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乳腺血管肉瘤是一种罕见的异质性恶性肿瘤,侵袭性强,易局部复发和远处转移,预后差。由于其临床及影像学检查的表现缺乏特异性,诊断时极易与其他疾病混淆。目前手术是乳腺血管肉瘤的主要治疗方式,化疗及放射治疗在临床实践中也有一定的应用价值。由于乳腺血管肉瘤较为少见,目前尚无证据及指南可作为管理治疗方式的参考。本文将结合近些年的文献对乳腺血管肉瘤特征、治疗以及预后等方面进行综述。 相似文献
患者,女,50岁,体检发现左乳肿物1年余。查体:左乳内下象限可触及1个肿物,约2.0 cm×1.0 cm大小,质中,边界清楚,移动度稍欠佳,无压痛,局部皮肤无红肿,橘皮样改变;右乳未触及肿物。双侧腋窝淋巴结未触及肿大。1年前乳腺彩超示左侧腺体层内可见1个大小约0.9 cm×0.5 cm的低回声结节,边缘光整,边界清,血流信号(Ⅰ级)。今复查彩超示左乳结节大小约1.7 cm×0.7 cm,边缘光整,界清,血流信号(Ⅰ级)。乳腺X线示左乳内下象限见一不透射线的低密度类圆形肿块影,边缘部分不清,内部密度不均匀,大小约1.8 cm×1.7 cm。 相似文献
目的:探讨乳腺原发性血管肉瘤的临床病理特征, 诊治方法及预后。方法: 回顾性分析天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院自1975年12月至2009年8月收治的8例乳腺原发性血管肉瘤的临床病理资料。结果: 本组8例患者, 仅1例为男性, 中位年龄44.5岁 (17~60岁)。均以乳腺肿物为首发症状入院, 肿物中位直径6.0cm (2.5~8.0cm), 肿物表面皮肤均伴有不同程度颜色改变。均以手术为首选治疗, 术后病理: 低分化血管肉瘤1例, 中分化血管肉瘤4例, 高分化血管肉瘤3例, 均未见明显淋巴结转移。术后4例行辅助化疗, 1例复发后行放疗及热疗。4例术后有局部复发, 首次复发中位时间为31个月 (12~48个月), 3例发生远处转移,转移部位包括肺、 骨、 肝、 卵巢、颅脑及全身皮肤等, 发生转移中位时间为84个月 (54~291个月)。术后中位随访时间54个月 (7~300个月),其中已明确死亡4例, 2例无瘤生存, 2例失访。结论: 乳腺原发性血管肉瘤是临床上极为罕见的一种预后较差的恶性肿瘤, 肿物表面皮肤多伴有颜色改变, 临床表现常与良性肿瘤相混淆, 辅助检查无明显特征性表现, 术后容易发生复发及转移, 并以血行转移为主, 淋巴转移少见。目前治疗仍以手术为主, 主要是乳房切除术, 且至今尚无足够资料证实术后辅助放化疗可使患者生存获益。 相似文献
Kyohei Masai Takayuki Kinoshita Kenjiro Jimbo Sota Asaga Takashi Hojo 《Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)》2016,23(5):718-723
Breast angiosarcomas are rare neoplasm. Due to its rarity, our therapeutic strategy is extremely limited. Therefore, we investigated the clinicopathologic features and examined the treatment for angiosarcoma compared with some literatures.Methods
We conducted a retrospective chart and slide review of all patients in our division seen from 1997 to 2012 with a diagnosis of primary or secondary breast angiosarcoma at the National Cancer Center Hospital (Tokyo, Japan).Results
Nine patients were diagnosed with breast angiosarcoma (six primary and three secondary cases). The median age of patients with primary angiosarcoma was 39 years (range 27–65 years). The median tumor size was 6.78 cm (range 3.0–8.8 cm). In the primary tumor, 4 patients had total mastectomy and 2 had a breast conserving surgery. 3- and 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) of the patients with primary angiosarcoma was 20 and 0 %. 5-year surviving rate of primary angiosarcoma was 50 %. In all patients with secondary angiosarcoma, recurrence was observed in all cases. But one case obtained long-term survival in local control therapy.Conclusions
Our study demonstrates breast angiosarcoma exhibits high recurrence rates. Tumor size and surgical margin may be important factor to obtain long-term survival. In this point of view, total mastectomy with adequate tumor margin with early detection is desired. In case of recurrence, if it is local, surgery may be potentially curative.12.
目的 :探讨消化道原发性上皮样血管肉瘤 (epithelioidangiosarcoma ,EA )的临床表现、病理特征及治疗预后。方法 :对1例原发于胃的上皮样血管肉瘤进行组织形态学、免疫组织化学分析并复习相关文献。结果 :胃大弯侧距离贲门口 3 0cm处见一带蒂的 2 1cm× 1 8cm× 1 5cm的肿块。术后 4个月发生肿瘤肝转移而死亡。结合文献 ,消化道原发性EA男性多于女性 ,平均发病年龄为 60 4岁 ,临床表现及大体无特征性 ;瘤细胞呈上皮样特征 ,不典型增生明显 ,表达CD3 1、CD3 4 、Vim。结论 :消化道原发性EA是一种罕见的高度恶性肿瘤 ,术前确诊困难 ,预后差 ,转移率高 ,平均生存时间为约 7个月 ,主要与上皮样血管内皮瘤、恶性黑色素瘤、转移癌等相鉴别 相似文献
目的 探讨肝原发性血管肉瘤(PHA)的临床病理学与免疫组织化学特点。方法 采用HE和免疫组织化学SP法染色对3例PHA进行研究,观察PHA的临床病理学、免疫组织化学特点。结果 患者年龄2~68岁,男∶女为2∶1;临床症状和实验室检查无特异性。1例为多个结节,2例为单个结节;肿瘤直径平均大小为7.2(5~11.3)cm,有出血和坏死。病理学特征:肿瘤细胞呈梭形和不规则形,大小不一。胞质较少,嗜酸性,淡染,边界不清,核较大,卵圆形或梭形,染色深,核仁大小不一,可见少数核分裂象,瘤细胞部分排列成索状,片状,较密集,与周围肝组织界线不清,部分区域可见大而不规则的血管腔隙,局部肿瘤细胞集聚成团,呈乳头状突入血管腔内,相互吻合,内衬不典型性细胞。不规则血管腔样结构广泛弥漫分布于肝实质内,伴局部出血。免疫组化因子Ⅷ和(或)CD34阳性。结论 PHA极少见,为高度恶性,预后差。临床和病理上均易误诊为肝血管瘤、肝上皮样血管内皮瘤、肝细胞癌等;根据PHA的组织学和免疫组化特点,可作出明确的病理诊断。 相似文献
Ailbhe C O'Neill Clare D'Arcy Enda McDermott Ann O'Doherty Cecily Quinn Sorcha McNally 《Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology》2014,58(2):208-212
Angiosarcomas are malignant tumours of endovascular origin. They are rare tumours accounting for 0.04–1% of all breast malignancies. Two different forms are described: primary, occurring in young women, and secondary angiosarcoma, which occurs in older women with a history of breast‐conserving surgery and radiation therapy. Imaging findings on mammography and ultrasound are non‐specific, but magnetic resonance imaging with dynamic contrast enhancement is more informative. We present two cases – one of primary and one of secondary angiosarcoma – and review the imaging findings. 相似文献
目的 双侧原发性乳腺癌(bilateral primary breast cancer,BPBC)虽然是一种少见类型乳腺癌,但在我国患病人数仍很可观,而且我国乳腺癌发病年龄趋于年轻化,直接影响了患者的治疗效果.本研究旨在探讨年轻双侧BPBC的临床病理特征、诊断、综合治疗及预后.方法 对天津医科大学肿瘤医院2005-01 01-2008-12-31收治的15例≤40岁(30~40岁)BPBC患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,并与同期118例非年轻(>40岁)BPBC患者进行对比.结果 年轻BPBC占同期全部BPBC的11.3%,年轻与非年轻BPBC的临床特征进行比较发现,年轻BPBC患者初潮年龄早,生育次数少,第二原发癌处于病理学分期Ⅱ期的患者比例高,以上特征差异均有统计学意义,P<0.05.年轻BPBC与非年轻BPBC的5年无病生存率分别为71.1%和84.9%,差异无统计学意义,P=0.335;5年总生存率分别为73.3%和87.2%,差异无统计学意义,P=0.487.结论 年轻BPBC作为一种特殊类型的BPBC,与非年轻BPBC的临床病理特征上存在明显差异,这导致了二者预后的不同,但这种差异无统计学意义.单侧年轻乳腺癌术后患者为发生对侧乳腺癌的高危人群,应加强随访,以期做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗,改善预后. 相似文献
目的:探讨原发性乳腺弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(primary breast diffuse large B-cell lymphoma,PB-DLBCL)的临床病理特征。方法:对8例PB-DLBCL患者进行回顾性分析,观察其组织病理学形态、免疫表型、诊断及预后,并复习相关文献。结果:根据2008版和2016年修订版的WHO关于淋巴造血系统肿瘤分类标准,8例患者确诊为PB-DLBCL,均为女性,发病年龄47~76岁,中位年龄54岁,6例发生于右侧乳腺,2例发生于左侧乳腺。病例随访9~52个月,2例失访。乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)156~238 U/L,均在正常参考范围内。免疫组化CD20、CD79a均(+),Ki67约70%~90%,7例为非生发中心B细胞样型(非GCB亚型),1例为生发中心B细胞样型(GCB亚型)。8例患者EBER检测均(-)。结论:PB-DLBCL发病少见,恶性程度高,容易误诊,诊断主要依靠病理活检及免疫组织化学表型,且具有较高的增殖活性,预后较差。 相似文献
Lymphangiosarcoma of the upper extremity is a rare and aggressive tumour reported to occur following post-mastectomy lymphoedema (Stewart-Treves syndrome). Haemangiosarcoma, a related rare tumour, has occasionally been reported to occur in the breast following irradiation. We conducted a case-control study using the University of Southern California-Cancer Surveillance Program, the population-based cancer registry for Los Angeles County, to evaluate the relationship between invasive female breast cancer and subsequent upper extremity or chest lymphangiosarcoma and haemangiosarcoma together referred to as angiosarcoma. Cases were females diagnosed between 1972 and 1995 with angiosarcoma of the upper extremity (n = 20) or chest (n = 48) who were 25 years of age or older and residing in Los Angeles County when diagnosed. Other sarcomas at the same anatomic sites were also studied. Controls were females diagnosed with cancers other than sarcoma during the same time period (n = 266,444). Cases and controls were then compared with respect to history of a prior invasive epithelial breast cancer. A history of breast cancer increased the risk of upper extremity angiosarcoma by more than 59-fold (odds ratio [OR] = 59.3, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 21.9-152.8). A strong increase in risk after breast cancer was also observed for angiosarcoma of the chest and breast (OR = 11.6, 95% CI = 4.3-26.1) and for other sarcomas of the chest and breast (OR = 3.3, 95% CI = 1.1-1.7). 相似文献
目的:探讨乳腺血管肉瘤的临床病理特点.为判断其预后及治疗提供依据.方法:采用CD31、CD34、CD99和Vim等抗体进行免疫组织化学SP法染色观察.结果:以乳腺无痛性肿决为首发症状,术前B超、钼靶检查缺乏特异性.镜检瘤细胞呈腺泡状.裂隙状,绕血管放射状排列,多样性表现是乳腺血管肉瘤组织学形态特点.免疫组织化学染色显示,CD31、CD34、CD99和Vim均阳性.结论:乳腺原发性血管肉瘤罕见,临床表现缺乏特异性,病理形态学多样,预后差,易复发转移.CD31和CD34对乳腺血管内瘤的鉴别诊断有较好的应用价值. 相似文献