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Converging evidence from behavioral and imaging studies suggests that within the human medial temporal lobe (MTL) the hippocampal formation may be particularly involved in recognition memory of associative information. However, it is unclear whether the hippocampal formation processes all types of associations or whether there is a specialization for processing of associations involving spatial information. Here, we investigated this issue in six patients with postsurgical lesions of the right MTL affecting the hippocampal formation and in ten healthy controls. Subjects performed a battery of delayed match‐to‐sample tasks with two delays (900/5,000 ms) and three set sizes. Subjects were requested to remember either single features (colors, locations, shapes, letters) or feature associations (color‐location, color‐shape, color‐letter). In the single‐feature conditions, performance of patients did not differ from controls. In the association conditions, a significant delay‐dependent deficit in memory of color‐location associations was found. This deficit was largely independent of set size. By contrast, performance in the color‐shape and color‐letter conditions was normal. These findings support the hypothesis that a region within the right MTL, presumably the hippocampal formation, does not equally support all kinds of visual memory but rather has a bias for processing of associations involving spatial information. Recruitment of this region during memory tasks appears to depend both on processing type (associative/nonassociative) and to‐be‐remembered material (spatial/nonspatial). © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ketamine is a frequently used anesthetic in pediatric patients that can cause cognitive impairment. Genistein, a bioactive component of soy products, has been shown to suppress neuronal death through regulating the expression of apoptosis related genes. In this study, we hypothesized that genistein could alleviate ketamine‐induced cognitive impairment by ameliorating hippocampal neuronal loss and tested this hypothesis in rats. Neonatal rats were treated with ketamine and genistein. Hippocampal tissue was harvested for histological and biochemical analysis to determine neuronal apoptosis and proteins involved in the apoptotic pathways. Behavioral assays including contextual fear conditioning test and Morris water maze test were performed to assess cognitive functions, including learning and memory. We found that in fear conditioning test, genistein restored freezing time in ketamine treated rats in a dose dependent manner. Similarly, genistein attenuated impaired learning and memory in Morris water maze test in rats treated with ketamine. Additionally, ketamine‐induced neuronal apoptosis in rat hippocampus was attenuated by genistein treatment. Finally, we found that genistein partially restored proteins associated with apoptosis, including Bax, Bcl‐2, cleaved caspase 3, and phosphorylated GSK‐3ß and Akt. Genistein suppresses hippocampal neuronal loss and cognitive disruption induced by ketamine in rats.  相似文献   

Events that overlap with previous experience may trigger reactivation of existing memories. However, such reactivation may have different representational consequences within the hippocampal circuit. Computational theories of hippocampal function suggest that dentate gyrus and CA2,3 (DG/CA2,3) are biased to differentiate highly similar memories, whereas CA1 may integrate related events by representing them with overlapping neural codes. Here, we tested whether the formation of differentiated or integrated representations in hippocampal subfields depends on the strength of memory reactivation during learning. Human participants of both sexes learned associations (AB pairs, either face-shape or scene-shape), and then underwent fMRI scanning while they encoded overlapping associations (BC shape-object pairs). Both before and after learning, participants were also scanned while viewing indirectly related elements of the overlapping memories (A and C images) in isolation. We used multivariate pattern analyses to measure reactivation of initial pair memories (A items) during overlapping pair (BC) learning, as well as learning-related representational change for indirectly related memory elements in hippocampal subfields. When prior memories were strongly reactivated during overlapping pair encoding, DG/CA2,3 and subiculum representations for indirectly related images (A and C) became less similar, consistent with pattern differentiation. Simultaneously, memory reactivation during new learning promoted integration in CA1, where representations for indirectly related memory elements became more similar after learning. Furthermore, memory reactivation and subiculum representation predicted faster and more accurate inference (AC) decisions. These data show that reactivation of related memories during new learning leads to dissociable coding strategies in hippocampal subfields, in line with computational theories.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The flexibility of episodic memory allows us to remember both the details that differentiate similar events and the commonalities among them. Here, we tested how reactivation of past experience during new learning promotes formation of neural representations that might serve these two memory functions. We found that memory reactivation during learning promoted formation of differentiated representations for overlapping memories in the dentate gyrus/CA2,3 and subiculum subfields of the hippocampus, while simultaneously leading to the formation of integrated representations of related events in subfield CA1. Furthermore, memory reactivation and subiculum representation predicted success when inferring indirect relationships among events. These findings indicate that memory reactivation is an important learning signal that influences how overlapping events are represented within the hippocampal circuit.  相似文献   

We have reported the presence of continuous gamma (30-150 Hz) activity in the human medial temporal lobe (MTL). Since the MTL is involved in learning and memory, we speculated that MTL gamma activity is related to such higher brain functions. It is thus of interest to learn how this activity changes during different states of consciousness. In this study, we recorded electrocorticographic (ECoG) activity directly from the surface of the MTL after various doses of sevoflurane anesthesia. Five epileptic patients underwent electrode placement operations in which electrodes were attached to the surfaces of the MTL and the basal temporal lobe (BTL). Immediately following the operation ECoG was recorded from each patient under four concentrations of sevoflurane anesthesia (1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0%). Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis was performed on the MTL ECoGs. Under the lowest sevoflurane concentration, MTL gamma activity was observed in all patients. However, gamma activity was progressively suppressed by increased concentrations of sevoflurane, in a dose-dependent manner. Sevoflurane has been known to reduce neuronal excitability in the rat hippocampus in vitro, probably by changing GABAergic inhibition. The reduction of MTL gamma in the present study may be the result of such a mechanism. Although memory function was not tested in this study, the amount of MTL gamma activity may be related to residual memory function during anesthesia.  相似文献   

The hippocampus and medial temporal lobes (MTL) support the successful formation of new memories without succumbing to interference from related, older memories. Computational models and animal findings have implicated the dentate gyrus (DG), CA3, CA1, and entorhinal cortex (EC) in the disambiguation and encoding of well‐established, episodic events that share common elements. However, it is unknown if these hippocampal subfields and MTL (entorhinal, perirhinal, parahippocampal) cortices also contribute during working memory when overlapping stimuli that share related features are rapidly encoded and subsequently maintained over a brief temporal delay. We hypothesized that activity in CA3/DG hippocampal subfields would be greater for the rapid encoding of stimuli with overlapping features than for the rapid encoding of stimuli with distinct features. In addition, we predicted that CA1 and EC, regions that are associated with creating long‐term episodic representations, would show greater sustained activity across both encoding and delay periods for representations of stimuli with overlapping features than for those with distinct features. We used high‐resolution fMRI during a delayed matching‐to‐sample (DMS) task using face pairs that either shared (overlapping condition, OL) or did not share (non‐overlapping condition, NOL) common elements. We contrasted the OL condition with the NOL condition separately at sample (encoding) and during a brief delay (maintenance). At sample, we observed activity localized to CA3/DG, the subiculum, and CA1. At delay, we observed activity localized to the subiculum and CA1 and activity within the entorhinal, perirhinal, and parahippocampal cortices. Our findings are consistent with our hypotheses and suggest that CA3/DG, CA1 and the subiculum support the disambiguation and encoding of overlapping representations while CA1, subiculum and entorhinal cortex maintain these overlapping representations during working memory. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

For medial temporal lobe (MTL) involvement in memory formation, it is as yet unclear whether the MTL represents a single or dual (recollection/familiarity) memory system. A further controversial issue is whether or not the hippocampus is critical for the familiarity component of recognition memory. The present prospective fMRI study aimed to investigate changes of MTL involvement in recollection and familiarity at three time points following new learning: immediately after encoding, after 3 weeks and after 6 weeks. Significant hippocampal activation was observed for recollection relative to correct rejection responses at all three intervals. In addition, a decrease of signal changes in the perirhinal cortex was observed for the familiarity versus correct rejection contrasts. These findings support the idea that the MTL is a dual memory system. They also indicate a lasting hippocampal involvement in the recollection component of recognition memory and a decrease of perirhinal cortex activation associated with familiarity for time periods up to 6 weeks after new learning.  相似文献   

Advancing age is associated with both declines in episodic memory and degradation of medial temporal lobe (MTL) structure. The contribution of MTL to episodic memory is complex and depends upon the interplay among hippocampal subfields and surrounding structures that participate in anatomical connectivity to the cortex through inputs (parahippocampal and entorhinal cortices) and outputs (fornix). However, the differential contributions of MTL system components in mediating age effects on memory remain unclear. In a sample of 177 healthy individuals aged 20–94 we collected high‐resolution T1‐weighted, ultrahigh‐resolution T2/PD, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) MRI sequences on a 3T Phillips Achieva scanner. Hippocampal subfield and entorhinal cortex (ERC) volumes were measured from T2/PD scans using a combination of manual tracings and training of a semiautomated pipeline. Parahippocampal gyrus volume was estimated using Freesurfer and DTI scans were used to obtain diffusion metrics from tractography of the fornix. Item and associative episodic memory constructs were formed from multiple tests. Competing structural equation models estimating differential association among these structural variables were specified and tested to investigate whether and how fornix diffusion and volume of parahippocampal gyrus, ERC, and hippocampal subfields mediate age effects on associative and/or item memory. The most parsimonious, best‐fitting model included an anatomically based path through the MTL as well as a single hippocampal construct which combined all subfields. Results indicated that fornix microstructure independently mediated the effect of age on associative memory, but not item memory. Additionally, all regions and estimated paths (including fornix) combined to significantly mediate the age‐associative memory relationship. These findings suggest that preservation of fornix connectivity and MTL structure with aging is important for maintenance of associative memory performance across the lifespan.  相似文献   

A central idea about the organization of declarative memory and the function of the hippocampus is that the hippocampus provides for the coding of relationships between items. A question arises whether this idea refers to the process of forming long‐term memory or whether, as some studies have suggested, memory for relations might depend on the hippocampus even at short retention intervals and even when the task falls within the province of short‐term (working) memory. The latter formulation appears to place the operation of relational memory into conflict with the idea that working memory is independent of medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures. In this report, the concepts of relational memory and working memory are discussed in the light of a simple demonstration experiment. Patients with MTL lesions successfully learned and recalled two word pairs when tested directly after learning but failed altogether when tested after a delay. The results do not contradict the idea that the hippocampus has a fundamental role in relational memory. However, there is a need for further elaboration and specification of the idea in order to explain why patients with MTL lesions can establish relational memory in the short term but not in long‐term memory. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

MicroRNA‐132 (miR‐132) has been demonstrated to affect multiple neuronal functions, including dendritic growth and spinogenesis in cultured neurons and brain slices, as well as learning behavior of animals. However, its role in acquisition of temporal‐associated memory remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that the mature miR‐132 level in mouse hippocampus was significantly increased at 30 min after trace fear conditioning, a type of temporal‐associated learning, and returned to baseline values in 2 h. We then knocked down miR‐132 expression in vivo by infusing a lentivector expressing anti‐miR‐132 hairpin RNA into the third ventricle near the anterior hippocampi such RNA diffused laterally to both hippocampal formations, later confirmed by histological analysis. This approach successfully reduced hippocampal miR‐132 expression in both naïve and trace fear conditioned groups, and impaired acquisition of trace fear memory in mice. To our knowledge, this result is the first demonstration of change in temporal learning behavior by reducing microRNA (miRNA) level specifically in the hippocampal region. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) has long been considered essential for declarative long-term memory, whereas the fronto-parietal cortex is generally seen as the anatomical substrate of short-term memory. This traditional dichotomy is questioned by recent studies suggesting a possible role of the MTL for short-term memory. In addition, there is no consensus on a possible specialization of MTL sub-regions for memory of associative information. Here, we investigated short-term memory for single features and feature associations in three humans with post-surgical lesions affecting the right hippocampal formation and in 10 healthy controls. We used three delayed-match-to-sample tasks with two delays (900/5000 ms) and three set sizes (2/4/6 items). Subjects were instructed to remember either colours, locations or colour-location associations. In colour-only and location-only conditions, performance of patients did not differ from controls. By contrast, a significant group difference was found in the association condition at 5000 ms delay. This difference was largely independent of set size, thus suggesting that it cannot be explained by the increased complexity of the association condition. These findings show that the hippocampal formation plays a significant role for short-term memory of simple visuo-spatial associations, and suggest a specialization of MTL sub-regions for associative memory.  相似文献   

Iron is a necessary substrate for neuronal function throughout the lifespan, but particularly during development. Early life iron deficiency (ID) in humans (late gestation through 2–3 yr) results in persistent cognitive and behavioral abnormalities despite iron repletion. Animal models of early life ID generated using maternal dietary iron restriction also demonstrate persistent learning and memory deficits, suggesting a critical requirement for iron during hippocampal development. Precise definition of the temporal window for this requirement has been elusive due to anemia and total body and brain ID inherent to previous dietary restriction models. To circumvent these confounds, we developed transgenic mice that express tetracycline transactivator regulated, dominant negative transferrin receptor (DNTfR1) in hippocampal neurons, disrupting TfR1 mediated iron uptake specifically in CA1 pyramidal neurons. Normal iron status was restored by doxycycline administration. We manipulated the duration of ID using this inducible model to examine long‐term effects of early ID on Morris water maze learning, CA1 apical dendrite structure, and defining factors of critical periods including parvalbmin (PV) expression, perineuronal nets (PNN), and brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression. Ongoing ID impaired spatial memory and resulted in disorganized apical dendrite structure accompanied by altered PV and PNN expression and reduced BDNF levels. Iron repletion at P21, near the end of hippocampal dendritogenesis, restored spatial memory, dendrite structure, and critical period markers in adult mice. However, mice that remained hippocampally iron deficient until P42 continued to have spatial memory deficits, impaired CA1 apical dendrite structure, and persistent alterations in PV and PNN expression and reduced BDNF despite iron repletion. Together, these findings demonstrate that hippocampal iron availability is necessary between P21 and P42 for development of normal spatial learning and memory, and that these effects may reflect disruption of critical period closure by early life ID. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Medial temporal lobe (MTL) subregions play integral roles in memory function and are differentially affected in various neurological and psychiatric disorders. The ability to structurally and functionally characterize these subregions may be important to understanding MTL physiology and diagnosing diseases involving the MTL. In this study, we characterized network architecture of the MTL in healthy subjects (n = 31) using both resting state functional MRI and MTL‐focused T2‐weighted structural MRI at 7 tesla. Ten MTL subregions per hemisphere, including hippocampal subfields and cortical regions of the parahippocampal gyrus, were segmented for each subject using a multi‐atlas algorithm. Both structural covariance matrices from correlations of subregion volumes across subjects, and functional connectivity matrices from correlations between subregion BOLD time series were generated. We found a moderate structural and strong functional inter‐hemispheric symmetry. Several bilateral hippocampal subregions (CA1, dentate gyrus, and subiculum) emerged as functional network hubs. We also observed that the structural and functional networks naturally separated into two modules closely corresponding to (a) bilateral hippocampal formations, and (b) bilateral extra‐hippocampal structures. Finally, we found a significant correlation in structural and functional connectivity (r = 0.25). Our findings represent a comprehensive analysis of network topology of the MTL at the subregion level. We share our data, methods, and findings as a reference for imaging methods and disease‐based research.  相似文献   

The default‐mode network (DMN) is a distributed functional‐anatomic network implicated in supporting memory. Current resting‐state functional connectivity studies in humans remain divided on the exact involvement of medial temporal lobe (MTL) in this network at rest. Notably, it is unclear to what extent the MTL regions involved in successful memory encoding are connected to the cortical nodes of the DMN during resting state. Our findings using functional connectivity MRI analyses of resting‐state data indicate that the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) is the primary hub of the DMN in the MTL during resting state. Also, connectivity of the PHG is distinct from connectivity of hippocampal regions identified by an associative memory‐encoding task. We confirmed that several hippocampal encoding regions lack significant functional connectivity with cortical DMN nodes during resting state. Additionally, a mediation analysis showed that resting‐state connectivity between the hippocampus and posterior cingulate cortex—a major hub of the DMN—is indirect and mediated by the PHG. Our findings support the hypothesis that the MTL memory system represents a functional subnetwork that relates to the cortical nodes of the DMN through parahippocampal functional connections. Hum Brain Mapp 35:1061–1073, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The presentation of rare target stimuli results in P300 scalp event‐related potentials (ERPs). Generators of this ERP component were found in various brain areas, indicating that multiple cortical and subcortical areas subserve target detection. One of these structures is the mediotemporal lobe (MTL). In the hippocampus, large negative MTL‐P300 potentials are usually observed, whereas reports concerning the rhinal cortex and subiculum are inconsistent. The aim of the present study was to investigate the topography of the mediotemporal P300. ERPs were recorded in epilepsy patients from multicontact depth electrodes, implanted along the longitudinal axis of MTL. Patients had to respond to rare visual target stimuli by a button press. ERP data from the nonfocal hemisphere of 53 patients were included in the analysis. Target detection resulted in large MTL‐P300 potentials in the hippocampus and subiculum. Their latencies did not differ. The hippocampal P300 amplitude increased linearly from anterior to posterior hippocampal body (HB). In contrast, an inverse gradient with larger mean amplitudes in anterior parts was observed for the subiculum. Our results indicate two separate generators of the MTL‐P300, one in the anterior subiculum and one in the posterior HB. Since latencies did not differ, a parallel activation via the entorhinal cortex might have initiated the simultaneous MTL‐P300. Hippocampus and subiculum are essential parts of the MTL‐memory system. Their function within target detection might be to maintain a template of previous stimuli for a comparison with incoming sensory stimuli. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The storage and persistence of memories depends on plasticity in the hippocampus. Adult neurogenesis produces new neurons that mature through critical periods for plasticity and cellular survival, which determine their contributions to learning and memory. However, most granule neurons are generated prior to adulthood; the maturational timecourse of these neurons is poorly understood compared to adult‐born neurons but is essential to identify how the dentate gyrus (DG), as a whole, contributes to behavior. To characterize neurons born in the early postnatal period, we labeled DG neurons born on postnatal day 6 (P6) with BrdU and quantified maturation and survival across early (1 hr to 8 weeks old) and late (2–6 months old) cell ages. We find that the dynamics of developmentally‐born neuron survival is essentially the opposite of neurons born in adulthood: P6‐born neurons did not go through a period of cell death during their immature stages (from 1 to 8 weeks). In contrast, 17% of P6‐born neurons died after reaching maturity, between 2 and 6 months of age. Delayed death was evident from the loss of BrdU+ cells as well as pyknotic BrdU+caspase3+ neurons within the superficial granule cell layer. Patterns of DCX, NeuN, and activity‐dependent Fos expression indicate that developmentally‐born neurons mature over several weeks and a sharp peak in zif268 expression at 2 weeks suggests that developmentally‐born neurons mature faster than adult‐born neurons (which peak at 3 weeks). Collectively, our findings are relevant for understanding how developmentally‐born DG neurons contribute to memory and disorders throughout the lifespan. High levels of early survival and zif268 expression may promote learning, while also rendering neurons sensitive to insults at defined stages. Late neuronal death in young adulthood may result in the loss of hundreds of thousands of DG neurons, which could impact memory persistence and contribute to hippocampal/DG atrophy in disorders such as depression.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobes (MTL) and frontal cortex have been shown to subserve memory processes. Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), disrupt the neuronal networks that underlie memory processing. The ε4 allele of the apolipoprotein E gene is a genetic risk factor for AD and is associated with decrements in memory and in olfactory function. The present study utilized EQS, a structural equation modeling software program, to examine differences in the neuronal networks between non‐demented ε4 carriers and ε4 noncarriers during a cross‐modal olfactory recognition memory paradigm. Prior to fMRI scanning, participants were presented with 16 odors. During two scans, participants discriminated between names of odors presented before scanning (targets) or not presented (foils). The results indicate significant connections between bilateral frontal lobes and MTL for ε4 carriers when they misidentified a foil as a target. When ε4 noncarriers correctly identified a target, there were greater associations between the amygdala, MTL, and right frontal lobe; these associations also modeled the brain's response when ε4 noncarriers misidentified a foil as a target. During memory retrieval, affective cues may facilitate retrieval in ε4 noncarriers relative to ε4 carriers. Last, no model was found that best represented the functional network used by ε4 carriers when they correctly identified a target, which may reflect variability of neuronal recruitment within this population. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Memory function is largely mediated by the medial temporal lobe (MTL), and its compromise has been observed in alcohol dependence and chronic cigarette smoking. The effects of heavy alcohol consumption and chronic smoking on hippocampal volumes and MTL metabolites and their recovery during abstinence from alcohol have not been assessed. Male alcoholics in treatment (ALC) [13 smokers (sALC) and 11 non-smokers (nsALC)] underwent quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and short-echo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging at 1 week and 1 month of sobriety. Outcome measures were compared with 14 age-matched, non-smoking light-drinkers and were related to visuospatial learning and memory. Over 1 month of abstinence, N-acetyl-aspartate, a neuronal marker, and membrane-associated choline-containing metabolites normalized in the MTL of nsALC subjects, but remained low in the MTL of sALC subjects. Metabolite concentration changes in both groups were associated with improvements in visuospatial memory. Hippocampal volumes increased in both groups during abstinence, but increasing volumes correlated with visuospatial memory improvements only in nsALC subjects. In summary, chronic cigarette smoking in alcohol-dependent men appears to have adverse effects on MTL metabolite recovery during short-term sobriety. These data may also have implications for other conditions with established MTL involvement and significant smoking co-morbidity, such as schizophrenia-spectrum and mood disorders.  相似文献   

Calbindin expression of granule cells of the dentate gyrus is decreased in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) regardless of its etiology. In this study, we examined the relation between reduction of calbindin immunoreactivity and the verbal and visuo-spatial memory function of patients with TLE of different etiologies. Significant linear correlation was shown between calbindin expression and short-term and long-term percent retention and retroactive interference in auditory verbal learning test (AVLT) of patients including those with hippocampal sclerosis. In addition, we found significant linear regression between calbindin expression and short-term and long-term percent retention of AVLT in patients whose epilepsy was caused by malformation of cortical development or tumor and when no hippocampal sclerosis and substantial neuronal loss were detected. Together with the role of calbindin in memory established in previous studies on calbindin knock-out mice, our results suggest that reduction of calbindin expression may contribute to memory impairments of patients with TLE, particularly, when neuronal loss is not significant.  相似文献   

The hippocampus plays a key role in the acquisition of new memories for places and events. Evidence suggests that the consolidation of these memories is enhanced during sleep. At the neuronal level, reactivation of awake experience in the hippocampus during sharp‐wave ripple events, characteristic of slow‐wave sleep, has been proposed as a neural mechanism for sleep‐dependent memory consolidation. However, a causal relation between sleep reactivation and memory consolidation has not been established. Here we show that disrupting neuronal activity during ripple events impairs spatial learning. We trained rats daily in two identical spatial navigation tasks followed each by a 1‐hour rest period. After one of the tasks, stimulation of hippocampal afferents selectively disrupted neuronal activity associated with ripple events without changing the sleep‐wake structure. Rats learned the control task significantly faster than the task followed by rest stimulation, indicating that interfering with hippocampal processing during sleep led to decreased learning. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adaptive behavior frequently depends on inference from past experience. Recent studies suggest that the underlying process of integrating related memories may depend on interaction between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. Here, we investigated how hippocampal damage affects memory integration. Subjects with mediotemporal lesions and healthy controls learned a set of overlapping AB‐ and BC‐associations (object‐face‐ and face‐object pairs) and were then tested for memory of these associations (“direct” trials) and of inferential AC‐associations (“indirect” trials). The experiment consisted of four encoding/retrieval cycles. In direct trials, performance of patients and controls was similar and stable across cycles. By contrast, in indirect trials, patients and controls showed distinct patterns of behavior. Whereas patients and controls initially showed only minor differences, controls increased performance across subsequent cycles, while patient performance decreased to chance level. Further analysis suggested that this deficit was not merely a consequence of impaired associative memory but rather resulted from an additional hippocampal contribution to memory integration. Our findings further suggest that contextual factors modulate this contribution. Patient deficits in more complex memory‐guided behavior may depend on the flexible interaction of hippocampus‐dependent and ‐independent mechanisms of memory integration.  相似文献   

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