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BACKGROUND: Population-based estimates for the prevalence of smokers receiving advice from a health professional to quit smoking and the prevalence of binge drinkers being talked to about alcohol use are lacking for U.S. adults. This information is useful for clinicians and public health professionals. METHODS: Data are from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a continuous random-digit-dial telephone survey of U.S. adults. In 1997, 10 states collected data on these health interventions for tobacco and alcohol use. The prevalence of professional advice to quit smoking and about alcohol use was calculated and examined by demographic characteristics. The number of at-risk adults who had a routine checkup in the last year and had not received these interventions was also estimated. RESULTS: By self-report, 70% of smokers were advised to quit, and 23% of binge drinkers were talked to about their alcohol use. Using multivariate logistic regression analyses, we found among smokers that women and older persons were more likely to receive advice; among binge drinkers, health intervention was more likely to occur for men and non-Hispanic blacks. Across the 10 states, approximately 2 million smokers and 2 million binge drinkers with a routine checkup in the past 12 months were not advised to quit smoking or talked to about their alcohol use. CONCLUSIONS: Many opportunities to intervene with smokers and binge drinkers are lost. Efforts to increase physician education and to identify and reduce other barriers may help.  相似文献   

Using data from a 1996 random-digit-dialing computer-assisted telephone survey of Ontario adults, 424 smokers and 1,340 nonsmokers were compared regarding knowledge about the health effects of tobacco use, attitudes toward restrictions on smoking and other tobacco control measures, and predictions of compliance with more restrictions. The response rate was 65%. Smokers were less knowledgeable than nonsmokers. Smokers were also less likely to support bans on smoking in specific locations, but majorities of both groups supported some restriction in most settings. Smokers were more likely than nonsmokers to predict that most smokers would comply with more restrictions, and more than three quarters indicated that they, themselves, would comply. Sizable proportions of both groups, especially smokers, failed to appreciate the effectiveness of taxation in reducing smoking. Support for other control measures also differed by smoking status. Both knowledge and smoking status were independently associated with support for more restrictions and other tobacco control policy measures.  相似文献   

Children are one group of people hardly covered by the media. Thus, in many places children’s issues are never reported. This study concludes that the media do not give a significant attention to children’s issues hence a very low reportage. Considering the agenda-setting potential of the media, this situation means children’s issues are never prioritised in public discourse and, consequently, not on the national agenda of policy-makers.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The news media's potential to promote awareness of health issues is established, and media advocacy is now an important tool in combating tobacco use. This study examines newspaper editors' perspectives of tobacco-related issues. DESIGN: This study presents a textual analysis of tobacco-related editorials. The data consist of editorials on tobacco from a sample of 310 U.S. daily newspapers over the course of 1 year (2001). Data were sampled from a random one-third of the days per month, yielding 162 editorials for analysis. A qualitative textual analysis was conducted. Each editorial was coded for theme, position, and frame. We analyzed the topics gaining editorial attention and the arguments made to support various perspectives. RESULTS: Editorials discussed a variety of both positive and negative news events, largely conveying support for tobacco-control objectives. Various organizing frames were used-supporting policy interventions, condemning the industry, highlighting individual rights, and expressing general cynicism were most prevalent. CONCLUSION: Editors largely promoted tobacco-control efforts, particularly policy advances. There was, however, little coverage of key issues such as health effects and addiction-perhaps because they are no longer perceived to be contentious. Advocates should seek to address this area and minimize the cynicism of key media gatekeepers to avoid undermining policy and individual change efforts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Israel has made impressive progress in improving performance on key measures of the quality of health care in the community in recent years. These achievements are all the more notable given Israel's modest overall spending on health care and because they have accrued to virtually the entire population of the country.Health care systems in most developed nations around the world find themselves in a similar position today with respect to health care quality. Despite significantly increased improvement efforts over the past decade, routine safety processes, such as hand hygiene and medication administration, fail routinely at rates of 30% to 50%. People with chronic diseases experience preventable episodes of acute illness that require hospitalization due to medication mix-ups and other failures of outpatient management. Patients continue to be harmed by preventable adverse events, such as surgery on the wrong part of the body and fires in operating theaters. Health care around the world is not nearly as safe as other industries, such as commercial aviation, that have mastered highly effective ways to manage serious hazards.Health care organizations will have to undertake three interrelated changes to get substantially closer to the superlative safety records of other industries: leadership commitment to zero major quality failures, widespread implementation of highly effective process improvement methods, and the adoption of all facets of a culture of safety. Each of these changes represents a major challenge to the way today's health care organizations plan and carry out their daily work. The Israeli health system is in an enviable position to implement these changes. Universal health insurance coverage, the enrolment of the entire population in a small number of health plans, and the widespread use of electronic health records provide advantages available to few other countries.Achieving and sustaining levels of safety comparable to, say, commercial aviation will be a long journey for health care--one we should begin promptly.This is a commentary on http://www.ijhpr.org/content/1/1/3/  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effects of mothers' attitudes and concerns about tobacco use on whether their children take up smoking are largely unknown. This study examined the predictive effects of mothers' attitudes about tobacco and concerns about their children smoking. METHODS: Self-reported data from a large number of 12th-grade students (2,736) and their mothers were used. Mothers' attitudes and concerns were assessed when their children were 3rd graders (age 8), at the start of the smoking acquisition period; their children were then followed prospectively (with attrition of only 5%) for 9 years to the end of the period (12th grade) for the assessment of smoking behavior. RESULTS: In households in which both parents are nonsmokers, strong maternal antismoking attitudes are associated with a statistically significant approximately 50% reduction (P < 0.05) in the prevalence of smoking by adolescent children. In contrast, in households in which one or both parents are current smokers, there was no reduction in adolescent smoking associated with mothers' antismoking attitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal antismoking attitudes when their children are young predict adolescents' adoption of smoking at 12th grade, but only when parental behavior is consistent with these attitudes.  相似文献   

The goal of a therapeutic HIV vaccine is to attenuate HIV disease progression in those already infected. Our objective was to establish comparative efficacy and cost-effectiveness thresholds at which a therapeutic vaccine would make a valuable contribution to HIV care. Using an HIV computer simulation model, we compared therapeutic vaccination with HIV standard of care without vaccination. Input data were obtained from the literature. Base case and sensitivity analyses related to vaccine magnitude, penetrance, durability, and cost. In the base case (0.5 log magnitude, 25% penetrance, 3-year durability, and US$ 4000 per series), vaccination increased quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALE) by 0.50 months compared to no vaccination (cost-effectiveness ratio US$ 89,900 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY)). Increasing vaccine penetrance to 50% increased the projected QALE benefit to 0.91 months (cost-effectiveness ratio US$ 45,500/QALY). Even modestly effective therapeutic HIV vaccines may produce small but meaningful increases in life expectancy and compare favorably to alternative uses of scarce HIV care resources.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the state of health of U.S. children and finds it to be poorer in virtually every way than that of children in other countries. It explores several possible explanations, including population heterogeneity, social (including income) inequality, and inadequacy of the health services system. The latter explanation is found to relate to the underdevelopment of U.S. primary care. In light of the position taken by the World Health Organization regarding the importance of primary care, adopting the recommendations of a new National Research Council/Institute of Medicine report and some changes in health policy could help improve the health of American children.  相似文献   

This paper explores adolescent preferences for the setting, timing, delivery format, provider and key elements of tobacco control programmes. The need for programme sensitivity towards urban/rural, gender and ethnic subgroups is also discussed. Schools were purposively selected from the Southern Cape-Karoo Region, South Africa. Twelve prevention and nine cessation focus group discussions were conducted with Grade 6-8 students and Grade 8-9 smokers and ex-smokers, respectively. Adolescents reported similar preferences for prevention and cessation programmes. Although they were unaware of smoking prevention or cessation programmes, they reported a willingness to participate in such programmes. Programmes should include school-based activities that are supported by out-of-school activities held over weekends and holidays. Non-judgemental and empathetic teachers and peers, as well as ex-smokers were preferred as programme providers. School-based participatory delivery formats should be supported by community-based mass media approaches. Programmes can be jointly presented to boys and girls of diverse ethnic backgrounds with some gender-sensitive sessions. Programme participation and sustainability would be enhanced if it were exciting, fun filled and integrated into their daily lives. School-based programmes must be embedded within comprehensive approaches that involve community- and policy-level interventions.  相似文献   

The market for hospital services, like global markets in general, is becoming more competitive. Increased price transparency and focused competition can squeeze out inefficiencies, restraining prices and making some consumers better off. But competition can have a dark side. U.S. hospitals can treat Medicare and Medicaid patients at less than cost, care for the uninsured, and provide other money-losing services because they can cross-subsidize. By 2025 the need for general hospitals to cross-subsidize will greatly in-crease, but their ability to do so will be diminished. U.S. hospitals could begin to resemble U.S. airlines: severely cutting costs, eliminating services, and suffering financial instability.  相似文献   

Using religion to improve health is an age-old practice. However, using religion and enlisting religious authorities in public health campaigns, as exemplified by tobacco control interventions and other activities undertaken by WHO's Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office, is a relatively recent phenomenon. Although all possible opportunities within society should be exploited to control tobacco use and promote health, religion-based interventions should not be exempted from the evidence-based scrutiny to which other interventions are subjected before being adopted. In the absence of data and debate on whether this approach works, how it should be applied, and what the potential downsides and alternatives are, international organizations such as WHO should think carefully about using religion-based public health interventions in their regional programmes.  相似文献   

Despite a significant growth in the number older former family carers, they remain largely invisible in carer‐related research and literature. To begin to address this deficit, a four‐stage literature review was conducted to identify existing knowledge about older former carers. Narrative synthesis of the findings yielded five themes – the concept of ‘older former carer’, the legacies of caring, influences on the legacies of caring, conceptualising post‐caring and support services for older former carers. Critical analysis of these findings suggests that existing evidence has a number of strengths. It highlights the terminological and conceptual confusion in the field, identifies the profound financial and health‐related legacies older former carers’ experience, the factors which shape these legacies and some of the complexities of bereavement older former carers face. The support needs of older former carers are also illuminated. However, the field is characterised by key weaknesses. The evidence base is fragmented and uneven. In part this reflects lack of definitional consensus and in part the fact that there is much more evidence about some sub‐groups, such as carers of relatives admitted to a care home, than others. Methodology‐related weaknesses include small sample sizes and a focus on a single, often condition‐specific, group of older former carers. An overarching criticism relates to the narrow conceptual/theoretical purview. As post‐caring tends to be viewed as one of the final temporal ‘stages’ of the carer's ‘care‐giving career’, a bifurcatory model of carer/former carer is created, i.e. that a carer actively provides care and a former carer is no longer caring. This constructs being a former carer – namely formerality – as a single fixed state failing to capture its dynamic and shifting nature and constrains the potential of research to generate new knowledge and extend understanding.  相似文献   

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