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Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach is extremely rare. To date, only 80 cases have been reported. A 65-year-old man with complaints of epigastric pain and cachexia for the past year is presented. He had a tumour with infiltration of the corpus and antrum of the stomach. The tumour was unresectable, and the patient died within 3 months.  相似文献   

Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cancer. Although most patients with primary cutaneous SCC have an excellent prognosis, for those with metastatic disease, the long-term prognosis is poor. The most common sites of metastasis are regional lymph nodes, lung, liver, brain, skin, and bone. However, metastatic soft tissue SCC from cutaneous lesions is extremely rare, with only two reported cases. We report a case in which the patient had a primary SCC lesion on his left palm in 1986. A second primary SCC on his left forearm was confirmed in 2001, with subsequent metastasis to the proximal muscles and bone invasion in spite of the initial wide excision.  相似文献   

Laryngeal sarcocystosis is an uncommon zoonotic coccidian protozoal infestation of human beings. The authors reviewed the pathology of 1,063 laryngeal biopsies over the past 10 years (2000 to 2009). Only one case of laryngeal sarcocystosis accompanying laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma was identified. The overall prevalence of laryngeal sarcocystosis was 0.094%. The case was a 66-year-old man who presented with voice hoarseness for six months. Physical examination and computed tomography revealed an ulcerative exophytic mass on the right true vocal cord, suggestive of laryngeal carcinoma. He underwent a right frontolateral partial laryngectomy. Histopathology showed a nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma with Sarcocystis spp in the vocalis muscle. He was followed up and enrolled in speech therapy. The authors briefly review the clinicopathologic features and pathogenesis of muscular sarcocystosis and concurrent laryngeal sarcocystosis and squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

肺癌患者发生结肠转移非常罕见,患者一般无典型症状,晚期可出现腹痛、消化道出血、梗阻、穿孔等症状,并发症和死亡率较高,短期预后差。本中心报道一位63岁男性患者,以"间断咳嗽和右下腹隐痛"就诊,诊断肺鳞状细胞癌并纵隔淋巴结转移和结肠寡转移,经过PD-1免疫治疗,症状改善明显,目前仍在治疗和随访中。  相似文献   

吴卫华  穆晶  仝丽  刘喆 《国际呼吸杂志》2011,31(16):1225-1227
目的 提高对原发性肺癌消化道转移的认识。方法 报道1例原发性肺鳞癌回肓部转移的病例,并对肺癌胃肠道转移相关文献进行复习。结果56岁男性,突发右下腹疼痛伴咳嗽、咯痰,发现头顶部肿物1个月。以“急腹症”为首症就诊,手术病理证实为回盲部鳞癌、癌性穿孔,经支气管镜活检确诊为肺鳞癌,同时合并多部位转移。结论肺癌胃肠道转移较为少见...  相似文献   

A case of a 75 year-old male with primary squamous cell carcinoma of the stomach is reported. It is extremely rare to see squamous cell carcinoma developing in the stomach, without being accompanied by a component of adenocarcinoma. Up to the present, 18 Japanese and 62 Western cases of this type of carcinoma have been reported in the literature. The origin of this malignancy has not been well elucidated yet and thus, several plausible hypotheses have been proposed. In this presented case, the tumor consisted of only squamous cell carcinoma and the focus of squamous metaplasia was not found histologically in the adjacent mucosa. Therefore, it may be considered that the carcinoma arises from misplaced squamous cell nests of the stomach.  相似文献   

Rationale:Metastases to the duodenum in cervical squamous cell carcinoma are extremely rare, with only 7 cases reported in the published English literature.Patient concerns:We present the case of a 66-year-old woman with duodenal metastasis of cervical squamous cell carcinoma who presented with nausea and vomiting within the past 12 days.Diagnosis:Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed a circular narrowed 2nd part of the duodenum with congested and edematous mucosa, which was biopsied for a suspected neoplastic lesion. The pathological diagnosis indicated squamous cell carcinoma identical to the original tumor, confirming duodenal metastasis.Interventions:The patient received total parenteral nutrition on admission, but symptoms of jaundice soon appeared in the following week, suggesting infiltration of carcinoma into the common bile duct. After percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage was performed, jaundice eased in the following 3 days, and an uncovered self-expandable metallic stent was subsequently inserted into the stenosis of 2nd and 3rd part of the duodenum. Subsequently, the patient''s diet quickly resumed.Outcomes:The patient refused further intervention and was discharged home to continue palliative care at the local hospital.Lessons:Clinicians should be alert to patients’ past medical history to ensure that duodenal metastasis of other tumors is considered in the differential diagnosis. For endoscopists, awareness of such patterns of duodenal stenosis is vital for the accurate recognition of such infrequent diseases.  相似文献   

顾晨鹃  项轶  李敏 《国际呼吸杂志》2012,32(15):1150-1153
目的 分析肺透明细胞癌的临床特征、影像学表现及病理诊断要点.方法 报告1例经肺活检病理确诊的肺透明细胞癌病例,并结合文献资料对该病的临床特征、影像学表现及病理诊断要点进行分析.结果 本例患者为女性,45岁,以反复咳嗽2个月为首发症状,胸部CT示两肺多发结节灶合并肺门及纵隔淋巴结肿大,胸腔镜下肺活检病理确诊为原发性肺透明细胞癌.近20年国内外文献报道肺透明细胞癌病例仅27例,其中男性18例,女性9例,平均年龄(55±11)岁.临床表现主要为咳嗽(16/27)、胸痛(12/27)、咯血(10/27).影像学表现以周围型单发结节或团块影多见(22/27),病灶直径0.5~11 cm.该病罕见,属大细胞癌的变异型;确诊多依赖开胸肺组织病理活检,免疫组织化学染色有助于鉴别.结论 肺透明细胞癌的临床表现无特异性;影像学表现以肺部单发结节或团块影多见,亦可为两肺多发和弥漫型;确诊依赖肺组织病理活检,免疫组织化学染色有助于鉴别.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDPancreatic metastases from squamous cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) are unusual. These lesions are often asymptomatic and detected incidentally or during follow-up investigations, occasionally several years after removal of the primary tumor.CASE SUMMARYA 56-year-old male with SCLC developed jaundice 1 mo after the cancer diagnosis. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan showed a mass in the pancreatic head with distention of both intra- and extrahepatic biliary ducts. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and sphincterotomy were performed first, culminating with plastic biliary stent placement. Cytological examination of the pancreatic mass sample collected by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) under endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) guidance revealed the presence of malignant cells compatible with well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. After liver function normalized, chemotherapy was initiated with carboplatin and paclitaxel; however, 4 d later, the patient presented dysphagia. Cervico-thoraco-abdominal CT showed tracheoesophageal fistula and stent migration. After replacement with a 10 cm/10 mm uncovered metallic biliary stent and treatment of the tracheoesophageal fistula with a fully covered esophageal stent, the patient was able to start oral feeding progressively. He died 9 mo after the initial diagnosis.CONCLUSIONThe diagnosis of pancreatic metastasis from SCLC is challenging for clinicians. EUS-FNA is the primary exam for confirmatory diagnosis.  相似文献   

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a rare neoplasm in the colorectum. A case of SCC rising from an area of squamous metaplasia in the rectum is presented in a patient with long-standing ulcerative colitis and perianal warts. This is the first report in the literature describing the evolution of squamous metaplasia in the colonic mucosa into invasive carcinoma over time. Related literature on colorectal SCC and squamous metaplasia, and their relationships with inflammatory bowel disease and human papilloma virus, is reviewed.  相似文献   

Clear cell hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an uncommon variant of HCC. It is considered to have a better prognosis than non-clear cell HCC, but recent large studies show that there is some controversy. DNA image cytometry reveals diploid and non-diploid DNA content tumors that have different pleomorphisms and mitosis corresponding to different prognoses. Clear cell HCC is classified as focal or diffuse. Herein, we report a rare case of a 61-year-old male with two adjacent hyper- and hypoechoic hepatic nodules and an alpha-fetoprotein concentration of 6,370 ng/mL. Pathologic examination of a specimen obtained during wedge hepatectomy showed both clear cell and non-clear cell HCC. Bone metastasis was later found. We suggest that a patient with clear cell HCC should be followed up closely after complete resection.  相似文献   

Primary squamous cell carcinomas of the stomach represent a rare entity. Since the first report in 1895 by R?rig et al. (1) only 80 cases have been published. These reports show a peak incidence in the sixth decade of life and preference of male gender (5:1). We report the case of a 61-year-old patient who presented with anemia and weight loss due to a large tumor of the gastric wall with adhesion to the pancreatic tail. After radical regional "en bloc" gastrectomy, splenectomy and pancreatic tail resection, the diagnosis of primary gastric squamous cell carcinoma could be confirmed, since the esophageal wall and the pancreatic tail were not infiltrated and extragastric squamous cell primaries could be excluded. After postoperative irradiation of the upper abdominal area, the patient developed a single liver metastasis in the left hepatic lobe that decreased with polychemotherapy. It was resected half a year later. Due mainly to advanced tumor stages, survival after surgical resection is poor. However, adjuvant radio and chemotherapy have resulted in survival rates of more than 3 years in reported cases, as in the present case. Five years after the diagnosis was established the patient is free of recurrence and without any complaint. Pathophysiological features, therapy and outcome are discussed by reviewing the cases reported in world literature.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle metastasis from esophageal squamous cell carcinoma is an unusual entity. A 72-year-old man underwent a subtotal esophagectomy for advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Mediastinal lymph node metastases developed 36 months after operation, and the patient received chemoradiotherapy. He complained about two painful, subcutaneous masses in the upper part of the left arm at 3 months after the end of chemoradiotherapy. Histopathological examination of tissue specimens obtained by explorative surgery showed skeletal muscle metastases from poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The patient died of multiple metastases 7 months after chemoradiotherapy. This is considered a very rare case of metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus to the triceps muscle of the left arm.  相似文献   

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is relatively uncommon. It often occurs in healthy, middle-aged women without overt risk factors for atherosclerosis and is associated with the peripartum period. The pattern and severity of presentation are variable. There are only 5 reports in the literature about multivessel involvement. The etiopathogenesis of SCAD is unclear. Treatment strategy is not standard but is usually tailored to clinical features. Long-term survival of patients with SCAD who have had no problem at the initial event is good. The authors report the first case of unhealed chronic multivessel SCAD in the literature.  相似文献   

病例介绍 林某,女,62岁,以“咳嗽伴气短半个月,加重1周”入院。入院前半个月,患者无诱因出现咳嗽,夜间明显,无咳痰,无咯血,无发热。伴气短,无胸痛,无声音嘶哑及饮水呛咳等。曾在大连市第三人民医院行胸部CT检查提示:左肺上叶占位肿块,大小约2.8cm×1.8cm;双肺多发结节;肺门淋巴结肿大,左侧胸腔积液,心包积液。  相似文献   

A 39-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of hemosputum and right neck swelling. Pharyngography, neck CT scan and laryngoscopy revealed moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the right pyriform sinus. After series of examinations, it was found that she had pancytopenia, hypoplastic bone marrow, hyperpigmentation of the skin, cardiac anomaly, small stature, hypogonadism, chromosomal aberrations and consanguinity in her parents. These findings suggested that she was the congenital aplastic anemia, that is Fanconi's anemia, variant form. Although pepleomycin and corticosteroids were administrated for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma and aplastic anemia, she died of cardiovascular shock due to massive hemorrhage. Flow cytometric analysis of squamous cell carcinoma showed an unusual aneuploidy DNA histogram. This is the first report on Fanconi's anemia with squamous cell carcinoma in Japan. It is said that chromosomal aberrations and impairment of DNA cross-links repair may play an important role developing of malignancy in Fanconi's anemia.  相似文献   

腹腔游离体又称“腹腔鼠”,临床少见,诊断较为困难,常在术中偶然发现。本文分析北京医院行腹腔镜手术的1例术后诊断为腹腔游离体(PLB)的高龄患者,并结合文献复习加以总结。我们通过PubMed和知网数据库检索到了文献报道的PLB案例(含本例)共86例,案例年龄从16岁到81岁不等,平均年龄为55岁,其中男性66例(76.7%),女性20例(23.3%);多数患者是无症状或术中偶然发现的,部分以腹痛或腹部不适为主诉就诊,少数可表现为尿频、尿潴留。PLB大多单发存在,占80例(93%),仅6例(7.0%)为多发;术前常误诊断为膀胱结石、胆道结石、畸胎瘤、间质瘤等。术中发现PLB可位于盆腹腔的各种位置,盆腔区最常见为52例(60.5%)。发现PLB时最大径可达20 cm,通常长径大小为1 cm~10 cm。腹部外科相关科室(普外科、泌尿外科、妇产科等)应该重视PLB的临床表现、诊断和治疗,减少因误诊给患者带来的损害。  相似文献   

R E Massine  S J Durning  T M Koroscil 《Thyroid》2001,11(12):1191-1196
Ectopic thyroid tissue may reside anywhere along its embryologic path of descent. Most ectopias manifest as simple thyroglossal duct cysts in conjunction with a normally developed thyroid gland in its usual thyroid cervical bed. Lingual thyroid is a rare developmental abnormality characterized by the failure of the thyroid gland, or remnants, to descend from its embryologic site of origin at the foramen cecum to its usual pretracheal position. Carcinoma arising in a lingual thyroid is even more unusual with fewer than 30 cases reported in the literature. We report the second case of lingual papillary thyroid carcinoma and review the clinical features, natural history, diagnosis, and treatment of lingual thyroid carcinoma.  相似文献   

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