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The MMPI Personality Disorder scales, developed by Morey, Waugh, and Blashfield (1985), were validated on an inpatient population by comparing 104 patients' MMPI-PD scores with the MCMI and with DSM-III-R diagnosis. Conservative significance levels were used to ensure more valid conclusions. Schizoid, Avoidant, Dependent, Histrionic, and Narcissistic scales were correlated significantly. Passive-Aggressive, Schizotypal, and Borderline scales did not correlate with corresponding MCMI scales. The MMPI-PD nonoverlapping scales were most effective in predicting diagnosis, but best predicted the Eccentric and Borderline groups. This study provides support for the validity of specific scales and circumscribed diagnostic utility for both measures.  相似文献   

Examined the utility of three MMPI family scales. Three MMPI family scales and three criterion family scales were administered to 110 undergraduates. Internal consistency coefficients were calculated for each MMPI family scale. Relationships between the MMPI family scales and the criterion scales are examined by a correlational analysis. Findings suggest that the MMPI family scales are reliable and concurrently valid measures of an individual's perception of interpersonal family relationships. Procedures for scoring and interpreting the MMPI family scales are examined. The findings also indicate which MMPI family scale is the overall best scale.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients diagnosed as borderline on the basis of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines obtained a mean group profile of 8-2-7 similar in configuration, but more elevated than that obtained by a group of 7 diagnostically heterogeneous controls. The borderline patients manifested significantly greater hypochondriasis, depression and hysteria, slightly more schizotypal features, a more deviant self-presentation, and lesser defensiveness. However, considerable heterogeneity in symptomatology was found within the borderline subsample. Further, clinical scales comprised of a higher proportion of relatively subtle and presumably less structured items did not discriminate borderline from control patients more effectively than did those scales made up of a lower proportion of such items. The results offer partial support for the construct validity of the borderline syndrome and for the usefulness of the MMPI in differentiating it from other psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

MMPI, MBHI, and MCMI personality disorder scales were analyzed for convergent and discriminant validity. Friedman's ANOVA indicated that there were no significant differences among the sample's averaged scale scores. Further analyses of these data, however, demonstrated that the Millon instruments classified significantly more of the sample as personality disordered when compared to Morey's MMPI personality disorder scales. In addition, codetype correspondence among the three instruments was only 4 to 6%. When the instruments were analyzed in a pair-wise fashion, codetype correspondence increased to approximately 10 to 20%. These data indicate that these personality disorder scales do not demonstrate construct equivalence, particularly at the level of the individual profile.  相似文献   

Eleven personality disorder scales for the MMPI, as described in DSM-III, were derived by Morey and his colleagues from the original MMPI item pool through a combination of rational and empirical strategies. These new scales have enjoyed popularity among clinicians. Normative tables for each of these scales, with and without overlapping items, were constructed from MMPI responses from a large contemporary normal reference sample of adults and adolescents without any physical or mental handicaps who were selected randomly from a three-state area in the Midwest. Some items from the Morey Personality Disorder scales were deleted during development of the MMPI-2; separate normative tables have been prepared for the scales so affected, which allows clinicians who are using the MMPI-2 to continue to use these slightly modified scales.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effectiveness of the MMPI in differentiating four clinically relevant types of depression. MMPI profiles of 53 subjects with major depression and personality disorder, 44 subjects with other depression and personality disorder, 27 subjects with major depression without personality disorder, and 20 subjects with other depression without personality disorder were compared via MANOVA, high-point pair analysis, and discriminant analysis. The instrument was found somewhat effective in differentiating the groups at a statistically significant level, but the differences were too subtle to be considered clinically useful. Thus, while the MMPI has some usefulness in the differential diagnosis of depression, it is best used in conjunction with other test data and relevant historical data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a particular MMPI profile is associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Forty-seven symptomatic volunteers who satisfied DSM-III criteria for borderline and/or schizotypal personality disorder were given the full MMPI. Concordance of MMPI profile for BDP confirmed the findings of four previous studies. Elevations were noted on F, D, PD, PA, PT, and SC. A subject's profile with this pattern is interpreted from item content as generally neurotic, dysthymic, socially withdrawn, suspicious, apathetic toward the future, affectively erratic, unable to anticipate the consequences of his or her own behavior, and unable to judge the social desirability of his or her own behavior. Correlations of the foregoing scales with a total BPD score ranged from .44 to .77, with a multiple R of .80 and a cross validity of .77. The accuracy of predicting actual BPD and non-BPD cases was 89%. Accordingly, the MMPI could be used as a coarse screen for BPD casefinding in that patients with the MMPI profiles above should be selected for more thorough diagnostic workup. In the future, the MMPI might be linked to other variables, such as drug response, to understand further the pathophysiology of BPD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find out if the personalities of siblings are similar or different. Subjects used were Doshisha University students and members of their families, provided those families had only two children. Altogether 29 pairs of boys and their younger brothers, 47 pairs of boys and their younger sisters, 44 pairs of girls and their younger brothers, and 51 pairs of girls and their younger sisters were given the MMPI individually. Sibling status effects were found in many of the MMPI scores according to the type of sibling dyads and birth order, especially for the sibling dyad of elder brother and younger sister. Personality relationships between the first and second child showed that there were significant correlations in many MMPI scales: L, K, Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc, Si, Conflict resolution, Manifest anxiety, Repression-Sensitization, and Hostility. Among the four types of sibling dyad, the pairs of girls and their younger brothers showed the highest correlation in their personality.  相似文献   

A preliminary investigation of the external validity of MMPI scales designed to measure certain DSM-III Personality disorders (N = 108) is reported. Results indicate that many of these scales are effective for discriminating clinically diagnosed personality disorders from control subjects (N = 640).  相似文献   

Factor analytic work with the Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) has shown a remarkably stable factor structure. The eight Basic Personality scales have a three-factor structure: Aloof/Social, Submissive/Aggressive, and Labile/Restrained. These dimensions appear to be the same as those suggested by the DSM-III-R advisory committee on personality disorders. The MCMI as a whole has a five-factor structure: Detached, Submissive, Suspicious, High Social Energy, and General Distress. The present work operationalizes these two sets of factors into scales for use by clinicians and researchers. The resultant scales show excellent reliabilities across three subject samples (N = 253, N = 185, N = 184) and demonstrate appropriate convergent and divergent validity estimates against the MCMI itself.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the hypothesis that a response set accounts for relationships between obvious or subtle statements and criteria by assessing the discriminant validity of two MMPI scales subdivided by raters on the obvious-subtle dimension. One hundred male college students completed the MMPI and several other questionnaires and performance tests selected to serve as criteria. Results suggest that obvious items do not possess significant discriminant validity, a finding that would be consistent with a response set interpretation. Relationships formed between subtle subscales and criteria did not suggest a response set interpretation, although a straightforward demonstration of discriminant validity was not found. The full scales appear to possess more discriminant validity than their obvious and subtle subscales.  相似文献   

An analysis was conducted to identify the major personality disorder score profiles to be found in the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II. Application of Ward's agglomerative hierarchical procedure to two subsamples of psychiatric patients (n = 83 for each) yielded four replicated subgroups. A subsequent K-means nonhierarchical approach confirmed four of the Ward clusters. Three subgroups can be characterized as (a) Antisocial, Aggressive (Sadistic), and Passive-Aggressive; (b) Avoidant, Schizoid, and Self-Defeating, and (c) Schizoid, Dependent, and Compulsive. A fourth sizable group is comprised of patients with flat profiles.  相似文献   

The study examined the construct-related validity of a 13-item short form of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale advanced by Reynolds (1982), using the validity scales of the MMPI. With a sample of 481 Basic Military Trainees, the short form of the Marlowe-Crowne replicated the correlations between the standard Marlowe-Crowne and the MMPI validity scales initially reported by Crowne and Marlowe (1960). The results further support the short form of the Marlow-Crowne Social Desirability Scale as an economical measure of social desirability.  相似文献   

In interpreting the results of a self-report inventory it is important to evaluate the extent to which stylistic distortion may have been operative. This task is complicated because validity measures frequently are confounded with content measures. In order to evaluate the potential utility of the validity measures for the Basic Personality Inventory (BPI) the relationships between validity measures and content scales were evaluated in a sample of 71 inmates. While some validity indices had significant correlations with content scales, other validity indices were relatively independent of the content scales. Recommendations are provided for using the BPI validity scales.  相似文献   

Use of the MMPI and MCMI in predicting outcome of lumbar laminectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compared the abilities of the MMPI and Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI), using discriminant analyses, to predict outcome after lumbar laminectomy for chronic back pain. Sixty-nine males and 60 females with lumbar discogenic disease completed MMPIs and MCMIs before surgery and were classified as either having good or fair/poor surgical outcomes based on self-reported pain relief, return to work, restriction of activities, and medication use. Results showed both the MMPI and MCMI to have moderate ability to predict surgery outcome. A slightly higher classification hit rate was obtained with both instruments when age, sex, employment status, and presence of compensation/litigation issues also were entered into the prediction equation. Results indicate the need for caution in using either instrument to make predictions of surgery outcome in individual cases.  相似文献   

Attempted to determine the degree to which the MMPI has prognostic validity for psychiatric patients diagnosed as schizophrenic (N = 41). Patient records were analyzed with multiple regression techniques using the MMPI scales as the independent variables and length of hospital stay as the dependent measure. It was found that certain MMPI scales were highly significant and powerful predictors of length of hospital stay, which indicates that the MMPI does indeed have validity as a quantitative predictor of prognosis in clinical situations. Particularly, the two scales with the highest predictive power, Sc and D, were inversely related concerning clnical outcome.  相似文献   

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