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Rees C  Sheard C 《Medical education》2002,36(11):1017-1027
INTRODUCTION: The General Medical Council (GMC) has stressed the importance of medical students' attitudes towards learning. However, few studies have explored medical students' attitudes towards communication skills learning. This study explores the relationship between the attitudes of medical students at two different schools and their demographic and education-related characteristics. METHODS: A total of 490 medical students from the Universities of Nottingham (Years 1 and 2) and Leicester (Year 1) completed the 26-item Communication Skills Attitude Scale (CSAS) and a personal details questionnaire satisfactorily. The relationships between students' attitudes and their demographic and education-related characteristics were analysed separately for Nottingham and Leicester students using both univariate and multivariate statistics. RESULTS: The attitudes of Nottingham and Leicester medical students towards communication skills learning were significantly associated with a number of demographic and education-related characteristics. Both Nottingham and Leicester students with more positive attitudes towards communication skills learning tended to be female, tended to think their communication skills needed improving and tended not to have parents who were doctors. Both Nottingham and Leicester students with more negative attitudes towards communication skills learning tended to think their communication skills did not need improving. DISCUSSION: The results indicate that medical students' attitudes towards communication skills learning are associated with their demographic and education-related characteristics. These findings have a number of implications for educational practice and further research and these are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Objectives  Communication skills training in undergraduate medical education is considered to play an important role in medical students' formation of their professional identity. This qualitative study explores Year 1 students' perceptions of their identities when practising communication skills with real patients.
Methods  A total of 23 individual semi-structured interviews and two focus group discussions were conducted with 10 students during their first year of communication skills training. All interviews and discussions were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed for emergent themes relating to identity.
Results  Students struggled to communicate professionally with patients because of a lack of clinical knowledge and skills. Consequently, students enacted other identities, yet patients perceived them differently, causing conversational ambiguities.
Discussion  Students' perceptions challenge educational goals, suggesting that there is limited potential for the formation of professional identity through early training. Teacher-doctors must acknowledge how students' low levels of clinical competence and patients' behaviour complicate students' identity formation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine whether peer-assisted learning (PAL) can enhance clinical examination skills training. METHODS: Three student trainers studied small-group theory and clinical examination and provided PAL as extra tuition for 86 trainees. Trainees watched an examination video, were videotaped practising the examination and, after constructive feedback, repeated the examination. Responses to PAL were evaluated to attain an overview of trainee and trainer performance using visual analogue and Likert scale analyses. Year-group review was undertaken using questionnaires. RESULTS: Trainees evaluated all aspects of PAL highly, including their post-training confidence in examination skills (mean > 7.7 on a 10-cm scale), indicating that the PAL was effective. Written comments confirmed the students perceived the sessions as well structured and of high quality. Compared with trainees in the first groups, those from later groups gave all parameters similar or higher gradings. Those for interest (P = 0.03) and appropriateness (P = 0.01) were significantly higher, suggesting that trainers may improve their technique with time. Students with previous degrees gave similar or lower gradings than standard entry students, with answers about post-training confidence and recommendation to friends being statistically lower (P < 0.006). Six months later, year-group analysis showed that 90% of trainees rated PAL highly, and 86% wished to become trainers. Of the trainers' year group, 79% perceived that PAL training could improve examination skills. CONCLUSIONS: In the context of clinical skills training, PAL was highly evaluated across many parameters, including confidence after training. Student interest and enthusiasm supports suggestions that PAL could be a useful adjunct to clinical skills training.  相似文献   

This study investigates the changes in attitudes to psychiatry and level of psychiatric knowledge among medical students before and after formal teaching on psychiatry. Teaching led to the development of more favourable attitudes (particularly among women) towards psychiatry, but doubt remained after teaching about the 'scientific' status of the discipline. Initial attitudes did not relate to academic performance but, those developed after teaching showed a significant positive correlation with it.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: There is little research identifying medical students' attitudes towards communication skills learning. This pilot study outlines the development of a new scale to measure attitudes towards communication skills learning. METHODS: First- and second-year medical students (n = 490) completed the 26-item Communication Skills Attitude Scale (CSAS) and 39 students completed the CSAS on a second occasion. Factor analysis was conducted to determine the factors underpinning the scale. The internal consistency of the subscales was determined using alpha coefficients. The test-retest reliability of the individual scale items were determined using weighted kappa coefficients and the test-retest reliability of the subscales were established using intraclass correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Maximum likelihood extraction with direct oblimin rotation resulted in a 2-factor scale with 13 items on each subscale. Factor I represented positive attitudes towards communication skills learning and factor II represented negative attitudes. Subscale I had an internal consistency of alpha=0.873 and an intraclass correlation of 0.646 (P < 0.001). Subscale II had an internal consistency of alpha=0.805 and an intraclass correlation of 0.771 (P < 0.001). The majority of items on the positive (n=9, 69.2%) and the negative attitude subscales (n=8, 61.5%) possessed moderate test-retest reliability. DISCUSSION: The development of a new and reliable scale to identify medical students' attitudes towards communication skills learning will enable researchers to explore the relationships between medical students' attitudes and their demographic and education-related characteristics. Further work is needed to validate this scale among a broader population of medical students.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Little has been published on medical student risk-taking attitudes and behaviours and whether students think these attributes will affect how they treat patients. OBJECTIVES: Our aims were to assess for an association between risk-taking attitudes and behaviours, such as problematic substance use, self-reported risky behaviours, and self-reported accidents, and to test for an association between risk-taking attitudes and student perceptions of the influence of these attitudes on future clinical practice. METHODS: Three consecutive classes of Year 2 medical students (n=315) completed a self-administered, 29-item questionnaire. Risk-taking attitudes were evaluated using a 6-question, risk-taking scale adapted from the Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI). RESULTS: A significant positive correlation was demonstrated between risk-taking attitudes (JPI) and problematic substance use (r=0.34; P<0.01), self-reported risky behaviours (r=0.47; P<0.01), and self-reported accidents (r=0.33; P<0.01). Students who did not think their attitudes toward risk would affect their clinical decision making scored significantly higher on our measure of risk-taking attitudes (t306=-4.60; P<0.01). Students who did not think that their drinking, drug taking or sexual behaviour would affect how they counselled patients on these matters scored significantly higher on our measure of problematic substance use (t307=-2.51; P=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Although risk-taking attitudes have been associated with significant differences in clinical decision making among doctors, in our sample students with high risk-taking attitudes and behaviours were significantly less likely than their colleagues to think their attitudes would affect their clinical practice. Implications for medical education are discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of possible changes in attitudes towards older persons and in attitudes towards personal death anxiety that might occur over the course of undergraduate medical education. Three entering classes of medical students at a university in the Mid-western United States completed an attitudes towards old people scale, a death anxiety scale, and a standard personality inventory. As graduating seniors, they again completed the attitudes towards old people scale and the death anxiety scale. Significant changes did not occur. In comparison with baseline data from a group of 212 university graduate students in the USA, these 234 medical undergraduates had significantly more positive attitudes towards the aged; in another comparison, their death anxiety was significantly lower than a group of 599 from the general population. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Context Small‐group learning is advocated for enhancing higher‐order thinking and the development of skills and attitudes. Teacher performance, group interaction and the quality of assignments have been shown to affect small‐group learning in hybrid and problem‐based curricula. Objectives This study aimed to examine the perceptions of student groups as to how teacher performance, group interaction and the quality of assignments are related to one another and to learning effects in seminars of 15–30 students in a hybrid curriculum. Methods We constructed a 28‐item questionnaire and administered it to 639 students attending 32 seminars in Years 1–4 of an undergraduate veterinary curriculum. We performed factor analysis and reliability analysis of the questionnaire. We used correlation and regression analyses to explore the interactions of the four‐factor model, with teacher performance, group interaction and quality of assignments as independent variables and the perceived learning effect of the seminars as the dependent variable. Results The response rate was 99%. Teacher performance (β = 0.78) and group interaction (? 0.28) significantly influenced the perceived learning effect. The total effect of the quality of assignments (through effects on teacher performance and group interaction) was 0.47. Discussion The strong relationship between teacher performance and learning effect suggests that students rely strongly on their teachers. The negative effect of group interaction may reflect poor alignment of teaching and assessment and poor organisation of group processes. This should be further examined. Comparative studies on seminars are also recommended.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe and evaluate the effectiveness of a new method of teaching clinical skills designed to increase students' active and self-directed learning as well as tutor feedback. METHODS: A total of 22 consenting Year 4 medical students undertaking general practice and general surgery clinical experience were involved in a pre- and post-test research design. In the initial period of the study, students were taught clinical skills in a traditional manner. In the second phase a clinical teaching strategy called systematic clinical appraisal and learning (SCAL) was utilised. This learning strategy involved active and self-directed learning, holistic care and immediate feedback. Students independently saw a patient and were asked to make judgements about the patient's potential diagnosis, tests required, management, psychosocial needs, preventive health requirements, and any ethical problems. These judgements were then compared with those of the clinical supervisor, who saw the same patient independently. Students recorded details for each consultation. Comparisons were made of the two study periods to examine whether the use of SCAL increased the number of students' independent judgements, perceived student learning, tutor feedback and self-directed learning. RESULTS: During the SCAL learning period, students reported making a greater number of statistically significant independent judgements, and receiving significantly increased tutor feedback in both general practice and general surgery. The number of learning goals set by students was not found to differ between the two periods in surgery but significantly increased in general practice in the SCAL period. Students' perceptions of their learning significantly increased in the SCAL period in surgery but not in general practice. During the traditional learning period in both settings, there was limited student decision-making about most aspects of care, but particularly those relating to prevention, psychosocial issues and ethics. CONCLUSIONS: The SCAL approach appears to offer some advantages over traditional clinical skills teaching. It appears to encourage active and independent decision-making, and to increase tutor feedback. Further exploration of the approach appears warranted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the factors influencing medical students' communication skills. The sample comprised all first-year clinical students. Thirty-two received teaching in communication skills during the year; the remaining 56 did not. Students' career preferences, attitudes towards communication skills and confidence in their ability to communicate with patients were assessed by questionnaire at the beginning and end of the year. At the end of the year each student was videotaped interviewing a simulated patient. Students' communication skills were assessed on the basis of this interview by raters using a standardized rating scale, and by patient questionnaires. While there was some evidence that brief communication skills training improved skills, sex of student was a more significant predictor of level of skill. Students who perceived communication skills as less relevant to medicine and those who were more confident about their own communication skills were more likely to prefer a career in hospital medicine. Students' judgements of their ability to communicate effectively were poor. In the main there was no relationship between confidence and level of skill: where they were related, the association was negative. The benefits from communication skills training might be enhanced by involving hospital doctors in the teaching, and providing students with detailed video feedback on their skills at the outset.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of how medical trainees define medical errors and what factors influence medical trainees' perceptions of medical errors. METHODS: We surveyed 423 medical students and house staff at an urban academic medical centre to learn about how they defined medical errors, their experiences with medical errors, their beliefs about when a patient should be informed of an error, and their attitudes towards medical errors with differing severity of outcomes. RESULTS: Trainees stated that an event could be considered an error regardless of outcome, negligence, intention or consent. Definitions did not vary according to gender or level of training. Trainees had increasing feelings of guilt and fear as the outcomes related to errors worsened. Respondents were more likely to feel guilty and angry at themselves, and be afraid of accusations of malpractice, losing their licence, damaging their reputation, or losing confidence when errors were made while working individually versus in a team setting. Female trainees were more likely than male trainees to feel guilty and angry at themselves, and were afraid of losing confidence if they made an error. CONCLUSIONS: Trainees' perceptions and attitudes towards errors vary depending on whether they are in their clinical years, the severity of outcome, and whether the error is attributable to an individual or a team. These factors will have to be explored in greater depth if we are adequately to prepare young doctors for the errors they will inevitably make.  相似文献   

Context  There is ongoing discussion within the medical education community about dissection as an educational strategy and as a professional training tool in technical and emotional skills training.
Objectives  This study aimed to discover the emotional reactions, attitudes and beliefs of new students faced with human cadaver dissection; to evaluate the changes produced in these variables by the exhibition and practice of dissection; to analyse the level of anxiety students feel when faced with death, and to elucidate the possible relationships between these items.
Methods  The study used a sample of 425 students who were first-time enrolees in a human anatomy course. Three new instruments were designed, with items covering emotional reactions (cognitive, physiological and motor reactions), beliefs and attitudes related to what the student expects to experience or has experienced in dissection. Death anxiety was measured using the Death Anxiety Inventory.
Results  As students gained more experience of dissection, their emotional reactions were reduced and their attitudes and beliefs changed. Statistically significant differences in the level of death anxiety emerged, depending on the perceptions students had of their degree of preparation for dissection, and emotional control and deeper thoughts about life and death during dissection.
Discussion  The practice of anatomy allows the student to learn how to face up to and adapt his or her emotional reactions and attitudes; this gives human cadaver dissection great importance as an educational strategy and as a professional training tool in technical and emotional skills training.  相似文献   

Context  Many students experience a tough transition from pre-clinical to clinical training and previous studies suggest that this may constrict students' progress. However, clear empirical evidence of this is lacking. The aim of this study was to determine: whether the perceived difficulty of transition influences student performance during the first 2 weeks of clerkships; whether it influences students' overall performance in their first clerkship, and the degree to which the difficulty of transition is influenced by students' pre-clinical knowledge and skills levels.
Methods  Clerks ( n  = 83) from a university hospital and eight affiliated hospitals completed a questionnaire measuring the perceived difficulty of the transition period. Data collected included student scores on pre-clinical knowledge and skills, their performance during the second week of the first clerkship, and their overall performance in the first clerkship. Univariate and multivariate multiple regression analyses were used to analyse the data.
Results  The perceived difficulty of transition was neither predictive of student performance during the transition period (adjusted R 2 = 11.8%, P  = NS), nor of their overall clerkship performance (adjusted R 2 = 8.6%, P  = NS). Students' pre-clinical knowledge and skills played a minor role in the perceived difficulty of the transition period.
Conclusions  The negative effect of the transition period on student progress suggested in the literature was not found in this study. A possible explanation for the limited influence of students' knowledge and skills on performance during the transition period is that the workload in this period causes a cognitive overload, interfering with students' abilities to apply their pre-clinical knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

Stark P 《Medical education》2003,37(11):975-982
Objective  To describe the perceptions of medical students and clinical teachers of teaching and learning in the clinical setting.
Design  Qualitative study of focus groups with undergraduate medical students and semistructured interviews with hospital consultant clinical teachers.
Setting  The School of Medicine, University of Leeds and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, UK.
Participants  Fourth year medical students and consultant clinical teachers.
Main outcome measures  Analysis of narratives to identify students' perceptions of clinical teaching and consultants' views of their delivery of undergraduate clinical teaching.
Results  Students believed in the importance of consultant teaching and saw consultants as role models. However, they perceived variability in the quality and reliability of teaching between physicians and surgeons. Some traditional teaching venues, especially theatre, are believed to be of little clinical importance. Generally, consultants enjoyed teaching but felt under severe pressure from other commitments. They taught in a range of settings and used various teaching strategies, not all of which were perceived to be 'teaching' by students.
Conclusions  While students and teachers are educational partners, they are not always in agreement about the quality, quantity, style or appropriate setting of clinical teaching. To enable teachers to provide more high quality teaching, there needs to be support, opportunities and incentives to understand curricular developments and acquire teaching skills.  相似文献   

Summary: Summary. A study was conducted to determine whether the attitudes of medical students to death and caring changed during the 3 months following exposure to cadaver dissection. All first-year students were invited to complete a questionnaire immediately before their initial cadaver dissection experience, after 6 weeks, and after a further 3 months. The questionnaire reflected attitudes to death, violent death, death of someone known to the respondent and caring when someone known to the respondent is seriously injured. Ethnicity and previous exposure to dying has no effect on responses, but overall men students' reactions were significantly less than for women ( P < 0.001). The responses given on the final part of the questionnaire after 3 months were significantly lower than those to most questions in the first part of the questionnaire. The exceptions were those questions where the subject in the given scenario was known to the respondent, where reactions were rated significantly greater ( P < 0.001) in the follow-up questionnaire and can be explained on the basis that they were a personal referent.
Students rapidly develop a coping mechanism which enables them to view cadaver dissection as an occupation quite divorced from living human beings. During these early months of training solicitude decreases for those who die who are unknown to them, but concern for personal referents increases. Educators should be aware of the dramatic change of attitudes among students and the process of professionalization which might influence their caring of future patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to measure the improvement in attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration of undergraduate health care students who have a single module of interprofessional problem-based learning (PBL) using real patients as triggers integrated into their curricula. DESIGN: A dedicated module, consisting of 5 PBL seminars, was integrated into the undergraduate medical, nursing and physiotherapy curricula at the participating institutions. Seminar groups consisted of students from a single profession in the control group, and of evenly distributed students from the participating professions in the intervention group. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale was used to measure improvements in attitudes towards interprofessional co-operation. Patients, faculty members and students were included in the evaluation of the interprofessional module and their comments examined for indications of adverse effects of the use of patients in this setting. RESULTS: A total of 177 students were recruited into the study and assigned to 1 of 16 seminar groups, all of which attended the complete module, 8 in control mode and 8 in intervention mode. Statistically significant improvements could be identified in the overall attitudes of male students in the intervention group, and in attitudes pertaining to the competence and autonomy of individuals in one's own profession in the intervention group as a whole. No significant improvements were detected in the control group. No adverse effects of the use of real patients came to light. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of an interprofessional educational module that requires limited student and faculty time in undergraduate health care curricula may be proven to have an effect. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale may be suitable for measuring such effect. Real patients may continue to contribute to education in this setting.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In 2003 the Dutch Central College of Medical Specialties presented guidelines for the modernisation of all medical specialty training programmes in the Netherlands. These guidelines are based to a large extent on the CanMEDS (Canadian Medical Education Directives for Specialists) 2000 model, which defines 7 roles for medical specialists. This model was adjusted to the Dutch situation. The roles were converted to 7 fields of competency: Medical Performance; Communication; Collaboration; Knowledge and Science; Community Performance; Management, and Professionalism. OBJECTIVE: As changes in postgraduate training will probably be most effective if future trainees recognise their value, we set out to determine how senior medical students rated these fields of competency in terms of their importance. METHODS: We carried out a study at University Medical Centre (UMC) Utrecht, the Netherlands, in which 80 Year 6 medical students answered a questionnaire in which they rated the importance of each of 28 key competencies within the 7 competency fields. RESULTS: Although all key competencies were regarded as important (averages > or = 3.8), Professionalism and Communication scored highest on the student ratings. Management was assessed as least important. CONCLUSIONS: It is interesting that medical students acknowledged the importance of competencies other than those involving medical expertise and performance. It confirms the opinion that educating doctors is currently viewed as much more than providing theoretical and clinical knowledge and skills. The CanMEDS framework is appreciated by Dutch medical students. The fact that all competencies are seen as important adds to their face validity and therefore to their usefulness as a basis for postgraduate training.  相似文献   

Rees C  Sheard C 《Medical education》2004,38(2):125-128
INTRODUCTION: To date, no studies have examined preclinical medical students' views about portfolios. Since portfolios are becoming increasingly valued in medical education, this study explores second-year medical students' views about a reflective portfolio assessment of their communication skills. METHODS: 178 second-year medical students at the University of Nottingham completed the 18-item reflective portfolio questionnaire (RPQ) (alpha = 0.716) and a personal details questionnaire three days before submitting their portfolio assessment for communication skills. Data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistics on SPSS Version 10.0. RESULTS: Total scores on the RPQ ranged from 40 to 75 (mean 58.28, SD 7.08). Significant relationships existed between RPQ total scores and students' ratings of their reflection skills (rs = 0.322, P < 0.001), RPQ total scores and students' confidence building another portfolio (T = 4.381, d.f. = 176, P < 0.001), and RPQ total scores and students' marks for their reflective portfolio assessment (rs = 0.167, P = 0.029). Students with more positive views about reflective portfolios were more likely to rate their reflection skills as good, receive better marks for their portfolio assessment, and be more confident building another portfolio. DISCUSSION: This study begins to highlight preclinical medical students' views about reflective portfolios. However, further research is required using qualitative studies to explore students' views in depth. Medical educators should be encouraged to consider introducing portfolios as a method of formative and summative assessment earlier in the medical curriculum.  相似文献   

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