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目的应用锥形束CT(cone beamCT,CBCT)测量在上颌第一、第二磨牙间腭侧以不同角度植入微种植支抗钉时上颌第一、第二磨牙腭根间近远中向宽度,以及微种植支抗钉植入路径的黏膜厚度和骨组织厚度,为临床选择微种植支抗钉植入位置提供参考。方法选取90例成人患者,以其颌骨进行扫描重建的CBCT资料为研究对象,在上颌腭侧,第一磨牙和第二磨牙之间选取距上颌第一磨牙腭尖12、14、16、18 mm的软组织标志点作为测量位置,分别测量与牙长轴成30°、45°、60°、90°时上颌第一、第二磨牙腭根之间的近远中向宽度及微种植支抗钉植入路径的黏膜厚度和骨组织厚度。采用SPSS 26.0软件进行单因素方差分析及LSD法两两比较。结果植入微种植支抗钉角度越大,上颌第一、第二磨牙腭根间的近远中向宽度越小,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),与90°方向相比,以60°方向植入时近远中向宽度更大,接触相邻牙根的概率更小;植入角度越大,黏膜厚度越小,结果具有显著性差异(P<0.001),与30°、45°方向相比,以60°方向植入时黏膜厚度更小,微种植支抗钉进入骨组织内的长度更大更稳定。植入微种植支抗钉位置越高,近远中向宽度越大,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),与12、14 mm位置相比,距上颌第一磨牙腭尖16 mm植入时近远中向宽度更大,接触相邻牙根的概率更小;植入位置越高,黏膜厚度越大,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001),与18 mm位置相比,距上颌第一磨牙腭尖16 mm植入时黏膜厚度更小,微种植支抗钉进入骨组织内的长度更大,更稳定。结论在上颌第一、第二磨牙间腭侧,距上颌第一磨牙腭尖16 mm以60°方向植入微种植支抗钉较为安全。  相似文献   

目的通过锥形束CT(CBCT)测量上下颌后牙区不同高度牙槽骨近远中向及颊舌(腭)向的骨量,分析微螺钉种植体植入的安全区域。方法选取30例CBCT扫描的成人影像资料为研究对象,对颌骨进行扫描重建,从第前磨牙远中开始向后,在每个牙根间区域(包括上颌结节)距离牙槽嵴顶2、4、6、8、10 mm处,分别测量颊舌(腭)向宽度和近远中宽度。采用SPSS 16.0软件进行单因素方差分析和LSD法比较。结果1)上颌后牙区近远中骨量在同一高度不同位置间均存在统计学差异(P<0.05),最大近远中骨量位于第二前磨牙和第一磨牙腭侧根间;颊腭向骨量在不同位置、高度间均有统计学差异(P<0.05),最大颊腭向骨量位于第一磨牙和第二磨牙之间。2)下颌后牙区近远中骨量在不同位置、高度间均有统计学差异(P<0.05),颊舌向骨量在同一位置不同高度间均存在统计学差异(P<0.05),最大近远中骨量和最大颊舌向骨量均位于第一磨牙和第二磨牙之间。结论经CBCT获取了上下颌骨后牙段植入微螺钉种植体的安全区域,为后续临床应用提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

目的:对上颌前牙区颌骨的骨量及唇侧骨皮质厚度进行测量分析,为正畸治疗植入微种植支抗钉的安全区提供参考。方法:对25例成人患者上颌前牙区行锥形束CT扫描及三维重建,测量距上颌牙槽嵴顶3、6、9、12 mm水平上颌中切牙、侧切牙、尖牙根间区近远中向、唇腭向的距离以及唇侧骨皮质厚度。结果:在距上颌牙槽嵴顶3、6、9 mm水平中切牙根间近远中向距离均最宽,唇侧骨皮质均最薄;在距牙槽嵴顶9mm水平中切牙与侧切牙根间近远中向距离最窄;在4个测量水平侧切牙与尖牙根间唇侧骨皮质均最厚;唇腭向在距牙槽嵴顶9 mm及以上水平,中切牙根间骨厚度最薄,中切牙与侧切牙根间骨厚度最厚。25例中仅3例前牙区各牙根长度超过12 mm,在距牙槽嵴顶12 mm水平测出的根间近远中向距离均较宽。结论:通过对扫描后颌骨影像的分析,明确了前牙区颌骨的骨量及唇侧骨皮质厚度,为植入微种植支抗钉的安全区提供参考。  相似文献   

目的应用锥形束CT(CBCT)探讨上颌腭侧埋伏阻生尖牙的埋伏特征及邻牙牙根吸收情况。方法选取南京医科大学附属口腔医院正畸科就诊的上颌尖牙腭侧埋伏阻生的青少年患者22例,获取CBCT三维数据,应用Dolphin imaging 11.0软件,分析腭侧埋伏尖牙的埋伏状况、与邻牙位置关系并分类,观察邻牙牙根的吸收情况。结果上颌腭侧埋伏尖牙大多近中、腭向倾斜阻生,近中异位以Ⅰ类和Ⅳ类较为多见,分别占30.8%和38.5%;近中倾斜角度多在53.8°~68.5°,腭侧异位距正中矢状面多在5.4~8.4 mm。年龄越大,上颌腭侧埋伏尖牙近中腭向异位越远,近中倾斜角度越大。84.6%的相邻侧切牙及19.2%的中切牙牙根与埋伏尖牙接触;50%的相邻侧切牙及15.4%的邻中切牙牙根吸收,相邻侧切牙吸收多位于根尖1/3,而相邻中切牙吸收多位于根中1/3;相邻切牙牙根吸收概率与腭侧埋伏尖牙与切牙间的最小距离呈反比关系。结论CBCT能在三维方向诊断上颌尖牙埋伏状况及与邻近组织的关系,准确判断邻牙根吸收情况,准确测量埋伏尖牙倾斜度及埋伏深度,为上颌腭侧埋伏尖牙的治疗提供指导。  相似文献   

许远  王林  唐伟成  束为  赵春洋 《口腔医学》2021,41(8):715-719
目的 通过锥形束CT(CBCT)测量分析,研究上颌中切牙间微种植体植入区的唇舌向牙槽骨量,探讨合适的植入高度与角度.方法 选取80例年龄12~25岁正常人的CBCT影像资料进行三维重建,矢状面测量上颌中切牙间在距离参考平面14.0、16.0、18.0、20.0 mm的四个植入高度上,分别以与骨皮质表面成60°、75°、...  相似文献   

目的 通过对锥形束CT影像资料的回顾性研究,分析在冠状位上上颌后牙根与上颌窦底的垂直向关系.方法 对162例成年患者锥形束CT的影像资料进行回顾性研究,在冠状位上将根尖与上颌窦底的垂直向位置关系进行分型统计.结果 上颌前磨牙主要是0类关系,上颌磨牙有20%左右根尖突入上颌窦底,磨牙的各个牙根与上颌窦底的关系各不相同.结论 上颌后牙根尖突入上颌窦底的比例不同,以第一磨牙的腭根和第二磨牙的近中颊根比率最高.  相似文献   

目的:通过锥形束CT(CBCT)测量分析上颌腭侧错位的侧切牙牙根位置分布规律,为正畸治疗中此类牙的移动设计提供参考依据.方法:选取符合入选标准伴上颌侧切牙腭侧错位的病例共200例,调取其CBCT,将腭侧错位的上颌侧切牙根长平分8等份,自根尖向牙槽嵴顶方向依次做标记点T1-T8,分别测量各位点的唇侧、腭侧牙槽骨厚度;测量...  相似文献   

目的 对腭部种植体支抗植入部位的骨厚度和骨密度进行定量研究,为临床安全、稳定地植入腭部种植体提供参考依据.方法 测量34例正畸患者(18~35岁)腭部20个兴趣区的骨厚度、种植体可植入率高的10个部位的骨密度,将34例患者的头颅锥形束CT扫描数据导入EZ种植分析软件获得三维重建图像,以骨厚度、骨密度为指标的数据进行K均值聚类分析.结果 将可植入率高的10个部位分为3类(Ⅰ~Ⅲ类),骨厚度:Ⅱ类(8.3±0.4 mm)>Ⅰ类(6.2±0.5 mm)、Ⅲ类(5.4±0.4 mm);骨密度:Ⅲ类(638.6±42.5 HU)>Ⅰ类(514.6±63.6 HU)>Ⅱ类(414.8±11.1 HU):3类骨厚度、骨密度比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 应用锥形束CT评估腭部种植体支抗的植入部位,在一定程度上有助于种植体安全、稳定.  相似文献   

应用锥形束CT评估腭部种植体的植入部位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the vertical bone height and the bone density of the palate for implants placement using cone beam CT(CBCT)and to provide references to the safe and stable placement of palatal implants.Methods Three-dimensional reformatting images were reconstructed with the selected CBCT scanning data of 34 patients aged 18 to 35 yeras,by means of EZ implant software.The vertical bone height was measured at 20 interesting sites of palate.Bone density was measured at 10 sites that could support 3.0mm long implants.The data of the vertical bone height and bone density were analyzed by Kmeans cluster analysis.Results According to the cluster analysis results,the 10 sites were classified into 3 clusters.There were statistical differences among these three clusters in bone height and bone density(P<0.05).The ISD result showed that the greatest mean value of vertical bone height was obtained in cluster 2,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 3;the highest bone density was founded in cluster 3,followed by cluster 1 and cluster 2.Conclusions Evaluation of the sites for palatal implant placement with cone beam CT would be helpful in safe and stable implantation.  相似文献   

腭部种植体植入部位骨厚度的锥形束CT测量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的研究腭部种植体植入的安全性。方法将34例18~35岁正畸患者的头颅锥形束CT扫描数据导入种植分析软件获得三维重建图像,测量腭部20个感兴趣部位的骨厚度,计算长度3.0mm和6.0mm种植体的可植入率,并行统计学分析。结果切牙孔后3.0mm距腭中线6.0mm处骨厚度值最大,为(8.7±2.7)mm,分别有94.1%、73.5%的个体适合植入长度3.0mm、6.0mm的种植体。只有在P6D0处(P=0.035)和P12D0处(P=0.040),骨厚度测量值的性别差异有统计学意义。结论腭部骨厚度变异大,腭正中区域适合植入短种植体,腭旁侧区域适合植入较长的种植体。  相似文献   

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