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目的:评价腹腔镜下精索静脉高位结扎术的有效性、安全性及其价值。方法:回顾分析32例腹腔镜下精索静脉高位结扎术的疗效和康复情况。结果:32例手术均获成功,平均手术时间34m in,基本无出血,术后平均住院2.8d,随访3~10个月,2例复发,复发率为6.25%。结论:腹腔镜下精索静脉高位结扎术具有创伤小、恢复快、效果好、并发症少等优点,对双侧精索静脉曲张及预防术后复发更具价值。  相似文献   

<正>精索静脉曲张(varicocele,VC)是精索内蔓状静脉丛因回流不畅而形成局部静脉扩张、迂曲、延长的病理现象,可以导致患侧睾丸发育滞缓和体积减小、阴囊坠胀疼痛不适及男性不育。精索静脉结扎术是目前应用最普遍的男性不育手术。近年来,随着微创理念的深入,显微精索静脉结扎术因其明显的优势正逐渐被推广应用[1]。我科也于2013年4月开始采用显微精索静脉结扎术治疗VC,效果确切。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎治疗精索静脉曲张的临床价值,总结保留睾丸动脉的单纯精索内静脉高位结扎术及睾丸动静脉集柬高位结扎术的优缺点。方法:回顾分析腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张26例患者的临床资料,其中14例行保留睾丸动脉的单纯精索内静脉高位结扎术,12例行睾丸动静脉集柬高位结扎术。结果:26例手术均获成功。6例术前诊断为左侧精索静脉曲张的病例术中确诊为双侧精索静脉曲张。睾丸动静脉集柬高位结扎术中1例并发附睾炎。以不育就诊的14例中,保留睾丸动脉的单纯精索内静脉结扎的8例中4例生育,而睾丸动静脉集柬高位结扎的6例中只有1例生育,全部病例未见复发。结论:腹腔镜下精索内静脉高位结扎术具有损伤小,视野清楚,操作简单,并发症少,术后恢复快等优点,尤其适合双侧精索静脉曲张者,可同时探查和治疗双侧精索静脉曲张。保留睾丸动脉的单纯精索内静脉高位结扎术能提高不育症的疗效,减少鞘膜积液的发生率。  相似文献   

腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张85例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张的有效性、安全性及价值。方法:回顾分析我院为85例患者行腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术的临床资料。结果:85例手术均获成功,平均手术时间32min,基本无出血,术后平均住院3d。随访3~10个月,3例复发,复发率3.5%。结论:腹腔镜下精索静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张具有创伤小、康复快、效果好、并发症少等优点,对双侧精索静脉曲张及开放手术后复发的患者尤有临床价值。  相似文献   

目的:评价腹腔镜下腔内结扎精索内静脉治疗精索静脉曲张的安全性、有效性及其价值。方法:回顾分析21例腹腔镜下腔内结扎精索内静脉治疗精索静脉曲张的疗效和康复情况。结果:21例手术均获成功,平均手术时间37min,基本无出血,术后平均住院3.5天。随访时间1~18个月,至今未见复发患者。结论:腹腔镜下腔内结扎精索内静脉治疗精索静脉曲张具有创伤小、恢复快、效果好等优点,对双侧精索静脉曲张及预防术后复发更具价值。  相似文献   

目的 比较低位显微外科与腹腔镜精索静脉结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张性不育患者的疗效.方法 40例精索静脉曲张性不育患者,随机分为两组,低位显微外科精索静脉结扎术组(A组,20例)和腹腔镜精索静脉结扎术组(B组,20例),比较术前、术后第1、6、12月的精液质量,并且追踪术后2年内配偶临床妊娠结果.结果 两组术后精子密度、精子总数和(a+b)级精子数均较术前有显著提高(P<0.05),但组内术后第1、6、12月的精液质量各主要参数间对比,无统计学差异(P>0.05).组间术前、术后第1、6、12月精液质量各主要参数进行对比,无统计学差异(P>0.05).术后随访2年配偶临床妊娠A组为13例(65%),B组为12例(60%).结论 低位显微外科精索静脉结扎术对精索静脉曲张(VC)伴有男性不育患者是一种经济、简单、有效、便于推广的手术治疗方式.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜技术在精索静脉曲张治疗中的作用及注意事项。方法 应用腹腔镜施行精索静脉高位结扎术38例。结果 手术均获成功,平均手术时间32(18~45)分钟;术后次日下床,2~3天出院;随访3~6月,曲张静脉均消失,无睾丸萎缩等并发症发生;16例伴男性不育症9例精液质量有改善。结论 腹腔镜精索静脉结扎术效果可靠、对机体干扰轻、并发症少、恢复快,可同时施行双侧手术。  相似文献   

目的:提高精索内静脉高位结扎术的治疗效果,减少手术并发症。方法:反麦氏(McBurney)切口经腹膜后进行左精索内静脉高位结扎术。结果:治疗左侧精索静脉曲张250例,术后1年未见精索静脉曲张复发,精子密度以及精子活动率较术前明显改善(P<0.05,P<0.005)。结论:该方法简便、创伤小、并发症少,是治疗精索静脉曲张不育症的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨显微镜下精索内静脉高位结扎术在精索静脉曲张患者治疗中的临床效果。方法 回顾性收集2019年10月至2022年10月期间收治的86例精索静脉曲张患者,根据术中采用的手术方式划分为观察组(显微镜下精索内静脉高位结扎术)43例和对照组(腹腔镜下精索内静脉高位结扎术)43例,比较分析两组数据指标。结果 观察组患者手术时间(103.47±12.42) min较对照组长(82.73±9.81) min,差异显著(P<0.05);观察组住院时间(4.58±0.75) d较对照组(6.12±0.84) d短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者精子浓度(46.41±5.72) 106/mL、精子活动率(67.87±6.94%)和精子存活率(75.73±7.89%)均较对照组明显升高(42.81±5.33) 106/mL、(62.84±6.25)%和(66.43±7.04)%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者精液量(4.22±0.58) mL较对照组(3.79±0.47) mL多,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组术后发生阴囊水肿1例、鞘膜积液...  相似文献   

目的探讨超声刀在腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术中应用的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析本单位2010年1月至2015年5月收治的78例行腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术的患者资料。根据精索静脉结扎方式将所有患者分为两组,A组为可吸收线结扎组,采取4-0可吸收线结扎精索静脉,B组为超声刀手术组,采用超声刀离断精索静脉。两组患者的年龄(P0.2)、患侧例数(P0.5)、就诊原因(P0.1)比较差异无统计学意义。比较两组患者手术时间、住院费用、住院时间、术后并发症例数及皮下气肿发生例数。结果所有患者手术均取得成功,A组与B组手术时间分别为(44.7±12.7)分钟和(34.6±7.3)分钟,住院费用分别为(4906±840)元和(5600±684)元,皮下气肿发生例数分别为7例和1例,组间比较差异均有统计学意义。患者术后并发症及住院时间两组比较差异无统计学意义。结论在腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术中应用超声刀可明显缩短手术时间,减少皮下气肿的发生,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Microsurgical varicocelectomy is considered the gold‐standard technique treating varicocele in both adults and adolescents, due to relatively more favourable outcomes and lower post‐operative recurrence and complication rates. Despite of mounting literature on this topic, several aspects are still not well defined. We summarised the most recent literature and presented findings that might extend its indications. Microsurgical varicocelectomy and intracytoplasmic sperm injection are both effective to father a child for infertile men with clinical varicocele even for those with worst condition of spermatozoa, nonobstructive azoospermia, and prior varicocele repair has substantial benefits for couples with a clinical varicocele. Microsurgical subinguinal and inguinal varicocelectomy seem to have comparable effectiveness for adolescents and infertile men with varicoceles. However, the subinguinal approach may have some advantages to deal with painful varicocele. The superior outcomes of bilateral varicocelectomy for patients with clinical left varicocele and concomitant clinical right varicocele are justified, while the benefit is still uncertain for concomitant subclinical right varicocele. Varicocelectomy may have the potential to improve sexual function along with serum testosterone. In conclusion, indications for microsurgical varicocelectomy may be extended by the concomitant right and left clinical varicocele and sexual dysfunction with varicocele.  相似文献   

The objective was to reveal predictors for fertility recovery after varicocelectomy in subfertile men. This retrospective study recruited 93 men with clinical varicocele and pathozoospermia who underwent microsurgical varicocelectomy. Stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to identify predictors of spontaneous pregnancy (SP) after surgery. ‘Clinically significant improvement’ (CSI) following varicocelectomy was defined as an increase in total progressively motile sperm count (TPMSC) by at least 12.5 million (calculated from WHO-2010 reference values). 52% of patients showed CSI, and 28% reported SP after surgery. Patients who reported SP (group II), compared to that remained infertile (group I), were younger (27.3 ± 2.9 versus 30.2 ± 4.2 years; p < .01), had less infertility period (24.1 ± 14.0 versus 44.4 ± 32.9 months; p < .05) and had initially higher TPMSC (median (25% −75%) = 34 (11–67) versus 9.5 (0–33) mln; p < .05). The stepwise discriminant analysis showed that male age (coefficient value = −0.157), total sperm motility (0.024) and postoperative increase in TPMSC (0.010) were the significant predictors of SP. The predictive ability, sensitivity and specificity of the discriminant function were 84%, 87%, 76% respectively. This algorithm can be recommended after varicocelectomy in decision-making on natural conception or the ART protocols usage.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that varicocele repair improves sperm quality. However, longitudinal changes in sperm parameters and predictors of improved semen characteristics after surgery have not been fully investigated. We retrospectively reviewed data from 100 men who underwent microsurgical subinguinal varicocele repair at a single centre. Follow‐up semen examinations were carried out at 3, 6 and 12 months post‐operatively. Logistic regression was used to identify predictors of early (3 months) and late (≥6 months) improvement in semen parameters after varicocele repair. At 3 months post‐operatively, 76.1% of the patients had improved total motile sperm counts, which continued to improve significantly up to 12 months post‐operatively (= .016). When comparing changes in semen parameters between younger (<37 years) and older (≥37 years) men, post‐operative improvements in sperm concentration and motility were greater among younger men. Multivariate analysis showed that younger age was associated with early (= .043) and late (= .010) post‐operative improvement in total motile sperm count. Our findings indicate that early varicocele repair improved semen parameters after surgery.  相似文献   

BackgroundVaricocele (VC) is one of the most common causes of infertility in men, and microscopic varicocelectomy is currently the major surgical procedure for VC. We assessed the clinical effectiveness of microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy (MSV) with enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in the treatment of VC in terms of semen quality improvement rate, pregnancy rate, pain relief rate, recurrence rate, and complication rate after MSV and explored the indications for VC surgery.MethodsIn total, 216 patients undergoing MSV in our center between June 2019 and July 2020 were enrolled in this study. All patients received the surgery under local anesthesia and were admitted and discharged within 24 hours. All patients were followed up for more than 6 months, and the rates of semen quality improvement, pregnancy, pain relief, recurrence, and postoperative complications were recorded. We can evaluate the pain degree of patients through the numerical rating scale (NRS). (I) 0 points for painless; (II) 1–3: mild pain; (III) 4–6: moderate pain; (IV) 7–10 points are severe pain. 0 is the most slightly, indicating comfort, and 10 is the most painful and unbearable.ResultsThe sperm concentration, total sperm count, progressive motility rate, sperm viability, and morphology were significantly improved after the surgery (all P values <0.05). The rate of semen quality improvement was 88.2%, and the semen indicators returned to normal in 26.6% of the patients. Among the patients who were followed up for 1 year, the natural conception rate reached 27.1% and was accompanied by a 95.5% pain relief rate, a 0.5% VC recurrence rate, and a 2.3% postoperative complication rate.We obtained data through laboratory examination of semen DNA fragments index (DFI). Compared with preoperative and postoperative DFI, postoperative DFI was improved, and the pregnancy outcome was improved.ConclusionsMSV under local anesthesia increases the rates of semen quality improvement, pregnancy, and pain relief while lowering the rates of recurrence and postoperative complications. MSV may also help to improve the pregnancy outcomes in patients with VC accompanied by sperm DNA fragmentation or nonobstructive azoospermia, but this should be verified by further investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to access whether microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy (MSV) with testicular delivery has a better therapeutic effect than MSV without testicular delivery, including semen quality, serum testosterone (T) level and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)-5 score in infertility male patients with varicocele. In this prospective study, 181 patients were included and they chose the treatment by themselves. A total of 114 patients who received MSV without testicular delivery (TD) and 67 patients who received MSV with TD were followed-up 6 months after the operation. Semen parameters, serum T level and IIEF-5 scores were recorded before and 6 months after the operation. Results showed that MSV with or without TD could improve semen quality, serum T level and IIEF-5 score. For semen quality 6 months after the operation, there was no significant difference between patients received MSV with or without TD. But in patients with varicocele of grade III, MSV without testicular delivery improved the sperm concentration and motility more. And patients received MSV without TD have a higher T level 6 months after the operation, especially in patients ≤27 years. MSV with TD is not superior to that without, but this should be verified in more samples and a better designed randomised controlled study in the future.  相似文献   

It seems that varicocele play a role in male infertility, as such, their prevalence increases from 15% in the normal population to 80% in secondary infertility subjects. Varicoceles may have negative effects on semen quality. Our goal was to assess the effects of microsurgical varicocelectomy on semen analysis and sperm functional tests in men with different grades of varicoceles. Thirty infertile men with different grades of varicoceles (grades 1 to 3) were enrolled in our study. Semen quality was assessed by semen analysis according to the WHO guideline (WHO, 1999) and four different sperm functional tests (aniline blue, toluidine blue, chromomycin A3 and TUNEL test) were carried out before and 3 months after microsurgical varicocelectomy (M‐varicocelectomy). When considered all three grades together, we showed that M‐varicocelectomy had statistically significant effects on all four types of sperm functional tests (p value<0.05). It also had positive effects on conventional semen parameters, although the effects were not statistically significant for some parameters (for example sperm count). When analysed separately (based on varicocele grades) the surgery, although caused improvements in semen quality, but may have more statistically significant effects on patients with varicocele of higher grade. In addition, in varicocele of lower grade (for example grade 2), sperm function test may be a better predictor of surgical success than the conventional semen analysis. Thus, we show that not only M‐varicocelectomy has significant positive effect on semen quality but also if sperm functional tests become more affordable in the future, because they yield more precise results, their use in daily practice may increase significantly in patients with varicoceles.  相似文献   

目的比较分析三种不同手术方式治疗精索静脉曲张(VC)的疗效。方法选择1 000例初发的单侧VC患者分别采用开放经腹膜后精索内静脉高位结扎术(腹膜后组,n=360)、经腹股沟超选择性精索内静脉结扎术(腹股沟组,n=324)及经腹腔镜精索内静脉高位结扎术(腹腔镜组,n=316)治疗,分析各组手术操作要点,并对各组手术并发症进行比较。结果三种术式术后附睾炎、阴囊水肿、睾丸鞘膜积液发生例数分别为腹膜后组22例、15例和28例;腹股沟组54例、40例和57例;腹腔镜组32例、23例和32例。腹膜后组和腹腔镜组术后附睾炎、阴囊水肿、睾丸鞘膜积液及腹股沟区疼痛的发生率明显低于腹股沟组(P〈0.05)。结论开放经腹膜后精索内静脉高位结扎术及经腹腔镜精索内静脉高位结扎术具有术后恢复快、并发症较少的优点。由于腹腔镜手术费用明显较高,对术者操作有更高的要求,麻醉要求更高,所以经腹膜后精索内静脉高位结扎术治疗VC具有独特的优势,值得推广。  相似文献   

Varicocelectomy is the most commonly performed surgical procedure for the treatment of male infertility. Although several different techniques for varicocele repair have been described in the literature, microsurgical varicocelectomy performed through a subinguinal or inguinal incision is recognized as the gold-standard approach for varicocelectomy, due to high success rates with minimal complications. Standard indications for varicocelectomy include palpable varicocele(s), with one or more abnormal semen parameters, and, for the couple trying to conceive, in the setting of normal or correctable female infertility. However, varicocele repair is often recommended and undertaken for reasons other than infertility, including low serum testosterone, testicular pain, testicular hypotrophy and poor sperm DNA quality. This article reviews the technical aspects of microsurgical varicocelectomy, and its indications in adults and adolescents.  相似文献   

Varicocele ligation has been proven to restore semen parameters and improve pregnancy rates in men with clinical disease. However, its effect in men with severe oligozoospermia (SO) is less clearly elucidated. This original report and meta-analysis examined the impact of subinguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy on semen parameters and fertility outcomes of men with SO. A retrospective chart review of 85 patients was conducted on patients with SO who underwent microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy. A literature search was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A total of 8 studies investigating the effects of varicocele ligation in men with SO were included for the meta-analysis. The original study reported significant improvements in semen parameters following surgery. 78 patients had a pre-operative TMSC < 5 million. Following surgery, 9 (11.5%) patients had a total motile sperm count (TMSC) between 5 and 9 million, while 14 (17.9%) patients had a TMSC > 9 million. Furthermore, the meta-analysis demonstrated a statistically significant increase in sperm count, total motility and TMSC following surgery. The reported natural pregnancy rate was 27.5%. Varicocelectomy does present as an important treatment option for SO patients because improvements in TMSC can broaden their fertility treatment options.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Many reports on varicoceles suggest improved spermatic findings and increased pregnancy rates after correction of these lesions. Early repair during adolescence has been advocated, since clinically apparent varicoceles may affect testicular volume and sperm production in the future. We examined the efficacy of microsurgical varicocelectomy, and aimed to establish predictive parameters useful for ascertaining whether varicocele repair provides any benefits in adolescents and adults. METHODS: We carried out microsurgical varicocelectomy on nine boys and 19 men. In adolescents, catch-up growth of the testis, expressed by pre- and postoperative ratios of left and/or right testicular volume, grade and serum level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) were evaluated. In adults, the ratio of sperm concentration improvement, grade, testicular volume, preoperative sperm concentration and serum FSH level were evaluated. All subjects were followed for 12 months. RESULTS: Catch-up growth was seen in 62.5% of boys. FSH level was significantly lower in boys with catch-up growth than in boys without catch-up growth. Improved sperm concentration was seen in 73.6% of adults. FSH level was significantly lower in adults with improved sperm concentration than in patients without improved sperm concentration. No correlations were seen between other parameters and catch-up growth in adolescents, or sperm concentration improvement in adults. CONCLUSIONS: Microsurgical varicocelectomy as a treatment for varicoceles with low FSH might be effective and the relevant predictive parameter for testicular development and function after surgery might be serum FSH level in both adults and adolescents.  相似文献   

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