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周密 《医疗装备》2023,(2):42-45
随着残疾人口数量增加与社会老龄化不断加剧,辅助器具在功能障碍人群中的应用日益广泛。腋拐作为常用的辅具产品,其质量直接关系到使用者的安全。我国现行有效的腋拐产品标准为GB/T 19545.2-2009《单臂操作助行器要求和试验方法 第2部分:腋拐》。该研究结合此标准,对近几年腋拐产品检验过程中常见的不合格项目进行汇总和分析,发现当前腋拐产品存在的不足之处,并提出针对性整改建议,为腋拐生产企业提高产品质量提供了参考依据,有利于提升行业水平。  相似文献   

目的 设计一种集智能减震、安全性高、带有报警和心率监测装置为一体的坐立助行器。方法 用铝合金支架充当助行器的主体,顶端设置U形软质臂托和L形把手,下端设置万向轮和防滑地垫。减震座椅通过液压杆与减速电机相连,座椅内部设置GPS定位系统、报警装置和心率监测装置,并运用有限元软件Abaqus2021对减震座椅进行了受力分析。结果 助行器主体轻便易携,承受能力强,U形软质臂托和L形把手可以增加使用者体验感,万向轮和防滑地垫的结合可以让使用者安全省力。当使用者想要坐下休息时,通过调节开关可以让减速电机带动减震座椅翻转托扶老人缓慢坐下,实现安全独立的休息,且减震座椅可以承受相应应力。结论 智能减震坐立助行器可以节省人力,安全可靠,符合市场需求和使用者需要。  相似文献   

急助信息卡在我科用于疗养员疗养期间的衣、食、住、行的安全管理起着重要的作用。每个疗期结束,卡将退还科室重复使用,急助信息卡所带的病原菌就会引起交叉感染。为了解急助信息卡病原菌的携带情况,现将急助信息卡消毒前、后的细菌学调查结果报道如下。  相似文献   

目的设计一种新型助行器,要求能够分散受力点,减少上半身体部分局部受力以尽量避免腋部并发症与不适感,同时要求结构简单,制造方便。方法应用Solidwork软件进行结构设计:主体略呈长"T"形,主要包括腋托、手把、小腿支撑、拐杖脚等部分。主体及各主要部分受力情况采用ABAQUS软件进行有限元分析。结果采用普通304不锈钢管材制造的助行器符合强度要求。结论设计的新型助行器具有结构简单、使用方便、安全可靠、操作流程易懂的特点,可满足不同状态下的需求和不同高度人体的使用。研制出的新型下肢助行器,可为进一步通过基于下肢受力点设计出助行器提供相关参考。  相似文献   

刘翠凤 《泰山卫生》2009,33(1):17-17
我科危重病人多,胸腔积液病人多见,现将胸腔穿刺抽液过程中应用三通与(动)静脉留置针的方法及优点介绍如下。胸腔积液病人应先行x线透视或B超检查确定穿刺部位,术前向病人解释,做好心理护理,解除患者及家属的紧张情结,以取得较好的配合。助病人取合适卧位,解除患者及家属的紧张情绪,以取得较好的配合。助病人取合适卧位,操作者戴口罩、帽子,常规行皮肤消毒,铺无菌巾,穿刺部位一般在肩胛下角第7—8肋间或腋中线第5—6肋间,  相似文献   

介绍了国内外负重助行外骨骼机器人和康复助行外骨骼机器人的研究现状,分析了助行外骨骼机器人的关键技术,指出了优化行走步态、实现外骨骼机器人的轻量化、实现人的神经系统与外骨骼机器人之间的直接信息交互、增强续航能力是未来助行外骨骼机器人的发展趋势。  相似文献   

师爷今年八十四岁高龄了,眼不花,耳不聋,上下楼梯从来不扶护手,走路也不用拐仗。师爷经常给我讲他的养生之道,总结起来就四个字"动、忘、望、网"。  相似文献   

乳腺癌根治术后,为防止皮下积液,促进创口愈合,应用创面引流,在腋中线处放置一根多侧孔的软橡胶皮管,远端卫浴腋顶,接负压引流,上下皮瓣下各放置2条橡皮条自胸骨旁引出,纱布覆盖,加压包扎。本组未发生皮下积液及感染,效果好。  相似文献   

面对新型冠状病毒的快速传播与新型冠状病毒感染 "乙类乙管"的措施调整, 人类辅助生殖机构在执行新的防控政策和规范的诊疗方面存在困惑。为规范辅助生殖技术诊疗、保障患者安全与利益, 结合临床, 专家组针对疫情下辅助生殖助孕治疗过程中的常见问题给出了建议。  相似文献   

目的探讨轻型子宫内膜异位症患者行IUI助孕可行性。方法经腹腔镜检查确诊为Ⅰ、Ⅱ期的轻型子宫内膜异位症患者行IUI助孕,或使用药物治疗后再行IUI助孕,比较患者的妊娠结局。  相似文献   

The multipurpose electric staircase elevator Vektor has an original design. The elevator is intended to help persons with motor disabilities to move up and down stairs (with an assistant's help). The elevator construction is simplified, and its cost-performance ratio is improved. The elevator provides high maneuverability, stability and smoothness of motion up and down stairways of various types. In the process of development of the elevator, special attention was paid to designing a special electromechanical high-torque drive for elevation and a damping device providing smooth downward motion and curb climbing.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a conception of designing the self-moving wheeled chairs that meet the present-day consumers' requirements and corresponds to the up-to-date medical and transport building facilities. The conception mainly involves their electrification requirements, maximum maneuverability, good moving capacities, including self-climbing up and down stairs. The system of decision making and recommended modes for the wheeled chairs to move is designed up to the world novelty standards and can be manufactured both in Russia and foreign countries.  相似文献   

Objective: To estimate the prevalence of hazards in the home environment that may contribute to unintentional falls among young and middle-aged New Zealanders.
Methods: A random sample of 352 young and middle-aged people (25-60 years) residing in Auckland was drawn from the electoral roll. The prevalence of environmental factors that may have an impact on risk of falls was investigated using a structured interviewer-administered questionnaire.
Results: Potential risk factors for falls were common in the study population (ladder use in the past year – 64%; inability to reach a light from bed – 21%; lack of handrails for stairs – 54%). Only 9% and 11% of baths and showers, respectively, had grab or hand rails; 42% and 56% had anti-skid mats/surfaces. Compared to those reporting no socio-economic deprivation characteristics, respondents reporting one or more such characteristics were less likely to use a ladder and have indoor stairs, but more likely to have outdoors stairs. There was no significant relationship between socio-economic status and presence of a grab/handrail or antiskid mats/surfaces in or near showers/baths.
Conclusion and implications: Structural hazards that are likely to result in falls at home are common in New Zealand. The greater prevalence of some environmental risk factors for falls among the least socially deprived population may account for the inconsistent association between socio-economic deprivation and fall-related injuries reported in previous research. Information regarding the contribution of these and associated factors to the occurrence of falls can help target and reduce the risks involved.  相似文献   

Considering a fatal case of an aged individual, who died due to falling down stairs, the cause of the fatal fall was investigated through experiments. A witness, who was with the victim, when the fatal accident occurred, stated that the aged individual had miss-footed, lost balance at the top of the stairs, and fell accidently from an upper floor to a lower floor. It was very questionable whether or not this witness’s statements were true. The true cause of the fatal fall was unclear, because of the witness’s inconsistent statements, which showed discrepancies between the initial and later statements. The cause of a fatal fall can be presumed from external and internal damages to the body and other circumstantial evidences. But it was difficult to prove the true cause of a fatal fall only from the results of the autopsy and investigation of circumstantial evidences. The author was officially requested to conduct experiments to elucidate possible falling patterns. Judging from the experimental results, deep questions about the witness’s statements arose. These experimental methods and analyses in this paper could be applied to elucidate possible falling patterns of fatal falls from stairs where the fatal causes are controversial.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Studies report a significant increase in stair use when message prompts are introduced at the "point of choice" between stairs and escalators. Climbing one set of stairs, however, will not confer meaningful health dividends. Therefore, this study examined whether exposure to point of choice prompts also encouraged individuals to climb the next set of stairs that they encountered. DESIGN: Interrupted time-series design. SETTINGS: Two separate stair/escalator pairings within a U.K. shopping mall (the "intervention" site and the "generalization" site), separated by a 25-m long atrium. Subjects. Ascending pedestrians (intervention site n = 29,713; generalization site n = 47,553). INTERVENTIONS: Two weeks of baseline monitoring were followed by a 13-week intervention in which banners carrying health promotion messages were introduced at the intervention site only. MEASURES: At both sites observers inconspicuously recorded pedestrians' methods of ascent, along with their gender, age, ethnicity, and baggage. RESULTS: Banners increased stair climbing at the intervention site by 161%. Results also suggested a simultaneous increase of up to 143% at the generalization site, where no prompt was in place. At both sites stair use remained significantly elevated 5 weeks after the banners were removed. CONCLUSIONS: It appears that exposure to point of choice prompts can encourage pedestrians to climb stairs when they are encountered in a subsequent setting. Consequently stair-climbing interventions are likely to engage the public in more physical activity than previously realized.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Visual improvements have been shown to encourage stair use in worksites independently of written prompts. This study examined whether visual modifications alone can influence behavior in a shopping mall. Climbing one flight of stairs, however, will not confer health benefits. Therefore, this study also assessed whether exposure to the intervention encouraged subsequent stair use. DESIGN: Interrupted time-series design. SETTINGS: Escalators flanked by a staircase on either side. SUBJECTS: Ascending and descending pedestrians (N = 81,948). INTERVENTIONS: Following baseline monitoring, a colorful design was introduced on the stair risers of one staircase (the target staircase). A health promotion message was superimposed later on top. The intervention was visible only to ascending pedestrians. Thus, any rise in descending stair use would indicate increased intention to use stairs, which endured after initial exposure to the intervention. MEASURES: Observers inconspicuously coded pedestrians' means of ascent/descent and demographic characteristics. RESULTS: The design alone had no meaningful impact. Addition of the message, however, increased stair climbing at the target and nontarget staircases by 190% and 52%, respectively. The message also produced a modest increase in stair descent at the target (25%) and nontarget (9%) staircases. CONCLUSIONS: In public venues, a message component is critical to the success of interventions. In addition, it appears that exposure to an intervention can encourage pedestrians to use stairs on a subsequent occasion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether signs encouraging taking the stairs or discouraging taking the elevator lead to an increasing number of patients taking the stairs instead of the elevator in a hospital. DESIGN: Interventional study. METHOD: During a period of 6 weeks in the period October-December 2004, an investigator recorded how many patients took the stairs and how many took the elevator on the first floor of a hospital close to a diabetes outpatient clinic. A baseline measurement was done over a period of 2 weeks and 4 weeks were used for evaluating the effect of 2 different interventions, each lasting 2 weeks. During the first intervention, a sign was hung up near the elevator, which read: 'Exercise is healthy, take the stairs'. During the second intervention the sign read: 'Use of this elevator is exclusively for personnel and persons with restricted mobility'. Staff members and disabled patients were excluded from the study. RESULTS: A total of 2674 movements were counted. Use of the stairs increased statistically significantly during both interventions: from 54.6% to 63.4% during the first intervention and to 70.4% during the second intervention. CONCLUSION: Signs in a diabetes outpatient clinic that either encouraged the use of the stairs or discouraged the use of the elevator increased the patients' use of the stairs.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old woman presented with retrograde amnesia and confusion at the Emergency Department after falling down the stairs. Physical examination revealed a bilateral periorbital hematoma (raccoon eyes) and bilateral retroauricular ecchymosis, both strongly indicative of a basilar skull fracture.  相似文献   

目的运用客观、准确的方法评价桃源居社区老年人群的护理需求。方法采取入户面对面的调查方式,使用自行编制的老年人护理需求调查问卷,对深圳市宝安区桃源居社区居民中60岁以上老年人进行调查。结果桃源居社区老年人日常生活能力正常或生活基本能自理的比例达86.9%;中度以上失能的比例较低,占13.1%;老年人主要依赖的项目是上下楼梯、洗澡和床椅转移,其比例分别为12.4%、10.9%和10.2%。结论桃源居社区老年人日常生活能力总体较好,但随着年龄的增长,日常生活能力逐年下降。  相似文献   

24小时全信息固态记录Holter系统   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍一种多通道全信息固态记录Holter系统的设计和功能。该系统使用以FlashEEPROM作为存储介质的记录器,可以连续记录超过24小时的全部动态心电信息。功能完善的系统分析软件可以实现自动分析和存档管理,并进行全功能的编辑。  相似文献   

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