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Autoimmune inflammation secondary to myelin destruction may play an inhibitory role in restoration of nerve functions in spinal cord injury (SCI). In this study, we demonstrated that T cells recognizing myelin basic protein (MBP) occurred at a high precursor frequency in patients with SCI, which was compatible to that in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease of presumed autoimmune pathology. The findings suggest of hyperactivity of MBP-reactive T cells in patients with SCI. MBP-reactive T cell lines derived from patients with SCI exhibited a preferential recognition pattern toward the 81-99 and the 151-169 regions of MBP. There were functional differences in the epitope recognition and cytokine profile between two panels of MBP-reactive T cell lines derived from patients with SCI and patients with MS. The study provides new evidence important for further investigation of the role of the inflammatory component in SCI.  相似文献   

Although the primary cause of multiple sclerosis (MS) is unclear, evidence supports a role for autoimmune attack of myelin by T lymphocytes. However, it has been difficult to relate patterns of autoimmunity to pathogenesis. In mouse models, the case has been made for relapsing and remitting disease driven by epitope spread: an initial lesion leads to presentation of central nervous system antigens, in turn triggering the next wave of autoimmune T cells of different specificity, the response thus broadening. Few studies have been done to determine whether these events could be important over the longer time scale of human disease. We compared T cell responses with a panel of myelin epitopes in clinically isolated syndrome patients with a first attack, patients with MS with a mean disease duration of 0.95 years, and patients with MS having a mean disease duration of 15.9 years. T cells from patients with long-term disease recognize more myelin epitopes than patients with recent-onset disease. The epitope myelin basic protein 131-149, in particular, was more commonly recognized by patients with long-term disease. The data support the notion that the T cell response in MS broadens with time and is thus implicated in the ongoing pathogenic process. However, there was no clear correlation between disease severity and number of epitopes recognized. This may argue against a simple causal role of epitope spread in driving progression, as has been suggested in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered as an immune process influenced by genetic and environmental factors. HLA-DR2 and -DR4 have been documented to be associated with MS. The HLA-dependent differences of immune response to myelin and other antigens might point out some relevant mechanisms in MS development The responses to myelin antigens and to PPD have been compared in 21 MS patients and 25 healthy controls (HCs) by primary proliferation and by short-term T-cell lines. There was a significantly higher response to MBP in DR2+ HCs compared to MS patients (SI: 5.9 versus 1.5, p = 0.02). In short-term T-cell lines, we observed a higher response to PLP30-49 in both DR4+ HCs and MS patients This response was significantly more frequent in DR4+ MS patients (34.6%) than both DR2+ MS patients (0%, p = 0.0001) and DR4+ HCs (7.7%, p = 0.001). The comparison between DR2+ and DR4+ MS patients has revealed that the response to MBP was also increased in DR4+ (p = 0.02). Among DR4+ groups, an increased PPD response was detected in HCs compared to MS (65.2% versus 33.3%, p = 0.01). These results may indicate that HLA-related differences to specific and recall antigens are detectable in MS and these differences may have implications in the disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Myelin basic protein (MBP), a candidate autoantigen in multiple sclerosis (MS), exists in different isoforms and charge isomers generated by differential splicing of exons and by a combination of posttranslational modifications, respectively. These various isoforms and charge isomers of MBP vary in abundance and most likely serve different functions during myelinogenesis and remyelination. The least cationic among the charge isomers of MBP is citrullinated and is referred to as MBP-C8. MBP-C8 is relatively increased in the population of MBP isomers in more developmentally immature myelin and in MS brain tissue. In a previous study, we found that MBP-C8-reactive T cells could be detected in CD4+ T cell lines (TCL) generated with MBP from both MS patients and normal controls. Here, we examined the frequency and peptide specificity of MBP-C8-specific TCL generated with MBP-C8 in MS patients and controls. Ten subjects grouped in five sets, each an MS patient and a control, were studied. In all cases, the MS patient had either a higher overall number of MBP-C8-responding lines, responded with greater sensitivity to the MBP-C8 antigen or both. Few lines responded to the MBP-C8 peptides but, if they did, they appeared to be specific to the carboxyl-half of the MBP-C8 molecule. Given the large amounts of citrullinated MBP in MS brain tissue, a preferential T cell response to MBP-C8 may be involved in the induction and perpetuation of this disease. Multiple Sclerosis (2000) 6 220 - 225  相似文献   

A new scale for evaluating disability in multiple sclerosis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
KURTZKE JF 《Neurology》1955,5(8):580-583

Myelin proteins, including myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) are candidate autoantigens in MS. It is not clear whether MS patients show a predominant reactivity to one or several myelin antigens. We evaluated the IFN-gamma production induced by MBP and MOG and selected MBP-, MOG- and PLP-peptides in MS patients and healthy controls using the IFN-gamma ELISPOT assay. Most MS patients and healthy controls showed a heterogeneous anti-myelin T-cell reactivity. Interestingly in MS patients a positive correlation was found between the anti-MOG and anti-MBP T-cell responses. No myelin peptide was preferentially recognized among the peptides tested (MBP 84-102, 143-168, MOG 1-22, 34-56, 64-86, 74-96, PLP 41-58, 184-199, 190-209). In addition the frequency of IL2R+ MBP reactive T-cells was significantly increased in blood of MS patients as compared with healthy subjects, indicating that MBP reactive T-cells exist in an in vivo activated state in MS patients. Most of the anti-MBP T-cells were of the Th1-type because reactivity was observed in IFN-gamma but not in IL-4 ELISPOT-assays. Using Th1 (IL-12) and Th2 (IL-4) promoting conditions we observed that the cytokine secretion pattern of anti-MBP T-cells still is susceptible to alteration. Our data further indicate that precursor frequency analysis of myelin reactive T-cells by proliferation-based assays may underestimate the true frequency of myelin specific T-cells significantly.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the stability of the myelin basic protein (MBP)-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire during the course of multiple sclerosis (MS) in three patients who were monitored for three years by gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Bulk-culture T-cell lines (TCLs) were generated from 3–4 time points for each patient, including times of active and quiescent disease. TCR analysis of these TCLs indicated that both the Vα and Vβ usage was similar over time for each patient. Sequencing of TCRs demonstrated conserved complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) sequences within TCLs that expressed the same Vα segment over time, although the Jα usage was different for each TCR. This indicates that the population of MBP-reactive T-cells is changing during the course of MS, but that host and/or environmental factors may be selecting T-cells with particular MHC/peptide binding domains.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis affects more women than men. The reasons for this are unknown. Previously, we have shown significant differences in women versus men in inflammatory cytokine responses to the major protein component of myelin, proteolipid protein (PLP), which is thought to be a target in MS patients. Here, using the ELISPOT assay, we examined sex differences in single-cell secretion of Th1 and Th2 cytokines from freshly isolated PBMC between relapsing remitting (RR) MS patients and healthy individuals. Cells were stimulated with MS-associated antigens including proteolipid protein (PLP), myelin basic protein (MBP), myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), and non-disease related antigens. Our data show a sex bias in the cytokine responses to multiple MS-relevant myelin antigens: Women with MS show IFNgamma-skewed responses and men with MS show IL-5-skewed responses. These data extend our previous findings [Pelfrey, C.M., Cotleur, A.C., Lee, J.C., Rudick, R.A. 2002. Sex differences in cytokine responses to myelin peptides in multiple sclerosis. J. Neuroimmunol. 130, 211-223.]: (1) by demonstrating gender skewing in cytokine responses to an expanded myelin antigen repertoire, which includes MBP, MOG and PLP; (2) by showing TNFalpha and IL-10 do not display comparable gender skewing compared to IFNgamma and IL5; (3) by defining the patient population as early, untreated RRMS patients to avoid confounding factors, such as different disease stages/disability and immunomodulatory therapy; and (4) by showing HLA type does not appear to underlie the gender differences. These findings may explain increased susceptibility to MS in women and could contribute to the differences in disease severity between men and women.  相似文献   

Many autoimmune diseases preferentially affect women; however, the underlying mechanisms for the sex differences are poorly understood. We examined sex-dependent differences in the immunologic response to myelin proteins in 22 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and 22 healthy controls. Using ELISA spot assay (ELISPOT) methodology, interferon (IFN) gamma and IL-5 secretions were examined at the single cell level in response to overlapping proteolipid protein (PLP) peptides. As previously reported, we observed an overall disease effect in the IFNgamma response, such that MS patients were significantly higher than controls. With respect to PLP-induced IFNgamma secretion, both MS and control females responded higher than their corresponding males. Female MS patients demonstrated the highest responses compared to MS males or healthy controls of either sex. Although MS females had high IFNgamma responses to PLP, they had no IL-5 responses at all, suggesting strong Th1 skewing. In contrast, MS males had more IL-5 than control males, who lacked IL-5 responses. These IL-5 responses suggested that disease and gender are not independent, but rather interact to influence the cytokine response to myelin. The data suggest a gender bias towards Th1 responses in MS, which may contribute to the female predominance in this disease.  相似文献   

A highly efficient new method for the generation of antigen specific T cell lines (TCL) is now available. By this method we established 134 myelin basic protein (MBP) TCL from the peripheral blood of 9 patients with definite multiple sclerosis (n=69) and 8 healthy donors (n=65). The yield of MBP reactive TCL in the two groups was comparable. So far 22 MBP specific TCL from 7 patients and 24 from 7 healthy individuals have been tested for their proliferative response to a panel of four synthetic peptides representing MBP residues 7–26, 80–99, 139–153 and 148–162. Although the peptide sequences did not encompass the whole MBP, the pattern of reactivity to these peptides in patients and controls seems to be similar. Further, when multiple TCL from the same donor were analysed, no dominant recognition emerged. Paper presented at the National Congress at Sorrento in 1991 and selected by the Editorial Board of the Journal  相似文献   

The relationship between autoreactivity to myelin antigens and disease progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) is not fully understood. We addressed this relationship by cross-sectionally comparing an objective measure of MS disability with immune cytokine responses to myelin proteins. The ELISPOT assay was used to determine the ex vivo interferon gamma (IFNgamma) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in response to peptides spanning the entire proteolipid protein (PLP) and myelin basic protein (MBP) molecules in 20 patients with relapsing-remitting (RR) MS and 27 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. MS patients showed significantly higher MBP-induced IFNgamma responses and PLP-induced IL-10 responses compared with healthy controls. Using the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite (MSFC), a new multifactorial measure of disability, MS patients showed a significant correlation between the IFNgamma response to PLP peptides and MBP peptides, and disability. In contrast, in MS patients, there was no correlation between the MSFC and the response to unrelated control antigens or mitogens. These data show that myelin-specific T lymphocytes secreting the inflammatory cytokine IFNgamma correlate with functional impairment in MS, supporting an antigen-specific link between the immune response to myelin and disability in MS.  相似文献   

We analyzed the sera of 51 patients with various phenotypes of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), 20 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and 22 healthy volunteers for the presence of autoantibodies specific for the recombinant extracellular immunoglobulin-like domain of human myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (rhMOG(Igd)) and myelin basic protein (MBP). Anti-rhMOG(Igd) autoantibodies were significantly more frequent in X-ALD and MS patients as opposed to healthy individuals (p<0.05). Anti-MBP autoantibodies were present in about one-fourth of X-ALD and MS patients but in less than 10% of healthy individuals. Anti-rhMOG(Igd) autoantibody responses were not accompanied by increased T cell reactivity against rhMOG(Igd). These findings may have important implications for the understanding of humoral anti-myelin immunoreactivity in demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system such as X-ALD and MS.  相似文献   

Autoreactive T cells recognizing myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP) and MBP peptides have been described in multiple sclerosis (MS) and optic neuritis (ON), but their role in disease pathogenesis, if any, is unknown. A consistency of the T cell repertoire over the course of MS and ON should facilitate the development of specific immunotherapies. We have examined the T cell responses to autoantigens in two consecutive blood specimens taken from patients with ON and MS, and in two consecutive CSF specimens obtained from ON patients. As read-out numbers of T cells responding to antigen stimulation by the secretion of interferon-γ were estimated. Pronounced differences in occurrence and numbers of T cells recognizing MBP, MBP peptides with the amino acid sequences 63–88, 110–128 and 148–165, and PLP were noticed in individual ON and MS patients over the course of disease. The MBP peptide among those three included, that was predominantly recognized by T cells in the individual patient, also varied over the course. The quantitative and qualitative changes of the myelin antigen-specific T cell response in MS and in ON, the latter to a certain extent reflecting the situation in early MS, do not favor the future useful development of specific immunotherapies in these diseases.  相似文献   

Identification of the causative agent of multiple sclerosis (MS) has long eluded investigators and has become the "Holy Grail" of researchers in the field. The immune response in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with MS, indicated by an increased IgG level and the presence of specific oligoclonal bands after electrophoresis, strongly parallels that found in various infectious diseases of the central nervous system. To understand the nature of B-lymphocyte activation in MS, 4 laboratories studied the antigen-binding regions of antibodies found in MS brain demyelinative plaques and cerebrospinal fluid. Each analysis revealed (1) limited germline expression, results not expected for a random bystander response; (2) features consistent with a specific antigen-targeted process; and (3) the clonal expansion of populations of B lymphocytes in MS. The screening of libraries expressing protein products derived from chronic MS plaque messenger RNA with antibodies purified from plaques, cerebrospinal fluid, or serum of patients with MS has thus far not revealed the antigenic target(s) of the MS antibody response. Because putative MS antigens could be in low abundance, the screening of large libraries of random peptides expressed on phage surfaces might offer an alternative approach to identify peptide sequences recognized by MS antibodies. New sophisticated molecular immunologic techniques described herein should enhance our ability to identify putative antigen(s) targets in MS.  相似文献   

In multiple sclerosis (MS), induction of T cell apoptosis constitutes a promising therapeutic strategy. Recently, bisindolylmaleimide has been shown to be an effective treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, presumably due to enhancement of CD95-mediated T cell apoptosis. Therefore, we studied the effects of bisindolylmaleimide on human (auto)antigen-specific T cells. We observed a synergistic effect of bisindolylmaleimide with apoptotic stimulus assessed via caspase activity and annexin V-binding, but no potentiation of DNA fragmentation or cell death. Thus, bisindolylmaleimide might be useful for modulating T cell apoptosis, yet more potent substances have to be generated re-establishing immunological control over auto-reactive T cells.  相似文献   

Studies on the in vivo effects of interferon-beta (IFNbeta) therapy on autoreactive T cells have never been carried out in multiple sclerosis (MS). We investigated the T cell response to myelin basic protein (MBP), before and after IFN-beta therapy, raising MBP-specific T cell lines (TCL) from the peripheral blood of six MS patients with a satisfactory response to the treatment. IFNbeta did not affect the relative frequency and epitope specificity of the TCL. After IFNbeta therapy, the production of interleukin-4 was decreased in MBP-stimulated TCL while the secretion of interferon-gamma was increased in unstimulated TCL. Interleukin-10 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha did not show significant variations. This finding supports recent suggestions about the complexity of the T helper 1/T helper 2 paradigm in MS and other organ-specific autoimmune diseases. In fact, the beneficial effects of IFNbeta do not exclude an immunostimulatory action that may involve potentially autoreactive T cells. This has implications for future treatment options, including combination therapies.  相似文献   

We have investigated the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) involves an autoimmune T cell response to P0 and P2 proteins of peripheral nerve myelin. The proliferative responses of blood mononuclear cells (MNC) to myelin proteins and synthetic peptides derived from them were determined in patients with GBS and chronic idiopathic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), normal controls (NC) and patients with other neuropathies (ONP). Twelve out of 19 GBS patients responded to P0 or P2, 6 to P0 and its peptides only, 3 to P2 and its peptides only, and 3 to both P0 and P2 antigens. Responses to at least one of the antigens were also found in 6/13 of CIDP patients, but in only 4/17 NC and 2/6 ONP. Immune responses in GBS are heterogeneous. The early T cell responses to P0 protein, described here for the first time, may be important in the pathogenesis of some cases.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease of the central nervous system with a presumed autoimmune pathogenesis involving autoantigen-specific CD4+ T cells and cytokines. A similar frequency of T cells responding to myelin basic protein (MBP), a putative target in MS, has been observed in MS patients and controls. To dissect the differences between MBP-specific T cells in patients and controls, we have analyzed the cytokine secretion profile of such autoreactive T cells. MBP-specific T cell clones (TCC) were isolated from the peripheral blood of MS patients and controls by limiting dilution. Expression of mRNA for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin (IL)-4, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) was assessed by polymerase chain reaction whereas secretion of cytokine protein was measured by ELISA. MBP-specific TCC exhibited a heterogeneous cytokine secretion profile with clones displaying Th1, Th2 and Th0 phenotypes. A significant difference in the distribution of the cytokine profile was noted between MS patients and controls. Although the frequency of Th1 secreting MBP-reactive TCC was similar between MS patients and controls, stable MS patients had a significant association with the Th0 phenotype whereas healthy individuals were associated with the Th2 phenotype. In comparison to control TCC, MBP-specific TCC from MS patients secreted increased amounts of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-10 and decreased quantities of TGF-beta. Thus, these studies suggest that there is a dysregulation in the balance between pro-inflammatory Th1 and anti-inflammatory Th2 cytokines in MS. It appears that the presence of Th1 secreting autoreactive T cells in healthy individuals may be counterbalanced by the presence of cells secreting Th2 cytokines and by the augmented production of the immunosuppressive cytokine TGF-beta, whereas in MS there is a decrease in these anti-inflammatory agents.  相似文献   

The identification of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) as a target for autoantibody-mediated demyelination in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) resulted in the re-evaluation of the role of B cell responses to myelin autoantigens in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. MOG is a central nervous system specific myelin glycoprotein that is expressed preferentially on the outermost surface of the myelin sheath. Although MOG is only a minor component of CNS myelin it is highly immunogenic, inducing severe EAE in both rodents and primates. In rat and marmoset models of MOG-induced EAE demyelination is antibody-dependent and reproduces the immunopathology seen in many cases of MS. In contrast, in mice inflammation in the CNS can result in demyelination in the absence of a MOG-specific B cell response, although if present this will enhance disease severity and demyelination. Clinical studies indicate that autoimmune responses to MOG are enhanced in many CNS diseases and implicate MOG-specific B cell responses in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. This review provides a summary of our current understanding of MOG as a target autoantigen in EAE and MS, and addresses the crucial question as to how immune tolerance to MOG may be maintained in the healthy individual.  相似文献   

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