感染聋儿,选择贴近聋儿生活的教学内容,组织丰富多彩的教学活动,给予聋儿包容和鼓励并提供表现的机会,是实现“快乐教学,情感为先”原则的良好途径。充分激发聋儿积极愉快的情绪、情感体验,能促进聋儿全面发展。 相似文献
聋哑学校聋儿听力调查结果的比较和分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的了解广西省南宁市、柳州市及桂林市3所聋哑学校尚存残余听力聋儿的比例、残余听力的程度以及年龄的分布、原因和影响因素。方法采用DL-RB便携式听力计.对南宁市、柳州市及桂林市盲聋哑学校聋儿进行听力调查,在本底噪声≤40 dB(A)的安静房间内测听,对0.5、1、2、4 kHz 4个频率进行纯音听阈测试,取4个频率阈值的平均值作为其听力损失程度并定残。结果三所学校聋儿410例,其中男248例,女162例,年龄2~27岁,主要集中于13~18岁。接受听力测试357例,听力残疾等级分布:1级232例(65.0%),2级64例(18.0%),3级48例(13.5%),4级10例(2.6%)。不定残者3例(0.9%)。结论3所学校学生中听力残疾为3级、4级及不定残的轻、中度听力损失者61例(17.1%),说明有较多本可以通过早期干预获得听力、言语能力的聋儿错失了进入正常社会的机会,提示对聋儿进行早期诊断,早期干预的重要性。 相似文献