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Mohammad Zakaryia Al-Azzazy Doaa Ibrahim Hasan Mohamed Effat El. Sherbeni Abdelrahman Mohamed Gameel 《The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine》2012
To evaluate the role of 64-multidetector CT in assessment of mesenteric vascular ischemia in clinically suspected patients.Patients and methods
This study included 38 patients during period from October 2009 to October 2011. The patients age ranged from 38 to 72 year old (mean age was 57 ± 11.2 years). All cases met the criteria of acute non traumatic (28 patients) or chronic abdominal pain (10 patients) and suspected mesenteric vascular ischemia. All 38 cases were evaluated in surgery department, then underwent CT of the abdomen and pelvis & CTA by using 64 multislice GE light speed VCT. MDCT& CT angiographic findings were correlated with surgical findings in acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) cases & conventional angiography in chronic mesenteric ischemia (CMI) cases.Results
MDCT findings alone were nonspecific for detection of MI. The sensitivity, specificity& accuracy of CTA in diagnosis of AMI after surgical confirmation were 96%, 66.6% & 92.8% respectively, while in CMI the sensitivity, specificity & accuracy were 88.8%, 100%, 90% respectively, after confirmation by conventional angiography.Conclusion
CTA scan appears to be an excellent tool to find out and localize cases of AMI rather than in CMI cases. 相似文献2.
Ofer A Abadi S Nitecki S Karram T Kogan I Leiderman M Shmulevsky P Israelit S Engel A 《European radiology》2009,19(1):24-30
The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy of multidetector row CT angiography in the diagnosis of acute mesenteric
ischemia. Ninety-three consecutive studies on 91 patients with clinically suspected acute mesenteric ischemia underwent abdominal
CT angiography as the first, and usually the sole, diagnostic procedure. CT was performed with a multidetector 16-row CT system
from the level of the diaphragm to the pelvis in two phases: early arterial and late portal phase. CT examinations were reviewed
by the duty radiologist. Final diagnosis was established by a senior radiologist. CTA was diagnostic in 92 studies. Mesenteric
ischemia was diagnosed in 18 patients, 14 of them were of the thromboembolic type and four from the nonocclusive type. Positive
CTA findings were confirmed by surgery in 13 patients and by clinical follow-up in three cases. Other reasons for abdominal
pain were diagnosed by CT in 38 patients out of the remaining 74. There were two false positive and two false negative CT
results, resulting in an overall accuracy of 95.6%. Multidetector CT angiography is a fast and accurate investigation for
the diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia and in most cases can be used as the sole diagnostic procedure. 相似文献
Hellinger JC 《Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology》2004,7(3):160-166
Multidetector-row computed tomographic (MDCT) angiography is an established non-invasive imaging modality to evaluate the mesenteric vasculature. It has an important role in diagnostic algorithms for assessment of suspected acute and chronic mesenteric ischemia. Clinical success for synchronizing a MDCT volumetric acquisition with a bolus of contrast medium and also for depicting vascular pathology with high accuracy relies on implementing several key principles. This can be more challenging with advanced generation MDCT scanners. This article reviews the technical principles fundamental to evaluating the mesenteric vasculature with MDCT angiography. An overview of clinical application is also presented. 相似文献
Niranjan KhandelwalNaveen Kalra Mandeep Kumar Garg Mandeep KangAnupam Lal Sanjay JainSudha Suri 《European journal of radiology》2011,77(2):369-374
To analyse the spectrum of Takayasu's arteritis (TA) on multidetector CT angiography (MDCTA).Materials and methods
A retrospective analysis of the MDCTA findings was performed on 15 patients clinically diagnosed as Takayasu's arteritis. The spectrum and incidence of imaging findings on CTA were compared to studies in literature on catheter angiography in Takayasu's arteritis. Laboratory parameters were available in nine patients. The disease was considered active if erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) levels were elevated and ‘C’ reactive protein (CRP) was positive. An attempt was made to correlate disease activity with the imaging findings.Results
Ascending aorta, arch of aorta and descending thoracic aorta were involved in 14 out of 15 (93%) patients. The wall thickness varied between 1 and 10 mm with maximal involvement in arch and descending thoracic aorta. Major neck vessels were involved in 11 (73%) patients with most pronounced changes seen in the brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery (CCA) and left subclavian artery (SCA). Abdominal aorta and its branches were involved in all the 11 (100%) patients in whom abdominal CTA was performed. Celiac axis and SMA were involved in 10 (91%) and seven (64%) patients, respectively while renal artery stenosis was present in five (45%) patients. In six patients, ESR was elevated and CRP was positive indicating active disease. All patients in whom the laboratory parameters were available showed mural thickening in the aorta and at least one of the neck vessels except for one patient with inactive disease who had aortic mural thickening only.Conclusion
MDCTA provides information about both the vessel wall and lumen in patients with Takayasu's disease. 相似文献5.
Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) compromises all forms of mesenteric ischemia with patent mesenteric arteries. It generally affects patients over 50 years of age suffering from myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, aortic insufficiency, renal or hepatic disease and patients following cardiac surgery. Non-occlusive disease accounts for 20-30% of all cases of acute mesenteric ischemia with a mortality rate of the order of 50%. Acute abdominal pain may be the only early presenting symptom of mesenteric ischemia. Non-invasive imaging modalities, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound, are able to evaluate the aorta and the origins of splanchnic arteries. Despite the technical evolution of those methods, selective angiography of mesenteric arteries is still the gold standard in diagnosing peripheral splanchnic vessel disease. In early non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia, as opposed to occlusive disease, there is no surgical therapy. It is known that mesenteric vasospasm persists even after correction of the precipitating event. Vasospasm frequently responds to direct intra-arterial vasodilator therapy, which is the only treatment that has been shown to be effective. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of multidetector-row CT (MDCT) for the diagnosis of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) by analyzing morphology and diameter of superior mesenteric artery (SMA). We assessed whether MDCT was as useful as angiography for the diagnosis of NOMI.Materials and methods
Four patients who were diagnosed with NOMI were retrospectively analyzed. All patients had 8-row MDCT followed by laparotomy. Two of them underwent angiography after MDCT. The morphology and diameter of SMA of these cases was analyzed on multi-planar reconstructed (MPR) images. The mean diameter of SMA of NOMI cases was compared to that of 13 control cases.Results
MPR images of all NOMI cases showed irregular narrowing of the SMA, spasm of the arcades of SMA, and poor demonstration of intramural vessels. MPR images of two patients who had angiography were concordant with their angiograms. The mean diameter of SMA of NOMI patients was 3.4 ± 1.1 mm, which was statistically smaller than that of 13 control patients, 6.0 ± 1.5 mm (P < 0.05, Wilcoxon rank sum tests).Conclusion
Angiography has been recognized essential for the diagnosis of NOMI. This study shows the possibility of MDCT to be an equivalently useful modality compared to angiography for the diagnosis of NOMI by interpreting morphologic appearance and diameter of SMA. Introduction of MDCT in the decision tree of NOMI treatment may bring the benefit of prompt diagnosis and subsequent early and efficient initiation of therapy, which may improve the mortality. 相似文献7.
Steven C. Rose William C. Meyers Mohsin Saeed Jerome M. Feldman 《Cardiovascular and interventional radiology》1989,12(3):131-135
Mesenteric ischemia associated with carcinoid tumors often presents with nonspecific abdominal pain and is usually due to
mesenteric branch artery occlusion caused by elastic vascular sclerosis. Mesenteric ischemia was defined by the operative
findings of cyanosis or infarction. Eleven patients with intraabdominal metastatic carcinoid tumor were evaluated by angiography.
Angiographic narrowing and occlusion of multiple peripheral jejunal and ileal intramesenteric branch arteries was present
in 3 patients with mesenteric ischemia, but also occurred in 5 of 8 patients without mesenteric ischemia. Other angiographic
abnormalities included staining of the primary tumor (5) or metastases (6), tenting of small mesenteric vessels (5), and occlusion
of draining mesenteric veins (2). We conclude that in patients with midgut carcinoid tumors, angiographic narrowing and occlusion
of peripheral mesenteric arteries most likely represents elastic vascular sclerosis, is indicative of mesenteric invasions
of tumor, but correlates poorly with the presence of ischemia in the subtended bowel. Alternatively, a normal selective arteriogram
should exclude mesenteric ischemia as the cause of abnormal pain. 相似文献
Yadong Shi Jianping Gu Liang Chen Wanyin Shi Mohammed Jameeluddin Ahmed Hao Huang Haobo Su 《Journal of vascular and interventional radiology : JVIR》2019,30(1):43-48
To review preliminary efficacy and safety outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy using the Solitaire AB device combined with thromboaspiration for treatment of acute embolic occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA).Materials and Methods
Between October 2015 and October 2017, 9 patients (average age, 77 y; range, 62–84 y) presenting with acute mesenteric ischemia attributable to embolic occlusion at the stem of the SMA were retrospectively evaluated for mechanical thrombectomy using the Solitaire AB device combined with manual thromboaspiration. Adjunctive stent implantation was performed to correct pre-existing atherosclerotic stenosis or as a rapid recanalization solution after unsuccessful thrombectomy. Technical success was defined as successful deployment of the Solitaire device across the thrombus and successful retrieval of the device. Clinical success was defined as successful embolus retrieval and SMA recanalization. Adjunctive procedures and periprocedural complications were noted. Technical success, clinical success, and follow-up outcomes were assessed.Results
Technical success was achieved in all patients. Clinical success was achieved in 7 (78%) patients. An adjunctive stent was required in 3 (33%) patients, including 1 unsuccessful thrombectomy. All patients had notable relief from abdominal pain after the procedure. No device-related complications or distal embolization events were noted during the procedures. Bowel resection was prevented in all patients. In-hospital mortality was 11% (1/9). During median follow-up of 6 months (range, 3–12 months), all surviving patients remained symptom-free, and stent patency was achieved in all patients.Conclusions
Preliminary outcomes suggest that mechanical thrombectomy using the Solitaire AB device with manual thromboaspiration is associated with rapid, effective, and safe recanalization for acute embolic occlusion at the stem of the SMA. 相似文献9.
收集并总结慢性系膜动脉缺血腔内治疗的临床资料.以"系膜动脉缺血"、"球囊血管成形"、"系膜动脉支架"和"肠坏死"为主题词经Medline搜索相关文献,对腔内治疗大于5例的文献进行分析.分析16个系列研究共328例患者.所有治疗指征都是症状型系膜动脉狭窄.治疗成功率91%.75%患者症状消失且不需要再次干预治疗.28%患者随访中发现再狭窄.9%出现了并发症,包括夹层、远端栓塞、中转为传统手术、感染及穿刺点部位血栓和出血等.30 d病死率3%.腔内治疗系膜动脉狭窄或闭塞安全、有效,支架植入有更高的技术成功率.但即使是腔内治疗非常成功,依然有三分之一的患者可能出现再狭窄. 相似文献
目的:建立犬急性肠系膜缺血(AMI)的动物模型,探讨MSCT表现与缺血时间、缺血程度的相关性,并与病理对照,评价MSCT对AMI的诊断价值。材料和方法:健康成年杂种犬18只,体重15~20kg,雌雄不限。应用Seldinger技术经犬右股动脉穿刺,以无水乙醇栓塞肠系膜上动脉远端的空肠及回肠分支,建立犬AMI模型。将18只AMI模型犬于栓塞术前、术后1~6h行MSCT平扫及双期增强扫描,每隔1h随机处死3只,取缺血段肠标本。结果:18只实验犬均成功建立AMI模型。缺血不同时段的CT表现不同,早期表现为肠系膜水肿、肠腔扩张、肠壁增厚,后期出现腹水、肠壁积气及门静脉积气。术后异常肠壁的增强幅度均小于术前,3~6h组大体和组织学观察可见肠壁缺血的改变。结论:多层螺旋CT可明确诊断肠系膜缺血,且随着缺血时间的延长CT表现逐渐增多,其增强幅度与其缺血时间及缺血程度呈负相关。 相似文献
S. R. Sheeran 《Emergency radiology》2000,7(4):231-236
Acute mesenteric ischemia is a complex disorder associated with high morbidity and mortality. Recent advances in interventional
radiology techniques have provided a variety of less invasive, endovascular approaches to the treatment of acute mesenteric
ischemia. This article reviews the etiologies and imaging findings of acute mesenteric ischemia and describes evolving endovascular
therapies. 相似文献
Smith CL Horton KM Fishman EK 《Techniques in Vascular and Interventional Radiology》2006,9(4):150-155
Sixty-four slice MDCT with advanced three-dimensional (3D) visualization software provides a unique opportunity for noninvasive evaluation of the mesenteric vasculature. Although standard axial computed tomography (CT) scanning has always allowed identification of the mesenteric arteries and veins, it is limited in its ability to adequately image small branches and complex anatomy. However, the submillimeter collimation possible with 64-slice CT scanners now allows the acquisition of true isotropic data and therefore high spatial resolution is now maintained in any imaging plane. This ability to visualize the mesenteric vasculature in real-time using 3D rendering and multiplanar reconstruction is crucial for comprehensive review of the complex mesenteric vessels. In this article, we discuss CT scanning protocols and 3D imaging techniques that can be utilized for CT angiography of the mesenteric vessels. Additionally, we will discuss several key conditions that illustrate the value of 3D imaging over standard axial images in mesenteric CT angiography. 相似文献
Mesenteric ischemia is an uncommon condition with very high mortality rates characterized by inadequate blood supply, inflammatory injury, and subsequent necrosis of the bowel wall. Acute arterial mesenteric ischemia is usually caused by cardiac emboli, atherosclerotic vascular disease, aortic aneurysm, or dissection. We report a case of a 60-year-old male who presented to the accident and emergency department complaining of abdominal pain following blunt abdominal trauma. An urgent contrast enhanced computed tomography scan demonstrated superior mesenteric artery thrombosis with ischemic small bowel. Surgical intervention was carried out with resection of the necrotic bowel followed by anastomosis. Acute occlusive mesenteric ischemia needs to be considered in cases of blunt trauma presenting with abdominal pain. Proper early diagnosis and management is essential as it carries a high risk of morbidity and mortality. 相似文献
Ahmed Fathy Abdel-Ghany Mohamed Amin Nassef Noha Mohamed Osman 《The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine》2013
To assess the role of MDCT chest with bronchial and pulmonary angiography in determining the cause, site of bleeding, and its vascular origin in patients presenting with hemoptysis.Materials and methods
Fifty patients suffering from hemoptysis were evaluated by MDCT with bronchial and pulmonary angiographic techniques.Results
MDCT chest with angiography revealed the cause in 84% of cases, the site and vascular origin in 76% of cases presenting with hemoptysis.Conclusion
MDCT of the chest with bronchial and pulmonary angiography is considered a primary noninvasive imaging modality in the evaluation of patients with hemoptysis. It also serves as a guide for other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. 相似文献16.
急性非闭塞性肠系膜血管缺血的诊断和介入治疗 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的探讨选择性肠系膜上动脉造影,经肠系膜上动脉持续灌注罂粟碱在诊断和治疗急性非闭塞性肠系膜血管缺血(NOMI)的价值。方法回顾分析从1999年8月到2005年3月经选择性肠系膜上动脉造影确诊,并行介入诊疗的18例NOMI。明确NOMI诊断后即行经导管肠系膜上动脉灌注罂粟碱治疗。结果本组18例NOMI中15例患者治愈;3例有效,介入治疗后腹痛减轻,但仍有局限性的腹膜刺激征,转外科行肠切除治愈;1例10d后死于严重肺部感染导致的呼吸衰竭。结论选择性肠系膜上动脉造影持续经导管肠系膜上动脉灌注罂粟碱是NOMI有效的诊断和治疗方法。 相似文献
Ugur Bozlar Mehmet Sahin Ugurel Bahri Ustunsoz Unsal Coskun 《Korean journal of radiology》2008,9(5):466-469
Although the color Doppler ultrasonography diagnosis of intestinal malrotation with midgut volvulus, based on the typical "whirlpool" appearance of the mesenteric vascular structures is well-defined in the peer-reviewed literature, the combination of both the angiographic illustration of these findings and the contemporary state-of-the-art imaging techniques is lacking. We report the digital subtraction angiography and multidetector computed tomography angiography findings of a 37-year-old male with intestinal malrotation. 相似文献
Although the intent of cardiac computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is to visualize the coronary, aortic, and cardiac structures, portions of noncardiac structures are visible on the scan. Because cardiac CT scanning is primarily obtained with a small field of view (to maximize coronary visualization with highest spatial resolution), some have argued that the scans should be secondarily reconstructed to further evaluate portions of the lung, breast, and bone. The suggested benefits of a routine radiologist overread of the extracardiac structures for incidental findings have not been scientifically validated and mostly come from anecdotal experiences. The same anecdotal arguments were used to support body scanning; the idea that complete visualization of all structures will lead to earlier cancer detection and therefore better outcomes. Every center that has ever offered body scanning can show a case of early detection of lung cancer, renal cancer, and colon cancer, thus proving their efficacy. However, body scanning has been uniformly discouraged, most strongly by the American College of Radiology and other professional organizations, because of the high number of false-positive findings, low ratio of true positives to false positives, high follow-up costs, and increased anxiety, all without proof of improvement in outcomes. Similar arguments were also made for routine chest x-rays in smokers, until studies showed that earlier detection of lung masses did not lead to improvement in outcomes. Preliminary studies are showing that enlarging the field for CTA scans to look for incidental findings will suffer the same fate as body scanning and chest x-rays, as another form of screening that cannot be medicolegally justified because of severely high false-positive rates and no improvement in outcomes. Until data are available to the opposite, we should use our good judgment and restraint and not perform large-field reconstructions for the explicit purpose of screening. 相似文献
Meyer BC Werncke T Hopfenmüller W Raatschen HJ Wolf KJ Albrecht T 《European journal of radiology》2008,68(3):414-422
To evaluate the effect of automatic bone and plaque removal on image quality and grading of steno-occlusive lesions in patients undergoing dual energy CT angiography (CTA) of lower extremity.Materials and methods
Dual energy (DE) runoff CTA was performed in 50 patients using the following parameters: collimation 2 × 32 × 0.6; tube potentials, 80 kV and 140 kV; reconstructed slice thickness 1 mm. 100 mL iomeprol 400 and 50 mL saline were injected at 4 mL/s. Separate datasets were calculated for each of the two tubes and used to generate automatically bone-subtracted images (ABS) as well as bone and plaque subtracted images (ABPS). Residual bone in the ABS dataset was removed manually (=ABS-B dataset). In addition, a weighted average dataset from both dual energy acquisitions resembling a routine 120 kV CT acquisition was used for standard manual bone subtraction (MBS). Operator time for bone removal was measured. Effectiveness of bone subtraction and presence of vessel erosions was assessed by two readers in consensus. Stenosis grading in plaque subtracted and unsubtracted images was assessed and correlated.Results
Residual bone fragments (ribs: 46%, patella: 25%, spine: 4%, pelvis: 2%, tibia 2% of patients) were only observed with ABS. The time needed to manually remove these residual bones was 2.1 ± 1.1 min and was significantly lower than the duration of manual bone removal (6.8 ± 2.0 min, p < 0.0001, paired t-test). A total of 1159 arteries were analyzed. Compromising vessel erosions were observed less frequently in the ABS-B dataset (10.6%) than in the MBS dataset (15.2%, p < 0.001, wilcoxon’s signed rank test). A total of 817 steno-occlusive lesions were assessed. While the agreement of grading of steno-occlusive lesions was good at the levels of the aorta and the pelvic arteries (κ = 0.70 in both, Cohen’s kappa statistics), it was moderate at the level of the thigh arteries (κ = 0.57) and poor at the level of the calf (κ = 0.16).Conclusion
DE CTA has substantial advantages over conventional CTA. Automatic bone subtraction is more time efficient and reliable. Automatic plaque subtraction for the first time provides a true CTA-luminogram which is easy to interpret and reduces the need for further post-processing. DE CTA provides best results in arteries of the thigh; below the knee, plaque subtraction is less accurate. 相似文献20.
Mohamed Ahmed Youssef Aly Aly Elbarbary 《The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine》2013