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阿苯哒唑防治学生肠道蠕虫感染效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解我县中小学生肠道蠕虫感染情况及阿苯哒唑防治肠道蠕虫感染的效果,为今后开展群防群治提供依据,现将我县1991~1994年的防治情况总结报道如下。1对象与方法1.正对象:采用分层抽样活抽取城乡一部分中小学的初一和小学一年级各50名学生,其它年级各20名学生作为调查对象。连续4年对这些学生的粪便进行检测,并对一年级学生进行追踪调查。1.2方法:新鲜大便109,采用改良加藤氏厚涂片法,24小时内镜检;对一年级学生采用胶纸肛拭法检查烧虫。服药方法:连续4年对3797名中小学生每年一次集体服阿苯哒唑药片,剂量为中学生400mg/人,…  相似文献   

苏州新区位于苏州市区的西侧,是国家高新技术产业开发区。为了降低肠道寄生虫感染率,减少寄生虫病的危害,我们于1995年起在全区小学校开展肠道线虫的防治工作。现将防治效果进行评价。  相似文献   

我们于1993年开始.采用广东省寄生虫病防治研究所研制的阿苯哒唑驱虫糖对全市中小学生进行连续三年的集体驱虫,并进行基线调查和跟踪监测驱虫效果。现报告如下。  相似文献   

复方阿苯达唑驱虫治疗后肠道线虫感染状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
成都市肠道线虫高感染地区为丘陵区 ,这里也是防治工作的重点。为了解采用复方阿苯达唑驱虫治疗后 ,人群肠道线虫感染状况的变化 ,总结工作 ,用以指导面上的防治工作和宣传群众 ,作者于 1997、1999年在丘陵区的姚渡乡大吉村对同一人群进行肠道线虫感染状况的动态调查 ,现将结果报告于后。1 观察对象 成都市青白江区姚渡乡大吉村 2岁以上村民中筛查出来的肠道线虫感染者。2 观察方法 复方阿苯达唑治疗前后的粪便检查均采用方口园底铁盒饱和盐水漂浮法计数 1克粪便中的钩虫卵数 ,并按公式 [y=5 (x 1) 0 .88- 5 ]×粪型系数计算出克粪钩…  相似文献   

采用甲苯达唑糖片300mg,400mg2天分服驱除鞭虫,疗毕3周虫卵阴转率分别为77.19%和69.77%。采用阿苯达唑糖片相同的剂量和治疗方案,虫卵的阴转率分别为52.08%和77.12%上述所有观察组虫卵减少率在91.47~98.63%之间,本次观察大多数鞭虫患者均轻度感染,驱出的成虫数量中蟾较少,虫卵阴转率也不十分理想,但虫卵减少率较高,从流行病学的观点看,已大大降低了鞭虫的传播动力,因此,  相似文献   

某地中学生肠道线虫感染干预效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道线虫感染是学生常见的疾病之一 ,发病率较高 ,其中以蛔虫感染为主。这些肠道寄生虫病的感染及并发症的发生直接影响学生的生长发育和身体健康[1] 。以往对这类疾病的控制主要是药物驱虫 ,但由于学生的卫生行为、周围环境未发生改变 ,致使学生重复感染。为进一步了解中学生感染肠道线虫病的现状 ,在山东省寄生虫病防治研究协会的指导下 ,笔者于 1999~ 2 0 0 0年在鱼台县二中开展了健康教育、改善环境卫生、集体驱虫等干预措施 ,结果报道如下。1 对象与方法选择山东省鱼台县二中学生 82 2名为干预组 ,鱼台县三中学生 75 4名为对照组。对…  相似文献   

目的:观察相同剂量不同疗程的甲苯达唑对鞭虫感染驱虫效果。方法:将420例以鞭虫感染为主的肠线虫病患分成3组,其中2组甲苯达唑总剂量800mg,2天(A组)、4天(B组)分服,另一组阿苯达唑总剂量600mg,2天分服为对照;于服药前和服药后2周和4周分别改良加藤厚涂片法粪检考核疗效。结果:治华2周,甲苯达唑4天疗法组鞭虫卵阴转率(97.20%)高于2天疗法组(88.04%)(P<0.05),但治后4周虫卵阴转率相同;阿苯达唑2天疗法组(72.45%-76.14%)较前2组低(P<0.001和P<0.01)。虫卵减少率3组均高于95%,3组鞭虫卵未阴虫治后平均EPG较治前均呈减少趋势,蛔虫卵治后4周的阴转率为91.67%-96.43%,3组间无差异。3个组的药物副反应均轻微短暂。结论:甲苯达唑800mg2天、4天疗法驱治鞭虫的疗效均达91%以上,明显优于阿苯达唑。  相似文献   

首次以阿苯哒唑原粉均匀混入精制食盐制成1%阿苯哒唑驱虫盐,驱虫盐500g5周疗程和300g3周疗程,治疗华枝睾吸虫的虫卵阴转率为92.1%和91.8%;驱虫盐100g1周疗程的钩虫,蛔虫和鞭虫虫卵阴转率分别为89.0%、97.5%和82.1%。副反应较轻,不经处理可自行消失。  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of sheep by selective breeding offers a means to reduce the current reliance on chemotherapy for the control of gastro-intestinal nematodes. Simulated epidemiological studies support this view as, compared to lambs of 'normal' susceptibility, those 'selected' for resistance to Trichostrongylus colubriformis have lower worm burdens and reduced production losses. Considerable genetic variation exists both between and within breeds of sheep, and a number of breeding programmes have demonstrated that selection for animals with heightened levels of resistance to nematodes is feasible. Animals from these selection experiments are currently being used to investigate the nature of this genetic regulation and the economic benefits that can be achieved. An understanding of the mechanisms of resistance, facilitated by having animals with defined extremes of responsiveness, is crucial for studies into the specificity of selection, identification of predictive markers with resistance, and determination of suitable vaccines and vaccination strategies in unselected populations. Immunity plays a major role in host resistance to parasites, and from studies with selected animals, it appears that a broad range of immune responses are under genetic control. Genetic diversity within the parasite population may manifest itself in adaptation to withstand host resistance mechanisms. Such an occurrence could limit the effectiveness of the genetic approach.  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的医院中心负压的自动控制与管理系统,采用一泵连锁方式,在用泵,伺服泵和备用泵可任意切换,在用泵损坏后,自动启动伺服泵工作。该设计简单,实用,安全,可靠,单机故障不影响使用,完全实现无人值班管理  相似文献   

采用1∶2配对病例对照的方法对比尘肺病合并COPD(观察组)和单纯尘肺(对照组)患者3年肺功能变化情况。结果显示,观察组及对照组7个肺功能指标3年后均有下降(P<0.05),其中弥散功能、小气道流速下降速率最快;观察组7个肺功能指标3年下降率均大于对照组。提示尘肺病合并COPD患者肺功能下降速率快于单纯尘肺患者,应早期行干预治疗。  相似文献   

A randomized comparative trial on the clinical performance of two copper-releasing IUDs (Nova-T and Copper-T-200) was performed simultaneously in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. After three years the cumulative pregnancy rate was 1.9 for Nova-T and 5.0 for Copper-T. This difference in efficacy was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Copper-T had a lower expulsion rate (p < 0.05) in the total series but not in postmenstrual insertions. Differences between the two devices in other termination rates were not statistically significant. Analysis according to age and parity demonstrated that the pregnancy rate of Nova-T was lower than that of Copper-T in every age and parity group. The pregnancy rate of Nova-T was not affected by age or parity whereas the pregnancy rate and the expulsion rate of Copper-T decreased with increasing age and parity. The removal rate because of infection decreased markedly after the first year of use for both devices. The cumulative rate of removals for infection during the three years of use was not significantly correlated to age and there was no correlation to parity. The continuation rates increased with age and parity. The continuation rates of nulli- and primiparous women were almost identical with both devices and lower than continuation rates of women with 2 or three or more children. Only 11% of the women were lost to follow-up during 36 months. Nova-T had superior effectiveness in preventing undesired pregnancies when compared with Copper-T. The performance of Nova-T is less affected by age and parity than the performance of Copper-T. The silver core in copper wire gives a prolongation of the life-span for Nova-T. For these reasons, Nova-T appears to meet the requirements for an ideal IUD.  相似文献   

对于过度上涨的医疗费用实施适度控制是医疗保险制度改革的目标之一 ,也是各级医疗保障部门在实际工作中的难点。从近期来看 ,过高的医疗费用会使刚刚建立而没有积累的医疗保险基金无法实现收支平衡的目标。从长期来看 ,医疗保险的筹资与职工工资收入水平同步变动 ,而医疗费用增长远远超出社会经济和工资收入增长速度 ,在这种情况下 ,任何医疗保险方案都将面临收不抵支的风险。为了化解经济低速增长与费用高速增长之间的矛盾 ,促进医疗保障体制的持续、平稳运作 ,必须大力推进“三项改革” ,建立医疗卫生、药品监督与医疗保障三部门密切合作…  相似文献   

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