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经鼻内镜岩斜坡及颞下窝肿瘤的外科治疗 总被引:8,自引:10,他引:8
目的探讨经鼻内镜手术治疗岩斜区及颞下窝肿瘤的可行性和外科手术技术。方法2002年1月至2005年2月间对17例侵犯岩斜坡或颞下窝肿瘤单独采用内镜经鼻手术入路进行了治疗,详尽阐述外科手术技术及介绍典型病例。结果17例患者中脊索瘤5例,脑膜瘤4例,颅咽管瘤1例,神经鞘膜瘤1例,血管母细胞瘤1例,嗅神经母细胞瘤1例,恶性淋巴瘤1例,脊索肉瘤1例,腮腺癌颅底转移1例,甲状腺癌颅底转移1例。15例患者术后复查影像显示肿瘤全部被切除,2例大部分切除。所有病例随访5~43个月,良性肿瘤中有1例脊索瘤术后5个月复发,后行2次手术,其余均无复发。5例恶性肿瘤患者均随访2年以上,无复发或死亡。术后1例蛛网膜下腔出血、2例出现脑脊液鼻漏,其中1例经保守治疗痊愈、1例经2次鼻内镜手术修补成功。无颅内感染及死亡病例。结论经鼻内镜外科技术为岩斜区和颞下窝肿瘤的外科治疗提供了一种新的方法。这种入路能够简单和迅速地到达岩斜区和颞下窝,且既能够达到微侵袭目的,又能够满足全切肿瘤的要求。但需要术者熟练掌握内镜颅底解剖学、内镜手术操作及对各区域病变丰富的外科手术经验。术中应用影像导航系统将有助于识别解剖标志,使手术过程更加安全。 相似文献
颞下经岩尖-小脑幕入路手术的显微解剖研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 为颞下经岩骨入路手术处理斜坡及脑干腹侧病灶提供解剖学资料。方法 模拟颞下经岩尖—小脑幕入路的手术操作,在手术显微镜下对20侧(10具)福尔马林固定的国人成年带颈头颅标本进行解剖,并观测各主要解剖结构的相互关系。结果 颞下硬脑膜外经前内侧的三叉神经压迹、外侧的岩浅大神经沟及岩上窦所形成的三角区磨削岩骨尖。其周围结构的测量结果为:上半规管垂直于岩骨嵴,位于弓状隆起下方,耳蜗位于内听道前方、岩骨颈内动脉膝后方,内听道位于上半规管与岩浅大神经夹角中央。20侧中有2侧面神经膝裸露,耳蜗至膝状神经节的距离约为3.30 mm±0.79 mm,耳蜗距颈内动脉膝约2.48 mm±1.14 mm,内听道距岩斜缝约16.03 mm±1.94 mm,颈内动脉水平段距岩上窦约10.73 mm±2.00 mm。结论 颞下经岩尖—小脑幕入路能增加岩斜坡及脑干腹侧的显露,但显露范围有限,且需一定程度的颞叶牵拉。同时可能因为不熟悉解剖而误伤耳蜗、颈内动脉及第Ⅶ脑神经、第Ⅷ脑神经,选择应用时应审慎考虑。 相似文献
The infratemporal fossa approach for nasopharyngeal tumors 总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22
U Fisch 《The Laryngoscope》1983,93(1):36-44
The technique and results of the infratemporal fossa surgical removal of carcinomas and juvenile angiofibromas of the nasopharynx are presented. Effective palliative removal of T4 and radical removal of T1 and T2 nasopharyngeal carcinomas was achieved. A classification of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma is presented. The infratemporal fossa approach allows radical removal of type III tumors and subtotal removal of type IV tumors. If residual tumor has to be left back in the cavernous sinus, irradiation is used to stop further growth of the tumor. If radiotherapy fails the neurosurgical removal of the intracranial portion of the tumor is indicated. 相似文献
Middle fossa approach for acoustic tumor removal. 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The middle fossa approach is well suited for the removal of small acoustic tumors with possible hearing preservation. The most appropriate candidates have tumors with less than 5 mm extension into the cerebellopontine angle and good preoperative hearing (speech reception threshold less than or equal to 30 dB, speech discrimination score greater than or equal to 70%). Measurable postoperative hearing can be preserved in 31% to 59% of patients, and normal or near normal facial function occurs in 86% to 89%. Serious postoperative complications are rare with this approach. With the advent of gadolinium-enhanced MRI, it is now possible to diagnose acoustic tumors reliably when small and before hearing has been significantly affected. The middle fossa approach provides excellent access for the removal of these small tumors. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: This article seeks to demonstrate the use of the extended middle cranial fossa approach in the treatment of tumors arising in the anterior cerebellopontine angle and petroclival region. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective chart review. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS:: Ten-year retrospective chart review of over 800 skull base surgical cases demonstrated 16 cases in which the senior author used the extended middle cranial fossa as the sole approach to access the posterior cranial fossa, petroclival junction, or the anterior cerebellopontine angle. There were five males and 11 females, 13 meningiomas, 2 trigeminal schwannomas, and 1 brainstem glioma. Presenting symptoms were dependent on extent of brainstem compression and involvement of surrounding cranial nerves. The symptoms are broken down as follows: hydrocephalus, one; balance disturbance, three; diplopia, five; trigeminal neuralgia, two; hemifacial numbness, one; seizures, one; expressive aphasia, one; and hearing loss, two. RESULTS: Of the 16 patients in this study, one patient needed postoperative care in a skilled nursing facility. Postoperative facial nerve weakness was not experienced in any patient. One patient developed a transient cerebrospinal fluid leak that resolved spontaneously. One patient developed a pseudomeningocele secondary to postoperative hydrocephalus. This was corrected with wound exploration and placement of a ventricular peritoneal shunt. Hearing was not maintained in one patient. Two patients developed new fourth nerve paresis and two patients developed new sixth nerve palsies. There were no postoperative infections and no deaths. CONCLUSIONS: The extended middle cranial fossa approach provides excellent access and exposure to tumors in the anterior cerebellopontine angle and petroclival junction. The approach allows more direct access to the area anterior to the internal auditory canal. The key to the approach is adequate bone removal of the petrous apex to provide exposure down to the inferior petrosal sinus and anteriorly to Meckel's cave and the petroclival junction. Extradural elevation of the temporal lobe with suitable brain relaxation minimizes postoperative complications. 相似文献
The middle fossa approach for removal of small acoustic tumors 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J. Kanzaki T. Kawase K. Sano R. Shiobara S. Toya 《European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology》1977,217(1):119-121
J R Belmont 《Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery》1988,114(7):751-754
The nasopharynx, pterygopalatine fossa, and nasal fossa are difficult areas in which to gain wide surgical access. The transverse maxillary osteotomy with downfracturing of the entire palate and inferior maxilla has recently been adopted as a surgical option. Simultaneous bilateral wide surgical exposure is achieved in the maxillary, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses, nasal fossa, clivus, pterygopalatine fossa, and medial portion of the infratemporal fossa. Compared with other popular techniques, the transverse maxillary osteotomy provides excellent exposure for angiofibromas, clivus tumors, and other tumors of the central base of the skull and midface regions. The details of the procedure and relevant physiology of the osteotomized segment are presented. The safe attainment of wide surgical exposure will be demonstrated. This procedure has worldwide acceptance for orthognathic surgery and is easily adapted to head and neck oncologic surgery. 相似文献
Angeli S 《Otolaryngologic clinics of North America》2012,45(2):417-38, ix
This article discusses the indications, surgical technique, results, and complications of middle fossa craniotomy (MFC) for vestibular schwannoma surgery, focusing on issues such as serviceable hearing, tumor characteristics, and patient-specific factors that help determine options for therapy. MFC is suitable for intracanalicular vestibular schwannomas that extend less than 1 cm into the cerebellopontine angle in patients with good hearing. With the expanding use of modern imaging, many small tumors are being identified in patients with no or minimal symptoms. Patients with these tumors have three therapy options: (1) stereotactic radiotherapy, (2) microsurgery, and (3) observation (ie, wait-and-scan approach). 相似文献
内镜下鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路切除翼腭窝肿瘤 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 探讨内镜经鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路在翼腭窝病变手术中的应用.方法 回顾性分析2008年5月至2011年5月5例翼腭窝良性肿瘤患者的病例资料,5例患者均接受了内镜经鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路的外科治疗.其中神经鞘瘤4例,神经纤维瘤1例.手术采用控制低血压全身麻醉,鼻内镜下泪前隐窝入路切开鼻腔外侧壁进入上颌窦,切开上颌窦后壁进入翼腭窝切除肿瘤.结果 本组5例肿瘤均获得一次性完全切除,无任何并发症.均于术后5~12 d痊愈出院.术后随访5~28个月无复发和死亡.结论 内镜经鼻腔泪前隐窝-上颌窦入路可以安全而完整地切除翼腭窝的良性肿瘤.该术式保留了鼻泪管和下鼻甲,保留鼻腔结构和功能,从而更好地降低复发率和缩短恢复时间. 相似文献
颞下经岩骨前部手术入路的解剖学研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的:研究颞下经岩骨前部入路(Kawase入路)的解剖特点。方法:10例20例成人尸头标本在手术显微镜下进行显微解剖和测量。结果:岩骨前部切除后可暴露位于前外例的颈内动脉管水平段,以及颈内动脉管和内听道之间的耳蜗基底转。岩骨前部切除可分别在岩尖上面和内侧面开出面积为2.6cm^2和1.9cm^2的骨窗。与颞下经小脑幕入路相比,暴露范围在斜坡面向下扩大至斜坡上部、在脑干面扩大至椎基底动脉连接部和桥延沟水平。此入路暴露的岩斜坡区硬脑膜主要由脑膜垂体干和咽升动脉供血。结论:Kawase入路可同时暴露中后颅窝,其对后颅窝的暴露范围局限于岩斜坡区上半部。 相似文献