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目的了解患者家属手卫生认知和行为现状。方法采用问卷调查法,对儿科、神经外科、重症监护病房210名患者家属进行手卫生认知和行为的调查。结果91.0%的住院患者家属都意识到手卫生对健康的重要性,但对接触患者及其物品前后、洗手可以保护自己和患者不被感染等认知率较低(18.6%~45.2%);在实际执行中14.8%~30.5%患者家属认为简单接触不需要洗手。结论患者家属手卫生认知低,实际执行较差,医院应加强对住院患者家属手卫生知识的宣教,改善洗手条件,督促手卫生的执行,以减少患者医院感染的发生。  相似文献   

目的 调查不同公共场所人群进出盥洗间洗手前后手卫生效果及手卫生依从性的评价.方法 2020年1月-2021年2月,选择五星级酒店公共盥洗间、客轮渡候船室盥洗间、高中学校公共盥洗间、图书馆盥洗间4类具有代表性的公共场所随机选择各120例作为观察组,医务工作人员120例作为对照组检测洗手前后手细菌菌落计数.对以上五处采样点...  相似文献   

目的:了解我院实习医生手卫生依从率,强化实习医生手卫生意识.方法:采用自行设计问卷调查表对我院168名实习医生进行手卫生知识、洗手依从性的调查.结果:实习医生对各种操作后洗手知识的掌握较好,基本的洗手知识掌握不理想;影响手卫生的因素有很多.结论:提高实习医生手卫生依从性,除提供足量洗手设施、加强基础知识培训外,个人责任心的培养及带教老师的楷模作用也非常重.  相似文献   

目的调查湖南省三级综合医院临床护士胰岛素注射相关知信行水平并探讨其影响因素。方法采用自行设计的临床护士胰岛素注射知信行问卷对湖南省23所三级综合医院的2 532名临床护士进行调查。结果临床护士胰岛素注射相关知识、信念、行为平均得分分别为56.29±13.36、47.95±3.98、75.94±8.61。学历、职称、工作科室、胰岛素注射培训次数、注射指南知晓情况及注射培训需求是胰岛素注射相关知信行的主要影响因素(均P0.01)。结论湖南省三级综合医院临床护士对胰岛素注射相关知识处于中等水平,信念及行为水平较好。在临床全面开展胰岛素规范化注射培训势在必行,确保糖尿病患者能够在不同科室得到相同的护理服务。  相似文献   

目的探讨手细菌监测对护士手卫生依从性的影响。方法对全院每个科室培训1名兼职感染管理控制护士,由其每月随机抽取2名护士分别于操作后洗手前、洗手后进行手细菌监测;采用隐蔽性观察法于实施手细菌监测前后观察护士洗手及手消毒方法合格率。结果实施手细菌监测后,护士洗手及手消毒方法合格率显著优于实施前(均P<0.01)。结论手细菌监测管理措施可有效提高手卫生执行力度和效果。  相似文献   

目的了解护士对ICU谵妄(DICU)的认知程度、应对态度及行为状况,为制定DICU的行为干预提供参考。方法采用自行设计DICU知信行问卷调查表对103名ICU护士进行调查。结果在DICU相关知识方面,掌握DICU的定义、表现、危险因素及处理措施的ICU护士占78.64%、78.64%、73.79%、75.73%,掌握DICU的危害、诊断和监测者占34.96%和36.90%;在对待DICU的态度方面,认为对DICU感兴趣并且应该去学习和掌握DICU指南的ICU护士占79.61%、84.47%、80.58%,认为应该接受正规培训、识别DICU者占79.61%和69.90%;在DICU行为方面,工作中经常关注、评价和记录DICU者占84.47%、79.61%、68.93%,向医生反馈患者的精神状态、在工作中不断积累相关知识者占79.61和75.73%。结论护士DICU相关知识掌握不全,但愿意主动学习并承担DICU的识别工作,工作中也经常关注DICU并向医生汇报;应加强对ICU护士DICU相关知识的系统培训,提高DICU的早期识别率。  相似文献   

敬洁  白晓霞 《护理学杂志》2011,26(24):50-51
目的 了解手术室护士对外科手术部位感染(SSI)预防和控制技术相关知识的掌握状况及影响因素,为有针对性地开展继续教育提供依据.方法 自行设计外科手术部位感染预防和控制技术相关知识调查问卷,对90名手术室护士进行横断面调查.结果 手术室护士相关知识掌握得分(5.66±3.34)分,及格57.78%;不同工龄、职称的护士相关知识得分差异显著(均P<0.01).结论 手术室护士对SSI预防和控制技术相关知识掌握程度欠佳,护理管理者应根据护士不同层次拟定相应的培训内容,制定规范的培训计划,以便更好地掌握和实施预防及控制外科手术部位感染的措施,降低SSI发生率.  相似文献   

目的:调查《医务人员手卫生规范》实施后,普外病区医务人员手卫生认知与依从性执行情况,为改进手卫生工作提供依据。方法通过问卷调查和现场观察的方法,对普通外科156名工作人员其手卫生认知与依从性执行情况进行调查。结果在不同岗位和工作区域的工作人员中,监护室护士手卫生认知和依从性最高,保洁人员最差,接触患者前手卫生依从性最差。结论手卫生认知与依从性和相关理论知识的培训、执行力度的监督及医护人员自身的重视度、责任心相关。  相似文献   

目的 探讨宁夏地区护士胰岛素注射知信行的特征、潜在类别及影响因素,为制定针对性干预措施提供参考。方法 采用分层随机抽样与便利抽样相结合的方法选取宁夏地区3所二级医院、4所三级医院的1 087名护士进行胰岛素注射知信行调查,并进行潜在类别分析。结果 护士胰岛素注射知识、信念、行为得分分别为(13.30±3.13)、(17.37±3.08)、(79.55±12.39)分。可分为2个潜在类别:知识一般-信念行为良好组(86.4%)、知识差-信念行为一般组(13.6%)。工作年限、所在科室、日均胰岛素注射次数、参与胰岛素注射操作培训次数是护士胰岛素注射知信行潜在类别的影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论 宁夏地区护士胰岛素知信行水平存在异质性,提示护理管理者可根据不同的潜在类别及其影响因素制定针对性干预策略,以提升护士胰岛素注射知信行水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨手卫生工作现状和改进策略。方法分析国内外手卫生发展现状,总结我国手卫生工作发展的基础与策略。结果手卫生法规逐步规范,手卫生设施不断完善,医务人员对手卫生的认知不断提升和依从性不断提高,手卫生工作的调查研究不断深入。结论我国手卫生工作发展迅速,取得了重要进展,为今后手卫生工作奠定了良好的基础;但与保障患者安全的要求有一定的距离,手卫生工作面临着巨大的挑战,任重道远。  相似文献   

湖北省手术室专科护士培训需求的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解手术室护士对专科培训的需求,为合理设置手术室专科护士培训内容与形式提供依据.方法 采用自行设计的手术室专科护士培训需求问卷,对参加2009年湖北省手术室专科护士培训的2批学员进行调查.结果 100%学员认为手术室护士专科培训有必要性,88.1%赞成采取正规的培训班进行培训,94.0%赞成多媒体授课,90.5%支...  相似文献   

手术室护理人员关怀能力的质性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解手术室护理人员对关怀的认知程度,分析影响手术室护士关怀能力的相关因素,为培养和提高手术室护理人员的关怀能力提供依据.方法 运用质性研究方法,对12名手术室护理人员进行深度访谈,按照现象学方法对资料进行整理和分析.结果 手术室护理人员肯定了关怀对于手术患者的重要性;工作量、情绪对关怀的实施有一定的影响;个人经历...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to describe all degrees of endotracheal intubation difficulty among patients attended by eight anesthesiologists during routine surgery over a six-month period. Airway characteristics were routinely assessed preoperatively, according to the anesthesiologists' usual practice. METHODS: Difficult tracheal intubation was evaluated by the Intubation Difficulty Scale (IDS), a quantitative score based on seven variables. An IDS value of 0 is consistent with a procedure without difficulty, and an IDS > 5 with a procedure involving moderate to major difficulty. RESULTS: For 1171 patients undergoing tracheal intubation, IDS was 0 in 55%, and greater than 5 in 8% of cases. External laryngeal pressure, repositioning the patient and added use of a stylet were the most frequent methods chosen to facilitate tracheal intubation. CONCLUSION: There was a high incidence (37%) of minor difficulties encountered during routine surgery.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study intended to investigate the degree of compliance with hand hygiene and use of gloves by health workers in haemodialysis (HD) units, and the factors that influenced adherence to hand hygiene protocols. METHODS: During the month of November 2003, one person observed the health care staff in each of nine different dialysis units, during 495 randomly distributed 30 min observation periods that covered all steps of a haemodialysis session (connection, dialysis and disconnection). The observers noted the number of potential opportunities to implement standard precautions and the number of occasions on which the precautions were actually taken. Adherence to standard precautions was evaluated, analysing the influence of the following variables: the patient-to-nurse ratio, the number of HD shifts scheduled per day, acute HD units vs chronic, whether or not infectious patients were isolated and in-house vs contract cleaning personnel. RESULTS: There were a total of 977 opportunities to wear gloves for, and to wash the hands following, a patient-oriented activity, and 1902 opportunities to wash hands before such an activity. Gloves were actually used on 92.9% of these occasions. Hands were washed only 35.6% of the time after patient contact, and only 13.8% of the time before patient contact. Poor adherence to hand washing was associated with the number of shifts per HD unit per day and with higher patient-to-nurse ratios. In the acute HD units, there was greater adherence to standard precautions than in the chronic units, although there too it was substandard. The personnel's knowledge of patients' infectious status did not modify their adherence to hand hygiene practices. A higher patient-to-nurse ratio independently influenced hand washing both before and after patient contact. CONCLUSIONS: The overall adherence of health care workers to recommended hand washing practices is low. Whether or not programmes promoting higher hand hygiene standards and the potential use of alcohol-based hand cleansers will improve hand hygiene practices in HD units requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The adoption of evidence-based practice (EBP) principles is advocated by many professional organizations. The purpose of this study was to assess the current attitudes and opinions of hand therapists toward EBP. A 35-item electronic survey was sent via e-mail to 2,997 hand therapists and 312 (10.4%) of eligible therapists responded. There was an overall strong endorsement of EBP among most respondents. Nearly all respondents believe that EBP plays a positive role in clinical practice, improves patient outcomes and clinical decision making, and that therapists should be familiar with EBP techniques to critically appraise clinical research studies. Respondents had a positive attitude toward EBP and the main barriers to EBP included: time limitations, limited journal access, and lack of evidence for treating specific diagnoses. Efforts to advance EBP in hand therapy should focus on reducing these barriers. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 3b.  相似文献   

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