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人体热平衡的生物物理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析人体产热和散热的机理以及影响散热的因素,并讨论维持人体热平衡的因素。方法利用能量守恒原理建立人与环境热交换方程,并根据不同热交换途径以及影响散热的因素建立相关方程。结果温度环境包括温度、湿度、压力、风速以及太阳辐射是影响航天员热平衡的关键因素。结论人体的各种生理活动都必须在体内温度相对稳定的条件下进行,即人体必须同周围环境之间处于相对稳定的热平衡,人才能进行正常的生理行为活动。  相似文献   

目的对不同的可能着陆区的温度环境以及人体与环境的热交换问题进行分析,并讨论相应的对抗措施。方法 利用能量守恒原理建立人与环境热交换方程并对影响人体热平衡的因素进行讨论。结果 温度环境,包括温度、湿度、压力、风速以及太阳辐射是影响航天员热平衡的关键因素。结论航天 在应急丰或溅落等待期间,只要能适当地行动和正确地利用生存装具豚环境条件,就能生还。  相似文献   

我们观察了15名着陆军制式作训服青年男战士在戈壁干热环境负重行军辐射热交换量的变化。结果表明,穿衣人体在干热的戈壁环境下负重行军,皮肤-服装- 环境之间热交换形式主要取决于三者之间的温度差。当皮肤温度高于服装温度时,从皮肤通过服装向周围环境的  相似文献   

载人航天舱内热环境的调节是一个与航天员工作、生活密切相关的课题,但现有办法消耗能量大,而且散热系统中包含了诸多结构复杂的热交换装置,这地于远离地球能源供给困难的航天环境十分不利。  相似文献   

法国航天员畅谈与俄联合航天法国航天员让—皮耶尔·海涅雷最近圆满结束了为期22天的太空飞行,20天是在和平号空间站上渡过的。他在一次的记者招待会上谈到,他认为人们应该利用空间站开发出一种类似“出租车”那样的载人飞船,以便把人送往月球。他说“我感到是我能...  相似文献   

国际空间站上的空间生命科学研究与进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
第一批长期考查组进驻国际空间站(ISS)开始长期载人飞行活动,揭开了人类航天史上崭新的一页,迄今已成功完成14批长期考查组飞行任务。在航天飞行中,航天员受到微重力、辐射、昼夜节律变化、隔离等异常环境因素的影响。为保障航天员长期飞行的健康,在ISS上已开展或将要开展的空间生命科学研究共计59项。这些研究探讨了长期失重引起骨皮质下骨质丧失与恢复的速度,骨骼肌萎缩与功能降低的特点,脊髓兴奋性降低,以及免疫功能降低与病毒再度活化的关系。另外,亦观察了长期隔离导致航天员心理与行为的变化,昼夜快速转换对睡眠的影响,并发现长期辐射可能引起白内障与肿瘤,也可能导致生殖、神经系统的损害,甚至会诱发遗传性病变。同时在飞行过程中检验了药物、运动、营养与振动等对抗措施的有效性,并进一步观测这些对抗措施对不同系统的防护效果。这些研究结果为发展新一代、针对性更强的对抗措施奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

目的计算代谢率为300 W和600 W情况下登月服的热性能。方法在考虑登月服外表面与太阳、月球、登月舱等的辐射换热,登月服内表面与人体之间的导热、对流、和辐射换热的基础上,建立了登月服换热模型;采用编程的方法进行计算。结果得到了代谢率为300 W和600 W情况下人体不同部位的皮肤温度和相关处通风气体和冷却液体的温度。结论在最冷和最热两种极限环境状态下,在登月服的上臂始端、躯干始端、大腿始端设置温度控制器,才能保证人体月面活动的热舒适。  相似文献   

受控生态生命保障系统中高等植物栽培地面模拟研究动态郭双生,艾尚坤美、俄、欧。日等先进国家和地区正在展开一场21世纪初重返月球的竞赛,现已拟订出具体计划并认为建立月球基地在技术和经济等方面均是可行的。要在深远空间或地外星球长期生活,必须为航天员源源不断...  相似文献   

利用MRI三维男性人体模型对航天员所受空间辐射的估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 建立空间辐射环境下,航天员器官所受辐射剂量及对其健康危险的计算方法.方法 利用符合航天员体征的人体MRI图像,建立三维男性人体模型及辐射数据库,并结合蒙特卡罗粒子输运程序GEANT4用于剂量计算.结果 我们得到了模拟各向同性抽样情况下,10 MeV到500 MeV单个质子对人体辐射敏感器官的吸收剂量及有效剂量.结论 在航天员体征三维人体模型及辐射数据库的基础上.利用空间舱内测量质子谱,得到了舱内累计剂量.计算的皮肤剂量为148.6 μGy/d.该值与美国和俄罗斯发表的数据100-300μGy/d比较接近.  相似文献   

航天因素对T淋巴细胞功能的影响及其机制探讨司少艳航天员在航天时受到失重、超重、噪声、辐射、心理紧张等特殊因素的影响,易发生感染、呼吸道和胃肠道等疾病,影响航天员的健康与工作,而这些疾病的发生与航天中免疫系统功能的改变有着直接的关系,因此,研究航天中免...  相似文献   

目的 探讨日射量的估算方法及太阳光辐射对牙釉质电子自旋共振(ESR)剂量学的影响。方法 用机械方法获得11个牙釉质样品。用照度计测量太阳光的照度,通过比较日本气象厅在广岛市测得的瞬时日射量和相同时刻所测得的照度,计算出转换系数,然后估算出照射在牙釉质样品的累积日射量。用6060Co γ射线和太阳光分别照射牙釉质样品,使用ESR波谱仪测量不同辐射后牙釉质样品的ESR信号。结果 照度与瞬时日射量的转换系数为(8.67±0.22) W·m-2klx。照射在牙釉质样品上的累积日射量为(580±16) MJm2。太阳光辐射也引起γ射线照射产生的剂量学信号,而且随累积日射量而线性增强,太阳光辐射还产生一个紧邻本底的信号,当累积日射量大于某一值时,该信号趋于饱和状态。结论 用剂量学信号对所受辐射剂量进行评价,本研究中每MJm2的太阳光辐射的影响相当于(7.7±1.4) mGy的γ射线辐射。紧邻本底的ESR信号可作为太阳光辐射的标志峰,有助于判断所收集的样品是否受到太阳光辐射,从而提高小剂量重建的准确度。  相似文献   

载人航天空间辐射主动防护方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近地轨道短期载人航天飞行期间,由于存在地球磁场的保护,舱内航天员受到的空间辐射剂量处于可接受水平,适当的质量厚度屏蔽就可以确保航天员的空间辐射安全。星际飞行中的主要辐射是银河宇宙辐射和随机发生的太阳质子事件。由于缺少了地球磁场的保护,质量厚度屏蔽方法已经不能满足空间辐射防护的需要,必须寻找新的技术和方法解决该问题。本文介绍了国际上主要研究的三种载人航天主动防护方法:静电场防护,等离子体防护和磁场(包括约束磁场与非约束磁场)防护,并分别对它们的防护原理进行了阐述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thermal control in the EVA spacesuit requires attention from the astronaut which is not always desirable or feasible. Improvements in thermal control involve implementation of an automatic thermal control system operating independently of the knowledge of the working astronaut. METHODS: A control system was designed, developed, and tested to automatically maintain a subject's thermal neutrality while wearing a liquid cooling garment (LCG). Measurement of CO2 production as an indication of metabolic rate was used as a signal to initiate the control response. Mean body temperature, computed as a function of ear canal temperature and mean skin temperature, provided feedback to account for the thermal state of subjects as they were being cooled by the LCG. The control algorithm was tested on nine subjects, six males and three females, who performed a varying 90-min metabolic profile using an arm cranking ergometer. A total of 27 tests, three for each subject, were conducted in a thermal chamber at three different environmental temperatures: 10 degrees C, 18.3 degrees C and 26.7 degrees C. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Evaluation of subjective comfort rating and quantitative energy storage indicates good performance of the controller in maintaining thermal neutrality for the subject over a wide range of environmental and transient metabolic states. Measurements of metabolic rate effectively initiated controller response, and feedback of mean body temperature to the controller proved very capable of accounting for various steady-state environmental conditions and inter-subject variability.  相似文献   

目的 设计研制矩阵式太阳辐照模拟实验系统,用于开展装甲车辆舱室热舒适性测试、评价与控制技术研究.方法 以氙灯作为光源,设计可升降的矩阵式灯阵,结合计算机自动控制功能,实现整车的太阳辐照模拟.结果 系统可对装甲车辆顶面和左、右侧面进行辐照,辐照度在200~1200 W/m2范围内可连续变化,辐照面积和工作高度可根据车型大小和高低进行调整.结论 该系统可满足不同型号装甲车辆的太阳辐照模拟实验,为开展装甲车辆舱室热环境相关研究奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   


Purpose: To determine the mechanism of proton radiation- induced coagulopathy.

Material and methods: Ferrets were exposed to either solar particle event (SPE)-like proton radiation at a predetermined dose rate of 0.5 Gray (Gy) per hour (h) for a total dose of 0 or 1 Gy. Blood was collected pre- and post-irradiation for a complete blood cell count or a soluble fibrin concentration analysis, to determine whether coagulation activation had occurred. Tissue was stained with an anti-fibrinogen antibody to confirm the presence of fibrin in blood vessels.

Results: SPE-like proton radiation exposure resulted in coagulation cascade activation, as determined by increased soluble fibrin concentration in blood from 0.7–2.4 at 3 h, and 9.9 soluble fibrin units (p < 0.05) at 24 h post-irradiation and fibrin clots in blood vessels of livers, lungs and kidneys from irradiated ferrets. In combination with this increase in fibrin clots, ferrets had increased prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time values post-irradiation, which are representative of the extrinsic/intrinsic coagulation pathways. Platelet counts remained at pre-irradiation values over the course of 7 days, indicating that the observed effects were not platelet-related, but instead likely to be due to radiation-induced effects on secondary hemostasis. White blood cell (WBC) counts were reduced in a statistically significant manner from 24 h through the course of the seven-day experiment.

Conclusions: SPE-like proton radiation results in significant decreases in all WBC counts as well as activates secondary hemostasis; together, these data suggest severe risks to astronaut health from exposure to SPE radiation.  相似文献   

面向航天虚拟操作分析的航天员人体建模与姿态仿真技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立支持虚拟操作分析的航天员三维人体模型。方法研究了层次化、关节化和参数化人体建模方法;通过CATIA软件建立人体骨骼层、皮肤层和服饰层静态模型,并将其导入到JACK环境当中进行关联处理,赋予人体关节运动特性。结果生成了可根据百分位和各体段参数进行调整的航天员模型,并实现了姿态仿真。结论建立的航天员人体模型具有几何外观特性和基本动力学特性,结合JACK软件环境,可以实现航天操作的可视性、可达性、疲劳度等分析。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The screening tests for coronary artery disease (CAD) for applicants and the active astronaut corps are similar to those performed in the 1960s. Due to the limited treatment and return capabilities of most space vehicles, an in-flight cardiac event would result in mission failure. Improved CAD screening of astronauts is, therefore, paramount to long-duration mission success. METHODS: Literature review was performed to compare active and retired astronaut populations to other asymptomatic low-risk cohorts. All populations were examined to determine the incidence and prevalence of CAD. Framingham risk scores were calculated in NASA's active and retired astronaut corps and compared with age- and gender-matched controls. RESULTS: The current standards used for astronaut selection have been successful in creating a cohort that has less risk than their age- and gender-matched counterparts from the general population. However, the existing astronaut cardiovascular screening and selection tests do not adequately rule out CAD for long-duration missions, and, therefore, a "significant" risk of cardiac event remains, especially as we look toward Exploration Class missions. CONCLUSIONS: The current astronaut selection and retention standards may not adequately prevent cardiac events from occurring with the longer duration flights. Future research should be directed toward increasing the primary and secondary prevention of CAD in the astronaut cohort. In the meantime, the space program should evaluate the use of more aggressive terrestrial screening tools. It is important not to remove all older, experienced pilots from spaceflight crews unless overt or predictable pathology has been clearly identified.  相似文献   

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