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目的探讨腹腔镜一期Fowler-Stephens手术在高位隐睾中的疗效。方法7例(10侧睾丸)高位隐睾患儿,腹腔镜下确认睾丸情况后,高位离断精索血管,充分游离输精管,保留睾丸引带,将睾丸一期下降固定于阴囊皮下与肉膜囊间隙。结果10侧睾丸均一期下降固定,其中9侧行一期Fowler-Stephens手术,1例双侧隐睾患儿的左睾丸充分游离精索后行一期下降固定。7例术后随访6~24个月,平均14个月,下降的睾丸无回缩、无萎缩。结论腹腔镜一期Fowler-Stephens手术对高位隐睾能达到良好疗效,值得推广。  相似文献   

高位隐睾采取常规开放手术,创伤大,常不能充分游离精索血管和输精管,可致睾丸下降位置不满意。我院2007年3月至2009年3月开展腹腔镜下高位隐睾下降固定术12例19侧,效果满意,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同位置的隐睾,采用不同微创手术方式的效果及可行性。方法自2013年6月至2016年6月我院收治各类隐睾共56例。腹腔型隐睾9例采用腹腔镜手术。腹腔镜下游离患侧睾丸及精索,自腹股沟管将睾丸牵入阴囊,固定于阴囊底部肉膜囊内。阴囊高位型隐睾及滑动睾丸6例采用单纯经阴囊切口手术(Bianchi),直接于患侧阴囊底部皮肤皱褶内做顺皮纹切口,游离精索,将睾丸固定于肉膜囊内。腹股沟型隐睾41例,采用腹腔镜手术与Bianchi手术相结合的治疗方法,不将睾丸提入腹腔,不切断睾丸引带,腹腔内游离精索后,将睾丸下推至阴囊,然后转至阴囊部操作,采用Bianchi手术,将睾丸固定于阴囊底部肉膜囊内。结果全部病例均顺利完成手术,达到睾丸无张力固定于阴囊底部的效果。平均手术时间,腹腔型(65±8)min,腹股沟型(56±6)min,阴囊型(45±5)min。术后恢复顺利,无围手术期并发症出现。术后第3天出院。随访3~12个月,所有病例睾丸位置均位于阴囊底部,无睾丸萎缩或回缩病例,血供良好,发育正常。结论根据睾丸位置选取不同的微创手术方式,使隐睾手术全部达到微创化治疗,损伤小,恢复快,无明显切口瘢痕,精索游离充分,能够将睾丸固定于阴囊低位,效果满意。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜技术治疗可触及腹股沟型隐睾的可行性及优势。方法:腹股沟型隐睾患者773例,左侧218例、右侧459例、双侧96例,共869个睾丸。年龄6个月至8岁,平均20个月。超声刀腹腔内切开腹膜后壁,游离高位精索接近肾下极,并将后腹膜与输精管分离开,再分离松解腹股沟管内精索粘连,离断睾丸引带,将睾丸回拉入腹腔内,保护输精管,将睾丸下拉入阴囊固定于肉膜囊。结果:773例869个睾丸手术均顺利,无中转开放手术。手术时间(34.8±5.4) min。患侧鞘状突未闭692侧(89.5%);677例单侧隐睾对侧隐匿性疝233例(34.4%),术中一并行疝囊高位结扎。术中无皮下气肿发生,术后无呕吐、腹胀不适,无伤口出血及明显疼痛。术后定期复查彩超,随访6~18个月,睾丸均位于阴囊内,无睾丸回缩及萎缩,未发现腹股沟疝或鞘膜积液。结论:腹腔镜治疗腹股沟型隐睾安全、有效,具有明显的微创优势,且可同时探查及治疗对侧隐匿性疝,避免了异时性腹股沟疝的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜Prentiss路径睾丸下降固定术在高位隐睾手术中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2017年8月~2019年3月我院腹腔镜Prentiss路径睾丸下降固定术治疗28例儿童高位隐睾的临床资料。年龄8个月~7岁3个月,中位数1岁10个月。左侧8例,右侧17例,双侧3例。伴同侧腹股沟斜疝13例,鞘膜积液3例。在腹腔镜监视下,经腹腔镜操作剪刀、电凝钩等器械游离睾丸后离断引带,保留精索及输精管表面腹膜,松解精索及输精管,腹腔镜监视下经腹壁下血管内侧建立睾丸下降的Prentiss路径,经体外牵拉睾丸残留引带下降睾丸,体外牵引下再次于腹腔内游离精索,使睾丸能无张力下降至阴囊。结果手术时间35~64(45. 1±6. 9) min,出血5 ml。术后均未使用止痛药,阴囊轻微肿胀,未放置引流条,无须使用抗生素。术后4 h饮水,6 h进流质饮食,1~2 d出院。28例术后随访1~20(8. 5±5. 5)月,无切口感染,睾丸均停留在阴囊内,阴囊外观良好,左右基本对称,无睾丸萎缩、鞘膜积液、腹股沟斜疝等并发症。结论腹腔镜Prentiss路径睾丸下降固定术治疗高位隐睾简单易学且安全有效,容易达到睾丸下降固定的目的。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜辅助一期睾丸固定术的疗效。方法按睾丸位置分为2组:A组腹股沟管内(近内环)隐睾其20例;B组腹腔内隐争共12例:采用蔓孔法(脐部及左右侧腹各置入5mmtrocar),术中镜下游离精索至肾下极并充分游离输精管,从腹内经腹股沟形成隧道牵出睾丸。结果A组一侧手术时间13~26min,平均21min;B组一侧手术时间15~32min,平均26min。术后住院1~3d,平均1.6d。3例阴囊轻度水肿。32例随访4~24个月,平均13个月,无睾丸萎缩及阴囊血肿,B组1例翠丸轻度同缩(至外环口处)。结论腹腔镜高位隐睾手术诊断明确,游离充分,创伤小,术后并发症少,效果确切。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜整体分离鞘状突和精索在小儿腹股沟型隐睾手术中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2008年2月至2014年2月,广东省佛山市第一人民医院施行小儿腹股沟型隐睾腹腔镜手术95例患儿临床资料,将其中应用腹腔镜整体分离鞘状突和精索实现隐睾松解的患儿与其他不同手术方式的患儿进行比较,对比手术时间、手术出血量,以及术中损伤和术后并发症的发生率。结果腹腔镜手术治疗小儿腹股沟型隐睾共95例、125侧,按鞘状突开闭状态和睾丸位置的不同进行分型并实施不同手术方式:鞘状突闭合低位睾丸型8例、12侧(A组),腹腔镜探查后转阴囊切口松解固定隐睾;鞘状突闭合高位睾丸型6例、7侧(B组),腹腔镜下经腹膜后松解精索血管及隐睾;鞘状突未闭低位睾丸型8例、11侧(C组),腹腔镜内环口结扎后转阴囊切口松解固定隐睾;鞘状突未闭高位睾丸型73例、95侧(D组),应用腹腔镜下整体分离鞘状突和精索实现隐睾松解固定。各组手术时间、手术出血量差异无统计学意义;各组均无术中副损伤;术后并发症发生率:A组0%,B组42.9%,C组9.1%,D组4.2%。结论对于鞘状突未闭的腹股沟型隐睾,整体分离鞘状突和精索的方法松解隐睾能避免精索血管和输精管损伤;对于鞘状突闭合的腹股沟型隐睾,因无鞘状突腹膜引导松解精索,术后缺血性并发症发生率较高,不推荐在腹腔镜下松解。  相似文献   

目的探讨分析选择不同路径行睾丸下降固定术的体会。方法 2012年5月至2014年3月期间,共103例患儿在广东省妇幼保健院小儿泌尿外科行睾丸下降固定术,高位隐睾者经腹腔镜下入路和低位隐睾者经阴囊弧形切口入路行睾丸下降固定术或睾丸探查术。分析不同手术径路的术后效果及随访观察患儿手术切口、睾丸位置、血供情况等来评价手术效果。结果 103例隐睾患儿,54例为左侧隐睾,21例为右侧隐睾,28例为双侧隐睾,总共114枚睾丸行睾丸下降固定术。39例(5例为双侧隐睾)患儿,共44枚睾丸经阴囊切口行睾丸下降固定术。64例(23例为双侧隐睾)患儿,共70枚睾丸通过腹腔镜下行睾丸下降固定术,其中20例患儿术中行Flower-Stephens I期术式;15例腹腔镜下行单侧睾丸样组织切除;单侧隐睾2例患儿术中发现输精管及精索血管未汇合。99例患儿获术后随访,时间为3个月~2年,术后随访中经阴囊切口行睾丸下降固定术者有1例患儿未能将睾丸完全下降至阴囊底部,仅位于阴囊上方。无患儿出现睾丸萎缩,无患儿伤口出现脂肪液化、感染。结论腹腔镜下入路和经阴囊弧形入口两种手术路径治疗隐睾安全、有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜技术在小儿腹股沟可触及隐睾中的应用。方法对23例26侧腹股沟可触及睾丸的隐睾患儿进行腹腔镜睾丸下降固定术治疗。其中左侧隐睾8例,右侧隐睾12例,双侧隐睾3例。结果 23例中有20例隐睾患者经腹腔镜手术均能分离到足够长度的精索及输精管,使睾丸能通过腹股沟管顺利降至阴囊中而I期完成手术。术后随访6月睾丸发育良好,睾丸无回缩,均未出现睾丸萎缩、腹股沟斜疝及鞘膜积液等并发症。3例转为腹股沟开放性手术。结论腹腔镜治疗腹股沟可触及的隐睾方法可行,疗效满意。  相似文献   

1983年以来,我院对5例腹内型高位隐睾病人行了睾丸自体移植。手术年龄:12~14岁3人;16岁1人;30岁1人。手术部位:左侧4人;右侧1人。均为双侧腹内型高位隐睾,经游离松解后,睾丸不能降入阴囊者。术后随访,睾丸发育良好。  相似文献   

Of 22 boys with an intra-abdominal testis 8 (12 testes) underwent the 2-stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy. During stage 1 the testicular artery and internal spermatic vein were ligated in situ 2 to 3 cm. superior to the intra-abdominal testis. The testicular vessels were transected inferior to the ligatures 6 months later and the testis was brought to the scrotum with the standard Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy technique. Patient age ranged from 1 to 6 years (mean 3.2 years). At followup 11 of 12 testes (92%) are in the scrotum and have a normal consistency and size, while 1 (8%) is atrophic. In this preliminary series the 2-stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy has a success rate equal or possibly superior to the standard Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy. Whether ultimate testicular function is improved, however, remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Re-orchiopexy was performed in 33 boys (42 testes) in order to place an undescended testis in the scrotum after failure of the initial operation. Success was achieved in 80.9%. Seven of the 10 testes, reported to have short spermatic vessels at the first surgery, had no elongation of the vessels and only 1 of these resulted in a high scrotal location of the testis. It appears that most orchiopexy failures are the result of technical failures of the initial procedure. Standard orchiopexy with extensive mobilization of the spermatic vessels and testis can successfully correct most of the undescended testes. However, the preferred management for the intra-abdominal testis with short vessels may be transection of the spermatic vessels rather than a planned two-stage technique.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether a fasciovascular flap as a vascular carrier could be used to revascularize the undescended testis for avoiding the hazardous effects of the Fowler-Stephens procedure, high division of the spermatic vessels, and for bringing high-undescended testes into the scrotum. A total of 25 Wistar rats were divided into five groups of five rats each. In each group, surgical procedures were performed bilaterally, i.e. ten testes in each group, as follows: sham-operated controls (group 1), undescended testes (group 2), high division of the spermatic vessels (group 3), vascular induction with immediate division of spermatic vessels (group 4), and with delayed division of spermatic vessels (group 5). Evaluations were done by measuring the testicular weight and volume, testicular blood flow, and testicular biopsy scores and by microangiography. A moderate to severe decrease in testicular weight and volume in all experimental groups was observed compared with the sham-operated controls (group 1), but this was significantly less in groups 2 and 5. High division of the spermatic vessels in groups 3 and 4 resulted in a significantly greater decrease in the testicular blood flow, but this did not occur in group 5. Microangiographically, an impaired vascular supply from the deferential artery in group 3 and insufficient revascularization from the fasciovascular carrier in group 4 were observed. However, efficient revascularization stemming from the superficial epigastric artery of the fasciovascular flap was found in group 5. The testicular biopsy scores of groups 2 and 5 were significantly greater than those of groups 3 and 4. The results of the present study demonstrate that the fasciovascular flap as a vascular carrier revascularizes the testis through spermatic vessels after delayed division and provides an adjuvant treatment modality or first-stage procedure in a salvage operation for high-undescended testis during staged orchiopexy.Presented at the 10th Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Research Council Meeting, October 18–19, 2001, Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Laparoscopy has become one of the important diagnostic modalities of nonpalpable testis and has been developed and applied in the treatment of this disease. In the present study, we investigated the usefulness of laparoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of nonpalpable testis. METHODS: Laparoscopy was carried out under general anesthesia on 21 patients (23 testes) from October 1991 to October 1999. If the internal spermatic vessels and vas deferens made their way into the internal inguinal ring, the inguinal canal was dissected with an incision in the inguinal region to look for the testis. Patients with intra-abdominal testis underwent laparoscopic orchiopexy or orchiectomy. If the internal spermatic vessels terminated with a blind end intraperitoneally, making it impossible to identify the testis, the case was judged to be vanishing testis and the operation was finalized without any further examination. RESULTS: In eight of 23 testes (35%), the internal spermatic vessels and vas deferens made their way into the internal inguinal ring. The inguinal region was examined in all the eight testes. Orchiopexy was carried out on two testes and orchiectomy was carried out on six testes. An intra-abdominal testis was detected in eight of 23 testes (35%). Laparoscopic orchiopexy was carried out on seven testes. One-stage orchiopexy was carried out on two of the seven testes and two-stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy was carried out on five of the seven testes. Orchiectomy was carried out on the remaining testis. Blocking or lack of the internal spermatic vessels and vas deferens was seen in seven of the 23 testes (30%) and this condition was diagnosed as vanishing testis. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopy for nonpalpable testis is considered to be the most effective technique for diagnosing the presence or absence of the testis and the location of the testis.  相似文献   

AIMS: Treatment of patients with abdominal non-palpable testis (NPT) is still controversial among pediatric urologists. This is a prospective randomized comparative study between open and laparoscopic orchiopexy for management of abdominal testis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the success rate and morbidity of both approaches. METHODS: Eighty-two patients with a mean age of 5.3 years were evaluated by laparoscopy for 87 NPT. Patients with viable abdominal testes were randomly treated with either open or laparoscopic orchiopexy procedures. RESULTS: On laparoscopy, 75 viable abdominal testes were found. According to location: 41 (47.1%) testes were high abdominal, 27 (31%) testes were low abdominal and 7 (8%) testes were peeping from the internal ring. Laparoscopic first stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy was done initially for those with high abdominal testes. For further management, all patients were divided randomly into open (36 cases) and laparoscopic (39 cases) groups where primary (with spermatic vessel preservation) or second stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy was done. Statistical analysis was done using Student's t-test. Laparoscopic procedures showed significant less morbidity than the open counterparts. Follow up ranged from 9 to 31 months and included evaluation of testicular site and size. All testes were located satisfactorily inside the scrotum. Five cases of testicular atrophy were encountered (three and two testes with open and laparoscopic second stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy respectively) after 1 year follow up. CONCLUSION: Results of open versus laparoscopic orchiopexy procedures (primary or staged) are fairly comparable. However, laparoscopy provides significantly less morbidity.  相似文献   



The management of the nonpalpable testis permits an individualized operative approach. We analyze the results of surgical management of a large series of patients with a nonpalpable testis.

Materials and Methods

Between January 1986 and June 1994 we treated 1,866 boys with undescended testes. There were 447 testes (24%) that were not palpable at presentation. Intraoperative data on these patients were collected for age at presentation, bilateral testes position, testicular size, associated inguinal anomalies (vas, epididymis and processus vaginalis) and surgical approach. For intra-abdominal testes postoperative results of 2 surgical techniques, the Fowler-Stephens procedure and Koop orchiopexy (retroperitoneal mobilization of spermatic vessels and vas) were compared in 76 patients with at least 18 months of followup.


Average patient age at presentation was 34 months with 63% presenting before age 48 months. Of the impalpable testes 58% were on the left side, 35% were on the right side and 7% were bilateral. At operation 181 testes (41%) were atrophic or absent, 91 (20%) were intraabdominal with 14 (3.1%) bilateral, 136 (30%) were in the inguinal canal and 39 (9%) were in other locations, including 22 at the pubic tubercle, 2 in the upper scrotum, 13 in the superficial inguinal pouch and 2 in the perineum. Of the intra-abdominal group associated extratesticular malformations were identified in 36 cases (39%). Attachment of the vas deferens to the testis was abnormal in 23 of 64 cases (36%), including 10 that were completely detached and 13 with head or tail attachment only.Of the 91 evaluable cases in the intra-abdominal group 38 (42%) had been treated with the Fowler-Stephens repair (5 in 2 stages), 33 (36%) with inguinal orchiopexy and intraperitoneal dissection without dividing the spermatic vessels, 5 with 2-stage procedures and vessel preservation and 14 (15%) with orchiectomy. One testis was left in situ. The inguinal approach with intraperitoneal extension was successful in defining the testis location or blind-ending vas and vessels in 100% of the cases. A single operation to perform orchiopexy was successful in 92% of the cases. Overall, results were considered excellent or acceptable in 32 of 33 cases (97%) after Koop orchiopexy and 28 of 38 (74%) after the Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy.


Nonpalpable testes accounted for 24% of the patients presenting with undescended testes. At surgical exploration 39% of impalpable testes were distal to the external inguinal ring, 41% were atrophic or absent and 20% were intra-abdominal. All cases were treated through a standard inguinal incision. These data provide evidence that the inguinal approach to orchiopexy with transperitoneal mobilization of the vas and vessels without transection is highly successful for the intra-abdominal cryptorchid testis and, to date, is the preferred technique for the management of the intra-abdominal undescended testis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The undescended testis represents one of the most common disorders of childhood. The authors evaluated the safety and efficacy of laparoscopy for the abdominal testis and present a classification of the laparoscopic diagnostic findings to facilitate decision making. METHODS: Between 2000 and 2005, 95 patients (22 bilateral and 73 unilateral testes, for a total of 117 impalpable testes) with a mean age of 5 years underwent laparoscopy. The testis was managed according to a special classification of the diagnostic findings. Testicular position, size, and viability according to technetium-99m ((99m)Tc) were assessed during the follow-up evaluation. RESULTS: The laparoscopic findings were classified into six types: type 0 (no testis or vanished testis proximal to the internal ring; 9 patients [7.5%]); type 1 (atrophic intracanalicular testis; 6 patients [5.4%], for whom no further intervention was administered); type 2 (testis at the internal ring with looping vas; 15 patients [14.5%], for whom laparoscopic orchiopexy was performed); type 3 (testis at the internal ring without looping of the vas; 29 patients [24.7%], for whom laparoscopic orchiopexy also was performed; type 4 (high abdominal testes; 49 patients [41.9%], with Staged Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy performed for 47 testes and laparoscopic orchidectomy for 2 testes; and type 5 (persistence of Müllerian duct structures [PMDS] or other abnormalities; 7 testes [6%]). After a mean follow-up period of 3 years, the laparoscopic orchiopexy testes were of good size and viable, but four testes (8.7%) were at the neck of the scrotum. The laparoscopically staged Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy group showed atrophy in two testes (4.3%), and all were in the bottom of the scrotum. CONCLUSIONS: Classification of the laparoscopic findings facilitates decision making. Laparoscopic orchiopexy is a natural extension of diagnostic laparoscopy for the intraabdominal testis at the internal ring or that seen peeping from it. Laparoscopically staged Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy is the procedure of choice for the high intraabdominal testis not amenable to the one-stage procedure.  相似文献   

Although orchidopexy for an undescended testis is generally a satisfactory operation, high undescended testis is often a problem. Management of such testicles remains controversial and since 1984 the authors have used spermatic vessels division (Fowler Stephens procedure) in 29 cases with satisfactory results. Although the Fowler-Stephens procedure carries a certain risk of testicular atrophy, the results are equivalent to those achieved by the two stage orchidopexy if careful attention is paid to details of the procedure and selection of cases.  相似文献   

Background: Several surgical procedures have been described for the management of nonpalpable testis. Following a vast experience with a complete laparoscopic two-stage Fowler-Stephens procedure, we report our experience with laparoscopic orchiopexy performed without dividing the spermatic vessels. Methods: Over a 24-month period, 70 boys with nonpalpable testes (72 overall) underwent laparoscopic diagnostic exploration. Twenty patients (27.8%) of this series who showed an intraabdominal testis underwent laparoscopic orchiopexy without sectioning the spermatic vessels. In seven cases, the testis was just proximal to the internal inguinal ring; in 13, it was in the high intraabdominal position. The technique consisted in sectioning the gubernaculum (when present), opening the peritoneum laterally to the spermatic vessels, and mobilizing the testicular vessels and the vas deferens in a retroperitoneal position for 8–10 cm. The testis was then brought down into the scrotum through the internal inguinal ring (11 cases), if this was open, or through a neo-inguinal ring (nine cases) created medially to the epigastric vessels. In every case, we closed the inguinal ring at the end of the operation using one or two detached sutures. Results: Operating time ranged between 40 and 75 min (median, 55). All the testes were successfully brought down into the scrotum. We had only one (5%) intraoperative complication. In the second patient treated with this procedure, there was an iatrogenic rupture of the spermatic vessels due to excessive traction. Conclusion: On the basis of our experience, we believe that laparoscopic orchiopexy without division of the spermatic vessels should be the treatment of choice in the management of nonpalpable testes, because it does not affect normal testicular vascularization and is minimally invasive. A blunt dissection and a delicate manipulation of the testis without excessive traction are the best ways to avoid any kind of complication. Received: 26 April 1999/Accepted: 22 November 1999/Online publication: 8 May 2000  相似文献   

腹腔镜下手术治疗腹股沟型隐睾   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨腹腔镜下睾丸固定术治疗腹股沟型隐睾的可行性及微创优势. 方法 腹股沟型隐睾患儿90例.年龄8个月~6岁,平均17个月.左侧24例、右侧53例、双侧13例,共103个睾丸.腹腔镜下离断鞘状突或疝囊,松解腹膜后精索,将睾丸拉入腹腔,离断引带;将睾丸拉入阴囊固定. 结果 90例103个睾丸手术均顺利,无中转开放手术者.平均手术时间(32.7±5.2)min.103个睾丸患侧鞘状突未闭93侧(90.3%);77例单侧隐睾对侧鞘状突未闭12例(15.6%).术中发生皮下气肿3例(3.3%),拔出套管后,经切口排出气体,气肿消失.术后随访6~12个月,103个睾丸均在阴囊内,无萎缩及睾丸回缩. 结论 腹腔镜下腹股沟型隐睾固定手术安全、有效,弥补了开放术式破坏腹股沟管解剖完整性、腹膜后高位松解困难等缺陷.  相似文献   

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