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于君是我出访韩国时认识的一个女孩,当时她是中韩整形交流会的韩方接待。在我眼里,她是一个不折不扣的美女:身材高挑,曲线分明,凹凸有致,清纯气质中隐含一丝妖娆的性感。在韩国她成了我形影不离的姐妹,我们每每要工作到夜里12点,但她照样为我筹划了三更夜购首尔东大门的活动,并带我去参加她韩国朋友的午夜聚会。待在一起的时间长了,少不了要打听她的美丽之道,结果她告诉我她也是人工美女,只不过她这个人工美女有些与众不同……  相似文献   

1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料32例 ,男 18例 ,女 14例。年龄 5 2~ 19岁 ,平均 36岁。2 0例为外伤后外鼻歪斜 ,余 12例系发育异常所致。均伴有鼻中隔偏曲 ,其中高位骨部偏曲 8例 ,软骨部C型偏曲伴骨部嵴突 10例 ,S型偏曲 9例 ,鼻中隔软骨和筛骨垂直板中部向一侧严重偏曲 5例。根据王积恩等[1 ] 的分型方法 ,C型歪鼻 14例 ,S型歪鼻 8例 ,侧斜型歪鼻 10例。1.2 手术方法1.2 .1 麻醉 :采用局部浸润麻醉 ,加 1%地卡因棉片表面麻醉 ,鼻中隔两侧仍需局部浸润麻醉。1.2 .2 切口 :根据歪鼻类型不同采用以下两种切口 ,C型歪鼻者可在偏曲凹面侧…  相似文献   

提起隆胸、改脸形之类外科整形术,大家都知道要谨慎从事;而对于文眉、文眼线或文唇,爱美女子却往往掉以轻心,呼期引伴上美容院说做就做。其实,美容文饰术是一项技术性很强的医疗美容项目,做得不好不仅不能增添美丽,反而可能造成丑容、毁容!  相似文献   

单侧唇裂二期人中整形术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们自 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年用自行设计的手术方法行单侧唇裂二期人中整形术 5例 ,效果良好。1 临床资料本组 5例 ,男 4例 ,女 1例。年龄 7~ 33岁 ,平均年龄17 2岁。共同临床特征是 :单侧唇裂术后 ,人中凹不明显 ,患侧无人中嵴 ,上唇患侧低平 ,欠丰满。2 方法术前设计如图 1(以下三角瓣法的手术瘢痕举例图示 ,其它修复术式的二期人中整形亦按此设计 ) :AB为健侧人中嵴 ,A′B′为与AB相对称的预形成的患侧人中嵴。采用双侧眶下孔阻滞麻醉。按照一期手术切口瘢痕 (C)切开患侧鼻底至唇弓缘的皮肤层 ,再将两侧唇峰间的唇弓缘切开 ,使两处…  相似文献   

睑袋整形术常见并发症的预防   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
睑袋的出现是面部老化的标志之一。睑袋整形手术常见的并发症有睑外翻、下睑沟凹陷、皮肤瘀血青紫、双侧不对称、复视等。这些并发症的发生,严重影响了睑袋整形术的效果,给医患双方造成了很大的心理压力。我们自1989年10月至2002年4月共施睑袋整形术235例,未发生严重并发症,现报告如下。  相似文献   

再次隆鼻术23例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

乳房真皮帽在巨乳、垂乳整形术中的应用   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
目的 探讨乳房真皮帽在巨乳缩小和垂乳上提中的塑形、固定和调整作用。方法 按乳房肥大和下垂程度设计适当大小的真皮帽,切除内、上、外方多余的乳腺组织,保留中心雏形腺体蒂,利用其顶部的真皮帽包裹、调整、塑形、固定剩余的乳腺组织,在关闭皮肤切口前重塑一圆形、凸起的乳房。结果 本组27例53个乳房全部效果满意,无任何并发症。结论 在巨乳缩小和垂乳上提中,用真皮帽进行塑形、固定和调整,可以形成更为挺拔、柔韧和富有动感的乳房,效果持久、可靠。  相似文献   

采用Ariyan介绍的垂直窄下蒂瓣法,进行乳房缩小整形术8例,效果满意。本法避免了传统的双蒂法及上蒂法手术由于上蒂折叠造成的局部臃肿,乳头乳晕区静脉淤滞等缺点。  相似文献   

眉弓轮廓过突改形术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 介绍眉弓轮廓过突的改形方法。方法 采用头皮冠状切口,以微型来复锯将前额骨过突部外板截除,并磨改重塑眶上嵴和眶外侧缘,临床应用共16例。结果 16例均获满意效果,12例求术者随访3~12个月,无复发和骨质增生。眉弓前突消失,前额角、鼻额角正常,前额-鼻曲线流畅。结论 该手术方法不仅简单、可靠、安全,而且眉弓轮廓改善明显。  相似文献   

从古至今,人们从未放弃对完美的追求,无论是在运动场上亦或手术台上。美胸风潮早已不再新鲜,当又一波低腰劲风吹过,满火街紧绷绷的低腰裤,可爱性感的短裙,无不鼓起人们对于美臀的向往和渴望。如果你羡慕珍妮佛·洛佩兹的性感美臀,却又实在缺乏先天条件,NO PROBLEM,整形外科医生可以帮你实现美臀梦想。  相似文献   

丰臀手术在南美洲及中美洲开展较多,通常采用的丰臀术式有自体真皮脂肪瓣转移术、假体丰臀术与自体脂肪注射丰臀术三种。目前丰臀手术在我国开展较少,本文针对臀部美学、相关解剖、术式选择与手术并发症综述如下。  相似文献   

Twenty patients sustaining gunshot wounds (GSW) to the buttocks (including one shotgun wound) were treated at two affiliated institutions during the last 5 years. Male patients predominated nine to one. Fifteen patients with extraperitoneal injuries had a benign course. One underwent negative exploratory laparotomy based upon positive physical findings. The remaining five patients had clinical abdominal findings consistent with severe intra-abdominal injuries (four organs per patient). Although the morbidity was high, there was no mortality in this series. Careful analysis of a bullet's trajectory will allow detection of a possible intraabdominal component of this type of injury, mandating early surgical management.  相似文献   

Beautiful buttocks: characteristics and surgical techniques   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors describe four characteristics that determine attractive buttocks in addition to the balanced anatomical dimensions of the maximal point of gluteal projection. Based on this information, defects of the gluteal region can be classified into five types.The most appropriate size and shape of gluteal implants and the proper surgical technique for gluteal augmentation can be chosen by first identifying the buttock type ofa patient. The proposed method of buttock classification helps achieve a gluteal contour that closely matches the standard of beauty.  相似文献   

Fat grafting of the buttocks and lower limbs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article presents the senior author's experience in fat grafting for the treatment of contour deformities of the buttocks and lower limbs. This method has been termedliposculpture and consists in removal of adipose tissue by cannula and syringe and cleaning of the aspirated material with saline. All external contact is thus carefully avoided, preventing contamination. Fat grafting is done in multiple tunnels in a deep plane. Total of 140 patients were treated over the last 5 years and results were considered uniformly satisfactory. Fat absorption was estimated by clinical evaluation to be less than 20% volume. A low rate of complications (less than 3%) supports the authors' opinion that this is an efficient and safe procedure to correct or enhance contour deformities of the lower limbs.  相似文献   

We report a case of a 50-year-old man with multiple glomus tumors of the chest wall and buttocks. He was admitted to our hospital because of right chest pain for 10 years. The chest pain was lancinating and gradually increasing. A computed tomography (CT) showed a mass in the right 3rd intercostal space and a mass in the right buttocks. The chest tumor was enhanced with contrast medium on chest CT. Two tumors were resected completely including the 4th rib. Histological examination showed numerous vascular space lined with sheets of epithelial cells (glomus cells), so they were diagnosed as glomus tumor. The postoperative course was well, and the pain disappeared after resection. The glomus tumor of chest wall could be diagnosed as malignant tumor, based on the criteria of the size more than 2 cm and deep location. The glomus tumors which occurred in the chest wall and buttocks were very rare. We presented the case with reference to the literature.  相似文献   

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